Extract .msg file (Outlook mail file) to a text file.
Attachments file can also be expanded.
Compatible with macOS / Linux / Windows.
- Installer (including Java runtime, it will be installed automatically)
- For macOS: msg2txt-1.1.0.dmg
- For Windows: msg2txt-1.1.0.exe
- For Linux: msg2txt_1.1.0-1_amd64.deb
- Standalone (not including Java runtime)
- zip: msg2txt-1.1.0.zip
- tar: msg2txt-1.1.0.tar
Drag and drop .msg file to icon.
ℹ️ This icon is on the applications (macOS), or desktop (Windows)
/Applications/msg2txt.app/Contents/MacOS/msg2txt <.msg file>
/opt/msg2txt/msg2txt <.msg file>
C:\Program Files\msg2txt\msg2txt.exe <.msg file>
bin/msg2txt <.msg file>
/o <outputDir>
,-o <outputDir>
- Specify the output directory
- Extract text only (not extract attachments)
- Show help
Apache POI-HSMF - Java API To Access Microsoft Outlook MSG Files