639 Identifier Documentation: zpc

Choapan Zapotec [zpc]

Identifier Language Name(s) Status Code Sets Scope Language Type Denotations
Choapan Zapotec
Active 639-3 Individual Living Ethnologue, Glottolog, Wikipedia

Choapan Zapotec is a member of the macrolanguage Zapotec.

Macrolanguage Individual Languages
Identifier Reference Name
zap Zapotec
Identifier Reference Name Status
zaa Sierra de Juárez Zapotec Active
zab Western Tlacolula Valley Zapotec Active
zac Ocotlán Zapotec Active
zad Cajonos Zapotec Active
zae Yareni Zapotec Active
zaf Ayoquesco Zapotec Active
zai Isthmus Zapotec Active
zam Miahuatlán Zapotec Active
zao Ozolotepec Zapotec Active
zaq Aloápam Zapotec Active
zar Rincón Zapotec Active
zas Santo Domingo Albarradas Zapotec Active
zat Tabaa Zapotec Active
zav Yatzachi Zapotec Active
zaw Mitla Zapotec Active
zax Xadani Zapotec Active
zca Coatecas Altas Zapotec Active
zoo Asunción Mixtepec Zapotec Active
zpa Lachiguiri Zapotec Active
zpb Yautepec Zapotec Active
zpc Choapan Zapotec Active
zpd Southeastern Ixtlán Zapotec Active
zpe Petapa Zapotec Active
zpf San Pedro Quiatoni Zapotec Active
zpg Guevea De Humboldt Zapotec Active
zph Totomachapan Zapotec Active
zpi Santa María Quiegolani Zapotec Active
zpj Quiavicuzas Zapotec Active
zpk Tlacolulita Zapotec Active
zpl Lachixío Zapotec Active
zpm Mixtepec Zapotec Active
zpn Santa Inés Yatzechi Zapotec Active
zpo Amatlán Zapotec Active
zpp El Alto Zapotec Active
zpq Zoogocho Zapotec Active
zpr Santiago Xanica Zapotec Active
zps Coatlán Zapotec Active
zpt San Vicente Coatlán Zapotec Active
zpu Yalálag Zapotec Active
zpv Chichicapan Zapotec Active
zpw Zaniza Zapotec Active
zpx San Baltazar Loxicha Zapotec Active
zpy Mazaltepec Zapotec Active
zpz Texmelucan Zapotec Active
zsr Southern Rincon Zapotec Active
ztc Lachirioag Zapotec Deprecated 2007-07-18
zte Elotepec Zapotec Active
ztg Xanaguía Zapotec Active
ztl Lapaguía-Guivini Zapotec Active
ztm San Agustín Mixtepec Zapotec Active
ztn Santa Catarina Albarradas Zapotec Active
ztp Loxicha Zapotec Active
ztq Quioquitani-Quierí Zapotec Active
zts Tilquiapan Zapotec Active
ztt Tejalapan Zapotec Active
ztu Güilá Zapotec Active
ztx Zaachila Zapotec Active
zty Yatee Zapotec Active
zcd Las Delicias Zapotec Active