Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

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Hero Overview

AJ Gadgets is one of the main characters of Hero Elementary. He is a student at Hero Elementary, and a member of the Sparks' Crew.


AJ is a brown-skinned boy with curly brown hair and thick eyebrows. He also wears a light blue shirt, light-brown pants, and silver headphones around his neck.


AJ can make "super gadgets". His signature gadget is likely his jetpack which he uses to get around. It allows him to fly like Lucita, however it is noisy, a contrast highlighted in What You Don't See.


           Hero Elementary Logo Heroes

Sparks' Crew
Lucita Sky | AJ Gadgets | Sara Snap | Benny Bubbles | Mr. Enrique Sparks | Fur Blur

Team Tornado
Freeze Louise | Petie Heat

Mighty Brights
The Amazing Memory Kid | Turbo Tina | Rubberband Robbie

Other Superheroes
Hail Ceasar | Athletica
