This time it’s a different kind of court

I missed last year’s NCAA playoffs so much that I channeled my energies into writing SOOLEY, my first shot at basketball fiction, which is now on sale.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Published on April 27, 2021 06:17
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message 1: by Kathie (new)

Kathie Wilson Can't wait to dig into this book!

message 2: by Gregory (new)

Gregory Bannister A good one, almost finished. Will be looking for Lyle Howard's books now.

Diane Pompetti Wolff I couldn’t stop listening !!! Read in almost 1 sitting! You sure know how to tell great stories. I don’t think I’ve missed any of yours! So looking forward to another Jake story. A Time for Mercy — you knocked it out of the park!!

message 4: by Brig (new)

Brig Asay Just added it to my "to be read" list.

Mary A Kirkpatrick My least favorite of the Grisham books I’ve read.

message 6: by Zykira (new)

Zykira i love baskball im going to play

message 7: by Tara (new)

Tara Cerven I really liked it...BUT it should have ended right before it did with the words "nothing but net".

message 8: by Matt (new)

Matt Mr Grisham i want to thank you for the genius of your writing, ive been reading since 1994 when i was 14, 27 years later n your books help with getting through each day. Thank you John Grisham

message 9: by Patrick (last edited Mar 07, 2022 04:18AM) (new)

Patrick Good Day Sir, Great book Sooley , however, The Rooster Bar really did it for me. My father was an accomplished attorney in Nashville who happened to play Bball for Vanderbilt in the 50's. He scored the first point in Memorial Gym in 1951, sunk a free thrown against Virginia. He was drafted by the Lakers (of course Minneapolis) but decided on Vandy Law School instead. Great guy too, I think you guys would have had a lot to talk about. My uncle played baseball and grandfather football at Vandy as well. I played intramurals at UT-Knoxville. Well, we can't all be stars....

For me, if it ain't SEC Bball, Fball, or Baseball....fuhgettabout it!

message 10: by David (new)

David Sebra My wife just started reading Sooley. When she is done, it's mine and I'm looking forward to it.

message 11: by Carol (new)

Carol I've recently read Sooley and enjoyed it. I found it ironic that Sooley's team lost to Villanova in the Final Four. So did my college's team (Western Kentucky University) at the Astrodome in Houston in double overtime in 1971.
I enjoy your work and believe I've read all of the novels. I just checked out THE BOYS FROM BILOXI.

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