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User: Rachitrali

یہ صارف اردو ویکیپیڈیا پر منتظم ہے۔
From Wikimedia Incubator
سرورق مشقولگی مہ آرٹیکلز اعزازات منصوبہ ڈرافٹ ھوٹو بشلی کغاز
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World Record Holder(Linguistics), International Innovation Laureate(Germany), Innovative Initiative Awardee
Rehmat Aziz Chitrali
Linguist, Researcher, Author & Keyboards Developer, Test Administrator, Editor and Translator at Khowar, Balochi & Saraiki Wikipedia incubator project
"Rehmat Aziz Chitrali sets world record in linguistics by inventing software that can be used to type in as many as 40 languages of Pakistan at a single platform"

About me

A language volunteer by profession, a linguist by choice and an innovator by disposition I live and work from Pakistan. My name is actually RAChitrali. I've been an editor, Translator and Administrator on the Khowar and Saraiki Wikipedia. I'm also a Software and Keyboards Developer. I worked for the Khowar Wikipedia, Translate Wiki and Saraiki Wikipedia as a translator. I have a Master of Law degree from Pakistan and Master of Arts degree in Islamic Studies. Since 2001 I have been working on various things related to Localization of Khowar language spoken in Chitral, Swat and Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan. I am the Test Administrator for Khowar Wikipedia project in Pakistan and also an active contributor to the Wiki projects and a few other translation projects. I am part of the Khowar Internationalization and Localization community group. You can find me on various virtual places by searching Rehmat Aziz Chitrali. I can speak Khowar, English, Urdu fluently and have limited fluency in Western Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi and other local languages of Pakistan.

My work

I have been part of the Khowar Language Translation Project of www.translatewiki.net. I handle the communications and outreach on behalf of the Khowar Language team. Out of work time, I make small edits on the Urdu, English, Western Punjabi and other wikipedias and contribute to commons as User:Rachitrali. My job is to facilitate the work of Khowar and Saraiki Community and Wikipedia Incubator Projects in Pakistani languages.My responsibilities include translations, developing, maintaining, localization and consulting on best practices for community collaboration in software and linguistic keyboards development, designing and implementing strategies for community discussions around software development, and consulting on other aspects of project planning that involve multi-stakeholder collaboration.

Contact me

Rehmat Aziz Chitrali Email: rachitrali@yahoo.com

  • Honorary Degree of Associate Fellowship from RCS Great Britain
  • 22 Books on Pakistani Languages
  • Dr.A.Q.Khan Gold Medal & Pride of the Nation Gold Medal


Babel user information
khw-N ھیہ صارف کھوار زبانو پیدائشی لودیاک آسور.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
bal-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of Baluchi.
ur-3 اس صارف کو اردو سے خاصی واقفیت ہے۔
skr-3 ایہ صارف کوں سرائیکی نال چنگی بھلی ڄاݨ سن٘ڄاݨ ہے۔
sd-2 هن واپرائيندڙ کي سنڌيءَ جي وچولي ڄاڻ آهي.
Users by language

Wiki statistics

Number of pages 3,059,998
Number of articles 160,759
Number of uploaded files 18
Number of registered users 2,599,725
Number of active users 488
Number of admins 13
Number of total edits 6,348,478

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Babel user information
khw-N ھیہ صارف کھوار زبانو پیدائشی لودیاک آسور.
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
ur-5 یہ صارف اردو کا پیشہ ورانہ علم رکھتا ہے۔
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
sd-1 هن واپرائيندڙ کي سنڌيءَ جي بنيادي ڄاڻ آهي.
pnb-1 ایہ ورتن آلا پنجابی دے بارے وچ بنیادی جانکاری رکھدا اے۔
Users by language

زمرہ:ویکیپیڈیا منتظمین

تلاش متناسقات نیا حوالہ روابط "پھر سے بھرنا" سراغ نقل
تلاش زمرہ مردہ روابط رینج شراکتیں متبادل
ایکس ٹولز: خود کار ترامیم، مزید تقطیع شراکتیں متبادل سابقہ کے ساتھ تمام صفحات
تلاش خودکار مسدود ویکی چیکر User سرگرمی باہمی تعامل تجزیہ
صفحہ تاریخ شماریات User شراکت تلاش خاص:موازنہ_صفحات
User کے اعداد و شمار اردو ویکیپیڈیا کی شماریات نوشتۂ حذف شدگی

User کی عالمی شراکتیں طویل ترین صفحات - اردو ویکیپیڈیا زیادہ دیکھے جانے والے صفحات

عالمی کھاتہ معلومات ویکیپیڈیا پر سرگرمی ویکیپیڈیاوں پر شراکتیں

شکستہ رجوع مکررات اعداد و شمار - اردو ویکیپیڈیا درخواست منتقلی زمرہ جات

Userین بلحاظ ترامیم در متعدد نامہائے فضا Userین بلحاظ تخلیق صفحات زمرہ جات

Project All tests Active tests Sufficient activity Approved
Wikibooks 70 19 27%
Wikinews 82 30 37%
Wikiquote 66 21 32%
Wikivoyage 86 35 41%
Wiktionary 193 92 48% Saraiki MinangkabauTacawit
Subtotal 497 197 40% 1 2
Wikipedia 512 237 46% AtayalBakhtiariCoptic
Guianan Creole
Total 1009 434 43% 9 4
See also: Active tests on Multilingual Wikisource
States of Wikiversities

11 December 2019

Project All tests Active tests Almost ready Approved
Wikibooks 66 27 41% Bashkir
Wikinews 85 42 49% Dutch
Wikiquote 63 28 44%
Wikivoyage 87 55 63% Hindi
Wiktionary 176 106 60% Fiji Hindi
Subtotal 477 258 54% 3 1
Wikipedia 522 301 58% Algerian Arabic
Total 999 559 56% 8 2