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Together to the End/The Final Battle

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The Final Battle

Cm fe02 c5 m02.png


Duma Tower



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Duma Temple

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Archanea Seaway 2 Battle

The Final Battle (Japanese: 最終決戦 Final Decisive Battle) is the final map of the final act of Fire Emblem Gaiden and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

Map data

Gaiden Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat Duma Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Alm or Celica dies 2–20 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 20+reinforcements
Map dimensions:
30 columns by 28 rows

Character data

Gaiden Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

New units


Required characters
Alm 02 ​Celica 02 ​
Available characters
Lukas ​Gray ​Tobin ​Kliff ​Faye ​Silque ​Clair ​Clive ​Forsyth ​Python ​Luthier ​Mathilda ​Delthea ​Tatiana ​Zeke ​Mycen ​Mae ​Boey ​Genny ​Saber ​Valbar ​Kamui ​Leon ​Palla ​Catria ​Atlas ​Jesse ​Sonya ​Deen ​Est ​Nomah ​Conrad ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is nes02 ring.png Mage Ring Dropped by Jedah

Enemy data

Gaiden Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Normal Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Hard

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Atk Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma 3ds03 fell god enemy.gif Duma Fell God 30 1 182 30 10 10 0 20 20 2 --
Ocular Beam Oculus Conjure* Tentacle Upheaval Nullify Ailments
• Only moves to attack units in range.
• Uses Ocular Beam and Tentacle when HP > 52; uses Oculus when HP ≤ 52.
• Recovers 5 HP per turn.
Ma 3ds03 cantor jedah enemy.gif Jedah Cantor 20 1 52 21 17 16 0 15 9 4 Animus Ring
Death Conjure* Recovery* Incarnation Vengeful Cry* Duma's Gift Nullify Ailments Pact
Ma 3ds03 bow knight enemy.gif Aurum Bow Knight 10 1 51 21 13 11 0 13 6 8 --
Bow Bowrange +2
Ma 3ds03 arcanist enemy.gif Gharn Arcanist 20 1 47 17 13 13 0 14 8 4 --
Medusa Fortify Pact
Ma 3ds03 bow knight enemy.gif Argentum Bow Knight 10 1 51 21 13 11 0 13 6 8 --
Bow Bowrange +2
Ma 3ds03 dread fighter enemy.gif Cerberus Dread Fighter 10 1 47 20 21 23 0 14 6+5 7 --
Sword Resistance +5 Apotrope
Ma 3ds03 gold knight enemy.gif Hades Gold Knight 10 1 51 23 12 17 0 18 7 9 --
Ma 3ds03 dread fighter enemy.gif Naberius Dread Fighter 10 1 47 20 21 23 0 14 6+5 7 --
Sword Resistance +5 Apotrope
Ma 3ds03 witch marla enemy.gif Marla Witch 20 1 37 20 17 14 0 10 14 4 --
Aura Conjure* Pact
Only moves to attack units in range.
Ma 3ds03 witch hestia enemy.gif Hestia Witch 20 1 37 20 17 14 0 10 14 4 --
Aura Conjure* Pact
Only moves to attack units in range.
Ma 3ds03 mogall enemy.gif Terrors Mogall 5 10 36 17 12 20 0 10 4 3 --
Tackle Divide
Only moves to attack units in range.
Name Class Lv # HP Atk Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma 3ds03 mogall enemy.gif Duma Faithful Mogall 5 Varies 36 17 12 20 0 10 4 3 --
Tackle Divide
Conjured by Duma and Jedah.
Ma 3ds03 mogall enemy.gif Duma Faithful Mogall 1 Varies 32 15 10 18 0 8 4 3 --
Tackle Divide
Spawned by other Mogalls.
Ma 3ds03 witch enemy.gif Duma Faithful Witch 1 Varies 22 10 12 8 0 4 14 4 --
Fire Teleportation
Conjured by Marla and Hestia.
Ma 3ds03 mogall enemy.gif Terrors Mogall 1 Varies 32 15 10 18 0 8 4 3 --
Tackle Divide
Spawned by other Mogalls.

Boss data

Main article: Duma

Gaiden Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Normal Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Hard

Portrait duma status fe15.png
Ma 3ds03 fell god enemy.gif Fell God
Level 30
Max HP 182 Luck 0
Attack 30 Defense 20
Skill 10 Resistance 20
Speed 10 Movement 2
Item Skills
-- Ocular Beam
Nullify Ailments
Swords Lances Axes
Bows Black magic White magic Monster weapons


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

Alm's party starts near three enemies: Cerberus and Naberius, two Dread Fighters with identical stats, and Hades, a powerful Gold Knight. Cerberus and Naberius both have 23 attack speed, and will likely not be doubled by anything but another Dread Fighter; they also have decent mixed bulk exacerbated by most units' inability to double them. They cannot retaliate at range, and can safely be engaged by bow-users, particularly ones with Hunter's Volley. Hades, while not as fast as the Dread Fighters, is relatively fast, with 17 AS. Hades has low resistance, however, and can be one-shot in Hard mode by a magic user with 59 attack, or one-rounded by one with 33 attack. Defeating Hades with physical weapons requires 72 attack to one-shot or 46 to one-round; a Rapier that has been forged three times will have 18 effective might against Hades and can use the Shadow Gambit or Destreza combat arts, while a thrice-forged Ridersbane will have 27 effective might—a Ridersbane can be evolved into Rhomphaia, but Rhomphaia lacks Anti-Cavalry, and its combat arts deal less damage than a Ridersbane would and cannot be doubled with.

Celica's party starts in damaging terrain and near swarms of Mogalls. Mogalls have moderate attack and high speed, and will likely not be doubled by anything but a Dread Fighter or a doubling combat art. Mogalls also divide, spawning more Mogalls that will not despawn when their summoner is killed. They are immune to Expel, so there is no easy means of quickly defeating them all. In Hard mode, one-shotting a Mogall requires 46 physical attack or 40 magical attack, while two-shotting requires 28 physical or 22 magical attack; Falcon Knight's Banish grants +10 attack when fighting terrors, each of the blessed weapons has 15 effective might when forged three times, and Seraphim has 21 effective might. Argentum and Aurum also start near Celica, but they have low speed (which is even lower on Hard Mode due to their Silver Bows), and can reliably be doubled by a decent number of units.

Jedah gatekeeps the path to Duma, and while he does not move or attack, he is rather difficult to kill. He nullifies all attacks except in every fourth round of combat, meaning he must be fruitlessly engaged three times before any damage can be dealt to him. Since his Death spell hits hard and his Animus Ring lets him counter from any range, it is best to burn his immunity with high-resistance units like Dread Fighters or with someone carrying a Dracoshield or Hexlock Shield. While it is not necessary to defeat him in one round, he will restore 10 HP at the start of each enemy phase and will conjure additional Mogalls if he is left alive. In Hard mode, one-shotting him requires 67 physical attack or 61 magical attack, while two-shotting him requires 41 physical or 35 magical attack; strong combat arts such as Double Lion or Triangle Attack can assist in quickly defeating Jedah.

Marla and Hestia have the same stats, skill set, and behavior: they stay near Duma and repeatedly conjure Witches. The summoned Witches can deal high damage to low-res units, and their ability to teleport makes targeting vulnerable units easier. Marla and Hestia are physically frail, but they have Aura to deal high damage at 1–2 range; high-res Dread Fighters or high-range Bow Knights can fairly easily defeat them, but reaching them requires passing Jedah and a number of Mogalls—additionally, a unit that can attack them will likely be in range of Duma and more Mogalls.

Gharn has 1–5 range, but he does not move, is too slow to double units, and he cannot kill anything with more than 1 HP, though he sets units up for something else to kill them. It is fairly easy to stay out of his range, but he will use Fortify to heal Duma if he is not killed.

Duma has over 3 times the HP of any enemy prior; however, his low speed renders him easily doubled, and his low movement makes it easy to keep vulnerable units out of his range. When Duma reaches 52 HP or less, he can only be damaged by a weapon with Deicide; Alm's Falchion is the strongest weapon with Deicide, but Nosferatu from the Cleric, Saint, or Exemplar classes, the Exalted Falchion of a Marth amiibo, or the Binding Blade of a Roy amiibo all have Deicide. Other units will be unable to damage Duma, but can provide support bonuses; Celica notably provides 20 crit to Alm.

Map Turn Count: 11
Game Turn Count: 343


  • The music that plays during this map is titled "Twilight of the Gods".
  • This map shares its name with the theme of the second part of the final chapter of The Sacred Stones.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

The Final Battle




Final Decisive Battle


La batalla final

The final battle


Combat final

Final battle


Die letzte Schlacht

The last Battle


Battaglia finale

Final battle


Het laatste gevecht

The last battle


최종 결전

The final decisive battle

Simplified Chinese


Final decisive battle

Traditional Chinese


Final decisive battle


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


  1. @wakobunonazo, 【FC】ファイアーエムブレム外伝 小ネタ&バグ技集, YouTube, Published: May 14, 2022, Retrieved: September 9, 2024
←  Duma Temple • The Final Battle •  Archanea Seaway 2 Battle (Shadows of Valentia only) →
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Playable characters AlmAtlasBoeyCatriaCelicaClairCliveDeenDeltheaEstForsythGennyGrayJesseKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMathildaMycenNomahPallaPythonSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Non-playable characters HalcyonIrmaMassena
Bosses AurumBarthBlakeCerberusDeenDeltheaDesaixDolthDumaGarciaGarthGazelleGharnGriethHadesHestiaJamilJedahJeromeLawsonMagnusMarlaMikhailMuellerNaberiusNuibabaRudolfShizasSlaydeSonyaTatarrahWolffXaizorZaksonZeke
Background characters Lima IVLipricaMila
Personal weapons FalchionRoyal Sword
Acts and Battles Act 1 1: Ram Woods Battle • 2: Fleecer's Forest Battle • 3: Thieves' Shrine • 4: Storming of Ram Valley • 5: Attack on the Southern Outpost • 6: First Battle of Southern Zofia • 7: Second Battle of Southern Zofia • 8: Deliverance Hideout • 9: Liberation of Zofia Castle
Act 2 1: Skirmish • 2: First Pirate Raid • 3: Second Pirate Raid • 4: Assault on the Pirate Throne • 5: Third Pirate Raid • 6: Beast Hunt • 7: Seabound Shrine • 8: Fourth Pirate Raid • 9: Fifth Pirate Raid
Act 3 Alm 1: Northern Zofia Battle • 2: First Battle of Zofia Forest • 3: Forest Crossroads Battle • 4: Siege of Desaix's Fortress • 5: Second Battle of Zofia Forest • 6: Sylvan Shrine • 7: Forest Northside Battle • 8: Retaking of the Sluice Gate
Celica 1: Zofian Coast Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on the Desert Stronghold • 4N: Northern Desert Battle • 4S: Southern Desert Battle • 5: Attack on Grieth's Citadel • 6: Storming of the Valley Approach • 7: Dragon Shrine • 8: Liberation of the Temple of Mila
Act 4 Alm 1: Border Battle • 2: Rigel Forest Battle • 3: Fear Mountain Battle • 4: Fear Mountain Shrine • 5: Siege of Nuibaba's Abode • 6: Rigel Plains Battle • 7: Fight at the Dragon's Maw • 8: Rigel Falls Battle • 9: Secret Shrine • 10: Attack on the Last Bastion • 11: Attack on Rigel Castle
Celica 1: Dead Man's Mire Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on Dolth Keep • 4: Lost Treescape • 5: Storming of Duma Gate • 6: The Swamps of Duma Battle • 7: Duma Tower
Act 5 1: Duma Temple • 2: The Final Battle
Locations ValentiaMila ShrinesNovisRigel (Fear Mountain ShrineLost TreescapeDuma Tower) • Zofia (Ram)
Groups, objects and concepts DeliveranceMonsters
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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Playable characters Alm's Party AlmClairCliveDeltheaFayeForsythGrayKliffLukasLuthierMathildaMycenPythonSilqueTatianaTobinZeke
Celica's Party AtlasBoeyCatriaCelicaConradDeenEstFayeGennyJesseKamuiKliffLeonMaeNomahPallaSaberSonyaValbar
DLC EmmaRandalShadeYuzu
Non-playable characters HalcyonIrmaMassenaMilaPeddlers
Bosses ArgentumAurumBarthBerkutBlakeBrigand BossCerberusThe CreationDeenDeltheaDesaixDolthDumaFernandGarthGarciaGazelleGharnGriethHadesHestiaJamilJarth*JedahJeromeLawsonMagnusMarlaMikhailMuellerNaberiusNuibabaRineaRudolfSlaydeSonyaTatarrahWolffXaizorZaksonZeke
Background characters ForneusLima IVLipricaShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons Beloved ZofiaFalchionGradivusMercuriusParthiaRoyal Sword
Acts and Battles Prologue Alm and Celica
Act 1 1: Ram Woods Battle • 2: Fleecer's Forest Battle • 3: Thieves' Shrine • 4: Storming of Ram Valley • 5: Attack on the Southern Outpost • 6: First Battle of Southern Zofia • 7: Second Battle of Southern Zofia • 8: Deliverance Hideout • 9: Liberation of Zofia Castle
Act 2 1: Skirmish • 2: First Pirate Raid • 3: Second Pirate Raid • 4: Assault on the Pirate Throne • 5: Third Pirate Raid • 6: Beast Hunt • 7: Seabound Shrine • 8: Fourth Pirate Raid • 9: Fifth Pirate Raid • 10: Zofia Castle Battle
Act 3 Alm 1: Northern Zofia Battle • 2: First Battle of Zofia Forest • 3: Forest Crossroads Battle • 4: Siege of Desaix's Fortress • 5: Second Battle of Zofia Forest • 6: Sylvan Shrine • 7: Forest Northside Battle • 8: Retaking of the Sluice Gate
Celica 1: Zofian Coast Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on the Desert Stronghold • 4N: Northern Desert Battle • 4S: Southern Desert Battle • 5: Attack on Grieth's Citadel • 6: Storming of the Valley Approach • 7: Dragon Shrine • 8: Liberation of the Temple of Mila
Act 4 Alm 1: Border Battle • 2: Rigel Forest Battle • 3: Fear Mountain Battle • 4: Fear Mountain Shrine • 5: Siege of Nuibaba's Abode • 6: Rigel Plains Battle • 7: Fight at the Dragon's Maw • 8: Rigel Falls Battle • 9: Secret Shrine • 10: Attack on the Last Bastion • 11: Attack on Rigel Castle
Celica 1: Dead Man's Mire Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on Dolth Keep • 4: Lost Treescape • 5: Storming of Duma Gate • 6: The Swamps of Duma Battle • 7: Duma Tower
Act 5 1: Duma Temple • 2: The Final Battle
Act 6 1: Archanea Seaway 2 Battle • 2: Archanea Seaway 4 Battle • 3: Archanea Seaway 6 Battle • 4: Thabes Labyrinth
amiibo Duma's OrdealsMila's Ordeals
DLC The Astral TempleThe Inner SanctumBand of BandagesLords of the GraveWretches and RichesWealth Before HealthAltar of the DestrierAltar of the TitanAltar of the SkylordAltar of the SorceressAltar of the FaerieAltar of the OgreAltar of the MarksmanAltar of the SavantAltar of the QueenAltar of the King • 1: Battle of Zofia Harbor • 2: Outpost Rescue • 3: Flight from the Ruins • 4: Siege of Zofia CastleCipher Legends ICipher Legends IIMila's Bounty 1Mila's Bounty 2Mila's Bounty 3Mila's Bounty 4Mila's Bounty 5
Locations ValentiaRigel (Fear Mountain ShrineSecret ShrineLost TreescapeDuma TowerDuma Temple) • Zofia (Deliverance HideoutDragon ShrineNovisRamSylvan ShrineTemple of MilaSeabound ShrineThieves' Shrine) • ArchaneaThabes
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