Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of unnamed Bajoran Militia personnel who served in the command division aboard Deep Space 9.

For the main page of crewmembers who served on the station, see Unnamed Deep Space 9 personnel.

Captain []

Bajoran captain

A Bajoran captain

This male captain assisted Chief Miles O'Brien in preparing the USS Yangtzee Kiang on short notice for Kai Opaka's trip through the Bajoran wormhole in 2369. When the Kai approached, he bowed out of respect. (DS9: "Battle Lines")

This officer was played by regular background actor Steve Diamond.

His rank was not mentioned in dialogue, but depicted in a chart of Bajoran ranks in Star Trek Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., p. 29.

Female officer 1 []

Bajoran DS9 cmd officer 1

Off duty in civilian clothing

This Bajoran officer was a resident on Deep Space 9 from 2369 until 2375. She was a frequent guest in Quark's and was often seen on the Promenade and in ops.

She visited Quark's shortly before she was part of a group of residents who were evacuated because of a Cardassian attack in 2369. (DS9: "Emissary")

Off duty, she watched the color changes of the skin of two fellow Bajorans in the replimat after these two were the victims of a trick by Jake Sisko and Nog, using Garanian bolites. Later, she was part of an angry mob which hunted Odo down to his office. (DS9: "A Man Alone")

She witnessed Odo's talks with the Duras sisters who, after they arrived on the station, refused to give their weapons up. Later, she visited Quark's when the Duras sisters did the same. (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Shortly after this, she visited Quark's when the replicators at the bar went on-line again and became, later, one of multiple infected people aboard the station who were treated in empty crew quarters which were re-built into a hospital. (DS9: "Babel")

While again off duty, she played a dabo game at Quark's when Tosk visited the bar, accompanied by Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")

The same year, she had conversations with other people on the Promenade and met Morn at Quark's. When Q created the scenario of a boxing match between himself and Commander Sisko, she was one of the bystanders. (DS9: "Q-Less")

She was talking to a fellow Bajoran at the promenade and had a raktajino at the Replimat while the USS Enterprise-D docked at Deep Space 9. (TNG: "Birthright, Part I")

She visited the establishment shortly thereafter and was playing dabo. (DS9: "The Passenger")

She was among the bar patrons of Quark's when a Wadi delegation arrived at Deep Space 9, visited the bar to play dabo, and passed the security office when Odo and Commander Sisko interrogated Quark and Rom. (DS9: "Move Along Home", "Vortex")

She looked skeptically at Odo and a Bajoran security deputy when she passed them on the Promenade and passed Kai Opaka during her tour of the station later. (DS9: "Battle Lines")

She was off duty when she visited the Promenade several times while Varis Sul accompanied Jake Sisko and Nog for their activities. She later left the Bajoran temple on the Promenade and watched Nog run into Commander Sisko after he broke into the security office. (DS9: "The Storyteller")

She was later sitting at a table on the second level of Quark's and gave a fellow Bajoran latinum for a game at the dabo table. Subsequently, she watched a hunt for gunji jackdaws on the Promenade. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")

She visited Quark's and left the second level while Odo was trying to get information from Quark about the mission of the Klingon crew of the IKS Toh'Kaht. She also witnessed how Major Kira threw Quark over his bar later and passed the infirmary. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")

She was among a group of Bajoran parents who listened to a speech that Vedek Winn Adami made, regarding Keiko O'Brien's way of teaching. Her daughter stood in front of her. She was also present when the school on board exploded and Winn visited the aftermath. When Vedek Bareil visited Deep Space 9, she was one of many followers of his and listened to a speech he and Winn gave, shortly before Neela tried to assassinate Bareil. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")

She visited Quark's and joined fellow Bajorans on the dabo table. Later, she left the security office with two other Bajorans. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

She was off duty and visited several establishments on the Promenade when Melora Pazlar came on board the station. (DS9: "Melora")

Off duty, she visited Quark's bar while the Ferengi Grand Nagus Zek came aboard the station. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

She was in ops when Natima Lang's shuttle arrived at the station. She was still on duty at ops when Gul Toran warship arrived at the station, demanding the surrender of Lang and her students. (DS9: "Profit and Loss")

She had a drink in Quark's with a fellow Bajoran when Odo arrested Kor. The next day, she joined a woman for dinner in the Replimat and served, hours later, in ops. (DS9: "Blood Oath")

She was also on duty in ops when the Cardassian freighter Bok'Nor exploded and Calvin Hudson visited Commander Sisko. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I") She was still on duty when Sisko, Doctor Bashir, and Kira returned to the station and visited the Promenade a few hours later, where she was interested in buying something at a Bajoran store. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")

Female Bajoran officer, 2371

A Bajoran officer

In 2371, she was among a group of Starfleet officers, Bajorans and civilians who listened to a story Quark told about how he had killed Kozak. (DS9: "The House of Quark")

She was also on duty in ops when an old Cardassian security program locked the station and threatened the lives of the inhabitants. (DS9: "Civil Defense")

Carrying a PADD she passed Quark's on the Promenade when Tiron approached Quark with a request for a "special holo-program". (DS9: "Meridian")

She was working on Ops when Thomas Riker hijacked the Defiant. (DS9: "Defiant")

She was serving in ops when Commander Sisko and Major Kira welcomed Romulan delegates Ruwon and Karina aboard the station, and she passed the Romulans in a corridor shortly thereafter. During a brawl between the Romulans and three Klingon Intelligence officers in Quark's, she escaped from the middle of the fight and watched it from the door. (DS9: "Visionary")

She passed Garak and Doctor Bashir in a corridor near an airlock, shortly before Garak left the station, and was serving in ops when the Romulan-Cardassian fleet decloaked . (DS9: "Improbable Cause", "The Die is Cast")

She was on duty in ops during the Klingon attack on Deep Space 9 and was wounded by a Klingon boarding party. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") She also served in ops when Captain Sisko and Constable Odo left the station to reach Earth. (DS9: "Homefront")

She worked at her regular station in Ops when Dukat's Bird-of-Prey de-cloaked nearby the station. (DS9: "Return to Grace")

In 2372, she was on duty in ops during a strike of the employees of Quark's. After the strike was finished, she and Major Kira visited the bar again. Kira ordered two synthales, two portions of hasperat, and no more conversation with Quark for both of them. (DS9: "Bar Association")

She was on duty in ops when the runabout USS Volga came through the wormhole. (DS9: "Body Parts")

She was on duty at Ops when Captain Sisko and Jadzia Dax returned from a meeting at Starfleet Command. Later, off duty and wearing civilian clothing, she was walking down the Promenade. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")

She operated the sciences station in Ops when Odo arrested Quark and Doctor Bashir for smuggling. (DS9: "The Ship")

She manned the Ops station in front of Captain Sisko's office when Miles O'Brien activated the chroniton emitters aboard the station from aboard the runabout. (DS9: "The Assignment")

She was on duty in ops and stopped when Worf accused Jadzia Dax of gossiping about Odo. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")

She worked on her regular station in Ops when Captain Sisko told Major Kira and Worf that there won't be help from Starfleet in deploying the minefield at the entry of the Bajoran wormhole. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

She remained aboard Terok Nor during the Dominion occupation and visited Quark's where she had a drink with another Bajoran while Kira talks to Damar at the bar. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")

She was among the Bajoran and civilian residents of Deep Space 9 who welcomed the Starfleet personnel back aboard the station by clapping their hands after the Federation defeated the joint forces of the Cardassians and the Dominion in 2374. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

She passed Odo and Kira on the promenade and was shopping on the Promenade when Ezri Dax came aboard the station. (DS9: "Image in the Sand", "Afterimage")

She passed Doctor Bashir and Sarina Douglas on the Promenade, talking to another Bajoran. (DS9: "Chrysalis")

Off duty, she again visited Quark's in 2375; she was there when Kor asked Worf for a favor. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")

This Bajoran was played by regular background actress and stand-in Robin Morselli who received no credit for her appearances.

Further appearances[]

Female officer 2 []

Female Bajoran command officer

A Bajoran officer

This Bajoran officer visited the casino Club Martus on the Promenade following it's opening in 2370. She stood at the bar and talked to Jones. (DS9: "Rivals")

She stood in line at the overcrowded Replimat when Doctor Bashir and Garak talked about "The Never Ending Sacrifice". (DS9: "The Wire")

Following the passing of the fifth Dominion convoy through the Bajoran wormhole, she stood on the Promenade in front of the security office and talked to other civilians. Later, when most of the Bajoran Militia personnel and many civilians boarded a transport to Bajor, she was one of them. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

In 2374, she was among the group of Bajorans and civilians on the Promenade who welcomed the Starfleet personnel back aboard the station after they won the battle against the Dominion. She was talking to a Klingon officer and later to a Starfleet officer. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

She was among the group of Bajorans who stood near the replimat in 2375 when the news about the wedding of the emissary were told aboard the station. (DS9: "Penumbra")

This Bajoran officer was played by regular background actress Patti Begley who received no credit for her appearances.

Her costume was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1](X)

Further appearances[]

Kira's crew []

These four male and two female crew members served under Colonel Kira Nerys in 2381. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

Male officer 1 []

Bajoran officer hunting gunji jackdaws

This officer in 2369

This Bajoran officer served in the command division aboard Deep Space 9 between 2369 and 2375, mostly on an aft station on ops.

He was working on ops when a Cardassian starship docked at DS9 and witnessed O'Brien's aggressive treatment of the Cardassian transporter when he beamed Constable Odo back aboard. (DS9: "Emissary")

He was present when an angry mob hunted Odo down on the Promenade, and passed Major Kira and Commander Sisko on the Promenade shortly after the Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los was beamed aboard. (DS9: "A Man Alone", "Past Prologue")

He passed Lieutenant Dax and Major Kira on the Promenade and was among the station's personnel who were infected by the aphasia virus. (DS9: "Babel")

He visited Quark's when Miles O'Brien and Tosk had a drink at the bar (DS9: "Captive Pursuit") and was talking to Morn when Lieutenant George Primmin introduced himself to Constable Odo. (DS9: "The Passenger")

He was a patron in Quark's and visited the Promenade while the Grand Nagus Zek was aboard the station and during the negotiations between the Paqu and the Navot. (DS9: "The Nagus", "The Storyteller")

This Bajoran officer assisted Constable Odo hunting and guiding the gunji jackdaws through the Promenade and served on ops when most of the crew were taken over by the Saltah'na energy spheres. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses", "Dramatis Personae")

He was present on the Promenade when Kainon stabbed Aamin Marritza and Marritza died in Kira's arms. (DS9: "Duet")

This Bajoran officer visited the Promenade when a Bajoran vendor refused to sell a jumja stick to Miles O'Brien. He was also on the Promenade when a bomb destroyed the school aboard the station and when Neela tried to assassinate Vedek Bareil. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")

Bajoran DS9 cmd officer 2

This officer in 2370

He visited the Replimat where he grabbed something from the replicator while talking to a command lieutenant and then left the Replimat. Later, he visited Quark's where he passed Tiron at the stairs and went to a Starfleet sciences officer. He then passed Tiron at the bar and went to the gambling table. Later he played a game of dabo when Major Kira entered Quark's. Together with another Bajoran officer he later transported cargo and some boxes on the Promenade in front of the security office. He visited Quark's again, seated at a table on the second level with a female Starfleet officer when Quark brought Tiron to the holosuites. (DS9: "Meridian")

He had a drink at the bar in Quark's when Major Kira was forced by CMO Julian Bashir to enjoy herself. Later, he was working on Ops when Dax met Thomas Riker. He walked along the Promenade when Kira accidentally bumped into Riker and offered him a tour of the station. Back on Ops, he was working on an aft station of the engineering section when Riker stole the Defiant. (DS9: "Defiant")

He visited Quark's and smiled at the Kobheerian at the bar carrying a glass while USS Voyager docked at Deep Space 9 and Ensign Harry Kim and Tom Paris left the bar. (VOY: "Caretaker")

He worked in ops when Commander Calvin Hudson visited the station and Benjamin Sisko's office and was a frequent guest in Quark's. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "The Wire", "The Way of the Warrior")

He listened to Quark when the Ferengi told about his glorious fight against the Klingon Kozak and how he killed him. Later, he had a drink at Quark's and in the Replimat. (DS9: "The House of Quark") He was also present when Klingon Intelligence officers and Romulan officers had a fight in Quark's. (DS9: "Visionary")

He was on duty on ops when Commander Sisko was abducted by Smiley in 2371. (DS9: "Through the Looking Glass")

In an alternate timeline, he attended the funeral for Benjamin Sisko on the Promenade. Later he left a transport ship which docked at the station. (DS9: "The Visitor")

He was working in Ops when Captain Sisko and Jadzia Dax returned from a meeting at Starfleet Command. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")

He was also on duty in Ops and went to the master table when Captain Sisko told Kira Nerys and Worf that Starfleet won't send any ships to assist the Defiant in deploying the self-replicating mines at the entrance of the Bajoran wormhole. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

This recurring Bajoran officer was portrayed by regular background actor and stand-in Scott Barry who received no credit for his appearances.

His uniform was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Nalan Bal.

Further appearances[]

Male officer 2 []

Bajoran in the Promenade

A Bajoran command officer

This Bajoran officer was walking on the Promenade aboard Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Babel")

He passed several senior officers of the USS Enterprise-D while the ship docked at Deep Space 9. (TNG: "Birthright, Part I")

He was walking down the Promenade shortly after Commander Sisko arrived with the USS Defiant at Deep Space 9. (DS9: "The Search, Part I")

Bajoran DS9 cmd officer 2, 2371

At the bar in Quark's

He went to the Replimat and took a table in the background while Major Kira created a false love story with Odo to get rid of Tiron. Later he visited Quark's where he stood at the gaming table while Tiron approached Quark with a "special program". He had a drink and was sitting at the bar near the entrance in Quark's when Quark celebrated Major Kira as a special customer to lure her into a holosuite. He was walking on the second level of the Promenade and later entered Quark's from the above entry while Quark tried to get a holo-image of Major Kira. He assisted another Bajoran officer in transporting cargo and boxes from in front of the security office on the Promenade. Later he was back in Quark's and got served a drink from a Ferengi waiter while an outraged Tiron shouted at Quark. (DS9: "Meridian")

He was talking to a Kobheerian at the bar in Quark's when Quark tried to sell jewelry to Ensign Harry Kim. (VOY: "Caretaker")

He visited Quark's where he met a fellow Bajoran officer at the bar while Major Kira had to enjoy herself. Later he was passed by Kira and Thomas Riker on the Promenade. (DS9: "Defiant")

He entered ops when Michael Eddington was forced to load the neural patterns of Sisko, Dax, Worf, Kira, and O'Brien into the station's computer system and remained on duty on ops until the senior staff was transported back. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

Off duty he walked down the Promenade while Keiko O'Brien was possessed by a pah-wraith. He witnessed how Keiko fell down from the second level of the Promenade. (DS9: "The Assignment")

Off duty he visited the cargo bay aboard the station where several containers were loaded off a docked ship. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")

Due to the forthcoming attack of the Dominion on Deep Space 9, he was among the Bajoran Militia personnel and the civilians who boarded a transport to Bajor. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

He remained aboard Terok Nor after the Dominion took control of the station in 2373. He was off duty visiting Quark's before a brawl between Damar, Cardassians, and Jem'Hadar occurred. Following this incident he accompanied a Corvallen on the Promenade when the two approached a Bajoran deputy. A short time later, he visited Quark's again and talked to Broik while Damar told Quark about a secret plan. He walked past Kira Nerys on the Promenade near the directory shortly before Damar tried to take on Kira inside the security office. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")

Carrying a bag he walked past Major Kira on the Promenade shortly before she was approached by Quark. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")

He was among the Bajoran and civilian residents of Deep Space 9 who were clapping and welcomed the Starfleet personnel back aboard the station after they defeated the joined forces of the Cardassians and the Dominion. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

This Bajoran was played by regular background actor Steve Diamond who received no credit for his appearances.

Male officer 3 []

Bajoran junior officer 2369

A Bajoran junior officer

This Bajoran junior officer worked in ops on Deep Space 9 in 2369 when several alien energy spheres took over the crew of the station.

Taking side with Major Kira, he received a small device from Doctor Bashir to assassinate Commander Sisko. In ops he went to Sisko to show him the report of the weapons scanner and then tried to inject him with the device. O'Brien, who saw this, warned Sisko and the Bajoran was thrown down the stairs by Sisko, then through the room and over the railing to the engineering section. Shortly before Sisko was able to test the assassination device on the Bajoran, Kira, and two armed Bajoran officers came into ops. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")

This Bajoran was played by stunt actor Jeff Pruitt and the part was credited as "Ensign" in the episodes closing credits.

Male officer 4 []

Bajoran DS9 cmd officer 5

A Bajoran command officer

This Bajoran command officer was on duty in ops during the Klingon attack on Deep Space 9. He stood in front of an exploding console and was thrown over the railing by this explosion. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")

This Bajoran was played by stunt actor Jeff Cadiente, who received no credit for this appearance.

Male officer 5 []

Bajoran command officer 6

A Bajoran command officer

This command officer was stationed on board Deep Space 9 in 2372.

In an alternate timeline he attended the memorial service for Benjamin Sisko on the Promenade. (DS9: "The Visitor")

He watched Minister Hanok's first dabo game after the incident in the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "Starship Down")

He was a frequent guest in Quark's. (DS9: "Little Green Men", "Crossfire")

He was also present in Quark's when Quark shouted out that he'll die. He stopped his conversation, like all other customers, and watched Quark. (DS9: "Body Parts")

This Bajoran was played by regular background performer Patrick Barnitt, who received no on-screen credit for his appearances.

Male officer 6 []

This Bajoran command officer carried a bag when he passed the Promenade while Odo and an Idanian operative left the security office. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")

Off duty, he was among the Bajoran and civilian residents of Deep Space 9 who welcomed Starfleet back aboard the station, clapping, after the Federation won the battle against the Cardassians and the Dominion. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

He was part of the group which welcomed Captain Benjamin Sisko back aboard Deep Space 9 in 2375. (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols")

This Bajoran was played by regular background actor Elliot Durant III who received no credit for his appearances.

His uniform was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [3](X)

Male officer 7 []

Bajoran officer on the promenade, 2375

A Bajoran officer

This Bajoran command officer was walking on the Promenade behind Captain Sisko and his son in 2375. Later, he was among a group of Bajorans standing on the Promenade and watching Saghi talking to Benjamin Sisko and Kasidy Yates. (DS9: "Penumbra")

This Bajoran officer was played by regular background actor Andrew DePalma who received no credit for his appearances.

Further appearances[]
