639 Identifier Documentation: lrm

Marama [lrm]

Identifier Language Name(s) Status Code Sets Scope Language Type Denotations
Active 639-3 Individual Living Ethnologue, Glottolog, Wikipedia

Marama is a member of the macrolanguage Luyia.

Macrolanguage Individual Languages
Identifier Reference Name
luy Luyia
Identifier Reference Name Status
bxk Bukusu Active
ida Idakho-Isukha-Tiriki Active
lkb Kabras Active
lko Khayo Active
lks Kisa Active
lri Marachi Active
lrm Marama Active
lsm Saamia Active
lto Tsotso Active
lts Tachoni Active
lwg Wanga Active
nle East Nyala Active
nyd Nyore Active
rag Logooli Active

Code Change History

Change Request Number Effective Date Change Type New Value
2007-171 2008-01-14 Create Marama; Olumarama