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The Binding Blade (chapter)

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The Binding Blade

Cm fe06 21.png


Shrine of Seals

New units



Murdock, Peres

Previous chapter(s)
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Side quest conditions
  • Melady and Zeiss are recruited and alive
  • Chapter is completed within 30 turns
We shall show them the power of Bern's main forces. Still...that general from the Lycian League Army made it this far.
— Murdock to Galle

The Binding Blade (Japanese: 封印の剣 Sword of seals) is the twenty-first chapter of Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. In order to play the side quest after, this chapter must be completed within 30 turns, and Melady and Zeiss must be recruited and alive.


Main article: The Binding Blade (chapter)/Script

The Etrurian Army has at last reached Bern. Guinivere leads the group to the Shrine of Seals, the resting place of the Binding Blade. However, the shrine is protected by the Wyvern Generals Murdock and Galle.

Yoder returns to the Etrurian Army because he received Roy's letter detailing what he learned about dragons from Niime. Like Roy, he has concluded that Bern resurrected the Demon Dragon, who now hides in Bern's army in human form. He suspects that she may be the Dark Priestess often seen at King Zephiel's side. Additionally, Yoder brought two legendary weapon to support the cause. These weapons are the Staff of the Saint, as well as whichever of Mulagir and Maltet Roy did not have the opportunity to acquire for himself.

Though both Zeiss and Melady, Galle's former subordinate and lover respectively, can confront Galle on the battlefield, Galle cannot be swayed from his loyalty to Bern and dies during the conflict. Roy also succeeds in slaying Murdock, thus conquering the Shrine of Seals.

If the shrine is taken sufficiently quickly and both Melady and Zeiss survive until this point, Elffin will discover a secret passage inside the shrine leading to the holding place of an additional legendary weapon besides the Binding Blade.

If the battle drags on for too long, the druid Peres will dispose of the weapon instead and join the fray on Murdock's side. Once beaten, Roy, Elffin and Merlinus proceed to the altar of the Binding Blade. After Merlinus tries and fails to draw the blade, Roy inserts the Fire Emblem into the blade's hilt like Guinivere instructed him. Immediately, Roy sees a vision of the Dragon Sanctuary with an unveiled Idunn inside, and speculates that this is Hartmut's memory contained within the Binding Blade. When the vision fades, the Binding Blade glows. Though Roy doubts that he is fit to wield Hartmut's weapon, Elffin reassures him that the Binding Blade chose him. With renewed confidence, Roy leads the Etrurian Army toward the final clash against Zephiel.

Chapter data

Normal Hard

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Seize the throne Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Roy dies 1–18+1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 35+96

Map Secret Shop

Cm fe06 21.png

Character data

New units
Portrait yoder fe06.png
Staff of the Saint
Automatically from turn 1
Required characters
Roy ​
Available characters
Marcus ​Alen ​Bors ​Wolt ​Lance ​Merlinus ​Elen ​Ward ​Lot ​Dieck ​Shanna ​Chad ​Lugh ​Clarine ​Rutger ​Saul ​Dorothy ​Sue ​Zelot ​Trec ​Noah ​Astolfo ​Lilina ​Gwendolyn ​Barthe ​Ogier ​Fir ​Sin ​Gonzalez ​Klein ​Thea ​Larum ​Echidna ​Elffin ​Bartre ​Geese ​Raigh ​Cath ​Melady ​Perceval ​Cecilia ​Sophia ​Igrene ​Garret ​Fae ​Hugh ​Zeiss ​Douglas ​Niime ​Juno ​Dayan ​
At the end of the chapter, if the requirements to enter Chapter 21x were not met, Roy will promote to Great Lord automatically.

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba knight crest.png Knight Crest Steal from Murdock
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Wyvern Rider
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Wyvern Rider
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Wyvern Rider
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Wyvern Rider (reinforcement; up to thirty-eight)
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Paladin (reinforcement; up to six)
Is gba knight crest.png Knight Crest Visit village
Is gba binding blade.png Binding Blade Automatically at the end of the chapter, if the requirements for Chapter 21x were not met

Shop data

Armories and vendors

Swords Lances Axes Bows Anima Light Dark Staves Items Secret

Name Cost
Is gba silver sword.png Silver Sword 1,500
Is gba silver blade.png Silver Blade 1,800
Is gba armorslayer.png Armorslayer 1,260
The secret shop is located in the central right edge of the map, in the single grass tile in the middle of the mountain range.

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Normal Hard

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba general enemy.gif Murdock General 20 1 62 27 19 12 12 25 17 20 5 Tomahawk Knight Crest
Does not move; stands on a throne, the chapter's seize point.
Ma gba wyvern lord enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Lord 10 3 42~50 18~23 11~16 11~15 4~8 14~18 2~4 11 8 Silver Lance
• The northeast one begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
• The southwest one moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 3 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Killer Lance Vulnerary
• The northeast one begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
• The southwest one moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 6 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Steel Lance Javelin
• The northeast two begin moving unprovoked when they can attack a unit within two turns.
• The one northwest of the middle Wyvern Lord and the southwest two move to attack units in range.
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 3 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Steel Lance
• The northeast one begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
• The southwest one moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba manakete enemy.gif Manakete Manakete 10 2 47~56 9~14+10 6~11+10 6~10 5~9 3+20 4~8+5 5 5 Firestone
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Bern Bishop 10 3 31~36 11~16 9~13 8~12 9~14 4~6 17~22 6 6 Divine Physic
The eastern one moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Bern Sage 12 1 31~36 16~21 10~15 10~14 3~6 6~10 11~15 7 6 Elfire Mend
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Bern Sage 12 1 31~36 16~21 10~15 10~14 3~6 6~10 11~15 7 6 Aircalibur Mend
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Bern Sage 12 1 31~36 16~21 10~15 10~14 3~6 6~10 11~15 7 6 Bolting Fire Physic
Does not move, except to heal.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Bern Knight 20 3 30~35 11~14 7~10 2~4 4~6 13~15 0~2 13 4 Steel Lance
The eastern one begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Bern Knight 20 2 30~35 11~14 7~10 2~4 4~6 13~15 0~2 13 4 Horseslayer
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Bern Archer 19 3 29~33 9~12 9~12 8~10 5~8 5~7 1~3 7 5 Iron Bow
The eastern one begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Bern Archer 20 3 29~33 9~12 9~12 8~10 5~8 5~7 1~3 7 5 Longbow
The eastern one begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba wyvern lord enemy.gif Galle Wyvern Lord 18 1 49 22 15 13 11 22 14 12 8 Spear
Moves towards and only attacks Roy, unless he is not present on the map (i.e. he is rescued).
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 1 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Horseslayer
Only attacks if Roy is within Galle's range or Galle has been defeated.
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 1 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Axereaver
Only attacks if Roy is within Galle's range or Galle has been defeated.
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 7 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Javelin
Only attacks if Roy is within Galle's range or Galle has been defeated.
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 14 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Steel Lance
Ma gba wyvern rider enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Rider 20 38 33~38 14~17 8~11 9~12 4~6 12~14 1~3 10 7 Steel Lance Vulnerary
Ma gba wyvern lord enemy.gif Bern Wyvern Lord 13 19 44~53 19~24 12~17 12~15 5~8 15~18 2~4 11 8 Silver Lance
Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Bern Paladin 13 3 41~48 13~17 11~16 10~14 6~10 10~13 6~10 11 8 Silver Lance
Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Bern Paladin 5 3 36~42 11~15 9~13 9~12 4~8 9~12 5~8 11 8 Javelin
Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Bern Paladin 5 6 36~42 11~15 9~13 9~12 4~8 9~12 5~8 11 8 Steel Lance Vulnerary
Ma gba druid enemy.gif Peres Druid 15 1 36 20 14 11 13 15 20 6 6 Nosferatu
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba druid enemy.gif Bern Druid 10 2 29~34 19~24 9~14 9~13 4~8 5~9 12~15 6 6 Fenrir Physic
Moves to attack units in range.


  • Enemy phase when any unit ends their turn north of the shrine (columns 13–32, rows 22–25)
  • Enemy phase when any unit ends their turn near the shrine (columns 18–32, rows 22–36); repeatable up to three times.
  • Enemy phase when any unit ends their turn southwest of the village (columns 1–9, rows 16–19); repeatable up to three times
  • Enemy phase when any unit ends their turn north of the southern peaks (columns 1–13, rows 25–28)
  • Enemy phase when any unit ends their turn in the northeast corner of the map (columns 22–31, rows 1–7); repeatable up to three times
    • 1 Wyvern Lord and 3 Wyvern Riders with Steel Lances (two with Vulneraries) from the upper of the eastern peaks
    • 1 Wyvern Lord and 3 Wyvern Riders—one with a Javelin, two with Steel Lances and Vulneraries—from the lower of the eastern peaks
    • 1 Wyvern Lord and 3 Wyvern Riders with Steel Lances (two with Vulneraries) from the peaks west of the shrine
  • Turn 31

Boss data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.[1][2]
Main article: Murdock

Normal Hard

Portrait murdock fe06.png
Ma gba general enemy.gif General
Level 20
Max HP 62 Luck 12
Strength 27 Defense 25
Skill 19 Resistance 17
Speed 12 Constitution 20
Movement 5 Aid 19
Knight Crest
Weapon Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows
Anima magic Light magic Dark magic Staves
Main article: Peres

Normal Hard

Portrait peres fe06.png
Ma gba druid enemy.gif Druid
Level 17
Max HP 36 Luck 13
Magic 20 Defense 15
Skill 14 Resistance 20
Speed 11 Constitution 6
Movement 6 Aid 5
Weapon Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows
Anima magic Light magic Dark magic Staves


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

The secret shop sells every class-change item, every stat-booster, and siege tomes; notably, this includes Boots. It is generally advised to sell all unwanted equipment to buy as many Boots as possible. While items can be sold at the battle preparations shop on Normal, the shop is not available in Hard, so accessing the convoy to sell items requires deploying Merlinus.

While previous chapters in The Binding Blade often featured a few Wyvern Riders and a Wyvern Lord, this chapter features 15 on Normal, with more appearing as reinforcements and even more present on Hard. Some relevant stat thresholds for fighting these enemies on Hard are:

Wyvern Rider and Wyvern Lord Hard Mode stat thresholds
Enemy Threshold (average stats / maximum stats)
One-shot physical attack One-shot magical attack Two-shot physical attack Two-shot magical attack Doubling attack speed
Level 20 Wyvern Rider 63/69 50/56 40/44 27/31 19/21
Level 10 Wyvern Lord 75/84 61/68 47/53 33/37 20/23
Level 13 Wyvern Lord 78/87 63/71 49/55 34/39 20/23

Weapons that deal bonus damage to wyvern units will likely be required to reach one- or two-shot thresholds; some such weapons include:

  • Aircalibur deals magical damage and has 24 effective might.
  • A Killer Bow deals physical damage and has 27 effective might; critical hits may allow units that do not meet a threshold to one- or two-shot.
  • A Silver Bow deals physical damage and has 39 effective might.
  • Durandal deals physical damage and has 51 effective might.
  • Forblaze deals magical damage and has 42 effective might.

Many of the reinforcements only spawn if the player enters certain regions, so they can be avoided rather than fought. The map has three "lanes" that encounter different enemies and may trigger different reinforcement sets.

  • The top lane, going to the top right corner of the map and then down, faces only one reinforcement zone before reaching the shrine; however, this zone triggers three squads at once for three turns, two of which appear very close to the trigger zone.
  • The middle lane, starting near the Sage and crossing the map south of the Village, triggers the fewest reinforcements. Entering the area near the Sage will trigger a squad of Wyverns and also a squad of Paladins; they approach from the same direction, but the Paladins will be slowed by terrain, potentially causing them to reach the player at the same time as the next wave of Wyverns.
  • The bottom lane, going to the very south of the map and approaching along the southern peaks, triggers the same reinforcements as the middle lane in addition to more wyverns closer to the player from the southern peaks as the player deviates from the middle lane.

These reinforcement zones can be circumvented with fliers or mounted units, who have enough movement to pass from one end of a zone to the other without waiting inside it or simply moving around it, potentially carrying another unit.

Approaching the Shrine triggers additional reinforcements: Galle's squad and two other Wyvern squads (one from the western peaks, another from the southern peaks) will spawn; Galle's squad may be triggered earlier by using the bottom lane, and the latter two squads can spawn up to three times, which will almost always trigger all three times as the player needs to go around to the south to enter the Shrine. Alternately, the player may Warp units directly into the Shrine to quickly defeat the boss and then seize. Galle's squad spawns far from the shrine, and does not pose an immediate threat.

The boss, Murdock, is not easy to defeat quickly. He has capped strength and has a Tomahawk for 1–2 range. Murdock has 40 attack, and has much higher skill than many of the prior General bosses (22–23 on Hard); he also has incredible bulk: including bonuses from the throne, he has over 70 HP, 30–32 defense, and 23–25 resistance on Hard. Most of the units that could quickly defeat Murdock are frail, and warping them to Murdock may result in them dying on retaliation or to another nearby enemy; conversely, many of the units with the bulk to withstand Murdock's attacks struggle to deal significant damage to him or are magically frail and susceptible to the nearby Sage.


Both chapters combined.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Sword of Seals

Used in leftover text from the data transfer menu in the English version of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.


The Binding Blade




Sword of seals, named after the game's subtitle



  1. The Binding Blade,, Retrieved: December 24, 2020
  2. The Elder Revelation,, Retrieved: December 24, 2020
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Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Playable characters AlenAstolfoBartheBartreBorsCathCeciliaChadClarineDayanDieckDorothyDouglasEchidnaElenElffinFaeFirGarretGeeseGonzalezGwendolynHughIgreneJunoKarelKleinLanceLarumLilinaLotLughMarcusMerlinusMeladyNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSinSophiaSueTheaTrecWardWoltYoderZelotZeiss
Trial Map characters BrunnyaEliwoodGalleGuinivereHectorMurdockNarcianZephiel
Non-playable characters EliwoodGuinivereHectorMaryMordred
Bosses ArcardoBorsBrakulBrunnyaChanDamasDebiasDoryEinErikFlaerGalleGuerreroHenningIdunnKabulKelKudokaJahnLeganceMaggieMarralMartelMonkeMorganMurdockNarcianNordOatesOrloPeresRaithRandyRoartzRobertsRoseRuudScollanScottSiguneSlaterThorilTickWagnerWindhamZephielZinque
Background characters AthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ApocalypseArmadsAureolaBinding BladeDurandalEckesachsForblazeMaltetMulagirRapierStaff of the Saint
Chapters Tutorial • 1: Breath of Destiny • 2: Princess of Bern • 3: Latecomer's Sorrow • 4: Crumbling League • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Ensnared • 7: The Ostian Revolt • 8: Reunion • 8x: The Blazing Blade • 9: The Misty Isles • 10A: Western Resistance • 11A: The Hero of the West • 10B: Amidst a Struggle • 11B: Flight Toward Freedom • 12: The True Enemy • 12x: The Thunder Axe • 13: Rescue Mission • 14: Arcadia • 14x: The Infernal Truth • 15: The Dragon Child • 16: Storming the Capital • 16x: The Glorious Ascension • 17A: Ocean's Parting • 18A: The Frozen River • 19A: Bitter Cold • 20A: Ilia's Salvation • 20Ax: The Freezing Lance • 17B: The Bishop's Teachings • 18B: The Laws of Sacae • 19B: Battle in Bulgar • 20B: The Silver Wolf • 20Bx: The Bow of Swift Wind • 21: The Binding Blade • 21x: The Elder Revelation • 22: Unattained Dream • 23: The Ghosts of Bern • 24: Legends and LiesF: Beyond Darkness
Trial Maps Valley of DeathRainy IslandSnowy DefensivePirate's ChallengeRoy's Trial
Locations ElibeBern (Dragon TempleShrine of Seals) • Etruria (Aquleia) • IliaLycia (AraphenLausOstiaPheraeThria) • Missur (ArcadiaNabata) • Sacae (BulgarTaras) • Western Isles
Groups, objects and concepts Disturbance of BernEnding WinterFire EmblemGenerals of EtruriaThe ScouringWar Dragons
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Elibe DisturbanceHasha no TsurugiName chart • Other games (The Blazing Blade) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline