Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Consuela was a Human female who served in the Federation Starfleet in the 24th century.


In the year 2361, Brian served aboard the USS Hood. He was part of the away team under William T. Riker to evacuate the Marrayat monastery on Altair III during the civil war.

On their arrival, the monastery was already under bombardment. The monks asked for the away team to preserve the five Holy Books of the Saranx which were encoded into special bubbles.

In 2370, Consuela served aboard the USS Aries as Chief Engineer. She returned to Altair III, along with his former USS Hood colleagues to return the books to the Marrayat monastery.

Consuela had olive skin and dark hair. She had a wicked sense of humor. (TNG comics: "Friends and Other Strangers", "The Bajoran and the Beast", "Dreams Die", "The Last Verse")



Hood personnel
Federation, Starfleet USS Hood
(Constitution class)
Ankee • J. Banks • G. Barton • K. Chin • L. Craig • K. Dodge • D'Uberville • Ellis • En-Lai • M. Harrari • S. Kane • J. Kyle • J. Martinez • Morax • S. M'Ress • Oxley • A. Paultic • H. Revere • M. Rousseau • Simmons • Stuart • Tavi • C. Vayentes • G. Vedra • Umba • P. Yudrin UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
USS Hood
(Enterprise class)
Lori Desmonal • Lustig
USS Hood
(Excelsior class)
Abrams • Brian • Buonfiglio • Chandra • Consuela • T. Czierniewski • M. Dayrit • R. DeSoto • R. Green • E. Hayat • R. Holverson • B. Hsu • J. Kojima • G. La Forge • Ledbetter • Lolo • F. Orzon • C. Papadimitriou • W.T. Riker • E. Rose • Tuvok • D. Voyskunsky • L. Weiss
USS Hood
(Galaxy class)
E. Sherwood • W. Crushera
Terran Empire (mirror universe) ISS Hood Martinez Terran Empire logo.
a : alternate reality

Template:USS Aries personnel


In a conversation with Michael Jan Friedman in 2017, he confirmed that his scripts did not warrant the need for surnames of Consuela and Brian. Michael then went on to suggest Consuela's surname was "Cervantes".
