Open source factorial calculator with both iterative and recursive variant of mentioned operation.
Simple project made to get a minimum experience in C# and it's functions. Program's handling cases with a proper input (integrals) and incorrect ones like letters, double type numerals etc. The code itself is mostly based on loops, parsing, recursive use of methods, and has a built in stopwatch. (I was curious if there will be any difference in performance. Apparently not in such a small program.)
The program tells you everything you're meant to do in order for it to work. In case of encountering an incorrect input from user it will pop a dialog telling the user which input was incorrect or it will do so right after providing the input.
To launch this code you'll need a C# 8.0 compilator in order to compile it i.e. in your IDE or to create an .exe file. The project was created basing on .NET Core 3.1 which means it should run on every platform.