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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Mzaki/Archive 1 on 2023-09-11.

Translate Wikidata for Firefox

Summary by Shisma

Mzaki corrected automatic translations, and suggested:

  1. Wikidata should not be written as ウィキデータ
  2. Eliminating spaces in Japanese text. Spaces should be created by rendering engine if possible.
  3. Formatting dates in ISO format in fine but the japanese representation is not much different.
  4. Using「」only for quotations,『』for titles, and omitting italics.
  5. Display Furigana where possible.
  6. No Asian full stop for placeholder messages
Shisma (talkcontribs)

Hello Mzaki,

I'm writing you since you have used Wikidata for Firefox recently and you are a native Japanese speaker: would you agree to help me translating the extension to Japanese?

Here's how it would work: I would provide you with an automatically translated version of this file and you would fix errors the automatic translation that will inadvertently produce.

For example: User:Luan kindly helped me to do the same with Portuguese here.

Let me know if you have questions. 🙂

Mzaki (talkcontribs)

Sure. I will.

Shisma (talkcontribs)

Great! Feel free to edit this very comment.

Also: please let me know if you special number formats in specific contexts: Luan for instance needed century ordinals in Roman numerals. I can provide Chinese numerals where needed. Would you expect instance names (like Wikidata) to be written in Katakana? Let me know if you have other suggestions. Thank you!

   "match_via_sitelink": {
     "message": "サイトリンクを介して$INSTANCE$にマッチ",
     "description": "サイトリンクを介してURLをウィキベースのエンティティにマッチさせるセクションのヘッダー。"
   "match_via_external_id": {
     "message": "IDを介して$INSTANCE$にマッチ",
     "description": "外部IDを介してURLをウィキベースのエンティティにマッチさせるセクションのヘッダー。"
   "match_via_url": {
     "message": "URLを介して$INSTANCE$にマッチ",
     "description": "URLをウィキベースのエンティティにマッチさせるセクションのヘッダー。"
   "edit_button": {
     "message": "編集",
     "description": "何かを編集するためのボタンのラベル。"
   "edit_descriptions": {
     "message": "説明を編集",
     "description": "説明を変更できるフォームのタイトル。"
   "aquiring_metadata": {
     "message": "メタデータを取得中…",
     "description": "メタデータを取得中であることを示すメッセージ。"
   "set_alias": {
     "message": "別名を設定",
     "description": "別名を設定する編集のタイトル。"
   "set_label_or_alias": {
     "message": "$1のラベルまたは別名を設定",
     "description": "ラベルまたは別名を設定する編集のタイトル。"
   "set_description": {
     "message": "$1の説明を設定",
     "description": "説明を設定する編集のタイトル。"
   "set_sitelink": {
     "message": "サイトリンクを設定",
     "description": "サイトリンクを設定する編集のタイトル。"
   "dismiss_action": {
     "message": "このメッセージを閉じる",
     "description": "メッセージを閉じるボタンのラベル。"
   "search_item_placeholder": {
     "message": "ラベルまたは別名で項目を検索。",
     "description": "ウィキベース項目を検索するフィールドのプレースホルダー。"
   "search_lexeme_placeholder": {
     "message": "基本形やその他の語形から語彙素を検索。",
     "description": "ウィキベースの語彙素を検索するフィールドのプレースホルダー。"
   "search_sense_placeholder": {
     "message": "基本形から語彙素の語義を検索。",
     "description": "ウィキベースの語義を検索するフィールドのプレースホルダー。"
   "load_autodesc": {
     "message": "自動生成の説明を読み込み中…",
     "description": "自動説明が読み込み中であることをユーザーに知らせるメッセージ。"
   "match_title": {
     "message": "マッチ",
     "description": "エンティティマッチフォームのタイトル。"
   "create_new_entity": {
     "message": "新しいエンティティを作成",
     "description": "新しいエンティティを作成するオプションのラベル。"
   "new_entity": {
     "message": "新しいエンティティ",
     "description": "選択されたオプションのラベル。"
   "disambiguation_title": {
     "message": "曖昧さ除去",
     "description": "曖昧さ除去画面を表示するサイドバーのタイトル。"
   "send_to_instance": {
     "message": "$INSTANCE$に送信",
     "description": "特定のウィキベースインスタンスに主張を送信するボタンのタイトル。"
   "other_matches_title": {
     "message": "その他のマッチ",
     "description": "特定のウェブサイトの文脈的なマッチを含むセクションのタイトル。"
   "wb_set_alias": {
     "message": "別名を設定",
     "description": "ウィキベースAPIの別名を設定するコマンドの名前。"
   "ambiguous_url_title": {
     "message": "複数のマッチが見つかりました",
     "description": "曖昧さ除去画面のタイトル。"
   "ambiguous_url_intro": {
     "message": "このURLは複数のウィキベースエンティティにマッチしました。望ましいエンティティを選択してください。",
     "description": "URLが複数のエンティティにマッチした場合に表示されるメッセージ。"
   "unknown": {
     "message": "不明な値",
     "description": "snaktype unknownの説明。"
   "no_value": {
     "message": "値なし",
     "description": "snaktype no valueの説明。"
   "media_info": {
     "message": "メディア情報",
     "description": "ファイルに関する詳細情報を示すリンクのラベル。"
   "external_id": {
     "message": "外部識別子",
     "description": "単一の外部IDを含むセクションの見出し。"
   "external_ids": {
     "message": "外部識別子",
     "description": "外部IDを含むセクションの見出し。"
   "link": {
     "message": "リンク",
     "description": "単一のリンクを含むセクションの見出し。"
   "links": {
     "message": "リンク",
     "description": "リンクを含むセクションの見出し。"
   "reference": {
     "message": "出典",
     "description": "単一の出典を含むセクションの見出し。"
   "references": {
     "message": "出典",
     "description": "出典を含むセクションの見出し。"
   "month_1": {
     "message": "1月",
     "description": "最初の月の名前。"
   "month_2": {
     "message": "2月",
     "description": "2番目の月の名前。"
   "month_3": {
     "message": "3月",
     "description": "3番目の月の名前。"
   "month_4": {
     "message": "4月",
     "description": "4番目の月の名前。"
   "month_5": {
     "message": "5月",
     "description": "5番目の月の名前。"
   "month_6": {
     "message": "6月",
     "description": "6番目の月の名前。"
   "month_7": {
     "message": "7月",
     "description": "7番目の月の名前。"
   "month_8": {
     "message": "8月",
     "description": "8番目の月の名前。"
   "month_9": {
     "message": "9月",
     "description": "9番目の月の名前。"
   "month_10": {
     "message": "10月",
     "description": "10番目の月の名前。"
   "month_11": {
     "message": "11月",
     "description": "11番目の月の名前。"
   "month_12": {
     "message": "12月",
     "description": "12番目の月の名前。"
   "date_month": {
     "message": "$YEAR$$MONTHNAME$",
     "description": "月の名前。"
   "date_bce": {
     "message": "紀元前$DATE$",
     "description": "紀元前0年より前の日付。"
   "date_year": {
     "message": "$NUMBER$年",
     "description": "年の名前。"
   "date_decade": {
     "message": "$NUMBER$年代",
     "description": "10年間の名前。"
   "date_century": {
     "message": "$ORDINAL$世紀",
     "description": "世紀の名前。"
   "date_millenium": {
     "message": "$ORDINAL$千年紀",
     "description": "千年紀の名前。"
   "date_year_range": {
     "message": "$year$±$DELTA$年",
     "description": "2つの年間の範囲。"
Mzaki (talkcontribs)

For clarity for date expressions:

the year 2024: 2024年

July 2024: 2024年7月

31 July 2024: 2024年7月31日

2020s: 2020年代

21st century: 21世紀

3rd millennium: 3千年紀 (as used in jawiki, although it is relatively rare for everyday Japanese)

Mzaki (talkcontribs)

For Wikidata / ウィキデータ:

Generally speaking, proper nouns in technical contexts keep alphabetic expressions, e.g. Wikidata. When it becomes popular for layperson, it is more frequently transcribed into katakana, like ウィキデータ. Wikipedia is quite famous for layperson so we frequently write it as ウィキペディア or just ウィキ for short. As for Wikidata and Wikibase, I feel they would be better if kept in alphabetic forms, but it may depend on readers.

Shisma (talkcontribs)

Thanks for elaborating. Is it correct that there is a space between the instance name and the rest of the sentence in cases like

URLを介して Wikidata にマッチ

. Shouldn't it be



Please consider that these placeholder messages should be rather short since they need to fit into a narrow text box:

    "search_item_placeholder": {
    "message": "ラベルまたは別名で項目を検索。",
    "description": "ウィキベース項目を検索するフィールドのプレースホルダー。"
  "search_lexeme_placeholder": {
    "message": "基本形やその他の語形から語彙素を検索。",
    "description": "ウィキベースの語彙素を検索するフィールドのプレースホルダー。"
  "search_sense_placeholder": {
    "message": "基本形から語彙素の語義を検索。",
    "description": "ウィキベースの語義を検索するフィールドのプレースホルダー。"
Mzaki (talkcontribs)

For spaces:

Japanese texts do not use spaces, so all spaces should be eliminated if technically possible (i.e. if it is OK for parameter replacement).

Some people want to leave a gap between Japanese and non-Japanese texts for aesthetic reasons. Microsoft Word, for example, renders a gap between Japanese and non-Japanese texts even when there is no space characters. In my opinion, rendering engine should be responsible for this kind of visual matters, and text data should not have space characters between Japanese and non-Japanese texts.

Mzaki (talkcontribs)

For placeholder messages, could you tell me how can I see these messages on the UI? I think that suitable expression would depend on circumstances, but I could not remember when these messages are shown.

Shisma (talkcontribs)

That's a little hard to see. But it might become more visible in the future:

  1. go to a entity that brings up the match screen. For instance this one
  2. open the sidebar
  3. remove the JMdictDB - Edit Entry text from the search field

The text Search lexemes by lemma or form should appear as a placeholder.

Mzaki (talkcontribs)

I see. Asian full stop (。) can be omitted in this situation, and I have shortened them a little bit.

search_item_placeholder: ラベルや別名から項目を検索

search_lexeme_placeholder: 語形から語彙素を検索

search_sense_placeholder: 見出し語から語義を検索

Shisma (talkcontribs)

If you update to version 0.557 your translation file should be used if your default interface language should be Japanese. Let me know if something looks unexpected. I might also have made mistakes in transfer.

Dates that are precise to the day should be rendered in ISO format for now: 2024-07-31 not 2024年7月31日. I'm considering letting people choose between ISO and localised date format.

Mzaki (talkcontribs)

Thank you. After a quick look, I guess the translation for "set_label_or_alias" still have space character near the parameter replacement.

I think the ISO format is also OK for Japanese readers. (probably due to numeric month and the order of y/m/d, it is more naturally acceptable for Japanese readers than for European people)

Shisma (talkcontribs)

"set_label_or_alias" still have space character near the parameter replacement.

Noted and fixed in the next version. I have a couple more questions if you don't mind?

1. When making a monolingual text statement in English:

Some English name (英語)

Is this alright? Should I use different brackets?

2. I am currently rendering lexemes that have a ja and ja-hira representation in Furigana. For example 面白い/おもしろい (L33497). I am also planing to render monolingual text statements that have a japanese value and name in kana (P1814) qualifier (like this one) in Furigana as well. Do you think this is helpful or appropriate?

3. Since there are no italics in Chinese script, monolingual text values in Chinese, Korean and Japanese are not set in italics, but instead they are enclosed in「」.

For example:

An English value
I love baseball!
A Japanese value

Is this appropriate? I think it looks rather clumsy 😅

4. Is there anything else you think that should look different in Japanese?

Mzaki (talkcontribs)
  1. not strange at all. I think this is the best way.
  2. I feel that's very nice.
  3. hmm, I guess italics have several different use cases. If it shows quotes, 「」 is appropriate. If it shows title of publication, 『』 is better. If it shows word/phrase in different languages, Japanese text has no such need (because foreign words are written in foreign scripts or katakana). In my opinion, simply omitting italics (no brackets) is generally applicable and thus the best way.
Shisma (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your help and patience 🙂

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