Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Jem'Hadar warship was a class of large Dominion strategic heavy cruisers used in the 24th century.

History and Features[]

During the Dominion War, the Founders required a simple profile for their starships; to dominate battlefields with pure brute force. This was particularly true in cases of sieges against enemy starbases and other military installations. This was the mission profile for the warship class cruisers which were heavily armed but despite this, they were often escorted in small armadas when making deep penetration of enemy territory for planetary sieges.

They were armed with two phased polaron beams and five large polaron beams. (DS9 video game: Dominion Wars)



Starship classes of the Dominion
By name Jakar Emblem of the Dominion.
By type Jem'Hadar battlecruiser ��� Jem'Hadar battleshipJem'Hadar dreadnought carrierJem'Hadar fighter (attack ship)Jem'Hadar fighter (25th century)Jem'Hadar heavy escortJem'Hadar heavy escort carrierJem'Hadar recon shipJem'Hadar strike cruiserJem'Hadar strike shipJem'Hadar super carrierJem'Hadar warship
Vanguard Fleet carrierdreadnought cruiserheavy destroyerheavy raidersupport carriertemporal warshipwarship
By foreign designation Starfleet classification 232

External Link[]
