Cited Reference Searching


What is Cited Reference Searching?

Cited Reference Searching is a tool to track how a given work is cited by other works (journal articles, books, websites, etc.).  

Begin with a citation for an item you have read and then search for more recent publications that have cited your item.


Why Can It be Useful?

  • if the reference you began with was highly relevant to your research, then it's likely that other publications which have cited that item will also be relevant to your research
  • to track the development of a theory over a period of years
  • to identify core researchers in a field
  • to understand the impact of a work
  • to check how many times your own articles have been cited!


What Databases Can I Use For This?


  • From the  Search within dropdown select the Article title, Abstract, Keywords option and enter title words or keywords in the Search documents box.
  • If you wish to include an author, select Add search field and in the Search within dropdown select Authors. Enter the author name in the Search documents box.
  • In the search results, there is a Cited by column. Select the number to view the items citing the result you are interested in.
  • You can also sort your results (Sort on)based on the the highest or lowest Cited by numbers.
  • More information about cited reference searching available from Scopus.

Google Scholar

  • Search for a specific article title with quotation marks around it. This should make your item the first in the results list.
  • In the search results, there is a Cited by link below the citation. Click (or better, right-click into a new tab) to view the items citing the result you are interested in.

Open Citations

  • free resource that uses DOIs to link one item to citing/cited by items (mostly articles)
  • as of January 2020, contains more than 624 million DOI-to-DOI citation links coming from both ‘the ‘Open’ and the ‘Limited’ sets of Crossref reference data
  • you must have a DOI to use the search, and then you choose whether you want to retrieve the DOIs/clickable links to the references in that article (described as "Retrieve the citation data for all the references to other works appearing in the bibliographic entity"), or to articles that reference it (described as "Retrieve the citation data for all the references appearing in other works to the bibliographic entity")


  • A free resource that pulls citation data from Scopus and Altmetics
  • Use the search box to search for the article.
  • Look at the right side of the screen for the Publication metrics.

Academic Search Complete

  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's last name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box.  It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., herbert, r*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display


  • Select Books from the drop-down menu on the search box
  • Enter the author's name in the search box
  • You may need to try different name variations, for example:
    • Kors
    • Kors, Alan
    • Kors, Alan C.
    • Kors, Alan Charles
  • For citations to specific works, combine the author's last name with the title of the work in quotation marks
  • Kors and "Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700"
  • Click on Go
  • Review results and click on Look Inside!
  • Scroll down to the "Citations" section
    Note: not all results will have the "Citations" section

America: History and Life

  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's last name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box.  It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., macdonald, e*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the publication year in the "Cited Year" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the article title in the "Cited Title" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in the database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display

Annual Reviews [Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology]

  • Find the search box on the left-hand side of the page
  • Using the drop-down menu, select the Cited Author field
  • Type in your author's last name and the initial of the first name (e.g., smith, w)
  • Click Search
  • Note: Fulltext not available for all years

BioOne Abstracts and Indexes (via Proquest)

  • Click Advanced Search located above the search box
  • Enter author name or article title into the search box and select the Reference field from the drop-down menu (e.g., Da costa, j)
  • Click Search

Business Source Complete

  • Select Cited References found under More on the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's last name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box.  It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., reid, d*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display


  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box.  It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., herbert, r*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display


  • Click on Advanced Search under the search box
  • Enter author's name in the "Author Name" box (e.g., d c leblanc) 
  • For each result, the "Cited by..." link will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database. Click the link to see the records for these additional publications

EconLit with Full Text 

  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., herbert, r*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display

Education Research Complete

  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen, under the More drop-down menu
  • Enter the author's name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., smith, j*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display

Google Books   

  • In the search box, combine the author's name with the title of the work in quotation marks (e.g., MacDonald "if you're stronghearted")
  • Click Search Books
  • Click on your result and scroll through the record until you find References to this Book
  • Note: not all results will have a "References to this Book" section


  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., herbert, r*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display

Historical Abstracts 

  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., garrard, g*)
  • Click on Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display


  • Select Advanced Search on the orange bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's name and initial of the first name in the "Author" box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., smith, m*)
  • Click Search
  • Click on the title of the result 
  • Scroll down the record until you see Articles that cite this article? Click this link
  • Note: not all records will have an Articles that cite this article? link

IOP (Institute of Physics)

  • Hover your mouse over the Advanced Search drop down menu to the right of the search box. 
  • Select More Search Options
  • In the search box, enter the initial of the author's first name and then last name (e.g., B. Franke). Select "Author" from the drop-down field.
  • Click Search Now
  • Select the title of a result
  • Scroll down the record until you see a "Cited by" tab. Click on this option.
  • Note: Not all records will have a "Cited by" tab. Access to the "Cited by" tab is only available for records that UPEI subscribes to.  


  • Select Citation Locator from the drop-down Search tab in the grey bar on the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's name and other search options if desired (e.g., title of article, date, etc.)
  • Click Search
  • Select an article from the results list by clicking on the title
  • Select Items Citing this Item from the "Google Scholar" box, located to the right of the article display
    Note: not all citations will have a Google Scholar box containing "Items Citing this Item"


Note: Includes cited references from 2000 forward

  • Select the Citations tab
  • Search by Author, Journal, Subject or Year by selecting the appropriate tab
  • Click Search. 
  • If there multiple author results (e.g., Smith, J), select the correct author from the drop-down menu (e.g. Smith, Jason Graham) and click List Results for this Author
  • A summary will be generated regarding the number of citations for your selected publication (e.g., James Graham Smith is cited 30 times by 19 authors in the MR Citation Database)
  • Select an article [first link item in 'citation' that would look something like MR2186822 (2007g:35134)
  • Select From References or From Reviews from the "Citations" box on the right of the screen


  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter the author's last name and initial of the first name in the "Cited Author" box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., herbert, r*)
  • Click Search
  • If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display
  • Note: not all citations will have "Times Cited in this Database".  Comprehensive coverage of cited references only began in 2001, although retrospective work is being done on adding this feature to records for earlier years.


  • Click Advanced under the search box
  • Enter the author's name and other search options if desired (e.g., title of article, date, etc.)
  • Click Search
  • Select an article from the results list by clicking on the title
  • On right hand side of the screen, look for a section titled "Cited by..."
  • Note: not all citations will have a "Cited by..." section

Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Click Advanced Search above the search box
  • Enter author name or article title in the specified fields
  • Select the title of an item in the results list
  • Scroll down the record until you see the Cited by tab. Click this option 

SAGE Premier Collection

  • Hover your mouse over the Search tab. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Advanced Search
  • Enter author name or article title into the search box and select the References field from the drop-down menu (e.g., monasta, l)
  • Click Search


  • Click on Advanced Search on the upper-right hand side of the screen 
  • Enter the author's last name and initial(s) (e.g., saleh t m) in the search box and chose Specific Author from the drop-down menu
  • Click Search
  • Select an article from the results list by clicking on the title
  • Click the arrow on the right-hand side of the article. A screen will appear
  • Select the Citing and Relating Articles option
  • Scroll down until you see Cited By in Scopus 
  • Note: not all citations will have a "Cited By in Scopus" option


  • Select Explore References located on the top of the screen
  • Select Author Name or Journal. If searching by Author Name, select "Look for alternative spellings of the last name." If multiple names appear, select the entries you desire from the "Author Name Candidates" list and then click Get References
  • Select the Citings icon (page with an arrow) attached to the record
  • Note: not all Citings icons will have entries


  • Click on the Search Scitation tab
  • Enter the name of the author or name variations separated by "or" into the search box (e.g.,  r kerr or r g kerr). Select “Cited Author” from the drop-down menu
  • Click Search


  • Select Cited References from the blue bar at the top of the screen, under the More drop-down menu
  • Enter the author's last name and initial of the first name in the Cited Author box. It can be helpful to use the * symbol (e.g., richards, j*)
  • Click Search. If there are numerous results, you may wish to also include the article title in the "Cited Title" box, the journal title in the "Cited Source" box, or the publication year in the "Cited Year" box
  • For each result, "Times Cited in this Database" will indicate the number of times the item has been cited by other publications in this database
  • To identify the other publications which have cited a specific item, click on the check box to the left of the citation, and then on Find Citing Articles in the upper left of the results display

Wiley Interscience

  • Select Advanced Search under the search box located on the left-hand side of the screen 
  • Enter author name or article title into the search box and select the References field from the drop-down menu (e.g., Olivier Viret)
  • Click Search
  • Choose and click an article title
  • Scroll down the record until you see the Cited By tab. Click this option. 


Last Revised: June 2021

Not specified