#tantekI suppose it doesn't make sense to link a video since it typically has clickable controls of its own.
#tanteksnarfed, I think just as with photos, I have stumbled into implementing video posts
#tantekthis is what happens when I sleep <2 hours in 24+. executive control lowered to the point of following temptations to do something crazy like implement video posts.
#tantekhowever the good news is that a single .mp4 plays fine on mobile safari as well as Firefox
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#tanteksnarfed, looks like FB does not like that either but provides a much more clear error:
#tantek{ "error": "Error: {\"error\":{\"message\":\"Invalid parameter\",\"type\":\"FacebookApiException\",\"code\":100,\"error_subcode\":1366046,\"is_transient\":false,\"error_user_title\":\"Can't Read Files\",\"error_user_msg\":\"Your photos couldn't be uploaded. Photos should be less than 4 MB and saved as JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF files.\",\"fbtrace_id\":\"GblXFhuDpF8\"}} HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error" }
#tantekok that's good enough for me to stop trying with existing Bridgy Publish support for now. test complete.
#tantek.comedited /video (+1222) "How subheads, How to POSSE, move Barnaby's "videos" to proto since no way to tell they're videos not photos, noted who uses u-video or not" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /video (+687) "/* Indieweb Support */ IndieWeb Examples vs support, separate services to their own section, add Tantek with today's video post example" (view diff)
#[shaners]!tell Tantek. My thinking for `u-photo` on the `video` tag was so that (hopefully) parsers could use the `poster` attribute as the preview image. I have `u-video` on my nested `source` tag.
#Loqifeatured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a primarily textual post https://indiewebcamp.com/featured
#LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indiewebcamp.com/post-type-discovery
#kylewmhuh, it looks like twitter only supports gif and webp videos ... that's kind of a bummer for bridgy publish & silo.pub
#[shaners]I have some memory of u-featured being fairly contentious and not universally agreed upon.
bengo joined the channel
#KartikPrabhu[shaners]: I don't know about contentious but it isn't widely used. Honestly I made it up to markup featured images
#[kevinmarks]Hm, what does it take to show up as a video in a twitter card?
#[kevinmarks]I'm saying that if you use u-photo, post type discovery will decide it is a photo post ie the photo is the primary content. If the photo is just supportive and text is primary, use u-featured
#[jonnybarnes]well github worked so at least I can still log into my micropub client
#kylewm[shaners]: I sympathize. u-featured feels a bit like a kludge to make up for not having explicit post types, but I think it's worth making the distinction even if we did have explicit post types. Sharing a photo is pretty different semantically than including a vaguely related header image at the top of an article.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I agree with your thinking to use u-featured for a poster image for video
#tantekshaners: I think u-featured would make sense for the album/song image for an audio post too
ehlovader and kerozene joined the channel
#tantekshaners, to make your use of u-photo for the poster image work (even if/when you switched it to use u-featured), we may need to add fall back u-* parsing to <video> elements to /microformats2-parsing
#Loqitantek meant to say: " else if video.u-x[poster], then get the poster attribute "
catsup and friedcell joined the channel
#tantekshaners re: "some memory of u-featured being fairly contentious and not universally agreed upon" - pretty sure we resolved all the debates/issues around it and reached a pretty good broad consensus. if you remember a specific issue with it, and we haven't documented it, please bring it and we'll refigure it out if have to!
#tantekkevinmarks is right about the intent of u-featured: "If the photo is just supportive and text [or other content] is primary, use u-featured"
#tantekshaners, re: "feel like u-featured is adding additional vocabulary that u-photo already covers" - I was concerned about this initially too, however it's become pretty clear that capturing that author intent of "primary" vs. "supportive" content is important for more easily disambiguating, and provides a nice hook for the concept of image summaries for pages/posts of any kind that authors have been taught to publish by OGP,
#tantekshaners - that should be ok (not being in the channel as much), as it's up to those that do debate/resolve to capture any kind of questions/conclusions in the wiki
#tantekif the answer is not on the wiki page that means that it will get asked again
#tantekshaners, I think your publishing intent made sense with attempting to reference the poster image
#tantekI'm now considering implementing the same myself
#KartikPrabhuposter images on video tags are trickier
#tantekwould you consider using u-featured instead of u-photo for the poster image?
#[shaners]Can `poster` be added to the lookup chain for u-* though? So I can use `u-featured` on
#tantekdespite the DRY violation, this would be a better way to mark that up though: <video class="u-featured" poster="image.jpg"><source class="u-video" src="file.mp4"/><img class="u-photo" src="image.jpg" alt="A video with a fallback image"/></video>
#tantekthere is no src attribute on the video so it's somehow taking that as empty "" and treating it as a relative URL on the page's URL and thus expanding it to the same as the page
#tantekshaners, regardless your markup looks good!
#tantek.comedited /video (+118) "/* Shane Becker */ update description with u-featured and u-photo" (view diff)
#[shaners]I noticed that too and assumed it was a parser concern. Not looking at the poster attr yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#tantekit's worse than ignoring poster - it's adding noise
#tantek!tell ben_thatmustbeme check out how shaners marks up his video posts with <video><source>, and consider doing the same. right now your video posts are not expressing the u-video URL since it is not on the same element as the URL: https://indiewebcamp.com/video#Ben_Roberts
#KevinMarksthe other reason fir featured is in a profile page, where u-photo is the headshot and u-featured is the banner imsage
snarfed joined the channel
#tantek!tell benwerd lots of /video post activity in the past 24hrs, looks like we might be getting critical mass of indieweb video post support across projects / personal sites! Need your examples!
#tantekwhat does About.me call it? (i.e. in their UIs)
#tantekstart with such UI presentation first and then determine the semantic, rather than starting with plumbing (u-featured) and retrofitting it to similar looking things.
#tantekKevinMarks have you posted any video on your Known site? known.kevinmarks.com ?
#tantek.comedited /video (+186) "better dfn, we have more indieweb video posts now, note Twitter is another video silo (when did that happen?)" (view diff)
#Loqivideo is a type of post where the primary content is a video file (recorded movie, animation etc.) typically with audio, and has growing support on the indie web https://indiewebcamp.com/video
shaunguice joined the channel
#tanteknow to figure out how/if I want to manually POSSE my video post
#tanteklooks for existing examples of video post POSSEing and doesn't find much
#tantekgets distracted when attempting to figure out how to post video to Twitter
#tantekwhen did Twitter polls expand to more than two options?
#kylewmI put the original in an S3 bucket and possed to Twitter via silo.pub, but did both of things manually :P
#GWGHas anyone thought of nicknames cache as a service?
#kylewmGWG: in what way? like, a service that you give a url and it gives you back a cached h-card?
#kylewmor like a personal address book that'd need auth and stuff?
#GWGkylewm: Well, autolinking, for example, wouldn't work on cached h-cards.
#GWGFor example, I want to have @kylewm map to something.
#GWGThe auto-link part could be done on my site, but there could be a service for that.
#kylewmaaronpk discussed it briefly at IWC i believe...i can't remember what the context was
#GWGaaronpk has a service for everything. That is the way he redesigned his site
#kylewmit's definitely hard to do without letting each person define their own nicknames
#kylewmmaybe like, you could publish a really simple list of hcards that just have a nickname and url. and when you query the nickname cache service, you give it your list and it fills in the blanks (avatar, social media urls, etc.)
#GWGWell, if a nicknames cache allows query by any name, it can return all possibilities it has cached within it and allow you to choose from them if there is a collision.
#kylewmohh, or a nickname cache federation, where you could share caches
lukebrooker joined the channel
#GWGI was just contemplating what the Indieweb alternative might be
#GWGEspecially if I know people I talk to are likely to have entries for other people I talk to.
#kylewmlike for a given nickname, it'd search my cache first then Alice's, then irc-people, then twitter
#bearI always thought a name cache would always be local and it would learn of new sources by the webmentions or micropubs it processes -- it would follow links and do a discovery of the other person's cache
#bearbut not having a need for one the above is just me day dreaming
#GWGbear: I've based my Indieweb experience on the work of others.
#GWGMy webmention support was written by pfefferle
#tantekkylewm: also I think "using micropub" is at least semi-automated, I've always thought of "manual POSSE" as meaning using the UI of the silo directly to create a new post that is a copy of your original post.
DePhraser joined the channel
#GWGDo people feel Micropub is sufficiently mature?