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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about the Shrike-class starship. You may be looking for Shrike-class fighter.

The Shrike-class was a series of Romulan starships in Imperial Star Navy service around the time of the 24th century

Service history[]

A number of vessels of this class were in service with the Romulan Imperial Star Navy in the 2370s decade, and participated in the events surrounding the Borg Collective's two attempts at invading of the Alpha Quadrant in the years 2376 and 2377, as well as the events surrounding the starbase Unity One in 2379. (TNG video games: Armada, Armada II, Starfleet Command III)

Technical specifications[]

Depending on the outfitting of the individual vessel, these ships were classified as light cruisers or destroyers. They crewed 3 officers and 80 enlisted.

The small agile destroyer vessels were a favored craft of the Romulan intelligence service, the Tal Shiar. They were created for speed and stealth rather then attack capability that would be seen in bird-of-prey designs. As such, they were outfitted with a cloaking device allowing the ship to ferry Romulan agents into enemy space without being detected. It was further enhanced by a special transporter that would allow a successful transport to commence without lowering the cloak of the ship. These agents would then tap into the communication grid of enemy ships to uncover the location of all enemy forces.

Shrike destroyer

Destroyer configuration.

Finally, they were armed with a twin pair of plasma cannons to protect itself in combat or to use in raiding operations.

For whatever reasons, the Shrike-class vessels from TNG video games: Armada, Armada II differ in appearance from those in TNG video game: Starfleet Command III. It could be assumed that the two sets of vessels are of different modifications, possibly representing an additional class, type or subclass.

Known vessels[]

Shrike-class light cruisers
destroyer configuration Adrodius • Anturunia • Avarek • Avenius • Bandis • Celleius • Copidius • Dejerek • D'lassus • D'oras • D'pas • D'relan • D'thal • D'yl • Equitus • Flardius • Grocus • Imderia • Infini • Inydar • Irixidon • Kellem • Kerata • Kessar • Lemal • Lirilius • Lossal • Lukan • Marrus • Meret • Metollis • Nucarrus • Pespedius • Quarius • Rumaal • S'alpal • Seres • S'pala • S'paut • Suratak • T'ala • T'anis • T'endadar • Theron • T'lasadon • T'mera • T'nar • T'onara • Toralan • T'ossan • T'rarn • T'rassis • T'salin • T'san • T'sassan • T'varian • V'ashnu • Vastar • V'eshan • Vestela • V'laneth • V'lrath • V'tar • V'terex Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
light cruiser configuration Aquila • Aries • Canis • Cetus • Corvus • Cygnus • Delphinus • Dorado • Draco • Eqqus • Grus • Lacerta • Leonis • Lupus • Lyncis • Monoceros • Orcus • Pavo • Scorpii • Soren • Squalus • Tarus • Ursus • Volantis • Vulpes



Romulan starship classes
Romulan language names Alocala • Amarcan • Amosarr • Aye Mosaram • Baydron • Caladan • Comilius • D'delitham • D'deridex • D'dredar • Delitham • Delon Vastam • Deresus • D'gerok • D'Kazanak • Draconarius • D'renet • D'retex • D'ridren • D'sera • D'seren • D'tavan • D'theros • D'valek • D'vanga • D'vas • D'viret • D'virin • D'Vorix • Dhelan • Ferrax • Galan Stelri • Ganum • Golgaroth • Graffler • Hathos • Horos • Ivarix • Kelkarrum • Khnial • Klivai Vang'radai • Lanora • Llaihr • Llaiir'Dhael • Mandukam • Meret • Mogai ~ Norexan • Moorabbin • Morlasam Cl'vangas • Morlasasi Stelam • Mularr • Narvasam'al • Nei'hrr • Nelvek • Nir'at • N'renix • Ocala Sindari • Phaeros • Praex • Prelar • Ralaaram Ocala • Ralek • Ranajmar • Ras Lovah • R'daran • R'derex • Re'ravsam • Reemea • Revastal • R'tan • Sehin Morlatta • Serex • Sethen • Shirekral • Stelai'deletham • S'ten Vastam • T'varo • S'ten Talasam • Takaan • Takara Morlatta • Talas Mosarum • Temar Vastaram • Temar Vastari • Thalan • Theron • Tirethi • T'kairin • T'kassan • T'korex • T'Liss • T'rasus • T'varo • Ustalam Stelas • Vadak • Vadaso Stelri • Vas Hatham • Vas Hatham (scout) • Vas'deletham • Vas'kalabam • Vas'maklaram • Vas'rosvlai • Vastagor Lattam • Vastagor Vastarum • Vastam Cl'vangas • Vastari Sanalam • Vasteme • Veles • Venator • Ventarix • Veranal • Vercaal • Verelan Vastarum • Vereleus • Vespin • Vidian • Vithrel • V'geren • V'gurin • V'tana • V'tir • Valdore Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Translated names (Akif) • Battlehawk • "Bird of Paradise" • Bird of Prey • Bird of Prey (scout) • Centurion (cruiser) • Bright One • Comet of Destruction • Deathsting • Death Talon • Death Flyer • Defender of Stars • Dreadnaught • Enhanced Fire • Executioner • Explosive Avenger • Falcon • Free Flight • Fire Swarm • Gallant Carrier • Gallant Wing • Graceful Flyer • Great Defender • Great Bird • Griffin • Gryphon • Harpy • Hawk • Heavy Defender • Hunter • Imperial Hawk • Imperium • (Kalath) • Kestrel • (K'hanakh) • (K't'inga) • Legion • Little Nest • Night Flyer • Nightwing • Nova • Phoenix • Praetor • Praetorian • Protector • Raptor • Scimitar • Senator • Shadow • Shrieking Bird • Shrike • Silver Bird • Skyfire • Snipe • Star Seeker • Starglider • Starlifter • Stormbird • Swarm • Swift Wing • Talon ~ Theta • Traitorous Enemy • Unbound Brother • Vengeance • Vigilant One • War Eagle • Whitewind ~ Whitewing • Wind Carrier • Wing of Doom • Wing of Vengeance • Winged Defender • Wings of Justice
Alphanumeric names B-type warbird • CS2 • (D7 • D7 Akif • D7M) • E5 • H4 • H5 • I4 • I7 • J2 • J3 • J4 • J8 • (K3) • M4 • M8 • N1 • N2 • N5 • N8 • P2 • P3 • P8 • P12 • Q1 • Q4 • R1 • R4 • S3 • S4 • S9 • S11 • T2 • T5 • T10 • Theta • U4 • U7 • U9 • U13 • U15 • U21 • V1 • V2 • V4 • V5 • V6 • V7 • V8 • V9 • V11 (D7) • V20 • V24 • V27 • V30 ~ V31 • Z1
By time period or type biogenic transport • 22nd century bird-of-prey • 2150s bird-of-prey • late-2150s bird-of-prey • 23rd century bird-of-prey • late 23rd century bird-of-prey • 24th century bird-of-prey • 25th century bird-of-prey • attack raptor • battlecruiser • 22nd century cargo ship • 24th century cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • mining freighter • repair ship • science vessel

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