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Parembugan Naraguna:Pras/arsip-2008

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Arsip (Archive):

Panganggé Pras/arsip-2008, Sugeng rawuh ing Wikipédia Basa Jawi!

Sawetawis pranala (link) punika saged panjenengan pirsani, utaminipun kagem panganggé ingkang taksih énggal ing Wikipedia:

Kanggé napak astani satunggiling pesen ing kaca dhiskusi, kados kaca puniki, mangga ngetik ~~~~ (tandha gelombang kaping sekawan). Mugi-mugi panjenengan remen mriksani Wikipédia Basa Jawi. Nuwun! Meursault2004ngobrol 12:57, 17 Agustus 2007 (UTC)

Kopi darat

[besut sumber]

Sugeng warsa énggal ugi! Mugi-mugi kathah rejeki saha kathah wonten Wikipedia! Pak Pras punika wonten kopi darat malih dinten Kemis, saged rawuh? Mbokmenawi saged maos ing kaca mriki. Salam. Meursault2004ngobrol 01:44, 6 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Wah pak Pras matur nuwun sanget lho sampun dipun ajak nedha :-) Punika kaca-kacanipun id:Wikipedia:Kopi darat Wikipediwan dan Wikipediwati/Jakarta (10 Januari 2008) saha id:Wikipedia:Kopi darat Wikipediwan dan Wikipediwati/Jakarta (27 Desember 2007). Mangga dipun pirsani. Meursault2004ngobrol 02:34, 11 Januari 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Pak Pras, panjenengan kadosipun saweg ngregengaken artikel2 Islam. mbok menawi kula mangké saged mbiyantu. kabeneran kala wingi kula mendhet saking griya ing kapung qur'an basa jawi. nanging nggih niku, kadosipun mboten saged sregep kados panjenengan. ang 05:39, 16 Januari 2008 (UTC)

nuwun sèwu, kula sapunika ragi awrat pados wekdal. mbok menawi bènten wekdal saged pinanggihan. ang 07:08, 17 Januari 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Pak Pras sapunika sampun dados pangurus/kuncèn Wikipedia basa Jawi. Sugeng makarya! Mbokbilih saged maos kaca puniki: id:Pedoman_pengurus. Salam! Meursault2004ngobrol 03:44, 19 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Sami-sami matur nuwun! Punika saged sinau sareng mlampah (=sambil berjalan). Awit pak Pras sapunika ingkang sregep piyambak, saben dinten kathah online! Nanging kaca-kaca pedoman taksih dèrèng wonten. Mèh sedaya wonten ing basa Indonesia utawa Inggris. Rumiyin naté sarujukan kalihan mas Anggoro menawi sedaya paugeran ing Wikipedia Indonesia ugi dipun-trapaken ing ngriki kejawi sampun wonten "amandemèn". Meursault2004ngobrol 09:10, 19 Januari 2008 (UTC)
Matur nuwun ugi dumateng panyengkuyungipun Pak Pras. Inggih mangga sesarengan ngrameaken jv, nanging kula sagedipun alon-alon. Menawi Pak Pras rak wanci punika paling sregep kados ngendikanipun Mas Meursault. Sugeng makarya! Salam! Tracy 08:33, 21 Januari 2008 (UTC)
Mangkih menawi wonten wekdal radi longgar kula cobi join. Komputer saya lagi kena virus sejak hari Jumat. Menyebalkan sekali, tiap 5 detik muncul 2 warning, demikian terus. Sudah saya coba pakai 2 anti virus, nggak mempan. Tracy 06:09, 22 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Waleran PR kala rumiyin

[besut sumber]

Nyobi njawab PR kala rumiyin.

  • ’’meliputi’’ = njangkep
  • ’’terdiri’’ = kapérang saking
  • ’’pembangunan’’ = pendamelan ....
  • ’’perlindungan’’ = pangreksan (sampun dipunwaleri mas Revo hehehe...)
  • ’’memanjang’’ = ujuré, mujur, dawané
  • ’’membentang’’ = gumelar
  • ’’mereka’’ = dhèwèké kabèh
  • ’’masing-masing’’ = dhéwe-dhewé
  • ’’seorang’’ = setunggaling tiyang, tiyang
  • ’’sekaligus’’ = kabèh, sakabèhé, sedaya, sedaya kemawon,

Menika sedaya menawi mboten klentu lho. Sedaya terjemahan rak kedah dipunselarasaken kaliyan konteks ukaranipun. Pak Pras ingkang sampun kathah ngicipi asem lan uyahing donya hehehe.... Sugeng makarya! Tracy 00:08, 23 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Wah kula tiyang enèm mosok ndukani tiyang sepuh :-) Matur nuwun mangké kula join. Kinten kula wonten prelunipun amargi ing Wikipedia basa Indonesia ugi wonten. Meursault2004ngobrol 07:50, 23 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Kula sampun join :-) Tracygunemanku 09:06, 24 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Kaca-kaca paugeran

[besut sumber]

Wah matur nuwun sanget lho pak Pras sampun nJa(r)wakaken kaca-kaca paugeran Wikipedia saking basa Indonesia! Meursault2004ngobrol 12:38, 27 Januari 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Matur nuwun mas, kulo niki jawanipun ngoko --Andri.h 16:31, 30 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Bot selamat datang

[besut sumber]

Wah menawi ing Wikipedia Jawi mbokmenawi kinten kula dèrèng prelu 'nggih, awit mboten patiya kathah panganggé énggal. Meursault2004ngobrol 16:05, 8 Februari 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Mangké kategorinipun kula owahi 'nggih. Awit ing basa Jawi katulis pulitik. Kados ta ugi tembung "lapuran", "simbul", "Katulik", "pulisi" lsl., bènten kaliyan basa Indonesia. Meursault2004ngobrol 10:43, 10 Februari 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Pak Pras mboten nyerat perkawis Kosovo :-) ? Meursault2004ngobrol 18:41, 22 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun! Meursault2004ngobrol 08:39, 23 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Tapak asta

[besut sumber]

Pak Pras sampun pirsa kaca punika: Bantuan:Tanda tangan? Meursault2004ngobrol 14:49, 25 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Mboten kok, mboten ènten gandhèng-cènèngé kaliyan artikel pilihan. Menawi mboten kléntu pak Pras naté nyerat tapak asta pun-serat piyambak. Awit sayektiné saged otomatis, mila kula caosi pranala punika. Matur nuwun sampun dipun-terjemahaken. Penganggé Wikipedia Jawi dèrèng patiya kathah nggih dados radi angèl menawi kados ing id:. Ingkang asring usul lan urun rembug malahan Mimihitam. Mboten napa-napa sih, nanging piyambaké piyambak mboten saged nulis basa Jawi, lajeng naté ribut2 perkawis artikel pilihan ing id: kaliyan Serenity ... Meursault2004ngobrol 09:38, 26 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Re:Tokoh wanita

[besut sumber]

Perlu kok, nanging namung kanggé tokoh féminis utawi "pejuang hak-hak wanita", kados ta Kartini, Dewi Sartika lsl. Sanès kanggé artis kados ta Alice Norin :-) Meursault2004ngobrol 22:06, 7 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Serat Centhini

[besut sumber]

Nuwun sèwu, pak Pras saweg nyerat artikel Serat Centhini nggih? Kula sayektiné kepéngin nanging sayang mboten wonten wekdal ngréncangi ... Amerga karya punika satunggaling kardi wigatos kula wonten wewaosan sekedhik. Mbokmenawi wonten ginanipun. Mangga. Salam. Meursault2004ngobrol 15:34, 12 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Sastra lan budaya Jawa

[besut sumber]

Lho mboten sampun wonten, kados ing Sastra Jawa? Mbokmenawi namung kedah dipun tambah kémawon isinipun. Meursault2004ngobrol 02:30, 13 Maret 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Wah nganyelaké tenan ... Sampun kula leresaken. Meursault2004ngobrol 23:43, 19 Maret 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Wah saweg kondur ta pak, kok wonten foto saréyan Kartini :-) Meursault2004ngobrol 12:58, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Buku Kartini katonipun menarik. Oh buku Behrend punika kula sampun naté maos lan gadhah ing Jakarta. Kandel sanget ngantos 600-700 kaca. Serat Jatiswara punika pancèn mèmper Serat Centhini awit kagolong genre "santri lelana".
Kula sampun pinanggihan buku "Ngèlmu Alam" saking taun 1925. Bukunipun saé, menawi kersa saged ugi kula scan nanging radi kandel (200 kaca). Oh inggih miturut buku puniki tekanan punika dipunterjemahaken panetel. Meursault2004ngobrol 13:46, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Kula sapunika wonten Walandi ... Mbokmenawi saged dipun-scan, dipun-kintun ing e-mail mawon. Nanging mboten susah répot-répot lho pak. Matur nuwun sadèrèngipun. Meursault2004ngobrol 13:57, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Mboten kok :-) (Mangga mirsani Zeedijk lan Wallen) Artikelipun mangké kula tulis mriki ... Meursault2004ngobrol 14:05, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Sampun mirsani Fitna pak? Wonten Indonesia ramé mboten? Geert Wilders ugi kurang ajar mosok alamat situs wèb resmi film puniki miturut Fitna "Wikipedia". Meursault2004ngobrol 09:24, 31 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun sampun nyerat Ecser! Meursault2004ngobrol 04:10, 16 Mei 2008 (UTC)

provinces and such

[besut sumber]

Hi. I see you're cleaning up other issues in some of the pages I've been touching. Terima kasih (would love to know that in Javanese...). I'm planning on working through all of the provinces in the order there appear in {{Provinsi Indonesia}} do about the same sort of thing. I skipped a few redirects [1] and am not really sure if this is right. Comments?

I've also been adding a lot of interwiki links on other wikis which should attract the attention of some of the interwiki bots to fix more.

Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:03, 1 Juni 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Pak Pras kedhah nyuwun marang satunggiling steward mbusak rekening global user:Pras. Lajeng saged diowahi. Ing id: Pras sampun bebas. Salajengipun mangke Pras68 saged diganti dados Pras. Meursault2004ngobrol 13:30, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Sami-sami. Saged langsung login. Meursault2004ngobrol 13:36, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)
Mangké nyuwun rekening global Pras ingkang kedah dipun-busak. Sampun kagungan rekening wonten meta? Menawi mboten mboten usah login ugi mboten punapa2. Meursault2004ngobrol 15:59, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

del, please?

[besut sumber]

I got a bit confused; I created this, but don't think it's needed.

  1. Kabupatèn Seribu

Cheers, Jack Merridew 13:51, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

1 The correct name as in JV terminology is: Kabupatèn Kapuloan Seribu. It consists of two sub-regency which is north and south.

2 The redirect is correct, but the "DKI Jakarta template" should be changed from Kabupatèn Seribu --> Kabupatèn Kapuloan Seribu. But I'll do it later. Thanks.Pras 14:33, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun. I'll look at what you do tomorrow. I created it while editing that template and Jakarta about a half hour ago. I ended up omitting that change because I was not sure about it. Cheers, Jack Merridew 14:35, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Request global account deletion

[besut sumber]

Request deletion of my global account Pras for SUL. Thnaks.Pras 20:56, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Hi. Your SUL request was put on hold here: m:Steward requests/SUL requests/Bug 14330. Note that my request is just above yours. I've read up on this and it is a mess. They'll fix the bugs, but I would expect it to be easily a month. There are great number of users with issues and sorting it all will be a lot of work for 'crats and stewards. I'm on meta regularly and will keep you posted of interesting changes. Cheers, Jack Merridew 05:12, 4 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the reminder. Actually my account in Id was just changed from Pras68 (through usurpation helped by Revi) to Pras. It makes me confused a bit. Keep in touch! Pras(

[besut sumber]

Would you look at

I hooked-up the intewiki links on id:wp and ms:wp to now link to the first instead of the latter, but don't know what to do with that one now. Cheers, Jack Merridew 11:35, 4 Juni 2008 (UTC)

SUL again

[besut sumber]

Sajatinipun rékening Pras sampun saged dipun-anggé, nanging mboten saged dipun-gandhèng kaliyan Pras68. Masalahipun Pras sampun bébas nanging Pras68 mboten saged dipun-alihaken menyang Pras amerga sampun dipun-haki rékening global. Katingalipun pak Pras mboten piyambak. Kula kinten rékening global Pras mboten punapa2 dipun-busak. Meursault2004ngobrol 00:05, 5 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Sepak bola utawa bal-balan

[besut sumber]

Ingkang leres napa nggih? Sedhèrèk kula ingkang sepuh ugi biasanipun nganggé tembung "bal-balan" lan sanès sépak bola. Tembung sépak bola punika ungelipun basa Indonesia banget nggih. Meursault2004ngobrol 00:08, 10 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun wedharanipun. Dados langkung saé bal-balan miturut bausastra utawi sépak raga. Nanging sépak raga nganggé bal rotan. Menawi volleyball dados "voli" utawi "bal voli" kadospundi? Nanging basketball langkung saé "bal baskèt". Sanèsipun ugi sami. Meursault2004ngobrol 09:17, 10 Juni 2008 (UTC)
Tembung bal-balan punika nanging radi umum nggih. Kula nuwèni ing sedaya basa seratanipun nganggé tembung suku sedaya. Menawi tembung sépak raga kula kinten kirang pas awit mboten wonten tembung bal-ipun. Kados uga bènten-bèntenipun. Sadèrèngipun 'ngarang'/'ngripta' tembung énggal mbokmenawi langkung saé nuwèni kalawarti lan buku2 rumiyin, menawi wonten :-) Meursault2004ngobrol 04:45, 11 Juni 2008 (UTC)

two questions

[besut sumber]

Hi. Could you check this?

I just moved Kabupaten Lombok Timur --> Kabupatèn Lombok Wétan

Is this ok? I also adjusted the interwiki link on id:wp; [2]

Before I do too much of this, I want to be sure it's right.

Also; where is Kayangan, Lombok Barat? jv:wp has it in Kabupaten Lombok Barat (which should be moved, right?) but id:wp has it in w:id:Kabupaten Lombok Timur; w:id:Kayangan, Lombok Timur. The change was introduced here but the id:wp navigation boxes are still wrong or it needs to be moved back. Basically, I can't tell. Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:07, 12 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Last year, Kabupatèn Sumba Tengah was split-off from Kabupatèn Sumba Kulon and I've been working on this on id:wp and jv:wp needs to sort this out, too. Could you look at this a bit? It would be helpful if you looked at what I've been doing on id:wp in the last few hours, too; I started this about 2 days ago. There's talk here;

Cheers, Jack Merridew 09:19, 20 Juni 2008 (UTC)

That's right thank you, I'll make adjusment on jv (both articles).
For ur ref:
Pasal 3
Kabupaten Sumba Tengah berasal dari sebagian wilayah Kabupaten Sumba Barat yang terdiri atas cakupan wilayah:
a. Kecamatan Katikutana;
b. Kecamatan Umbu Ratu Nggay Barat;
c. Kecamatan Mamboro; dan
d. Kecamatan Umbu Ratu Nggay.
Pasal 4
Dengan terbentuknya Kabupaten Sumba Tengah, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2, wilayah Kabupaten Sumba Barat dikurangi dengan wilayah Kabupaten Sumba Tengah sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3.
See: UU3/2007

Thanks, I've made a few tweaks; here I undid a couple of template parameter changes you made. The template does not support those names, and I guess it should. The template will need work first and I've not looked into it yet. It's used in some thousands of pages, so care is needed. I also fixed the link (above, too) so it bypasses the google cache. Those links don't last long and should always be avoided. I see you've started moving to Javanese Kategori names, which I had not begun; will be lots of fun. Cheers, Jack Merridew 13:35, 20 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Cithakan:Kecamatan replacment

[besut sumber]

Please look at the following;

I have brought w:id:Template:Kecamatan and the meat, '-2', over from id:wp and set up 2 test pages in my user space. The idea is we work on the names and such and replace the current {{Kecamatan}} with these once they're ready to deal with all the 2,000+ usages that are extant out there.

We need to talk through just what fields are needed and what their names should be. We probably also need to support the bahasa Indonesia names of places because there will probably always be stuff using them as more is ported over from id:wp. Other issues include different naming conventions such as 'Distrik' instead of 'Kecamatan' in Papua, and various usages of Kampung vs Nagari vs Desa (and Désa).

So, feedback welcome; invite others, too. Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:26, 21 Juni 2008 (UTC)

  • Wikipedia:Warung Kopi i.e. the village pump; I'll keep an eye on that page; fill me in on stuff in Javanese or bahasa Indonisia. Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:52, 22 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Lambang Papua Kulon

[besut sumber]

I've uploaded the correct logo to commons from and changed the article and template over to use it. I'm going to do the same over on id:wp next. I'm not sure what to do about the old image that still says 'Irian Jaya' -- maybe keep it around for historical purposes? Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:03, 24 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Thank you. I think the idea of keeping the old logo for historical purposes is quite reasonable. Perhaps we should add notice or remarks on it, so that no one will use it by mistake. According to the original law (UU 45/1999) the name of that new province actually was Irian Jaya Barat, but later, be changed to Papua Barat. (And so far, I don't have the reference yet).Pras 12:18, 24 Juni 2008 (UTC)
Ya, it was the legal name for some while; so a History of... article could use it; I left Revi a note on id about this, too. Please add some sort of note on the old image. I've put the commons image into use here and there. Did Fak-Fak and am doing Sorong, too. Cheers, Jack Merridew 12:25, 24 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Sumatra Kulon navboxes

[besut sumber]

We've got two now; the second is better and in use, so the other should either be deleted or redirected to the second. My plan is to migrate all of the navboxes to the same names as the primary article which is why I moved the second one: Sumatrakulon-->Sumatra Kulon. Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:49, 26 Juni 2008 (UTC)

It's a great idea. And it is important to be consistent though, ie template for other provinces should be identical. Therefore, I hope that you might go through and tidy up all of them. Cheers. Pras 14:07, 26 Juni 2008 (UTC)
working on it; there are many. I've done a lot of this on id:wp, too. I see you've been helping with stuff similar to to what I've been doing. Matur nuwun. I just went through all the Kab in Lombok Kulon and added a navboxes. There are more than 5000 kec, so that level will never be too consistent. There's a kid's game called 'kick-the-can' and that's how I see working on software systems; just keep kicking whatever passes in front of you in the right direction. In time, things improve. (a related view is to kick anyone kicking the can in the wrong direction.) Cheers, Jack Merridew 14:45, 26 Juni 2008 (UTC)

saka id

[besut sumber]

I've noticed that you're copying a lot of templates over from id:wp and need to point out that there are about 300 Kab navboxes and I've worked on maybe 1/4 of them on id:wp so far. When you make a copy of a template that I've not fixed yet, it now needs to be fixed in two places so the task gets larger. It would be more efficient to tidy them before they are copied. This has been going on for years, so don't think I'm picking on you; I fixed a Kab navbox on the Lithuanian wp the other day; same old code that has been copied all over 700 wikis. I've seen this many, many times.

Go copy all of the Kalbar Kab templates; I did all of those. Cheers, Jack Merridew 15:38, 29 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Ups sorry.. I did not realize the difference, since I started from the way around as you called them 'kick-the-can' type of work <LoL> Allright, for efficiency, I will continue copying the new navbox for next edit, combined with the respective content of each kabupatèn. Regards.Pras 21:58, 29 Juni 2008 (UTC)
I already replied over on my talk page and just now saw your reply here. Don't worry, it's all good. The versions you've copied here have all sorts name changes sorted out so they're helpful. They just need more tweaks. I did notice that a lot of Kecamantan page here and on id:wp do not have interwiki links and this needs doing, too. Bots will never figure this out, they can only detect redirects once iwlinks are in place. If you 'get-the-ball-rolling' bots will also eventually add links for wikis such as nl:wp assuming someone iwlinks an article there to one of the ones here; a bot can add the missing ones pointing back. Do look over what I've done in the last hour and a half here and on id:wp (and commons) to see how I'm connecting things cross-wiki. Cheers, Jack Merridew 09:28, 30 Juni 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Nganggé ngoko kémawon 'nggih sapunika :-) Basanipun dipun-jabel, nganggé madya ... Lho Barcelona lan FC Barcelona kan séjé isiné? Barcelona iku kan kutha lan FC Barcelona kan klub bal-balan? Meursault2004ngobrol 06:50, 1 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Artikel pilihan

[besut sumber]

Kepripun pak, artikel pilihan siyos UEFA Euro 2008? Meursault2004ngobrol 00:58, 3 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Sarujuk, katingalipun sampun pepak lan saé.Pras 02:00, 3 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Kecamatan di Jawa Tengah navboxes

[besut sumber]

I have tweaked the code to all of the id:wp Jawa Tengah Kabupaten navboxes and have started uploading the lambang to commons so they'll be available on jv and elsewhere. These would be good candidates for porting to jv:wp once the images are sorted. Cheers, Jack Merridew 15:10, 3 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Well done. Keep it up, more to go :) Pras 01:13, 4 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. A few bumps with images, but should sort-out. I find it very telling about the nature of wikis that I'm chugging through jv:Kabupatèn and you're doing US States. Next level there is US Counties, such as w:en:Fairfield County, Connecticut more to go, alright ;) People find editing wikipedias interesting because they learn things. Cheers, Jack Merridew 15:09, 4 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Could you check this; id:wp doesn't have it but it's mentioned on w:id:Kabupaten Yahukimo (red link). I've added it to nav boxes here and there, but am wondering if it is a former kecamatan; merged, renamed, whatever. Most of the Papua navigation done here and on id:wp; need to find a more lambang and tidy a few loose bits, but mostly good. Cheers, Jack Merridew 15:27, 6 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Still confused, the available data is still doubtful. But later I will be working on it. Best Regards.Pras 12:10, 7 Juli 2008 (UTC)

The boy from Huntington Beach, California

[besut sumber]

en:wp's grawp vandal was by id:wp today; folks are still picking over the mess. He targets me because I gave him hell on en. So, this is just a heads up that he may notice jv:wp at some point. If so, please use a sharp kris and put his dead-ass in a sawah. Cheers, Jack Merridew 16:05, 12 Juli 2008 (UTC)

I will keep an eye on that. Thanks. Pras 23:29, 12 Juli 2008 (UTC)

id="toc", class="toc", class="toccolors" dan navboxes

[besut sumber]

I've left some comments on navbox issues on Revi's id:talk page and would welcome comments from you about where to go from here with these.

Cheers, Jack Merridew 10:12, 14 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Hi Jack, I've read your comments on Revi's talk page regarding id="toc" and other programming stuff. Unfortunately, I feel that those "language" was just a little bit over my head. I'm sorry for being abstain this time :)) Cheers.Pras 23:28, 15 Juli 2008 (UTC)
A lot of what I was seeking was feedback on what navboxes should look like; the code-talk was largely background on why I was hitting so hard on the navboxes. The examples I gave are gone; overwritten by a user on id who has started a navbox template fork.
The 'look' I was proposing is at these oldids;
It would be best implemented as a template, not the explicit code used for the examples. The idea is to centralize the implementation and simplify the invocation at each specific use (the core idea of templates). I would want to have the same features available on jv as id, so whatever comes of this, should be ported here, too. It would be nice if different wikis worked more closely on such tools, but most people focus on their 'home' wiki. Cheers, Jack Merridew 09:00, 16 Juli 2008 (UTC)
Both looks good to me, but has been reverted by Bennylin. Perhaps you should talk and discuss it with one or two admin (I suggest Ivan Lanin or dragunova), or bring that spesific proposal to Warung kopi to drag their attention. Regards.Pras 10:41, 16 Juli 2008 (UTC)
Ya, I've been looking at what Benny did. I left a note for Ivan about this a few days ago, but he does not seem to have edited in a few days. Dragunova has; reverted the LA boy on my userpage yesterday (do look at that diff).
I'm looking at the navbox template on en:wp, which has undergone major changes since it was ported to id:wp; did you port a copy to here? Another concern I have is that the MediaWiki style sheets (like commons.css) seem to be out of date, too. I'm not sure how those get updated; I would expect some admin does updates as they see fit; probably Borgx. This is not something to be done lightly; it impacts everything.
I'm unsure how to reconcile the lambang appearing in the top-right with the navbox code that puts a .js collapse link there. Personally, I don't like the collapse, but enough people must or it would not be in the code. There is no real way to do both, which is why navbox puts the images elsewhere. I expect to go with a few minor tweaks to the standard navbox done via a wrapper. In the meantime, bringing older navboxes further along is fine; 'kick-the-can' — part of the idea is you do so many times. Cheers, Jack Merridew 13:52, 16 Juli 2008 (UTC)
As I see from Benny's user page, he focused (among others) on standardization of navigation template using navbox. To avoid edit war, I think you better bring this forward to the community at Warung kopi so that everybody may share their opinion, and hopefuly it might end up in a consensus. Regards.Pras 14:39, 16 Juli 2008 (UTC)
[besut sumber]

I've created another test template; you can see it in use at the bottom of;

I'll be porting a version to jv soon enough.

Cheers, Jack Merridew 09:16, 18 Juli 2008 (UTC)

All templates are great, but I personally prefer the one with lambang on the right side, just like sample on Kabupaten Muna article. I dont think that the name of the Governor is necessary to be included in the template though. Thanks. Pras 15:42, 18 Juli 2008 (UTC)
I'm using the lambang on the right style; the doc page shows a bunch of possible looks (same template), many of which look bad. The Governor line was Benny's sample; I'm not using it. On the Province level, I've set up the wrapper template to automagically add the extra row with the link to the list of whatever. I'm switching a lot of pages on id to use this set of templates now. Cheers, Jack Merridew 12:55, 20 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Re:Terima kasih

[besut sumber]

Trims juga ya Pak Pras, sedikit-sedikit saja nih. Salam, Naval Scene 14:34, 16 Juli 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Wah sampun musim kampanye! Mangga mirsani: Wikipedia:Golèk lan mbenakaké stub‎. Saénipun kadospundi 'nggih? Meursault2004ngobrol 09:26, 19 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Informasiné tak lebokaké menyang potènsi capres ing artikel Pamilihan Umum Presidhèn Indonesia 2009, senajan isih mung diusulaké déning PKPI Jatim waé. Artikel Wikipedia:Golèk lan mbenakaké stub‎ tak busak waé ya, rada kampanye :)Pras 10:03, 19 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Nanggröe Aceh Darussalam

[besut sumber]

Hi. Shouldn't

be moved to

Merge whatever… leaving a redirect behind. Cheers, Jack Merridew 12:47, 20 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Aha, to tell you the truth, I'm still confused with this too, since basically in Bahasa Indonesia (as referal), there is no such character like õ, ô, ö, and the like. So, to my understanding, the word Nanggröe should be transliterated into the closest sound, which is Nanggroe. (Another example the word çāstra → sastra). But I guess, for this issue, we better consult Revi at the first place. Regards. Pras 14:02, 20 Juli 2008 (UTC)

I was assuming the second is the proper Javanese spelling. Basically, I see two versions of the same article and expect they should be merged and one made into a redirect. I'll let you guys sort it. I noticed this when iwlinking the navboxes.

That links says; "Wiki does not exist"; maybe id:s:Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan? Interestingly, a jv:wikisource was recently suggested to me; see s:en:User talk:Jayvdb#what needed doing. I'll be talking with Revi when he's back about the idea. Cheers, Jack Merridew 16:19, 20 Juli 2008 (UTC)

FYI, Wb:jv and Wn:jv had been struggling in the incubator for quite a while, and Revi also had started Ws:jv in here but again, still very very beginning. Regards. Pras 23:13, 20 Juli 2008 (UTC)

re: Aceh Province; this same issue exists on id:wp and needs sorting there, too. I'm not going to do anymore navbox tidying near Aceh until I know what title that article really belongs at. Cheers, Jack Merridew 08:50, 22 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Wikisource Jawa

[besut sumber]

Thanks for the links; I've looked a bit and bookmarked stuff. I've also left Revi notes there. The fellow who's wikisource talk page I gave above, John Vandenberg, is an admin there; en and a few others, too. He would like to see a jv:wikisource happen and I'm sure he'll help. I left him a link to here, so you may hear from him.

I'm 'cranking' (ah, 'working fast') at using that new navbox template on id:wp; once it is very stable, I'll paste copies here and would like to use them all over the place here, too. The {{Tnavbar}} class here on jv:wp acts weird; it doing the 3rd link as an external; in Firefox and other good browsers, you get the little extern image. This is not supposed happen (and doesn't on other wikis). When I sort out what's wrong, I'll likely have a request for you to make some tweak to a protected page; a .css or .js page, for example. Cheers, Jack Merridew 07:29, 21 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Javanese Wikisource does not exist. Wikisource manages small projects on the Wikisource portal, which is a multilingual site. I only write in English, but that wiki has people from many many countries and languages - please communicate in the language that you find easy, and we will find translators.

I have started a discussion at oldwikisource:Talk:Main Page:Basa Jawa.

It is very important that the content added to Wikisource is public domain, which basicly means it must be old. For translations into Javanese, it is the translation that must be old. We can not copy online copies of works until we have checked the copyright. I will do all I can to help you with copyright issues. The biggest question is: what Javanese published works and authors should we work on? Also, we need scans of books. I have quickly looked at the usually digital book depositories, and I didnt find any in Javanese. I dont know where to look, and it is hard to search for works in a language I do not understand. John Vandenberg 13:02, 21 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Hi John, thanks for your attention on this matter. Actually, there are a lot of old Javanese literature such as "Serat Centhini" dated back to 1742, "Serat Cemporet", and other literatures that I suppose has no longer copyright protection and very important to be added into Javanese Wikisource. But, I think it is not easy to get the original copy. Perhaps Meursault2004 has the access to some notable museum in Indonesia and elsewhere (Leiden has the most complete collection). Pras 13:29, 21 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Re:Kecamatan di Cianjur

[besut sumber]

Terimakasih juga, Mas Pras. Saya juga coba tambahkan Kabupaten Bandung Kulon. Kusyadi 22:53, 22 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Muhun, atur nuhun pisan Kang, eta oge tos ditingal, salajengna abdi mindahkeun kecamatan anu robih lebet ka Bandung Kulon. Atur nuhun. Salam.Pras 22:57, 22 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Bukan, mas. Empat kecamatan baru di Cianjur itu pemekaran dari dari kecamatan lama di Cianjur juga. Gekbrong pengembangan dari Warungkondang. Kecamatan Leles, Garut dan Kecamatan Cipanas, Lebak itu dua kecamatan yang namanya sama dengan kecamatan di Cianjur tapi letaknya berjauhan. Kusyadi 00:24, 23 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Re:Wikimania Aleksandria

[besut sumber]

Wah matur nuwun sapuniki tesih wonten bandara, transit. kula mboten sempet menyang el alamein, nanging dhateng giza lan KBRI! wah wonten kBRI tiyang-tiyangipun sae-sae! Sayang pak Pras mboten wonten, menawi wonten wingi saged dhateng Suez. Mangke menawi sampun dhateng griya kula nulis lapuran. Meursault2004ngobrol 03:51, 25 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Re: Sugeng rawuh!

[besut sumber]

Aloha! Thank you so much for welcoming me :-D On Basa Java wiki I will add interwikis and change wrong links to graphics due to my poor basa Javi ;) Best wishes, Patrol110 22:31, 29 Juli 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Wah ibu gerah inggih? Inggih mangké kita dongakaken, mugi-mugi saged cepet saras malih. Amin. Meursault2004ngobrol 13:32, 14 Agustus 2008 (UTC)

Inggih, mugi-mugi ibu énggal saras. Nuwun séwu radi telat, kula ugi nembé mbikak wiki malih. Tracy 08:34, 17 Agustus 2008 (UTC)
Wonten Semarang warnet pancèn mboten gampil ... Ibu wonten Griya Sakit pundi? Meursault2004ngobrol 08:37, 17 Agustus 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun kintunan donganipun, suwau keng ibu mondhok wonten RS Kariadi watawis 2 minggu, sapunika sampun saras lan kondur Blora. Pras 21:10, 21 Agustus 2008 (UTC)

Neton vs neptu

[besut sumber]

Sampun kula gabung sajarahipun, neton kaalihaken marang neptu. Meursault2004ngobrol 05:56, 25 Agustus 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Matur suwun, Pak Pras. Kula nggih sampun niliki wonten ing kamus, kadosipun panci pas ngangge kain. ang 04:35, 2 September 2008 (UTC)

Re:jeneng basa jawi kangge tlatah Magelang

[besut sumber]

O inggih, menawi kula mangertos jeneng basa jawinipun mangkih kula alihaken. Matur nuwun pepélingipun Pak Pras. Tracy 07:31, 3 September 2008 (UTC)

Deo Volente

[besut sumber]

Artikel yang saya beri tanda : {{delete}} tolong dihapus. Terima Kasih. Mikhailov Kusserow 01:48, 23 September 2008 (UTC)

Maaf, maksud saya diblokir. Mikhailov Kusserow 01:51, 23 September 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Sugeng Idul Fitri! Nyuwun ngapunten jawi lebet! Meursault2004ngobrol 13:01, 2 Oktober 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun! Kula taksih wonten Walandi ... Nanging rayi kula saweg dhateng saking Indonesia lan mbeta ketupat! Kéju lan coklat sampun mèh saben dinten. Meursault2004ngobrol 07:40, 5 Oktober 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

Kula saweg mertal kewalahan ! Saged nyuwun pitulung Pak :-) Matur nuwun! Salam. Meursault2004ngobrol 22:26, 16 Oktober 2008 (UTC)

Inggih, sendika mas, nanging sak sagedipun inggih?, mangké njenengan ndadosi malih.Pras 22:28, 16 Oktober 2008 (UTC)

Wah sampun kula tingali. Matur nuwun! Inggih katingalé kanthi kuwasa saé kanggé atas nama. Meursault2004ngobrol 12:11, 17 Oktober 2008 (UTC)

Terima kasih

[besut sumber]

Terima kasih! Pelita 08:31, 20 Oktober 2008 (UTC)

[besut sumber]

Halo Pras, bisa ikut berpartisipasi di Wikimedia? Terima Kasih. Mikhailov Kusserow (gunemanku) 07:57, 3 Desember 2008 (UTC)

Disney stuff

[besut sumber]

Look at this: [7]. That is a good request for articles here. Tiānxiànbǎobǎo 01:55, 8 Desember 2008 (UTC)

fyi re Jack Merridew

[besut sumber]

Hi Pras, I thought I'd let you know that I'm back on en:wp w/mentors; some terms and conditions apply. I expect that this will prompt a bump in my id:wp id and jv:wp activity. I see a lot of stuff related to Indonesia on en:wp that needs work and plan on working from both the en and id/jv perspective. I noticed the nav are templates here and I saw a few issues. Let me know what your experience with them has been and I'll do what I can to help. Cheers, Jack Merridew 15:20, 11 Desember 2008 (UTC)


Could you look at the interwiki links on;

I'm not sure what the difference in subject between the two jv:wp articles is. If you have any time, the en page could use help; that merge was suggested per m:dick. I asked Revi on id:wp, too; sorry for mostly copy-pasting this message Cheers, Jack Merridew 06:31, 14 Desember 2008 (UTC)

(I just realize you created the second jv:page; I created the en page, yesterday ;)

Cheers, Jack Merridew 06:33, 14 Desember 2008 (UTC)

Hi David, maybe it's a bit confusing. The word "puputan" in Indonesia has at least two distinct meaning.
  • The first, as mentioned at Puputan article originally written by Slamet Serayu in May 2007, is a custom or tradition in Javanese culture when a baby lost his/her umbilical cord at age approx 30 days.
  • The second, as described at your article, that is a Balinese term that refers to a mass ritual suicide. Therefore I try to create a stub on this with the title Puputan (perang) and correct the link.

Rather than merge those articles, perhaps better to create a disambig page? Pras 14:21, 14 Desember 2008 (UTC)


[besut sumber]

mangké rumiyin, kula saweg dereng angsal kalodhangan ingkang sekéca. mbok menawi sanès wekdal saged kalih mbak tres. ang 08:14, 24 Desember 2008 (UTC)