composite stream

From IndieWeb

A composite stream is a stream that interleaves multiple types of posts, such as notes and articles.

IndieWeb Examples

The following IndieWeb community members have composite streams on their home pages or as otherwise noted, in rough order of implementation (by date, earlier sooner).

  • Note: only the post types which have originals at their own site are listed.


Tantek Γ‡elik using Falcon on

Ben Werdmuller

Ben WerdmΓΌller using Known on

Aaron Parecki

Aaron Parecki using p3k on notes and everything based on notes, and date archives every post type he supports. I.e.

Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith on

Shane Becker

Shane Becker on

Pelle Wessman

Pelle Wessman for some subpages using Jekyll on

Jamie Tanna

  Jamie Tanna on since 2019-05-12

Chris McLeod

Chris McLeod on


capjamesg displays a composite feed of notes and articles on his website home page since 2021-12.

  • Atom, JSON, jf2, and h-feed versions of the feed are available.

David Shanske

David Shanske is a WordPress user. WordPress automatically generates feeds and streams for all date, taxonomies, etc...making it trivial to have feeds for nearly any combination, and every post type. As a result, {{gwg} has aded some custom feeds. For every feed, not only is there an html marked up as h-feed, but Atom, RSS2 and JSONFeed are available. Some of the custom streams include:

  • Stream for all posts made on this day or this week of the year, to allow for nostalgia
  • Stream for posts by location of post(organized by country, region, and locality.
  • A combined stream for food(consisting of eat and drink posts)
  • A combined stream for 'reactions' (consisting of bookmark, repost, like, and favorite.
  • A combined stream for 'media' (consisting or watch, read, listen, and play).
  • In addition to a stream for photo posts, a separate stream that shows not only photos from photo posts, but photos from all post types, such as checkin, etc.

What is lacking is the common two tier system, with a filtered feed and a 'firehose' feed. This is doable in WordPress, but it is less than trivial to move the firehose from the root feed, so have not yet done it.

... add yourself ...

Previous Examples

IndieWeb Interest

The following IndieWeb community members have expressed interest in implementing a composite stream:


Articles about composite streams, their evolution from a design perspective, etc.

See Also