Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurb)[]

From the back cover

Book 1 of 2

Fabian Stevens thought he was doing an old friend a favor by helping her and some eager young Starfleet Academy cadets test a new prototype vessel. There's a practical joker among the cadets, but Stevens figures that will just keep everyone on their toes...

Then the practical jokes aboard the holodeck re-creation of the Hyperion take a turn for the deadly -- the fail-safes have been overridden, and Stevens, Tev, and a shipload of cadets, one of whom is probably responsible for their predicament, are trapped inside. Commander Gomez must help her crewmates solve the riddle, find the culprit, and free them all before more damage is done -- and people are killed!

Meanwhile, Captain David Gold faces one of the greatest challenges of his career: marrying off his granddaughter to a Klingon ambassador's son. Unfortunately, the ambassador has very particular ideas about the ceremony...

Book 2 of 2

The practical jokes aboard the holodeck re-creation of the prototype vessel Hyperion have taken a turn for the deadly -- the fail-safes have been overridden, and Stevens, Tev, and a shipload of cadets, one of whom is probably responsible for their predicament, are trapped inside. Commander Gomez must help her crewmates solve the riddle, find the culprit, and free them all before more damage is done -- and people are killed!


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Carol Abramowitz • Audrey • Domenica Corsi • Tomas delFuego • Kendra Dolby • Elaine • Dantas Falcão • Bart Faulwell • ge'Nilet • Eva Gilman • Rachel Gilman • Daniel Gold • David Gold • Sonya Gomez • Ian Gymis • Vance Hawkins • Khor, son of Lantar • Rennan Konya • Lantar • Latha Meru • Elizabeth Lense • Malcolm • Anthony Mark • Ben Martin • Nikki • P8 Blue • Laura Poynter • Crawford Pressman • Santar • Anthony Shabalala • Esther Silver • Jessica Silver • Leah Silver • Alex Sparks • Soloman • Fabian Stevens • Tanya Sturtze • Mor glasch Tev • Timrek • T'nok • Zoe Wilson
Referenced only
111 • Abraham • Atalanta • The Convert • Edward de Bono • Devil • Kieran Duffy • Eve • Felder'nar • God • Hillel • John • Kahless the Unforgettable • Mendelssohn • Moses • Renn • Strenya • Richard Wagner

Starships and vehicles[]

USS da Vinci (Saber-class) • Hyperion • shuttlecraft
Referenced only
courier • Defiant-class • fighter • Galaxy-class • hovercraft • Jem'Hadar warship • lifepod • Rover-class • scout • Sovereign-class


Earth • the galaxy • Starfleet Headquarters
Referenced only
Andor • Bajor • Israel • Lokak system • Lokra • Malta • Phantas 61 • Risa • River of Blood • Sherman's Planet • South Pacific • Talos IV • Vemlar • West Coast

Races and cultures[]

al'Hmatti • Bajoran • Betazoid • Bynar • Human • Klingon • Nasat • Tellarite • Vulcan
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Cambridge University • Château Picard • Christ Church University • Dominars • Harvard University • House of Lantar • Klingon Empire • Rigel Polytechnic Institute • St. Edward's College • Starfleet • • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Starfleet Research and Development • United Federation of Planets • University of London • University of Malta • University of Oxford

Ranks and titles[]

alchemist • ambassador • bartender • bridesmaid • cadet • captain • commander • commanding officer • DawI'yan • dean • deputy security chief • diplomat • doctor • engineer • instructor • king • lieutenant commander • M.D. • musician • officer • Ph.D • princess • professor • Rabbi • repairman • salesman • senior instructor • tactical officer • Tawi'Yan • teacher • technician • usher

Technology and weapons[]

airlock • artificial intelligence • ax • bat'leth • bomb • bulkhead • cloaking • combadge • command chair • comm panel • communicator • computer • disruptor • emergency beacon • force field • generator • holodeck • hologram • hololab • holosuite • impulse drive • keyboard • knife • lamp • lift capsule • manual release lever • medkit • mirror • monitor • padd • painstik • pen • phaser • phaser rifle • radio • replicator • security net • sensor • shields • starship • sword • synaptic scrambler • torpedo • translator • transporter • tricorder • turbolift • viewscreen • warp core • warp drive • warship

Other references[]

2353 • 20th century • Age of Ascension • alcohol • animal • ant • anthropology • antimatter • antler • apple-sauce • bacteria • bear • black hole • blood • book • Book of Genesis • brain • bridge • buffet • bugle • butterfly • cafeteria • candle • captain's log • century • champagne • chapel • chrome • chuppah • cinnamon • city • coffee • court martial • crawfish • dance • day • dictionary • docudrama • doughnut • duck • electricity • empathy • engineering • exoskeleton • ferric acid • ferrous oxide • fire • flask • flower • gagh • gaghtlhutlh • galaxy • gefilte fish • ghost mode • glass • globe • gravity • Greek mythology • hair • handkerchief • Haray Aht • heart • High Holy Days • history • horse • hour • ice cream • ice sculpture • insect • Judaism • Kal'Hyah • ketubah • kindergarten • klaxon • klezmer • Klingonese • Klingon Houses • kosher • latke • leather • lifeform • logic • marbles • marriage • martial arts • mastaka • medicine • mess hall • metal • meter • microwave • military • minute • momzer • mouse • music • nitrogen • orbit • orchestra • oxygen • paper • par'Mach'kai • picnic • poetry • poker • proprioception • psychology • QIp'ong • quarantine • rabbit • religion • Rhodes Scholarship • rock • safety harness • safety protocols • sailing • Samuel 13:14 • school • Scripture • second • Sheliak peace treaty • ship's log • shooting star • shuttlebay • sickbay • sofa • song • space • star • star chart • steel • subspace • summer • synthehol • targ • telepathy • Ten Commandments • tequila • The Plight of the Hyperion • Torah • torch • tribble • tuxedo • universe • university • Var'hama candle • vase • warp factor • wax • weapon • wedding • wedding cake • wine • wood • World War II • worm • Yiddish


  • The logistics of how a Klingon/Jewish wedding might function were advised by Rabbi David Honigsberg.
  • On the book jacket of the omnibus Breakdowns, these books are incorrectly listed as Collective Hindsight.

Related stories[]

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers stories and publications
eBooks The Belly of the Beast • Fatal Error • Hard Crash • Interphase (Part One • Part Two) • Cold Fusion • Invincible (Part One • Part Two) • The Riddled Post • Here There Be Monsters • Ambush • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Caveat Emptor • Past Life • Oaths • Foundations • Enigma Ship • War Stories • Wildfire • Home Fires • Age of Unreason • Balance of Nature • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Ishtar Rising • Buying Time • Collective Hindsight • The Demon • Ring Around the Sky • Orphans • Grand Designs • Failsafe • Bitter Medicine • Sargasso Sector • Paradise Interrupted • Where Time Stands Still • The Art of the Deal • Spin • Creative Couplings • Small World • Malefictorum • Lost Time • Identity Crisis • Fables of the Prime Directive • Security • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • Honor • Blackout • The Cleanup • Progress • The Future Begins • Echoes of Coventry • Distant Early Warning • 10 is Better Than 01 • Many Splendors • Turn the Page • Troubleshooting • The Light • The Art of the Comeback • Signs from Heaven • Ghost • Remembrance of Things Past
Short stories "Field Expediency" • "An Easy Fast"
Omnibuses Have Tech, Will Travel • Miracle Workers • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Foundations • Wildfire • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Grand Designs • Creative Couplings • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • What's Past


published order
Previous eBook:
SCE eBooks Next eBook:
Small World
Previous story:

Previous story:
Collective Hindsight

Stories by:
Glenn Hauman

Stories by
Aaron Rosenberg

Next story:
Most recent stories
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Shadow of Heaven
Pocket Next Adventure:
Small World
Previous Adventure:
Voyages of the
USS da Vinci
Next Adventure:
Small World