Find Books & More

All Library Books: OneSearch includes information about millions of books and ebooks, including those that Robertson Library owns or has temporary access to. Choose Source Type - Books,Ebooks when you search so that you don't also see articles, videos, and other items.

Not sure how to find the book? The Ebooks vs. Print Books page has details about call numbers and full text links.

If you find information about a book in OneSearch but there's no call number, full text link, or "Find @ UPEI" link, use Interlibrary Loan to request a copy from another library.

Print Books Only: The Library catalogue includes the books in the Library Stacks, the physical reference collection, and other physical items, including Special Collections materials and physical media. 

Find Books Everywhere In:

  • Other PEI Libraries:
  • Other Canadian Libraries: Search VoilĂ , the Library and Archives Canada union catalogue to search across most Canadian libraries. We do know that UPEI's information in VoilĂ  is not up-to-date.
  • U.S. and Other World Libraries: Search WorldCat to search across most US libraries, many Canadian libraries, and several other included countries. Also includes in search results a large citation-only article index, a US government document index, and a conference papers/proceedings index. (Again, information about UPEI's own holdings in this database are not up to date.)
  • Google Books: Search the full text of over 30 million books. Books out of copyright may be read entirely online; others will give you only a snippet or other tiny portion. If you find something that UPEI does not own, but that you would like to read, request it from Interlibrary Loan and we will try to borrow it from another library for you.

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