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Endgame #2

Sky Key

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The sequel to the New York Times bestseller and international multimedia phenomenon, The Calling.

Endgame is here. Earth Key has been found. Two keys—and nine Players—remain. The keys must be found, and only one Player can win.

Queens, New York. Aisling Kopp believes the that Endgame can be stopped. But before she can get home to regroup, she is approached by the CIA. They know about Endgame. And they have their own ideas about how it should be Played. Ideas that could change everything.

Kingdom of Aksum, Ethiopia. Hilal ibn Isa al-Salt narrowly survived an attack that leaves him horribly disfigured. He now knows something the other Players do not. But the Aksumites have a secret that is unique to their line. A secret that can help redeem humanity—and maybe even be used to help defeat the beings behind Endgame.

London, England. Sarah Alopay has found the first key. She is with Jago—and they are winning.But getting Earth Key has come at a great cost to Sarah. The only thing that keeps the demons at bay is Playing. Playing to win.

Sky Key—wherever it is, whatever it is—is next. And the nine remaining Players will stop at nothing to get it.

497 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 6, 2015

About the author

James Frey

161 books2,983 followers
James Christopher Frey is an American writer and businessman. His first two books, A Million Little Pieces (2003) and My Friend Leonard (2005), were bestsellers marketed as memoirs. Large parts of the stories were later found to be exaggerated or fabricated, sparking a media controversy. His 2008 novel Bright Shiny Morning was also a bestseller.
Frey is the founder and CEO of Full Fathom Five. A transmedia production company, FFF is responsible for the young adult adventure/science fiction series The Lorien Legacies of seven books written by Frey and others, under the collective pen name Pittacus Lore. Frey's first book of the series, I Am Number Four (2010), was made into a feature film by DreamWorks Pictures. He is also the CEO of NYXL, an esports organization based in New York.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 610 reviews
Profile Image for Michael.
177 reviews748 followers
June 29, 2015
Dude. This book, I swear. It takes on this huge plot and follows multiple characters and somehow every single part manages to be intricate and interesting. Even characters I found somewhat dull in the first book are made awesome here.

The action though, it is non stop, but in the best way possible. And when there's a break in the action, my mind is constantly blown by the revelations. You never have a clue what's going to happen next because it breaks whatever expectations you have.

There were so many points while reading I was all, "HOLY WHAT IS HAPPENING LITERALLY ANYONE COULD DIE ALL THE HIGH STAKES DOOD!"

I have absolutely no idea how I am supposed to wait for the final book to see how this series ends. I STRONGLY suggest you pick up the first book, Endgame: The Calling, if you haven't yet.
Profile Image for Μaria Vrisanaki .
189 reviews172 followers
September 14, 2018

Αυτό το βιβλίο μού προκάλεσε ανάμεικτα συναισθήματα και αντιδράσεις:
Ενδιαφέρον φυσικά στην αρχή, αν και αυτό οφειλόταν στο τέλος του προηγούμενου βιβλίου.
Βαρεμάρα στη συνέχεια, στα σημεία που οι ιστορίες κάποιων Παικτών ξεχείλωναν υπερβολικά.
Πες τα πιο γρήγορα, γαμώτο!
Άφηνα το βιβλίο κάτω, αλλά μετά από λίγο έπιανα τον εαυτό μου να θέλει να συνεχίσει την ανάγνωση γιατί υπήρχαν και εκείνες οι ιστορίες των αγαπημένων μου Παικτών που ανυπομονούσα να συνεχίσω!
Με κούρασαν και με μπέρδεψαν τα σημεία των μεγάλων αναλύσεων, είτε περιέγραφαν ένα ιστορικό τοπίο, είτε ένα από τα δεκάδες όπλα που χρησιμοποιούσαν οι Παίκτες, είτε τις μεταξύ τους μάχες, like… “Το μικρό δάχτυλο του δεξιού χεριού του Ντόνγκχου χτύπησε τον τέταρτο από το τέλος σπόνδυλο της Χαράπειας....” Όχι ακριβώς, αλλά κάπως έτσι. Στην προσπάθεια τους οι συγγραφείς να μου δώσουν μια ακριβή εικόνα της μάχης, με μπέρδευαν περισσότερο.
Ειπαμε, πιο σύντομα.
Πόσο πωρώθηκα στις τελευταίες 130 σελίδες όπου επικράτησε το μπάχαλο!
Πόσο χάρηκα με τον θάνατο του ! Σαν να τον σκότωνα εγώ εκείνη τη στιγμή!
Και πόσο με δίχασε
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
January 14, 2016
Esto es más bien un 3,5 porque el final levanta bastante el ritmo un poco lento y tedioso que venía llevando el libro. Siento que Sky Key bajó el nivel si lo comparamos con Endgame: The Calling, realmente. El primer libro me dejó pensando en que toda la trilogía tendría un ritmo trepidante, lleno de peleas y de encuentros muy sangrientos entre los diferentes Jugadores, pero en Sky Key nos encontramos con Jugadores que están repartidos por todos los rincones del planeta y que se encuentran y enfrentan unas dos veces en 540 páginas.

Más allá de todo eso, el libro cambia bastante el foco en cuanto a quién tiene más protagonismo. En el primer libro vemos que Jago y Sarah se llevan la mayoría de las páginas con su creciente alianza y el descubrimiento de la Llave de la Tierra... y a mí eso me parecía genial porque adoraba a esos personajes. Ahora, en Sky Key, el foco se traslada principalmente a An Liu y a Aisling... y eso no me atrapó tanto. La cosa es que tengo un GRAN PROBLEMA con An Liu y es que me da físico asco leerlo porque es un desequilibrado mental bastante psicópata, sobre todo porque básicamente se pone pedazos de Chiyoko muerta a lo largo del libro y los acaricia y los contempla y QUÉ FUCKING ASCO.

En cuanto a Aisling... llegué a interesarme bastante en ella a medida que avanzaba el libro, pues empezamos a ver que no sólo los Jugadores están Jugando (duh!) a Endgame, sino que ya hay un montón de organizaciones secretas, de gobiernos y de instituciones que también lo están Jugando, que están apoyando a diferentes participantes y que les darán todos los recursos necesarios para que ganen. Ahora, el punto aquí es que, si bien entendí que unas instituciones se involucraran y sus motivos, no entendí para nada todo el rollo del Arca y Ea con Hilal... Para mí fueron páginas y páginas que sentía que no aportaban nada a la línea principal aunque, bueno, con Endgame nunca se sabe.

Quizá lo más interesante de este libro es que nos muestra que algunos Jugadores no son las máquinas de matar que creíamos que eran. En Sky Key vemos la humanidad detrás de estos asesinos entrenados, vemos cómo se desbaratan alianzas y cómo se crean nuevas, entendemos que Endgame no está saliendo como se planeaba y que los Creadores están haciendo trampa. Claramente vemos cómo reaccionan los Jugadores a la intervención de los kepler, los nuevos planes que surgen para matarlos a todos o para tomar su destino en sus manos y hacer todo lo que puedan por detener Endgame. Eso sí, teniendo en cuenta que hay Jugadores psicópatas que no van a permitir que eso pase, jajaja.

El final del libro, al igual que el anterior, fue uno de los puntos fuertes porque de nuevo vemos a todos los Jugadores reunidos y entendemos las dimensiones de sus habilidades de engaño, lucha y supervivencia, así como sus debilidades y excesos de confianza. Si bien me gustó un montón toda la acción que se concentra en el final, yo no quería que... .

Y nada, en este segundo libro ni siquiera intenté descifrar las pistas porque creo que eso mejor se lo dejo a Dan Brown o Robert Langdon, jajajaja.
Profile Image for Monica.
Author 5 books304 followers
August 22, 2017
Endgame es fantástico y no decepciona.

Una historia llena de acción que sigue la linea de su antecesora a un ritmo incluso mejor, los personajes se van profundizando y el meollo del asunto se va haciendo más complejo, preparándonos para un final lleno de suspenso e intriga, imperdible.
Profile Image for Cristina.
514 reviews465 followers
January 5, 2018
Wow! Just... wow! 😮
This book was like no other. I just can't believe how original this story is. I envy the authors for their imagination.
But what's the most amazing thing is how captivated I was. 500 pages of pure attraction. This book was like a magnet for me. If the first book in the series was awesome, I have no words for this one. It was like a bomb full of ideas that exploded in my mind. It was pure magic.
Little Alice... please stay alive in the third book.
Profile Image for Steffi.
3,149 reviews175 followers
Shelved as 'gave-up'
January 9, 2016
DNF @49%

Keine Ahnung was mich geritten hat, dass ich diese Reihe weiterlesen wollte. Ich war ja schon kein großer Fan des ersten Buches, aber dort hatte mich gerade der Anfang noch ein wenig gepackt und irgendwie wollte ich dann vermutlich schon wissen, was es mit dem gesamten Spiel auf sich hat.

Bis zur Hälfte des Buches habe ich ausgehalten und das vermutlich nur, weil es sich recht flüssig lesen lässt. Der Rest interessiert mich einfach nicht mehr.
Die Charaktere berühren mich immer noch nicht und ich sehen einfach keinen roten Faden in diesem Buch. Die Idee an sich ist eigentlich ziemlich klasse, aber die Umsetzung ist einfach nur murks. Man hätte soviel daraus machen können. aber stattdessen eiern die Charaktere über die Erde, ohne zu wissen was sie eigentlich machen.

Formal gibt es auch noch einiges, dass mich stört. Zum einen weiß man teilweise nicht, was zum Spiel und was zur Geschichte gehört und zum anderen gibt es einige Perspektiven, die einfach nur nervtötend sind. Ich sag nur "blinzelzuck".

Nun bin ich an einem Punkt angelegt, in dem mir diese Reihe einfach egal ist, so dass Buch 2 abgebrochen wird und somit die Reihe nicht weiter verfolgt wird.
Profile Image for Hedi.
351 reviews41 followers
February 4, 2016
Blog review: http://hedisbookworld.blogspot.nl/201...

Sky key was a overall good book. I didn't really like it that much, but i was a good second book in the trilogy. Just like Endgame, the writing style of James Frey didn't work for me. The different languages and too much details were annoying. I got bored really quick. Though it is a good book, with a good story were you want to know more.
Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,234 followers
August 30, 2016
Let the August's Hot Reads concludes..

I fall in love with The Calling, gave me a hot adventure same time last year...
So, let's do it again :)
Profile Image for Carlos.
663 reviews306 followers
August 14, 2016
Ok this book ended in a cliffhanger as every other second book in a trilogy does , but it was a fun trip, so fast paced and dynamic... You will not get bored reading this book. I cannot wait till the next book !!
Profile Image for Danielle.
83 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2016
I swear to God, if they say "This is End Game" one more time...
Profile Image for Vicky Ziliaskopoulou.
634 reviews123 followers
December 21, 2017
Δεν μπορώ να πω ότι μου άρεσε. Μάλλον με απογοήτευσε.
Οι παίχτες που έχουν μείνει συνεχίζουν να "παίζουν" , δημιουργούνται καινούριες συμμαχίες και φυσικά πεθαίνουν μερικοί ακόμη μέχρι να βρεθεί και το δεύτερο κλειδί και να τελειώσει το δεύτερο βιβλίο της τριλογίας.
Λοιπόν. Βαρέθηκα να διαβάζω για τις υπερφυσικές ικανότητες των παιχτών. Έλεος δηλαδή, δώδεκα ανήλικοι ήταν, όσο και να έχουν εκπαιδευτεί μου είναι αδύνατον να δεχτώ ότι ελέγχουν τον πόνο, γνωρίζουν τα πάντα (από τις αρχαίες θρησκείες μέχρι αποκωδικοποίηση και φυσικά όλες τις πολεμικές τέχνες) και εκτός από όλα αυτά είναι πνευματικά ώριμοι και έχουν και ηγετικές ικανότητες.
Επίσης βαρέθηκα με τις αναλυτικές περιγραφές. Δε νομίζω ότι υπήρχε λόγος να είναι τόσο λεπτομερειακές οι περιγραφές ολων (μα όλων, ανεξαιρέτως) των μαχών, με κούρασε πολύ και από κάποιο σημείο και μετά απλά τα διάβαζα χωρίς να προσπαθώ να αναπαραστήσω την εικόνα στο μυαλό μου. Και δεν ήταν μόνο στις μάχες οι λεπτομερείς περιγραφές: δεν μου χρειαζότανε να ξέρω ότι "ακολούθησε το αυτοκίνητο πηγαίνοντας ανατολικά, μετά βόρεια, μετά ανατολικά, βόρεια και πάλι ανατολικά " .
Κατά τα άλλα καλό ήταν ...... Ασχολείται περισσότερο και με τους υπόλοιπους παίχτες που τους είχε περάσει λίγο γρήγορα στο πρώτο βιβλίο και η περιγραφή του χαρακτήρα του καθενός είναι σαφής, οπότε ��ώρα πια καταφέρνω να ξεχωρίσω τους παίχτες και δεν τους μπερδεύω πια μεταξύ τους.
Αυτά, πάω να διαβάσω το τελευταίο μέρος τώρα.

Η άποψή μου για την τριλογία (συνολικά) είναι εδώ:
Profile Image for Vivianne.
424 reviews69 followers
January 31, 2019
The Calling: 5 stars.
Sky Key: 4 stars.
Rules of the Game: 3 stars.

Great well-written book, such a shame we have to wait another year for part three!

What is good about the book in comparison to other young adult books is that it continuous with the game. In books like the hunger games or the maze runner the game stops after book one and there is a mutual enemy that they have to fight. That is not the case here because everybody is anybody's enemy. That makes the book also really interesting, it is written so that you feel sorry for every single player and want all of them to win. It is almost never that the second book in a series is better than the first one but Sky Key certainly is better than The Calling.

What I was really happy about is that the love triangle stopped in the first book I think that has begun to be a cliché in a lot of books. Recommended for people who love excitement and books like the maze runner, divergent and the hunger games.
Profile Image for Claudio Silva.
259 reviews107 followers
November 18, 2017
"EndGame, A Chama" é um dos livros a que dei 5 estrelas, o primeiro volume desta trilogia. Lembro-me que fora um livro que me deixou em pulgas, pela originalidade da trama, de como a história era contada em diferentes perspectiva, de ser um livro cheio de acção.
Assim que saiu o segundo volume em Portugal, coisa que não estava à espera e passado uns bons longos meses, toda a alegria que o primeiro volume me trouxe tinha-se perdido um pouco, ao longo do tempo e andei a evitar de ler o segundo volume, até agora, que tive a oportunidade de o ter em mãos.
Na verdade li o primeiro livro à muito tempo e foi muito difícil voltar a entrar na história, talvez isso tenha sido um grande factor desta leitura ter sido arrastada por tanto tempo, talvez tenha sido esse o factor que não me fez saborear o livro como tanto esperava...
Acho que estou a criar uma adversão a trilogias e/ou a sagas, uma vez que o tempo de espera para ler a continuação do livro é tanta que perco todo o entusiasmo que tinha inicialmente, partindo para novas leituras...

Mas esquecendo estes devaneios, "A Chave do Céu" começa no mesmo ponto que o primeiro ficou, a primeira chave fora encontrada o que desencadeou o caos no planeta terra, se no primeiro livro os jogadores lutavam entre uns e outros para terem a chave da terra e ganharem o jogo, neste livro o jogo ganha consequências enormes atraindo novas alianças, como a CIA.

Há um amadurecimento nas personagens neste livro, senti-as mais humanas e não aquelas máquinas de destruição que no primeiro livro representavam, o livro é construído e contado da mesma forma que o primeiro, de várias perspectiva das personagens, nove no total, com o adicionamento de mais umas poucas neste livro, para dar ao leitor novas formas de pensar e de ver perceber os motivos que motivam as personagens a agir e a lutar pelo jogo.

Novas alianças se estabelecem, outras quebram-se e algumas fortalecem-se ... neste livro o objectivo é encontrar a chave do Céu, essa chave é diferente das outras o que trouxe novos dilemas às personagens.

Vale também ressaltar a arte do livro e do seu grafismo, que continua fan-tás-ti-co! Algumas ilustrações fizeram-me lembrar graphic novels, cheia de símbolos, mensagens encriptadas e escondidas ... bem ao estilo que o tema da história oferece ao leitor.
Profile Image for AthinaB.
117 reviews1 follower
March 26, 2017
Ξεκινώντας το βιβλίο εκνευρίστηκα αφάνταστα με το γεγονός ότι ο Αν είναι ακόμα ζωντανός. Ο "Θάνατός" του στο τέλος του προηγούμενού βιβλίου ήταν ο λόγος που είπα ¨ναι ρε φίλε επιτέλους" και τώρα είναι πάλι ζωντανός για να μας τυραννήσει για ακόμα ένα βιβλίο. Επίσης βλέπουμε μια Σάρα καταρρακωμένη σε όλο το βιβλίο αλλά όταν μαθαίνει ότι ο Αν, η αιτία που αναγκάστηκε να σκοτώσει το Κρίστοφερ είναι ακόμα ζωντανός, δεν υπάρχει καμιά αντίδραση, απλά το αφήνουμε ασχολίαστο και προχωράμε παρακάτω. Είναι ένα μεγάλο κενό για την συναισθηματική ροή της ιστορίας. Αλλά ευτυχώς υπάρχουν κάποια αλλά γεγονότα που μας δικαιώνουν στο τέλος.
Μου άρεσε που διαφορά γνωστά γεγονότα, που έχουν σημαδέψει την ανθρωπότητα και είναι μέρος της ιστορίας της έχουν ερμηνευτεί με έναν αλλιώτικο τρόπο για να εξυπηρετήσουν την πλοκή του βιβλίου. Και θεώρησα σημαντικό να μάθω για τη σημασία του συμβόλου στο εξώφυλλο, διότι έχω αναρωτηθεί για την σημασία του ή για την πηγή έμπνευσης του. Αλλά μετά από κάποιο σημείο η υπερβολική "ιστορία" καταντάει βαρετή. Βεβαία μπορεί σε αυτά τα σημεία να κρύβεται άλλο ένα κομμάτι για τον μεγάλο κρυφό γρίφο του βιβλίου, που εγώ ως απλός ανάγνωσης αγνοώ.
Νομίζω ότι το βιβλίο σε πολλά κομμάτια του, προσπαθώντας να γίνει ακριβές, καταντάει κλινικό και αποστειρωμένο, χωρίς κάποιο ίχνος συναισθήματος. Αυτό ήταν ένα μεγάλο μείον, διότι ως αναγνώστης θέλω να αισθάνομαι και να μπορώ να συνδεθώ μα τους ήρωες μου. Αν του το στερήσεις αυτό αρχίζω και βαριέμαι γιατί αυτό που παρακολουθώ μου είναι αδιάφορο.
Και όμως το βιβλίο με κράτησε μέχρι το τέλος γιατί έχει πολύ δυνατή ιστορία, που σε τρώει ώσπου να μάθεις πως τελειώνει. Αλλά θα ήθελα να έχει λίγο πιο γρήγορο ρυθμό, διότι υπάρχουν κάποια κενά 50 σελίδων που απλά δεν γίνεται τίποτα.
Σε γενικές γραμμές το βιβλίο μου άρεσε αν και με απογοήτευσε σε ορισμένα πράγματα, έτσι θεωρώ καλύτερο το πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
80 reviews4 followers
July 27, 2023
Wow! This is one of the few books/series I’ve ever read where each chapter keeps u at the edge of your seat and each book is just amazing. Action pack from the start, each chapter being the point of view of a player who is amazingly unique. The details are incredible, the writing reminds me of a movie script (basically all talk less paragraphs describing the same things over and over again. Something I adore about this series is that there’s no designated protagonist. As a reader you’re introduced to the 12 players (in this book only 9 remaining) and you get to choose who you want to root for as each fight occurs (which is literally every chapter). Intriguing characters, writing, story line. I love this series! I hate that people compare it to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins when this series is so much more engaging and interesting with it’s in-book puzzles, history and story line. Highly recommend this book I also very much enjoyed reading it as an adult considering the heavy gore involved in fights. What a great plot twist ending!
Profile Image for Ola.
134 reviews
December 30, 2019
Długo zwlekałam z przeczytaniem tej książki, a teraz, kiedy lekturę mam już za sobą, kompletnie nie potrafię zrozumieć, dlaczego tak długo czekać musiała na moją uwagę, bo Klucz Niebios spełnił wszystkie moje oczekiwania. Pierwszy tom oczywiście przypadł mi do gustu, ale miałam względem niego kilka zastrzeżeń. Natomiast jego kontynuacja okazała się o niebo lepsza.

Akcja Klucza Niebios pędzi na łeb na szyję, ciągle coś się dzieje i autorzy nie dają nam nawet chwili na zaczerpniecie oddechu. Ta książka wciąga już od pierwszej strony i nie pozwala się od niej oderwać, aż do momentu gdy dowiadujemy się, kto zdobył drugi klucz (szczerze mówiąc, nie jestem zbyt zachwycona, że trafił on w ręce akurat tej osoby). Co jeszcze mamy w tej części? Malutki romans, który jednak znajduje się na dalekim planie tej historii – jest całkiem niezły, choć nie przepadam za jego żeńską częścią. Więcej sojuszy, więcej wrogów, większe napięcie, więcej morderstw oraz tajemnic z przeszłości. Rozdziały pisane z perspektywy Hilala – na myśl o nich nadal czuję niepokój. Wywoływały go u mnie nawiązania do Biblii, Mojżesza, Aarona, Stwórcy, Dnia Sądu i Arki Przymierza. To wszystko było bardzo creepy, a jednocześnie intrygowało tak, jak cokolwiek innego nie potrafi.

Polubiłam też całą ekipę a CIA. Dużo ciętych języków, przekleństw i potrafili zażartować nawet w dość kiepskim momencie. Przez to że w drugim tomie było mniej bohaterów (z prostego powodu), łatwiej przychodziło skupienie i wgryzienie się w fabułę. Styl pisania Freya również uległ znacznej poprawie, co niezwykle mnie ucieszyło. Szkoda tylko, i�� moi faworyci Endgame musieli zginąć, przez co zostałam zmuszona do wybrania sobie nowych.

Jeśli więc czytaliście pierwszy tom i przypadł wam do gustu, to koniecznie sięgnijcie po Klucz Niebios, najlepiej natychmiast. Nie przychodzi mi do głowy żaden element tej powieści, który nie przypadł mi do gustu. Jest cudna. Naprawdę. Oby trzeci tom okazał się jeszcze lepszy!
Profile Image for Yamaguchi.
161 reviews
June 6, 2018
I should probably start worrying. I consider sci-fi and dystopias to be two of my favourite genres but somehow I always end up loving the first book and being deathly bored of the second one. And yep, you've guessed it, not even going to bother with the last one. Have I ever finished any trilogy of this kind? Okay yes, Hunger Games, but I'm pretty sure I dropped everything else or took 2 years to finish them.

Anyway, my issue with this was... everything really. Everything I found fascinating in the first book had me rolling my eyes so hard I almost saw my brain. I couldn't care less about the characters or their perfect -too perfect- skills. The writing that I enjoyed so much the first time got repetitive and too dramatic for my taste, as if it was the only thing trying to convince us we should still feel scared or excited. And the story? Even when things happened, it felt like nothing was going on.

Such a pity really. I was so excited. I hope other people enjoy this more than I did.
Profile Image for Jake Lukens.
92 reviews129 followers
January 26, 2016
This book was pretty solid and filled with many stories on top of other stories. This series has proven to be thought provoking and intriguing.
Profile Image for Vonia.
611 reviews93 followers
August 26, 2021
2.5/5 stars

Liked the first book in the series better. Book Two is increasingly convoluted, the author's getting caught up in using foreign words to build the universe that is better left the way it was- not entirely fantasy, rooted in at least a little reality resembling real life. There are only none players left; we get to know them a little better. Side romance stories are not overdone, so appreciated for me. However, some readers might prefer the game, and those greedy for action and almost film script like descriptions, play-by-play in fights will be well satisfied. Personally, I wish the author's focused less on battle scenes and running around and now on the personal level and their stories.

Still going to locate the third book to read; maybe I will get the personal aspect of the stories in the companion series they have published. Anyone have opinions on those?
Profile Image for Ricky.
Author 8 books179 followers
December 20, 2015
The sequel to The Calling is written in the same bizarre style as its predecessor - it still feels like a slightly-less-metaphorical Shatter Me, but the action is still as insanely Matthew Reilly-like as ever. Sure, a lot of storyline details and tropes feel like they were also recycled from The Lorien Legacies, but that doesn't ruin the enjoyment at all for me. I'm fully invested in this trilogy - I need to finish it now.

Sun Key - I'm assuming that's the working title for Book 3, at least - needs to be here sooner rather than later. (But preferably after United As One, because I need to know how The Lorien Legacies ends even more.)
Profile Image for Annabella Kuehn.
85 reviews
November 29, 2015
Once again the world is left in the hands of Sarah alopay, the dipshit, who, of course, messes everything up
Profile Image for Deepu Singh.
213 reviews12 followers
February 6, 2023
This is really good, fast paced, enchanting, thrilling and some bit of suspense here and there.
The characters are awesome gonna be with me for a long long time.
There is always a time when characters are scattered all over the world and they unite once again.
Gonna read the third part now with the friend who suggested me this series, thanks Ale
Profile Image for Malene.
241 reviews106 followers
November 19, 2015
"Sarah løber, så hurtigt hun kan. Hun løber, og hun tænker ikke på hans død.
Endnu en død..."

Denne bog var endnu mere actionpræget og nervepirrende end den første bog i serien.
Spillet er nu for alvor gået igang og det kræver, at de allesammen skal oppe sig og kæmpe endnu hårdere for succes, end de hidtil har gjort.

På trods af en historie i et utroligt højt tempo, formår forfatterne på magisk vis stadig at holde handlingen klar og detaljeret. Måske endda en smule (læs: meget) for detaljeret til min smag - nogle af spillerne er altså ubeskriveligt forstyrrede og den ene sørgede også for at danse lidt på mine brækreflekser et par steder i bogen - og det er helt seriøst uden at overdrive.

Frey og Shelton sørger også for at holde det interessant i den forbindelse, at hver gang jeg "vælger side", så sker der noget uforudsigeligt, der gør, at jeg igen mister fodfæstet og skifter mening - og dét er endnu en ting, der er så fed ved 'Himmelnøglen': den er fuldstændig uforudsigelig.

Det var virkelig interessant at lære spillerne endnu bedre at kende, især nu, hvor de hver især skal træffe nogle valg, de ikke havde forventet. De er blevet trænet til Endgame hele deres liv, trænet til at være kolde og kontante - trænet til at vinde. Dog er nogle af dem langt mere menneskelige, end de gerne vil være ved - de vælger mere humane veje og de har en samvittighed, de ikke bare kan slukke for og det gør spillet lidt mere vanskeligt, end de havde forventet.

Jeg synes stadig, at det er forvirrende at finde rundt i de mange fortællere, men det har forfatterne da fundet en løsning på: de slår dem bare ihjel - på de mest makabre måder, de overhovedet kunne komme på.

Koderne forstod jeg, endnu engang, selvfølgelig intet af, men en ting ved jeg dog: afslutningen på trilogien bliver sindssyg spændende!

"Hun springer ud over kanten. Samler hænderne, kaster kroppen frem, dykker.

Himlen lyser blændende op, idet hun rammer vandet og trænger ned i dybet..."
Profile Image for Yuli Atta.
708 reviews95 followers
April 27, 2016
I don't know what to say. I. Just. Don't. Know.
Am I so easy to impress or is it the book? I don't know but I'm sure that this book is better than The Calling. It's been some time since I read a book like this one and I regret not reading it sooner because there was time when I was looking for reads like this one where everybody kills everybody and where friends are enemies as well and all that.
Now I read almost every book in the fantasy genre hoping to find something like that. I'm not really sure about the book's genre but I know that I totally LOVE it.
The characters are more developed and there are very big revelations that are neary a plot-twist.
And there is a lot of death, murder, violance and many, many battles.
I want the next one.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
Author 1 book46 followers
April 2, 2016
This book was a fast paced, action packed sequel that didn't disappoint.

characters I didn't like took up way too many chapters.
Decisions were pretty weak at points. An example would be in the last forty pages.

What I liked:
character development for characters I hated in the calling. They are now my favourites.
The pace was great.
People I hate are dead which is nice.
People I love are still alive.

Last thoughts?
I loved it overall and can't wait for the ending of this series!
January 12, 2016
I couldn't rate it any lower than 5 stars. This book has everything that a good book needs: intriguing plot, unique characters, shocking twists. It's so so good. Especially for its story, everything about Endgame is interesting. I also reckon that this book is better than the first one, maybe because we have already adapted to this 'reality'. Definitely an exciting and surprising reading, I totally recommend it!!
Profile Image for Dede.
249 reviews15 followers
April 25, 2016
Încă de la începutul acestui Joc final, când cei 12 meteoriți au lovit Pământul, alegându-și în sfârșit Jucătorii, scriitura simplă și energică a autorilor James Frey și Nils Johnson-Shelton a reușit să mă fascineze, creionând o lume distopică năucitoare, într-un mod cât se poate de inedit. Deși mă așteptam la ceva explozibil, nu eram chiar atât de sigură că cel de-al doilea volum al trilogiei o să mă poată surprinde și mai mult decât a făcut-o cel anterior. Dar uite că m-am înșelat și acesta chiar mi-a depășit așteptările pe care le aveam în privința continuării, acum că haosul s-a pus în mișcare.

„Viitorul e un joc. Timpul e una dintre reguli.”

Acțiunea acestei cărți se învârte în jurul celor nouă Jucători rămăși în lupta pentru supraviețuire. Odată găsită prima cheie, cea a Pământului, de către cahokiana Sarah Alopay, care a format o alianță cu olmecul Jago Tlaloc, Evenimentul ce amenință să distrugă totul în cale a fost declanșat. Nepăsător, Jocul își urmează propriile reguli, reguli ce se schimbă cu fiecare ezitare și fărâmă de neîncredere ce îi încearcă pe tinerii noștri. Reguli ce nu țin cont de ceea ce ei își doresc cu adevărat. Cel puțin, pentru unii dintre ei.

Alianțele înfiripate între Jucători în prima parte continuă și aici. Totuși, datorită situațiilor cărora sunt nevoiți să le facă față, unele au început să se cam zdruncine, confuzia și furia simțindu-se tot mai pronunțate în rândul lor. Cu toții fac greșeli și se simt neputincioși în unele momente, dar cumva reușesc să-și găsească tăria și forța necesare să mai înainteze cu un pas în cenușiul care îi înconjoară din toate părțile.

"Poate că tu ești gata să renunți, dar eu nu-s gata să renunț la tine. Așa am eu de gând să te ajut."

Paralel cu problemele întâmpinate din cauza Jocului, adolescenții trebuie să le țină piept și oamenilor care n-au habar de ceea ce se întâmplă chiar lângă ei. Pe zi ce trece, populația este tot mai înspăimântată de fenomenele care au loc pretutindeni. Pe lângă cei 12 meteoriții ce au căzut în diferite zone ale Pământului, sunt obligați să observe neputincioși cum un altul, mult mai mare și mai periculos, poreclit de aceștia Abaddon, amenință să elimine o bună parte din suprafața pe care își duc traiul. Cu această veste răsunând din toate cotloanele Pământului, oamenii devin tot mai egoiști față de cei din jur, fiind în stare să calce pe cadavre pentru a scăpa cu viață din ghearele morții ce se apropie vertiginos de ei.

"Jocul Final a început și lumea deja se schimbă."

Jucătorii continuă însă să lupte și să joace așa cum au fost instruiți, chiar dacă unii dintre aceștia sunt măcinați de regrete și de alegerile pe care le fac. Emoțiile ce îi acapară, furie, tristețe, plăcere sadică, frică, disperare, dezamăgire, vinovăție, se intensifică la fiecare obstacol înlăturat, dar ei continuă să acționeze. Fiecare luptă cu sinele său pentru a face ceea ce crede de cuviință, indiferent de impactul pe care îl au asupra sa aceste alegeri, aceste acțiuni. Continuă să lupte pentru semenii lor, pentru salvarea Pământului, sunt dispuși să riște totul pentru a învinge, chiar dacă este ultimul lucru pe care îl vor mai face în viața asta.

"Sunt doar oameni. Nu sunt atotputernici și n-au puteri supranaturale. Dar sunt foarte, foarte periculoși. Toți suntem antrenați să omorâm, să evadăm, să ne deghizăm, să lucrăm cu computerele. Suntem piloți experimentați, luptători, scufundători. Împreună suntem cei mai periculoși oameni de pe Pământ."

Pe măsură ce înaintăm cu lectura, observăm cât de mult Jucătorii se maturizează în gândire, schimbându-se modul lor de a percepe Jocul final față de cum o făceau înainte. O parte dintre ei începe să privească dincolo de fațada acestui joc periculos și de cei care îl conduc, întrebându-se constant dacă există vreo șansă ca să-i oprească și să se salveze cu toții de la distrugere. Se gândesc dacă nu cumva ăsta este doar un șiretlic meschin creat special de kepleri pentru a elimina întreaga populație de pe planetă. Oare se simt amenințați de specia lor, de vor să scape de niște simplii muritori de rând? Tocmai ei, creatorii lor?

Se simte o evoluție semnificativă a personajelor. Dacă în bine sau în rău, rămâne să aflați singuri. Scopul unora a rămas același, anume să câștige cu orice preț, găsind plăcere în violență și sadism, pe când a altora a mai deviat de la cel puternic înrădăcinat în ei de către semințiile lor, încă de la începuturi.

Momentele tensionante și pline de suspans, secretele îngrozitoare ce se lasă descoperite, răsturnările de situație din ce în ce mai imprevizibile, trădările și aparențele înșelătoare, scenele ce abundă în acțiune și dramatism, perspectivele multiple, tradițiile învechite și pline de istorie fac din Cheia Cerului un volum absolut năucitor care captivează cu fiecare pagină întoarsă și te atrage în jocul său, în această luptă nedreaptă, fără a-ți da vreo șansă să te eschivezi.

Recenzie: http://shattering-words.blogspot.ro/2...
Profile Image for Brina.
2,016 reviews121 followers
February 7, 2017
Nachdem ich den ersten Band der "Endgame"-Trilogie in kürzester Zeit verschlungen habe, hatte ich sehr hohe Erwartungen an den zweiten Band "Die Hoffnung" und habe auch diesen innerhalb weniger Stunden ausgelesen, weil ich unbedingt wissen wollte, wie es mit den Spielern weiter geht. Zum Glück wurde ich dabei nicht enttäuscht, denn der zweite Band ist mindestens genauso gut wie "Die Auserwählten".

Man muss zwar sagen, dass James Freys Schreibstil nach wie vor nicht gerade das Gelbe vom Ei ist und ich mir ein wenig Anspruch gewünscht hätte, allerdings konnte mich der Autor wieder einmal mit seinen vielen Ideen überzeugen und vor allem auch unterhalten. Dazu lernt man auch endlich den oder anderen Spieler näher kennen, sodass diese für mich greifbarer wurden und sie mir nicht mehr allzu fremd waren.

Nachdem sich im ersten Band alles um den Erdschlüssel drehte, wurde dieser mittlerweile gefunden, sodass man sich im zweiten Band voll und ganz auf den Himmelsschlüssel konzentrieren kann, der jedoch zeigt, dass die Spieler nicht nur skrupellose Killer sind, sondern auch ein Gewissen haben und nicht immer nur zwingend über Leichen gehen. Während am Anfang des Buches noch neun Spieler übrig waren, wird auch bei "Die Hoffnung" wieder ausgedünnt, was meiner Meinung nach allerdings richtig war, da ich besonders auf einen Spieler gerne verzichten kann.

Gleichzeitig ist es auch interessant zu sehen, wie einige Spieler mittlerweile miteinander umgehen. Während manche immer noch Allianzen bilden, sind andere dagegen komplett auf sich gestellt und wollen ganz bewusst, dass die Erde untergeht, während andere Spieler dagegen kämpfen und wollen, dass die Welt, so wie sie ist, auch weiterhin existieren kann. Weiterhin ist es sehr interessant, dass man auch endlich mehr über die Schöpfer erfährt. Vieles finde ich zwar immer noch schwammig, allerdings bin ich guter Dinge, dass sich dies spätestens im dritten und letzten Band "Die Entscheidung" ändern wird.

Das Cover ist schlicht, wirkt aber aufgrund des Symbols sehr edel. Sehr schön sind auch die vielen Codes, die man auf dem Schutzumschlag ertasten kann, sodass man erst auf den zweiten Band erkennt, wie detailliert das Cover letztendlich doch ist. Die Kurzbeschreibung ist ebenfalls gelungen und fasst Endgame gut zusammen, ohne dabei jedoch zu viel zu verraten.

Kurz gesagt: "Die Hoffnung" ist eine gute und vor allem spannende Fortsetzung, die "Endgame" gut weiterführt und dazu auch endlich mehr über die einzelnen Spieler verrät, sodass diese für den Leser greifbarer sind. Ich bin somit wieder einmal begeistert und bin schon sehr gespannt, wie die Reihe in "Die Entscheidung" enden wird.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 610 reviews

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