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3 Skulls Pub

A member registered May 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah, absolutely fine! Drop a comment here with the project when it’s live and I’ll add it to the Collection, too.

I like Flux Engine better, but the d12 is good to help inform the game system. What about combining them into something like “D12 Flux”…?

Glad you like it, and I’ll be waiting to add your designs to the collection! 😉

Awesome work, @Dosmania!

This is great!

Since you’ve asked, I’d love to see some mangrove swamp, highland, and moor tiles. Also some more craggy mountains would be great, as well as a few more different varieties of full-hex forests.

Basically, Scottish-themed wilderness plus mangroves.

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You can see how it’s folded from the videos. Fold it in half lengthwise, then fold the result in half widthwise. Then open that last fold back up and fold in the two “arms” so that they fold inwards.

That’s awfully wordy, so if you can’t figure it out from the above or the videos, let me know and I’ll record a demo of how to fold it.

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Added to the collection, and I also added Heroic Tales, since I see you’ve done a solo Pocketfold for it.

Nice! Added it to the collection.

Oh wow, that’s a great implementation - and ofc I’ve added it to the collection!

Added to the collection!

Hey Zach, can you create a new link for your Discord that doesn’t expire? I’ve tried three (including from your website) and none of them work (including this one I’m replying to) Cheers!

Cool stuff, I’ve added your notebooks to the collection.

Are there still plans to distribute this beyond Exalted Funeral for those of us not in the US? Really want to pick up a hardcopy.

Awesome, and done!

This is great!

Thanks very much, looks great!

Hey Stuart, at a quick skim this looks great! I’m looking forward to reading it in more detail. Couple of things, though.

  1. Could you upload a PDF with single pages rather than spreads? I prefer single pages for a variety of reasons.

  2. Could you upload a separate high-res image file with the map so it can be used in a VTT?


Looks great! I’ve added it to the collection.

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Sure! Either upload them to a cloud service and then share the link here, or go to my site (here) which has details at the top of the page with how to contact me on social media.

No, it’s a simplified version of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. It’s not 40k, though it’s so lightweight you could play it that way with some very minor hacking. For example, you’d probably need to come up with new 2d10 Clobber and Career lists.

This looks great! I might have missed this, but any plans to do a print run?

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I’m working on a collaborative project (a physical game) and would love to host the finished project on Itch, but the lack of revenue sharing means that we are planning on using a different platform instead. This absolutely needs to be added!

Oh wow, that’s great news! 👏 More than happy to wait. 🙂

Hey Gregor, are there any plans to do a new print run, or create a POD version of Sagas? I’d love to get a hardcopy!

Awesome - looks great! Now added to the collection.

Very helpful, thanks!

Happy to help!

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Ran through this today, and a bit surprised to find a reference to the Rabenkunst spell list in the lower level, when this product doesn’t yet exist.

Also, I couldn’t find any precursor beast generator in Bernpyle Issue 1… I eventually found the link in the description here, but in the actual dungeon it references Issue 1, and as I’d printed the dungeon off, I wasted a bit of time trying to find it there.

You should probably remove these references. Otherwise a fun little dungeon crawl!

Really lovely pocketmod - great job!