
The Seed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-seed" Showing 1-11 of 11
“Imagine that you have lived your whole life within the walls of a small house, where everything you received was dropped off and pushed through a mail slot in your front door and you dumped your trash out of a chute on the side of your house. Although you know that there is a whole other world out there beyond the door, and you have read about distant places (different kinds of people and things), you have never stepped outside of your door to really experience them for yourself.
Well, we are inviting you to open up that tiny house and step out into a wider world of experience. We are inviting your roof to lift off of your tiny house and for those walls of your tiny house to open, lay themselves out, and become a larger floor that will support you in your new stage of experience and action.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“Now say, “I Am Ready. I Love Myself and I Am Ready to be Loved.”
“I Love Myself and I Am Ready to be Loved.”
“I Love Myself and I Am Ready to be Loved.”
“I Am Ready.”
“I Am Ready.”
“I Am Ready.”
Be with yourself, feeling the deepest depth of your willing heart as more and more of you comes into alignment.
You are Open.
You are Allowing.
You are Loving.
You are Ready.
Tap your chest, or if guided, tap any other part of your body. Continue breathing as the movement extends, broadens, and opens your experience.
“I Am Ready.”
“I Am Ready.”
“I Am Ready.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“When entering this journey, let go of all the ways you want these guides to be, and how you think they should be serving you. Whether you think they should be “making you rich,” making your life what you think it should be or saving you from what you think it should not be, they are actually here to open you to a much larger you. A larger you which is not reliant upon these ideas of how you think things should be and instead opens you to your true creative abilities.
Trust that this is the way, and that walking in this way does not remove you from any blessing that is waiting for you. But you are now choosing to lay down your ego that is demanding how it should happen.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“These entities, angelic, or of other nature and origins have been called forth through deep resonance in your soul. They are here to support and honor your specific makeup and the particular life missions and themes you came to experience and alchemize within your system.
Opening to them may be likened unto you purchasing a car which is designed specifically to hug and support every curve of your body, and it being designed in a way that every switch or control in the vehicle is in the very place which works best for you. The smell of the interior is specifically enlivening to your senses, the headlights offer different unique clarity and views, the tires adjust for all weather patterns and conditions. You feel held and have the tools to go on any adventure and explore.
In saying this, we are not implying that knowing your guides will remove all pain or suffering from this experience of life, for there are specific pains and sufferings that we have chosen to step into for our highest understanding and maturation. Under the nurturance and care of our guides, we may be held and lovingly nudged down the path to our own reconciliation and joy.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“Know that these guides are not here to dictate your life or remove choice. This is what the honor of being here on Earth and being alive is. You have choice. Always. You are the one creating this world. Do not take that for granted. These guides are here to assist you with information so that you may open and truly understand what is truly possible and available here for you.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“I Dance in The Dark (The Moths’ Song)
I dance in The Dark.
I fly through moonlit wings.
My heart beats loud
for every living thing.
Deep in the waters
all reflects clearly,
clearly, clearly, clearly.
I fly to the heart
and weave a web.
Through this fabric of sky
all once hidden is said.
My whisper enters your ear,
“Come dance, and you will know.
the gift of Love as not separate from Fear.
The thing you fought against
is waiting to be seen.
and set Free.
Free. Free. Free.
Come Dance with Me.
Come Dance with Me.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“On Earth, there is a prevailing belief that Light opposes Dark, and that Light represents Love, while being in The Dark means being devoid of Love.
We are here to expand your understanding and to embrace the reality that Light is the presence or manifestation of consciousness. Darkness, on the other hand, is the space that allows the manifestation of consciousness to occur. It allows for the experience for there to be oneself and the existence of “other.” It is the necessary space needed for you to experience life on Earth as you know it.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“It appears that as we show up here on Earth, we promptly start wearing the masks that have been deeply ingrained within our social psyche. And while attacking the mask from the outside may grant us a fleeting glimpse of what lies beneath, the window of seeing beyond the mask is inevitably short-lived. In our natural response of wanting to feel safe, a mask or some type of personality or facade quickly emerges and assists us in interactions with ourselves and others.
But what happens if we didn’t need to attack the mask or facade in order to discover what lies beneath? What if we could simply claim and be with and be as that space and intelligence underneath? This simple shift in perspective releases the need to fight or battle with the masks we play with. It removes the power from them and ultimately honors the choices of how we wish to show up.
We can then perceive the mask as a part of the joy of this life. For how could we live this life without bodies, ideas, social constructs, and things? We are here actively engaged in a play. And within this play, a part of the joy of it all is us walking through it and deciding which masks we choose to wear.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“The ultimate destination of this practice of negation is to see through and release even the attachment to the process of negation itself, allowing the full experience and truth and of what they are to be embraced. Many students reach this crossroad and find themselves unsure of how to proceed. We extend our hand to you, honoring the dedication of your soul, and invite you in to embrace The Way of All. This path encompasses everything, while acknowledging and honoring the inherent freedom that is truly available to you. It allows for action rooted in a soul-based, engaged, and invested self.
We are here to encourage you and say that there is meaning, and You are the meaning.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“Often, when someone gets engrossed in the focused endeavor of deconstructing ideas and beliefs, they may lose a sense of meaning. They may lose sight of the inherent Light that exists at the source and remains present and available, even amidst the practice of “stripping away the false,” to find their true essence.
At this time, we recommend that anyone here, attracted to or involved in this practice of negation, stripping away the false, to embark and reclaim your dedication to yourself and pivot into a new way. The old ways of this practice have long been detrimental to many human psyches, and the profound depth of the pathway of negation are not often fully comprehended by those who embark upon it.
In its place, we offer the practice of “re-knowing”, which will be demonstrated within various Soul Play experiences to come. This new approach is rooted in a space of self-loving negotiation and offers balance to the system of the practitioner.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys

“Indeed, we may say that song is the outward expression of the creative choice of resonance or toning. When we sing, we step into a resonance, or we “tune in” to an energetic message or quality and bring it forward through our unique body and voice.”
Gwen Juvenal, "The Seed" Journal: A Space for Recording Your Soul Experiences and Expansive Journeys