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User:Aria der Donau

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Aria der Donau








Concepción, Chile

Edit count


Welcome, dear reader. If you have stumbled upon this page, it may be due to chance or because you are interested in the current editor-in-chief of this wiki.

I'm Aria der Donau, or Aria, or... well, if you are resourceful enough, I think you should be able to find my real name in this wiki. I work as a freelance translator, with German and English as my main languages. I can also understand a bit of Italian and Mapudungun.

My favourite videogame series are Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Harvest Moon/Rune Factory. I also played and loved Drill Dozer, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and several Zelda games. Other pastimes of mine are knitting, embroidering, gardening, and reading.

Current tasks

I have had a hand at almost everything here: writing pages, making templates, cropping images and sprites, etc. If you have any questions, just ask away and I will do my best to help you. There are other wonderful users who can help you as well, if you feel I'm not the most adequate person.

My current work covers:

  • Cleaning sprites from any game: most of them are from Fuuin no Tsurugi and the Tellius games.
  • Starting and updating Project Characters and Project Items (tentative name).
  • Maintenance.

For loose ideas or other stuff, please look at my sandbox.