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Lets express

Build Status

Application for building APIs with Express.js

Comes with:

  • ES6 features/modules
  • Bookshelf ORM and Knex migrations
  • PostgreSQL (default) with support for MySQL and SQLite
  • ESLint for code linting
  • Application configuration using dotenv
  • Pretty error reporting using youch



Clone the repository, install the dependencies and get started right away.

$ git clone <application-name>
$ cd <application-name>
$ yarn

Make a copy of .env.example as .env and update your application details and database credentials. Now, run the migrations and seed the database.

$ yarn migrate
$ yarn seed

Finally, start the application.

$ yarn start:dev (For development)
$ yarn start (For production)

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/api/ to verify installation.


For contribution and feature requests, please create an issue first.


lets-express is under MIT License.