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Semiclassical spin self organization v.2: Julia files & Bash scripts. The code was used to produce the results seen in

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This program provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, utilizing, and modifying the Julia codebase designed to solve the differential equations governing the dynamics of a collection of spins with kinetic energy in a cavity. The code implements a combination of the Truncated Wigner for the cavity and spin-motional variables and Discrete Truncated Wigner for the internal spin degrees of freedom, generates the Heisenberg-Langevin equations for these variables for each spin and solves them using state-of-the-art numerical techniques from DifferentialEquations.jl. For further details on the theory, realistic parameter ranges and general physics behind the code, see the paper.


The following workflow roughly describes how to implement the code. The code has been developed to specifically address our Lindbladian of interest:

$$\partial_t \hat{\rho} = -\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar}\left[\hat{H}, \hat{\rho}\right] + 2\kappa\left(\hat{a}\hat{\rho} \hat{a}^\dagger-\frac{1}{2}{\hat{a}^\dagger \hat{a}, \hat{\rho}}\right)$$

where the unitary dynamics are governed by,

$$ \hat{H}=-\hbar\Delta \hat{a}^\dagger \hat{a} + \hat{H}_{\mathrm{at}}+ \hbar Ng\hat{X}\left( \hat{a}^\dagger +\hat{a}\right). $$

In principle, however, it suffices to change the Heisenberg-Langevin equations fed into the program to study a range of weakly to strongly coupled spin-cavity models where we expect our semiclassical approach to hold. The code performs as follows:

graph TD;
    A[Define system parameters and constants] --> B[Define semiclassical initial conditions for spin and cavity quadratures];
    B --> C[Set up and solve coupled Heisenberg-Langevin equations];
    C --> D[Extract simulation struct containing each separate trajectories];
    D --> E[Average over trajectories to obtain an approximation on the quantum observables];

The workflow described above may be split into the following functions. We define the system parameters through the struct System_p,

struct System_p
    U₁::Float64 #Governs the number-conserving cos^2 type coupling (has been set to zero throughout our study)
    U₂::Float64 # "" non-number conserving (has been set to zero throughout our study)
    g₁::Complex{Float64} # Number-conserving spin-cavity coupling
    g₂::Complex{Float64} # Counter-rotating spin-cavity coupling
    ω::Float64 #Spin inversion frequency
    Δc::Float64 # Cavity detuning
    κ::Float64 # Cavity photon loss rate
    delta_D::Float64 # Doppler width ~ temperature
    N::Int # Atom number
    tspan::Tuple{Float64,Float64} # Simulation time in inverse atomic recoil units
    N_MC::Int # Number of initializations, i.e. monte carlo trajectories

from which the initial conditions are built via the define_prob_from_parameters function according to our hybrid discrete-continous Truncated Wigner sampling.

function initial_conditions(p::System_p, seed=abs(rand(Int)))
    N::Int = p.N
    Random.seed!(seed) # random number generator
    u0 = zeros(5N + 2) # All system variables, internal+motional degrees of freedom per spin + 2 cavity quadratures

    u0[1:N] = 2pi.*rand(N) # generate random positions, uniformly accross a full cavity wavelength
    u0[N+1:2N] = p.delta_D .* randn(N) # generate random momenta sampled from a Gaussian.

    u0[2N+1:4N] = 2bitrand(2N) .- 1  # σˣⱼ and σʸⱼ are 1 or -1  
    u0[4N+1:5N] .= -1. # σᶻⱼ = -1, atoms in the ground state 

    u0[5N+1:end] .= 0 # cavity empty
    return u0

The Heisenberg-Langevin equations are then explicitly passed on, with the deterministic part given by

function f_det(du,u,p,t)
    # t is in unit of w_R^{-1}

    # u = [ xⱼ,     pⱼ,      σˣⱼ,       σʸⱼ,      σᶻⱼ,    aᵣ,    aᵢ]
    #     [1:N, N+1:2N, 2N+1..3N, 3N+1..4N, 4N+1..5N, 5N+1, 5N+2]
    # x_j in units of 1/kc (x'_j = kc x_j)
    # p_j in units of hbar*kc (p'_j = p_j/(hbar*kc))

    # ancilla variables
    N::Int = p.N
    REP::Float64 = real(p.S₁) + real(p.S₂) # ℜ(S₁) + ℜ(S₂) 2g
    REM::Float64 = real(p.S₁) - real(p.S₂) # ℜ(S₁) - ℜ(S₂) 0 
    IMP::Float64 = imag(p.S₁) + imag(p.S₂) # ℑ(S₁) + ℑ(S₂) 0
    IMM::Float64 = imag(p.S₁) - imag(p.S₂) # ℑ(S₁) - ℑ(S₂)
    aa::Float64 = (u[5N+1]^2 + u[5N+2]^2 - 0.5) # aᵣ² + aᵢ² - 1/2
    bb::Float64 = 2p.Δc
    cc::Float64 = 0.0
    dd::Float64 = 0.0

    for j = 1:N
        # ancilla variables
        sinuj::Float64, cosuj::Float64 = sincos(u[j])
        bb -= ((1-u[4N+j])p.U₁ + (1+u[4N+j])p.U₂)cosuj^2
        cc -= ( IMM*u[2N+j] + REM*u[3N+j] )cosuj
        dd += ( REP*u[2N+j] - IMP*u[3N+j] )cosuj

        # positions x_j
        du[j] = 2u[N+j]
        # momenta p_j
        du[N+j] = sinuj * ( cosuj*( (1-u[4N+j])p.U₁ + (1+u[4N+j])p.U₂ ) * aa + ( REP*u[2N+j]u[5N+1] + REM*u[3N+j]u[5N+2] + IMM*u[2N+j]u[5N+2] - IMP*u[3N+j]u[5N+1] ) )
        # sigmax_j
        du[2N+j] = -u[3N+j]*(p.Δₑ-(p.U₁-p.U₂)*cosuj^2*aa) - 2cosuj*u[4N+j] * (IMP*u[5N+1]-REM*u[5N+2])
        # sigmay_j
        du[3N+j] = u[2N+j]*(p.Δₑ-(p.U₁-p.U₂)*cosuj^2*aa) - 2cosuj*u[4N+j] * (REP*u[5N+1]+IMM*u[5N+2])
        # sigmaz_j
        du[4N+j] = 2cosuj*(IMP*u[2N+j]u[5N+1] + IMM*u[3N+j]u[5N+2] - REM*u[2N+j]u[5N+2] + REP*u[3N+j]u[5N+1])

    # a_r
    du[5N+1] = bb/2 * u[5N+2] + cc/2 - p.κ*u[5N+1]
    # a_i
    du[5N+2] = -bb/2 * u[5N+1] + dd/2 - p.κ*u[5N+2]


and the stochastic part including only noise in the cavity quadratures with their usual Langevin-type noise correlations.

function f_noise(du,u,p,t)
    N::Int = p.N
    du[1:5N] .= 0.0
    du[5N+1] = sqrt((1/2)*p.κ)
    du[5N+2] = sqrt((1/2)*p.κ)

To build the multiple iterations of the system, and thus generating the initial noise in the system, we then borrow the EnsembleProblem capabilities of DifferentialEquations.jl:

    function define_prob_from_parameters(p::System_p,seed=abs(rand(Int)))
        # initial conditions
        Random.seed!(seed) # random number generator
        u0 = initial_conditions(p,abs(rand(Int)))
        u0_arr = [initial_conditions(p,abs(rand(Int))) for j=1:p.N_MC]

        function prob_func(prob,i,repeat)
            # @. prob.u0 = initial_conditions(N,κ,rng)
            @. prob.u0 = u0_arr[i]

        prob = SDEProblem(f_det,f_noise,u0,p.tspan,p)
        monte_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func = prob_func)

        return prob, monte_prob

In practice, all the functionalities described above will lie under the hood of the workhorse of the program, many_trajectory_solver, which, once the Heisenberg-Langevin equations are defined, only needs the parameter struct passed to solve the set of SDEs:

    function many_trajectory_solver(p::System_p;saveat::Float64,seed::Int=abs(rand(Int)),maxiters::Int=Int(1e12))
        prob, monte_prob = define_prob_from_parameters(p,seed)
        elt = @elapsed sim = solve(monte_prob::EnsembleProblem, SOSRA2(), EnsembleThreads(), trajectories=p.N_MC, saveat=saveat, maxiters=maxiters, progress=true)
        println("done in $elt seconds.")
        return sim
### We can also pass several parameters at once to the solver when we want to scan parameter space
    function many_trajectory_solver(ps::Array{System_p,1};saveat::Float64,seed::Int=abs(rand(Int)),maxiters::Int=Int(1e12))
        prob, monte_prob = define_prob_from_parameters(ps,seed)
        N_MC = sum([p.N_MC for p in ps])
        elt = @elapsed sim = solve(monte_prob::EnsembleProblem, SOSRA2(), EnsembleThreads(), trajectories=N_MC, saveat=saveat, maxiters=maxiters, progress=true)
        println("done in $elt seconds.")
        return sim

For each trajectory, we obtain a struct Sol, containing the array of dynamical variables at every given timestep, keeping track of the parameters and the algorithm used in that particular simulation. When we instead perform a simulation with multiple realizations, we obtain a sim::Array{Sol,1} object, where we stack up all the individual Sol for each trajectory in $1\leq i\leq\mathcal{N}_T$.

We approximate the true dynamics of the quantum operators by averaging over the trajectories of the semiclassical variables such that, if we want to track the dynamics of some operator $\hat{O}(t)$ we average its semiclassical counterpart $O_i$ such that $\hat{A}(t)\approx \mathcal{N}_T^{-1}\sum_i O_i$. We do this as follows:

Base.@kwdef struct Observable
    short_name::String = formula
    name::String = short_name

function expect(o::Observable,sol::Sol)

function expect_full(o::Observable,sim::Array{Sol,1})
    [expect(o,sim[j]) for j=1:length(sim)]

function expect(o::Observable,sim::Array{Sol,1})
    Os = expect_full(o,sim)
    Omean = mean(Os)
    Ostd = stdm(Os,Omean)
    bb = hcat(Os...)
    Oq90 = [quantile(bb[i,:],[0.05,0.95]) for i in 1:size(bb)[1]]

    return Omean, Ostd, Oq90

Example usage

Here we describe how we run the dynamics in practice, for a particular point in the phase diagram which we know to be strongly organized, for more info see the paper.

# Import the source and plotting packages

# Define simulation parameter struct
# recall the frequency unit is inverse recoils \omega_R^{-1}
N = 100 ; # number of atoms
kappa = 100; #cavity photon loss rate
omega = 80 #inversion frequency \omegau goes with \sigma_z
Deltac = -kappa # cavity detuning
Ntraj = 100; #number of trajectories
tlist = (0.0, 20.0); #sim time
deltaD = 10; #doppler width ~ temperature ###
g = 100 # single atom-cavity coupling
g_scaled = sqrt.(-1 * (kappa^2 + Deltac^2) / (2 * Deltac) / N) * sqrt.(g) #rescaled collective coupling

p= System_p(0.0, 0.0, g_scaled, g_scaled, omega, Deltac, kappa, deltaD/2, N, tlist, Ntraj)

# Launch simulation, initial conditions and noise over several initializations is automatically set
sim = many_trajectory_solver(p, saveat=0.2, seed=abs(rand(Int)))

If we then wanted to plot, say, the cavity population over time we evaluate y,y_std,y_q90 = expect(adaga,sim) to obtain the average, standard deviation and top 90 quantile of our many trajectory simulation.

function plot_adaga(sim::Array{Sol,1})
    y,y_std,y_q90 = expect(adaga,sim)
    y_q90 = hcat(y_q90...)
    tlist = sim[1].t

    matplotlib[:rc]("axes", labelpad=0.5)

    fig, ax = subplots(1,1,figsize=[6.50, 4.])
    ax[:set_ylabel](L"cavity population $|\alpha|^2/N_\mathrm{at}$")
    ax[:set_xlabel](L"time (units of $\omega_\mathrm{r}^{-1}$)")
    return fig, ax

Where we can find the immediate emergence of the superradiant phase for the cavity field:

Cavity population over time

Note that the plotting scripts are written wholly using PyPlot and not Julias native Plots.jl.


Many thanks to Luigi Gianelli who developed a good part of the original code.


Semiclassical spin self organization v.2: Julia files & Bash scripts. The code was used to produce the results seen in







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