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Atreyu (German: Atreju) is the hero of the 1984 fantasy film The NeverEnding Story. He lives in Fantasia with the Plains People. He is a warrior and hunts buffalo for his people, with the help of his horse Artax. When the Nothing begins to destroy Fantasia, Atreyu is called on to save the Childlike Empress.

He was played by Noah Hathaway in the first film and by Kenny Morrison in the second.


Atreyu was summoned to find a cure for the Childlike Empress, who had fallen ill. After confirming that he was in fact the one they summoned, he was given the Auryn by Cairon and set out on his mission.

Atreyu and Artax searched several locations throughout Fantasia without success. They decided to seek aid from Morla the Ancient One, who dwelled in the Swamps of Sadness. Tragically, Atreyu's horse Artax succumbed to the power of the swamp and sank to his death despite Atreyu's efforts to save him. Atreyu continued on and found Morla, who told him that his only hope was to find the Southern Oracle. However, Morla added that it was too far away, which made Atreyu nearly despair. On his way back through the swamp, Atreyu began to sink and was rescued just in time by Falkor the Luck Dragon.

With Falkor's encouragement, Atreyu makes it past two more obstacles: the Sphinxes and the Magic Mirror Gate (in which he was confused to see a reflection of Bastian, Atreyu's "true self"). He is then told by the Southern Oracle that he must contact a human child to save Fantasia.

Atreyu then rode on Falkor as the pair searched for a human child. However, Atreyu was knocked off Falkor by the Nothing and later came across Gmork, the servant of the Nothing, who had been tasked with killing him. Revealing his identity, Atreyu managed to kill the wolf with a stone dagger and was rescued by Falkor just as the Nothing caused the area to disintegrate.

Atreyu returned to the Ivory Tower with Falkor, sadly telling the Empress that he had failed. To his surprise, she told him that he had not, as the human child he needed to find was aware of everything they were saying. This caused Bastian to realize that the Empress was talking about him. Atreyu is knocked unconscious as the Nothing begins to destroy the Tower, but Bastian calls out his name for the Empress just in time.

After Bastian restores Fantasia, Atreyu is seen happily riding on a revived Artax.


Atreyu is brave, determined, and optimistic. When first summoned to the Ivory Tower, he is greeted with surprise, as nobody expected a warrior of his reputation to be a child. When questioned, Atreyu firmly confirmed that he is indeed the one they sent for.

He has a very close bond with Artax, considering him his friend, and he was devastated when he couldn't save him from the Swamps of Sadness. He also forms a close friendship with Falkor when he meets him. Atreyu will do anything to protect Fantasia, as he presses on with his quest no matter how hopeless things get, refusing to ever give up.

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