I built this tutorial because I have been interested in using Julia to perform some of the analyses related to my PhD thesis. When exploring new R
routines and functions, I have always found it easier to write RMarkdown
documents and tutorials as a way of learning. I am now doing the same with Julia
I hope you can enjoy it!
Best regards,
Access this tutorial here: https://pedrohbraga.github.io/WeavingMarkdownDocuments-in-Julia/WeavingDocumentsJl.html
This document gives a brief illustration on how to create a report document using Julia and its
Weave.jl package. The Weave.jl
package was built by Matti Pastell, and it allows the "writing of text, mathematics and code in a single document which can be run capturing results into a rich report".
You will need to have Julia
in your computer, and install and load the Weave.jl
package by running using Pkg; Pkg.add.("Weave")
Visit Weave.jl
's documentation and publication for further information.
Do not hesitate to give your feedback or your contributions to this document!