Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Tailtiu Builds and Best IVs

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This is a ranking page for the hero Tailtiu - Thunder Noble from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Tailtiu.

Heroes With the Same Name
Tailtiu - Thunder Noble Icon Tailtiu

Tailtiu Rating and Basic Information

FEH Tailtiu Banner

Overall Rating 7.5/10
Reroll Ranking (excluding Inherit Skill) Unranked
(▶Reroll Ranking)
Ranking (including Inherit Skill) C
(▶FEH Tier List)

Tailtiu - Thunder Noble: Basic Information

Color / Weapon Type / Move Type
What Kind of Character Are They? ・Very powerful default weapon skill
・Can raise her allies' Spd/Res stats
・Has a rather high Spd stat

Tailtiu Skills at 5★

Might: 13  Range: 2
Slows Specials trigger (cooldown count +1). Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt.

Range: 1
Grants Spd/Res+3 to an adjacent ally until the end of the the turn

Grants Atk/Res +2.

Grants allies within 2 spaces Spd +3 during combat.

Resplendent Attire Available

Resplendent Hero

Resplendent Attire has been released for Tailtiu. With their Resplendent Attire equipped, they will have a different appearance, have new voice clips, and additionally, gain +2 to all stats. If you really like Tailtiu or you want to make them stronger, you may want to buy a FEH pass and get the Resplendent Attire.

List of Resplendent Heroes

Tailtiu Best IVs

Recommended IVs

Stat Superboon/Superbane IV Recommendation
HP (17) HP Superbane ★★★☆☆
Atk (21) No Attack IV ★★★★☆
Spd (9) No Spd IV ★★★★★
Def (4) Def Bane ★☆☆☆☆
Res (6) Res Boon ★★☆☆☆

◯ = Stat gains +4 with a superboon, ✕= Stat goes down by -4 with a superbane, - = No assets or flaws

See the IV Checker for All Units Trait Fruits—How to Change IVs

When using an Ascendant Floret, we recommend getting the next superboon if it fits the hero. If not, consider what stat your hero needs most.


The best IVs for Tailtiu are +Spd and -Def. A higher Spd stat allows Tailtiu to prevent follow-up attacks against her and helps her make follow-up attacks on her own. This boosts both her offensive and survivability capabilities. Her low Def is of less importance, so it is safe to take Def as a bane.

+Spd for a +10 Merge

We recommend a +Spd IV when merging Tailtiu to 10. With this IV, she can reach a Spd stat of 42 at max meges. This will give the same benefits mentioned above. If you plan to use Blárblade+ instead of Tome of Thoron, you are better off getting a +Atk IV instead.

Tailtiu Best Builds

Refined - Push Tailtiu

Assist Skill IconDraw Back
Special Skill IconLuna
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

Once Tailtiu activates her special effect refine, and her first Special attack, she can rapidly rain down powerful Special attacks with this build! When that happens, Atk/Spd Push 4 will have already activated Desperation 3. This means Tailtiu can go on a one-sided rampage against enemy units!

Desperate Fury Tailtiu

Assist Skill IconDraw Back
Special Skill IconGlimmer
Emblem Icon: -
Passive Skill A IconFury 4
Sacred Seal IconFury 3
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This build uses the recoil from Fury to activate Desperation and allow consecutive attacks for future engagements. Make sure to keep the unit alive after the first combat since they will be in exploitable HP ranges!

Source Heroes for All Skills

Tailtiu Best Weapon Refine

Effect of Tailtiu's Refined Weapon

Exclusive Weapon Effect from Refining (Special Effect Type)
SP: 400
Might: 14 Range: 2 HP:
At start of turn, if unit’s HP ≤ 75% and unit’s attack triggers Special, grants Special cooldown count-1, and deals +10 damage when Special triggers.
If unit initiates combat, grants Spd+6 during combat.
Arena Medal:500 Divine Dew:200

We recommend the Special Effect Refine for Tome of Thoron

It is a straightforward upgrade that grants Tailtiu +6 Spd whenever she initiates an attack. It helps her in her primary role as a player phase tome attacker. This upgrade goes well with the B skill Desperation 3! If Desperation triggers and Tailtiu is fast enough for a follow-up attack, she will be able to take out units without receiving damage.

Weapon Refinery Tier List

About the Weapon Refinery

Tailtiu Stats

Stat Rankings

Neutral Stats at Lv. 40 (5★)
HP 39 39
Rank: 750/1147
Atk 32 32
Rank: 920/1147
Spd 35 35
Rank: 529/1147
Def 17 17
Rank: 1018/1147
Res 25 25
Rank: 645/1147

Note that the graph reflects the units stats without bonuses from resplendent attire.

Stat Values

Lv 40+10 Stats (5★)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total'
Resplendent Base Stats
With Skills
46 54 42 23 33 198
Resplendent Base Stats 46 39 42 23 31 181
Resplendent +HP 48 38 41 23 31 181
Resplendent +Atk 45 41 41 23 31 181
Resplendent +Spd 45 38 44 23 31 181
Resplendent +Def 45 38 41 26 31 181
Resplendent +Res 45 38 41 23 35 182

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
44 52 40 21 31 188
Neutral 44 37 40 21 29 171
+HP 46 36 39 21 29 171
+Atk 43 39 39 21 29 171
+Spd 43 36 42 21 29 171
+Def 43 36 39 24 29 171
+Res 43 36 39 21 33 172

Stats at Lv 40

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv 40 +Skills
41 49 37 19 29 175
5★ Lv 40
41 34 37 19 27 158
4★ Lv 40
38 32 35 17 25 147
3★ Lv 40
37 30 33 16 24 140

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★- Adjusted for Skills 39 47 35 17 27 165
5★ Lv.40 39 32 35 17 25 148
4★ Lv.40 36 30 33 15 23 137
3★ Lv.40 35 28 31 14 22 130

Initial Stats (with Skills)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv.1
19 23 11 6 8 67
4★ Lv.1
18 19 11 5 7 60
3★ Lv.1
18 15 10 5 7 55

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv.1 17 21 9 4 6 57
4★ Lv.1 16 17 9 3 5 50
3★ Lv.1 16 13 8 3 5 45

Stat Comparison of Similar Heroes

38 43 34 18 45 178
40 42 44 25 26 177
37 37 40 25 31 170
39 38 32 17 40 166
40 37 34 15 39 165
41 36 33 19 28 157
36 33 30 18 34 151
42 32 20 23 34 151
35 36 31 16 30 148
Tailtiu Icon Tailtiu
39 32 35 17 25 148
43 22 32 25 25 147

Note: Stats bonuses from skills are not taken into account.

Tailtiu Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Tailtiu Roles

Tailtiu - Thunder Noble Roles
Close Physical AttackClose-Physical Ranged Physical AttackRanged-Physical Close Magic AttackClose-Magic Ranged Magic ImageRanged-Magic
Physical Wall ImagePhysical Wall Magic WallMagic Wall Effective ImageEffective Weapon Movement Assist ImageMovement Assist
Exclusive Skill ImageExclusive Skill No All Range Counterattack ImageAll-Range Counter RecoveryRecovery No Refresher ImageRefresher
No Legendary Hero ImageLegendary No Mythic Hero ImageMythic No Duo and Harmonized ImageDuo /
Resplendent ImageResplendent

Tailtiu is a ranged magic attacker (range = 2). Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage she deals will be equivalent toher Atk minus the foe's Res stat.

Tailtiu Strengths

Tome of Thoron has Wrath 3 built-in!

Tome of Thoron speeds-up Tailtiu's special cooldown and grants +10 pure damage to her whenever her special is activated. If you inherit a powerful special onto Tailtiu like Luna or Glimmer,you will be able to shred through most enemies that does not have an abnormally high Res stat especially if Tailtiu scores the follow-up attack. This synergizes well with Tailtiu's play style, kit and stats as she will have decent amounts of Spd at max investment. Having a high Spd means you score follow-up attacks more often and both those attacks help in activating a Tome of Thoron-charged Special attack!

Possesses another powerful weapon in Blárblade+

Blárblade+,Tailtiu's alternative weapon, is a Blade tome that takes Tailtiu's bonuses and adds them to the damage she deals. This is at the cost of delaying her special attack. If you prefer to use this weapon over Tome of Thoron, then you should make sure that she gets lots of support from your team. It is a very powerful tome, but it requires a lot of support and buffs from Tailtiu's allies. It can be said that Tome of Thoron's strengths is that it is less dependent on other factors.

Possesses buffs for allies

Tailtiu's base kit contains Rally Spd/Res which is an assist skill that boosts an ally's stats and Drive Spd 2, a passive skill that grants Spd to allies within 2 spaces. This allows her to both support and dish out damage using her base kit. Although we recommend that you use a Tailtiu as a full-on attacker so you should replace these skills as soon as possible. Check out her builds section to learn which skills as best for her.

Tailtiu Weaknesses

Low Defenses

Tailtiu's Def and Res sit at only 17 and 26 respectively. This makes her extremely fragile. Be mindful of her position against enemies that can take her out and watch out for units that can score a counterattack on her! This is the reason why we recommend Desperation 3 in her builds as she has the offensive fire power to take out enemies without taking damage. For Tailtiu, a good offense is the best defense you can give her.

Should you Unlock Potential?

Should You Unlock Potential for this Hero? B Rank Icon

We Recommend Unlocking Potential for Tailtiu - Thunder Noble!

We recommend that you use Unlock Potential to bring Tailtiu - Thunder Noble from 4 Stars to 5 Stars. Tailtiu - Thunder Noble is very useful as a Magic ace, so you may find using Unlock Potential on Tailtiu - Thunder Noble helpful if your team lacks a party member with this role.

Unlock Potential Tier List

Tailtiu - List of Skills


Skill Name Might Range Effect Learned At
4 2 No Effect 4★
6 2 No Effect 4★
9 2 Slows Specials trigger (cooldown count +1). Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt. 4★
13 2 Slows Specials trigger (cooldown count +1). Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt. 5★
14 2 At start of turn, if unit’s HP ≤ 75% and unit’s attack triggers Special, grants Special cooldown count-1, and deals +10 damage when Special triggers. 5★


Skill Name Range Effect Learned At
1 Grants Res+4 to an adjacent ally until the end of turn. 4★
1 Grants Spd/Res+3 to an adjacent ally until the end of the the turn 4★


This Hero has no Special skills that can be learned.


Skill Name Effect Learned At
Grants Atk +1. 4★
Grants Atk/Res +1. 4★
Grants Atk/Res +2. 5★
Grants adjacent allies Spd +2 during combat. 4★
Grants allies within 2 spaces Spd +2 during combat. 4★
Grants allies within 2 spaces Spd +3 during combat. 4★

Tailtiu as a Source Hero

Tailtiu Avatar

Value of Skills ★★★★★

Inheriting Rally Spd/Res or Drive Spd 2

Tailtiu can be used to inherit Rally Spd/Res or Drive Spd 2. If you do not plan to use Tailtiu in combat, you can turn her into a useful Combat Manual

How to Get Resplendent Tailtiu / Illustrations / Quotes

How to Get Resplendent Tailtiu

Obtain Via FEH Pass

FEH Pass
Distribution Date 9/10/2021 - 9/24/2021

Resplendent Tailtiu can be obtained by buying a FEH Pass. After the distribution period has ended, they can also be purchased by FEH pass subscribers.

Feh Pass Benefits and Special Features


Illustrator kaya8
Attire Embla

How to Get Tailtiu / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes

How to Get Tailtiu

Obtain Through Regular Summon

Tailtiu is a Hero who can be pulled from any summon.

Note: Not currently a featured hero in any Summon events.

Current Focuses and Which You Should Pull From

Voice Actor and Illustrator Information

Voice Actor
Heather Watson
Illustrator Shioemon
Appears In


Quotes: Special Triggered

Special Triggered Quotes are voice lines that play upon activating a Special attack.

Here I go!
Bye-bye now!

Lv 40 5★ Dialogue

Lv 40 5★ Dialogue become available when a hero attains Lv. 40 at 5★ rarity.

Hey there! Do you have a minute?
No matter what’s going on, you’re always so nice. It’s one of the things I really like about you.
Wait...are you blushing? You are! I never know what to expect from you!
I try not to think too hard, but I do have good instincts when it comes to people. You’re a good person.
And when I feel this way about somebody, I do what I can to help them out.
I always have a good time when I talk to you, {Summoner}.
So you keep on helping me, and I’ll keep on helping you!

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