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Bahasa Arab Palestina

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Bahasa Arab Palestina
اللهجة الفلسطينية
Dituturkan diPalestina
5,1 juta (2014-2016)[1]
Abjad Arab
Kode bahasa
ISO 639-3ajp
IETFajp-PS, ar-PS
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Bahasa Arab Palestina ialah dialek bahasa Arab Levant Selatan yang dituturkan oleh kebanyakan orang Palestina di Palestina, Israel, dan populasi diaspora Palestina. Bahasa ini bersama dengan bahasa Arab Yordania memiliki kode bahasa ISO 639-3 "ajp", yang dikenali sebagai bahasa Arab Levant Selatan. Dialek ini selanjutnya dapat dibedakan di dalam Palestina, seperti yang dituturkan di sebelah utara Tepi Barat oleh orang Palestina di wilayah Hebron, yang mirip dengan bahasa Arab yang dituturkan oleh keturunan pengungsi Palestina yang tinggal di Yordania dan sebelah barat daya Suriah.

Beberapa para ahli bahasa berpendapat bahwa bahasa Arab Palestina (bahasa Arab Syam secara umum) adalah dialek yang paling mirip ke bahasa Arab Baku Modern.[3][4]

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  1. ^ "Arabic, South Levantine Spoken". Ethnologue (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2018-08-08. 
  2. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, ed. (2023). "South Levantine Arabic". Glottolog 4.8. Jena, Jerman: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 
  3. ^ Harrat S., Meftouh K., Abbas M., Jamoussi S., Saad M., Smaili K., (2015), Cross-Dialectal Arabic Processing. In: Gelbukh A. (eds), Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. CICLing 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9041. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-18111-0_47, PDF, "Particularly, PAL is closest to MSA than other dialects are (Table 3)."
  4. ^ Kathrein Abu Kwaik, Motaz Saad, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Simon Dobnika, A Lexical Distance Study of Arabic Dialects, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 142, 2018, Pages 2-13, ISSN 1877-0509, DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.456, "The results are informative and indicate that Levantine dialects are very similar to each other and furthermore, that Palestinian appears to be the closest to MSA."

Bacaan lanjutan

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  • P. Behnstedt, Wolfdietrich Fischer and Otto Jastrow, Handbuch der Arabischen Dialekte. 2nd ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1980 (ISBN 3-447-02039-3)
  • Haim Blanc, Studies in North Palestinian Arabic: linguistic inquiries among the Druzes of Western Galilee and Mt. Carmel. Oriental notes and studies, no. 4. Jerusalem: Typ. Central Press 1953.
  • J. Blau, "Syntax des pal��stinensischen Bauerndialektes von Bir-Zet: auf Grund der Volkserzahlungen aus Palastina von Hans Schmidt und Paul kahle". Walldorf-Hessen: Verlag fur Orientkunde H. Vorndran 1960.
  • J. Cantineau, "Remarques sur les parlés de sédentaires syro-libano-palestiniens", in: Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 40 (1938), pp. 80–89.
  • R. L. Cleveland, "Notes on an Arabic Dialect of Southern Palestine", in: Bulletin of the American Society of Oriental Research 185 (1967), pp. 43–57.
  • Olivier Durand, Grammatica di arabo palestinese: il dialetto di Gerusalemme, Rome: Università di Roma La Sapienza 1996.
  • Yohanan Elihai, Dictionnaire de l’arabe parlé palestinien: français-arabe. Jerusalem: Typ. Yanetz 1973.
  • Yohanan Elihai, The olive tree dictionary: a transliterated dictionary of conversational Eastern Arabic (Palestinian). Washington, DC: Kidron Pub. 2004 (ISBN 0-9759726-0-X)
  • Elias N. Haddad, "Manual of Palestinian Arabic". Jerusalem: Syrisches Weisenhaus 1909.
  • Moin Halloun, A Practical Dictionary of the Standard Dialect Spoken in Palestine. Bethlehem University 2000.
  • Moin Halloun, Lehrbuch ds Palästinensisch-Arabischen. Heidelberg 2001.
  • Moin Halloun, Spoken Arabic for Foreigners. An Introduction to the Palestinian Dialect. Vol. 1 & 2. Jerusalem 2003.
  • Arye Levin, A Grammar of the Arabic Dialect of Jerusalem [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Magnes Press 1994 (ISBN 965-223-878-3)
  • M. Piamenta, Studies in the Syntax of Palestinian Arabic. Jerusalem 1966.
  • Frank A. Rice and Majed F. Sa'ed, Eastern Arabic: an introduction to the spoken Arabic of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. Beirut: Khayat's 1960.
  • Frank A. Rice, Eastern Arabic-English, English-Eastern Arabic: dictionary and phrasebook for the spoken Arabic of Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine/Israel and Syria. New York: Hippocrene Books 1998 (ISBN 0-7818-0685-2)
  • H. Schmidt & P. E. Kahle, "Volkserzählungen aus Palaestina, gesammelt bei den Bauern von Bir-Zet". Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1918.
  • Kimary N. Shahin, Palestinian Rural Arabic (Abu Shusha dialect). 2nd ed. University of British Columbia. LINCOM Europa, 2000 (ISBN 3-89586-960-0)

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