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Sacred Snowmelt Drop

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Sacred Snowmelt Drop

Is ns01 stat booster.png
Icon used by the Sacred Snowmelt Drop in Three Houses.

A snowmelt drop from a mountain where a sacred beast dwells. Permanently increases strength by 3.


Stat booster

First game

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

The Sacred Snowmelt Drop (Japanese: 雪解けの聖雫 Sacred snowmelt drop) is a stat-boosting item that debuted in Three Houses. Available only as paid downloadable content released as part of Wave 2, it boosts strength by 3 points.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Three Houses Is ns01 stat booster.png 1 -- Permanently increases strength by 3 points when used.


Three Houses

DLC Supplies Byleth's bed, take the Sacred Items Set*

Flavor text

Game Text
Three Houses
A snowmelt drop from a mountain where a sacred
beast dwells. Permanently increases strength by 3.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Sacred Snowmelt Drop




Sacred snowmelt drop


Copo de nieve sacra

Sacred snowflake


Goutte de neige sacrée

Sacred drop of snow


Gesegnete Schneewasser

Blessed Snow on Water; abbreviated as Gesegn. Schneewasser.


Sacra goccia di neve

Sacred drop of snow


신성한 눈의 물방울

Sacred snow drop

Simplified Chinese


Sacred snowmelt drop

Traditional Chinese


Sacred snowmelt drop



See also

Items in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Permanent stat boosters Ailell PomegranateAmbrosiaBlack PearlEnergy DropFruit of LifeGiant ShellGoddess IconGolden AppleMiracle BeanPremium Magic HerbsRocky BurdockSacred Galewind ShoesDLCSacred Floral RobeDLCSacred Snowmelt DropDLCSacred MoonstoneDLCSecret BookSeraph RobeShoes of the WindSpeed CarrotSpeedwingSpirit DustTalismanWhite Verona
Temporary stat boosters Pure WaterTorch
Healing items AntitoxinConcoctionElixirVulnerary
Class change items Abyssian Exam PassDLCAdvanced SealBeginner SealDark SealIntermediate SealMaster Seal
Rings Accuracy RingCritical RingEvasion RingFetters of DromiDLCGoddess RingMarch RingPrayer RingSpeed Ring
Shields Aegis ShieldAurora ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldKadmos ShieldLampos ShieldLeather ShieldOchain ShieldSeiros ShieldSilver ShieldSteel ShieldTalisman Shield
Staves AsclepiusCaduceus StaffCirce StaffHealing StaffMagic StaffThyrsus
Gems Chalice of BeginningsDLCExperience GemKnowledge GemRafail Gem
Other equipment Black Eagle PendantBlue Lion BroochGolden Deer BraceletWhite Dragon Scarf
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyMaster KeyDLCSpellbreak KeyDLC
Shop items Bullion
Dragon Signs Aegis Dragon SignBloom Dragon SignCraft Dragon SignCrusher Dragon SignDark Dragon SignEarth Dragon SignFissure Dragon SignFlame Dragon SignGrim Dragon SignIce Dragon SignKalpa Dragon SignLight Dragon SignLightning Dragon SignShield Dragon SignSky Dragon SignSnow Dragon SignStar Dragon SignStorm Dragon SignThorn Dragon SignWater Dragon SignWind Dragon Sign
Other items Trade Secret