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Schola Secundaria Aucopolitana

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Schola Secundaria Aucopolitana

Schola Secundaria Aucopolitana (Anglice: Auckland Grammar School) est schola pueris exclusiva Aucopoli in Nova Zelandia anno 1868 condita. Secundum scholae chartam, omnes pueri qui coloniam habitant accipiendi sunt[1] ; et sicut in scholam secundariam convenit, charta vehementer dicit linguas docendas esse, praecipue linguam Latinam.[2] Sententia scholastica est "Per angusta ad augusta."

  1. Anglice: "persons of all classes or races who may inhabit this colony are to be in all respects equally admitted."
  2. Anglice: "As befits a Grammar School, the Deed also stressed the need for the widespread teaching of languages and, in particular, 'instruction in Latin.'"