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David Chapman has achieved almost everything he's ever wanted. He may not have been anyone's first pick, and he may not have the respect he knows he deserves, but he also knows he has no shortage of chances to prove himself. And he has Jake.

So it doesn't make sense for him to feel so dissatisfied. And it really doesn't make sense for him to feel so afraid.


First published August 30, 2022

About the author

Taylor Fitzpatrick

6 books685 followers
Taylor Fitzpatrick was born in Toronto, Ontario. She declared to her mother at the age of three that she was going to grow up to be an author/illustrator. The illustration thing didn’t really pan out. She is an avid hockey fan, though to her brother’s eternal consternation she did not become one until after he stopped playing competitively. She has an Honours degree in English Literature from the University of Toronto. She currently lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario.

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5 stars
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews235 followers
December 31, 2022
I don't even know what to say. But you see the 5 stars, right? This has been an incredibly bad reading year for me, but of the very few 5 stars I've given out in 2021, more than half went to books by Taylor Fitzpatrick.

Since this second book in the series hasn't been officially published yet, I'm going to hold off for a while longer before posting a real review. In the meantime, let me just tell you that this story consumed me while I was reading it; when I wasn't reading it I was usually thinking about the characters; and, now that I'm finished and the next installment won't be available for months — well, there's a huge book hangover and a lot of pining happening right now.
Profile Image for JAN.
1,196 reviews917 followers
July 4, 2024


**** 4.5 STARS ****

I became a big fan of TF's no-bulshit writing style.
Gotta love her clean and straightforward storytelling, so addictive! Not to mention her character crafting.
David started as a pain in the ass, but I felt so touched and close to him as the story progressed.
What a unique and interesting character!

For those who want to know, you can buy And Then from the author's website.
It's a combo deal, for 10USD you get books #2 and #3 (pre-order), and weekly short stories in the YCMAL universe.
I received book #2 in minutes through my e-mail in 4 different formats.
Book #3 will be sent automatically when ready. Who knows when?

👇 Link to get it:
Profile Image for Moony Eliver.
395 reviews213 followers
August 2, 2024
After my second read, I love this story even more. The last one — for which I've been waiting what feels like my whole life 😂 — has a lot to live up to... bring it.


It’s been a looong time since a character got this firmly under my skin. TF has done an amazing job writing David, and I can’t remember ever feeling this impatient for the next release when it ISN’T EVEN PLOT DRIVEN AT ALL. It’s 100% a character story, but… I can’t wait to read more of this character.

David’s evolution in this book was so touching, so remarkable, and yet — it came in microdoses. To the outside observer, he probably didn’t change much, if at all, from the volume’s beginning to end. And tbh change might not be the right word, but I’m at a loss for what to call it. Growing? Learning? Adapting? None of those feel quite right either. It’s a thing that has to be experienced, not labeled.

Speaking of labels, I still find myself reluctant to spell out what I realized in book 1. I buried it behind a spoiler tag in that review and I’m doing the same here, for reasons. But it isn’t necessarily a spoiler, even though I’m glad for my own experience that I was allowed to reach the conclusion organically.

If you’re looking for a customary romance, especially if you need immediate gratification, this isn’t your droid. But characterization is why I read, and if you feel that way too, this is a unique experience not to miss.
Profile Image for Rox.
601 reviews38 followers
July 14, 2024
His grandmother said if you were never afraid you couldn’t be brave, because bravery was facing something you’re scared of.
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews166 followers
June 30, 2024
Reread June 2024: my heart ❤️ 💔

Initial read April 2022:
I loved this book but I hate myself for reading it. It’s David’s story, even more so than book 1. It’s a book about growing up. About making friends. About being different. About accepting yourself. About hockey.

There is very little romance but at the same time, there is so much romance. Jake and David obviously adore each other. Except…

I kept saying one more chapter. Just one more. And then when I wasn’t reading I was thinking constantly about David. And Jake.

And now it ends, and it’s not finished, and there is no release date for book 3 and I’m going to go back to bed and cry. I should have stopped after book 1, and waited for book 3. There is no HEA or even a HFN here. I want to scream. (Spoiler!)

Note: For those wondering, this book is not released yet. But you can preorder books 2 and 3 on the author’s tumblr and then receive this as an ARC.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bizzy.
498 reviews
September 30, 2022
Re-read Sept. 2, 2022. Updated review to come.


I’m writing one review for Coming in First Place, And Then, and Between the Teeth because it’s all one story, and it's difficult for me to review it in pieces.

This story is, technically, a romance, but I don’t think that’s the best definition for it. Although David and Jake’s relationship is at the core of the story, and is fundamental to it, this is really the story of David finding his place in the world and finding some measure of self-acceptance.

Like David, I’m autistic, and his story is so real and relatable to me that it hurts. (That David is autistic isn’t explicitly stated in the books themselves, but the author has confirmed on her Tumblr that he’s neurodivergent.) It’s wonderful to be seen so completely, to know that someone else has experienced these things and has put them out there in the world for others to see, but it’s also painful to know that David’s happy ending will always have some measure of pain in it. He will always struggle to understand other people, will always have to worry that he’s “too much work.” Social interactions will always be confusing for him. There will always be people who think he’s unlikeable because of how he comes across. He will always have to carefully guard his authentic self. Finding people who love him, and learning to love himself, will not solve these problems for him.

David never thought he was stupid, but he's feeling, more and more all the time, that he is, that things shouldn't be so hard.

Many reviews of Coming in First Place talk about how David is unlikeable, and maybe he is, but that’s because we’re seeing him through his eyes, and he doesn’t like himself very much. He doesn’t accept himself. He certainly doesn’t know what anyone would see in him or why anyone would want to spend time with him if they don’t have to. His is not a typical romance POV. Fitzpatrick’s characters are unreliable narrators, and she isn’t afraid to let them be deeply flawed. It’s common in romance for characters to know themselves very well, to easily identify their own flaws and those of others, and to identify and resolve interpersonal issues. That is not what happens in this story; those things would be anathema to it, because they are the opposite of what it means to be an autistic person interacting with allistic people. Here, that common language of human interaction is fractured, sometimes entirely absent; both sides misunderstand each other and always will. David will never have that moment where he sees himself with crystal clarity though Jake’s eyes, because David and Jake don’t process the world in the same way. That doesn’t mean they can’t love each other unconditionally or be happy together (they do, and they are, in the end), but it would be inauthentic and unsatisfying for their story to end in the stereotypical romance HEA that tells us how these people fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces.

David's too much work. David knows he's too much work.

David’s internalized homophobia is a huge part of this story. To me this was emblematic of what it’s like to be autistic: You know that who you really are will not be acceptable to many other people (and you have no way of guessing who is safe and who isn’t), that it doesn’t fit with the persona you’ve had to adopt in order to pass as neurotypical and not get ostracized or singled out for abuse. So you guard that part of yourself as carefully as you can; you know that your future and your happiness depend on no one ever finding out what you’re really like. If you’re lucky, you eventually find people you can trust to be yourself with, and you learn that not everyone is unsafe—but you know you will always have to guard that part of yourself very carefully.

I’ve written this review because of how much this story and this character mean to me, and because I want other readers to know what to expect. So if you read this story, I hope you’ll spend time thinking about why David is the way he is, what you have in common with him, and what you don’t. More than anything, I hope you’ll remember that David is real. David is me, and so many other people like me. That doesn’t mean you have to like him, or this story, but I hope you’ll try.
Profile Image for Karla.
1,226 reviews333 followers
August 8, 2024
Re read kindle version September 2023

3.5 stars**

I forgot how good Taylor is when it comes to writing angst. The feels! The insanity and frustration of David’s character and I don’t say this lightly because I’ve always loved David, always.

Sadly this second time reading “And Then” I have to downgrade my rating not because I didn’t love it but because I needed more Jake and David together or as friends doesn’t matter just as long as they are interacting. Because together they’re the heart of the story and honestly Jake deserves to be more present.

I hope we get the publish version for book 3 soon so we can get some kind of conclusion for David and Jake. I think at this point in the series I’m sticking to re reading book one only I have a better appreciation for it. ♥️
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,788 reviews294 followers
January 28, 2023
That’s how it ends?!!

You must read the first book before this one.

David’s POV
Be OK with things not working out
Just waiting for the next part of the story!!
I’m dying here!!!
Profile Image for Daniel.
849 reviews68 followers
July 9, 2024
Reread! (Book 3 final version is out.)

Kiro is the best.

I'll add that on reread, (having read at least the AO3 version of the final volume prior) the way this volume ends feels a more ok. Much less cliffhangery. David goes through a lot of pain, a lot of fear, a lot of growth in this volume, and while the romantic relationship is about as far from what one might hope for as possible here, his life is looking up in others.

Original review below:


This was an excellent middle of a book. David is david, Kiro is a delight, it's very nice to see David with a proper not-for-sex friend.

But it really is just the middle of a book. While the first one definitely left the relationship underdeveloped and me wanting more, it's much closer to an acceptable standalone read than this is. This really does feel like the middle third of one long book arbitrarily chopped into thirds. It's a very good middle, not like, say... The Two Towers.

But like... the "end" of this is so arbitrary and unsatisfying that I (yes, me, someone who can endure anything but the mildest inconvenience) would go read the remainder on AO3 if it were still up, and that is a very not me thing to do.

Hope the rest of it comes out before I've completely forgotten everything about this again.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
697 reviews41 followers
July 2, 2024
My stomach hurts. My heart hurts. My eyes hurt. Yet I'm so freaking proud of David and feel nothing but optimistic hope for what comes next in his life. I'm really glad that I waited for the last book to come out before reading this series. I would be losing my mind right now.
Profile Image for Tess.
2,049 reviews26 followers
October 5, 2021
I’m not going to rate this until book #3 comes out. I should forewarn people that this isn’t actually a stand-alone story, it’s just the second grouping of the serial. For those who were disappointed about the abrupt HFN from Coming in First Place, you may want to wait until Book 3 is released to read this one!
Profile Image for Wency .
219 reviews3 followers
Want to read
December 24, 2020
This book can save my 2020 but this isn't published yet.
Profile Image for Nora .
160 reviews2 followers
October 24, 2021
David Chapman and Jake Lourdes will be the death of me, I swear.
Profile Image for Miriah.
899 reviews44 followers
August 12, 2022
This was…incredibly frustrating.

Of course the author is so damn skilled at making you care, but things I didn’t like were dragged out for too long and I’m annoyed.

But also I love the characters and writing and I cried and I laughed and I suffered a lot of anxiety because David is RIDICULOUS!!!!
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,144 reviews379 followers
September 30, 2022
Writing is good. Characters compelling. The endless pining and lack of sex/ romance, not my cup of tea. If somehow there was more romance even without sex I would have been ok. But honestly these books are NOT romances.
Profile Image for Rhode PVD.
2,433 reviews28 followers
October 14, 2021
This review is for an ARC, which I paid the author for because I couldn’t wait any frikkin longer. Before I talk about why I enjoyed this book, I have to warn you ITS A MIDDLE BOOK AND NOT THE END OF THE STORY. It’s not a total cliffhanger, but, if you are a person who can’t wait for the HEA, maybe buy this to encourage the author to keep writing, but put it on your TBR until the next volume comes out.

The good news, for me at least, is this book is less angsty than the first (although there’s plenty of yearning, there’s almost no anger.) This is the book in which David grows up into his own. He makes friends, makes professional headway, figures out how to deal with his parents and feels (slightly) more comfortable in the world. He’s no longer dislikable nor pitiable as he was in parts of the first book.

And it’s a pleasure getting to know him. It’s also a relief to see him feel better about existing and being able to deal with other people a little more easily. For some readers it might feel like a bit of a slow or meandering story. I enjoyed every minute, it was relaxing and made me smile.

Includes autistic rep (it’s pretty clear David is on the spectrum), lots of sweet moments of growing friendships, plenty of hockey (it’s not just a thin backdrop) and low heat except for one scene.

I have the feeling this series will be a comfort reread for me someday when it’s all finished.
Profile Image for G_occasionally_reads.
261 reviews18 followers
September 23, 2023
Okay, so I read both books. I read the second because the first one had a cliffhanger -- I hate it when it happens without warning. And the second book, guess what, has a cliffhanger too, much worse than the one in the first imho 😒

📱 I love Jake with all my heart 💗 He tries. He's empathic toward David. He loves him.
📱 I profoundly dislike David. Like, buddy, someone has got to shake you a bit. Like physically. And tell you to grow a pair: you are independent → confront your parents; you struggle with your emotions → go to therapy; you are a grown-up → get the courage to reflect on what makes you happy.

Anyhowwww, you are in for:
📱 MM sports romance
📱 on-and-off-and-on-and-off again relationship
📱 secret relationship (due to the usual homophobia-originated-trope)
📱 low steam level (mostly behind closed doors)
📱 single POV (a reason, I must remind myself, why Fitzpatrick is rarely my cup of tea)
📱 the slang ever used to chat (like wtf)
Profile Image for Gillian.
973 reviews25 followers
August 8, 2022
I read it too fast and now I have to live with that regret AND a book hangover. Ugh. How is Taylor Fitzpatrick this fucking good?? I enjoyed every moment of this and absolutely loved seeing David develop new friendships (Kiro has my heart), learn to better handle his parents, and just become more present as a teammate. Basically I just loved the hell out of this and now I need part 3 like, yesterday.
Profile Image for ash.
533 reviews21 followers
December 6, 2022
It was a Taylor Fitzpatrick book! It was a grift! It was fine! I will learn nothing from this experience and buy the next one! I will resent it! It will still probably happen again after that!
Profile Image for Zofia.
161 reviews13 followers
October 3, 2022
Reading this story is torture. The kind like scratching an itch that just makes it hurt more and more, but doesn't stop you from going on, hoping for some relief at last.
David, my dear, stuborn, broken and sad boy, why, oh why are you so hardheaded??? Please start following your heart for once and give ours (so bruised and battered after this read) a break!
Seriously though, when is the third part of this book coming? I don't think I can stand the wait much longer...
Profile Image for Claudia.
376 reviews42 followers
May 29, 2024

"You make me better too"

I'm a masochist.
I desire the happy ending and at the same time I live for the drama and angst.
But this is too much.
Too frustrating.
My poor sweet Jake deserves better.
I want his happy ending. I want it now.
I need the third volume, I need to put my poor shipper heart at rest.
Taylor Fitzpatrick, what have you done to me? You sorcerer!

"I miss you so fucking much... It's fucking crazy how much I miss you... I'm kind of rambling here, but I wanted you to know I was sorry, and I'm kind of crazy in love with you, and can someone please take this fucking phone away from me, Jesus... "
Profile Image for Valen.
108 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2024
I love every single character in this series. Even the deeply difficult ones. Buying the next book immediately.

Jake is barely in this book, but every interaction (even just the texts) have been gut-wrenching. This book from Jake's POV would have been the angstiest, saddest, most confusing read in the world. I really need everything to work out for these two. Tears were shed!
Profile Image for Kirsten.
1,647 reviews75 followers
July 6, 2024
Totally gutted.
Alone, he misses so much.
Love the Russian mob.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
July 26, 2024
Just like my friend @NikNak said

This book was a like a repeated punch in the face.

But I was like: Yes daddy, please give me some more. 🥹
Profile Image for Giulia.
44 reviews11 followers
May 2, 2022
*If you can't wait to read this, go on the author's Tumbrl page (You Could Make a Life) - the book hasn't been officially published yet but you can purchase a copy from there via Paypal!*

I'm guessing that when the book actually comes out, there'll be a few changes and hopefully a more conclusive finale, however bear in mind that this is not the end of the story, so all loose ends will probably get tied up in book 3. Having said this, I adored And Then , and I fell even more in love with David than in the first book! There isn't a whole lot going on story-wise, but the character's development is huge. There's just one thing that irked me, namely (HUGE SPOILER ahead):

I'll definitely be reading this once again when the author publishes it and I already can't wait for the third one, and for way more books by Fitzpatrick -she's currently one of my very favourite MM writers and she's got such a unique narrating voice and style!
Profile Image for ash.
8 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2024
I am not usually one to write reviews but I feel it is so important for this series.
I do almost wish I'd waited for the 3rd to come out before starting this as I now feel completely lost and hollow without an ending to David and Jake's story.
This has left an impact on me that I feel I will never forget.
The way these characters are written reminds me of everything I love about reading.
Thank you Taylor Fitzpatrick.
Profile Image for Emreadstoomanybooks.
355 reviews44 followers
September 30, 2023
Arrrghhhhhhhhhh. Honestly this would probably be 5 stars if I hadn’t needed to LAUNCH my kindle across the room because David is refusing to pull his head out of his ass.

Side note, I absolutely adored Kiro, him and Oleg are currently my favourite side characters.

I miss Jake. I miss him so bad. I am not ok. When is the final book due to be published?
Profile Image for Tiff.
2 reviews
July 2, 2024
i love david and jake so much and i can’t wait for the next book
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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