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Red Dragon

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Not to be confused with Red Dragoon, a chapter from Archanea Saga.

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Red Dragon

FERD Red Dragon concept.png
Artwork of a red dragon from Tellius Recollection: vol. 2

Unit type(s)
  • Laguz (Path of Radiance)
  • Dragon (all titles)




The Red Dragon (Japanese: 赤竜 Red Dragon) class is a laguz class belonging to the red dragon laguz from Goldoa in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The two playable red dragons are Ena and Gareth. They attack with Breath, but they can only use this if they are in laguz form. They have the skills Shove and Ire.



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Physical appearance

Ena, a red dragon with a white dragon grandfather.

Like the rest of the dragon castes a red dragon's humanoid form features none of the typical laguz traits, wings, feline/canine ears, or tails, though they do have an orange or bronze hue of the skin. Their human form's skin color is generally the only hint that they are dragons, though they can pass for beorc regardless.

Red dragons in dragon form are of a fairly large size, though they are dwarfed by black dragons. Most red dragons, as their name indicates, are red. There is one known exception, Ena. Her scales are of a much pinker hue, though she is not a fullblooded red dragon, having a white dragon relative, her grandfather Nasir.



Red dragons, in contrast to their white counterparts, excel in strength and physical bulk.

Life cycle and reproduction

Red dragons age similarly to the other dragon castes, being very long-lived, and capable of living past one-thousand years.

Notable red dragons

Character Description Appears in
Portrait ena fe10.png
A dragon laguz from Goldoa. She once served Daein on behalf of her missing fiance, Rajaion. Her calm and analytical mind makes her a natural tactician. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Portrait gareth fe10.png
A red dragon laguz from Goldoa. He is a powerful and reliable vassal assigned to watch over Prince Kurthnaga. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Path of Radiance 35/30 25 » 35/18 » 23 5/6 12 » 18/9 » 13 10 » 13/9 » 13 0 18 » 22 18 » 23/21 » 26 6 » 7 13 » 39/6 » 18 --
Radiant Dawn 51/59 15 » 30/10 » 20 5 » 10/15 » 30 5 » 10/13 » 26 4 » 8/11 » 22 0 12 » 24/13 » 26 5 » 10/17 » 34 5 » 6 13 » 39/6 » 18 Strike weapons A

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Path of Radiance 80/75 45/40 20 35 35 40 40 35 20 99 --
Radiant Dawn 90/70 25 » 50/20 » 40 10 » 20/20 » 40 15 » 30 10 » 20/13 » 26 30 23 » 46/20 » 40 15 » 30/20 » 40 20 99 Strike weapons SS

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Path of Radiance
-- -- -- +5 » +56 40 3 » 5 --
Path of Radiance
-- -- -- +5 » +26 40 3 » 5 --
Radiant Dawn
-- -- -- +8 » +40 20 3 --
Radiant Dawn
-- -- -- +5 » +26 20 3 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Path of Radiance 145/135% 80/75% 10% 70/65% 70/65% 30% 80% 55/65% -- -- -- --
Radiant Dawn 100/50% 20% 5/50% 20/40% 10/40% 50/35% 25/15% 20/50% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
Radiant Dawn Is wii shove.png Shove Innate. Hidden in Path of Radiance.
Path of Radiance Is gcn boon.png Boon Occult skill.
Radiant Dawn Is wii ire.png Ire Mastery skill. Learned by using a Satori Sign at level 30 or higher.

Class change

Path of Radiance

Unshifted class Transformation method Shifted class
File:Bs fe09 enemy dragon tribe red unshifted.png
Dragon Tribe
Gaining 20 transformation gauge points. →
Transformation gauge reaching 0 points.
Bs fe09 enemy red dragon strike.png
Red Dragon

Radiant Dawn

Unshifted class Transformation method Shifted class
Red Dragon Gaining 30 transformation gauge points. →
Transformation gauge reaching 0 points.
Red Dragon

Playable red dragons

Playable Characters
Name Game
Ena Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Gareth Radiant Dawn
Playable Red Dragon units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

Game Text
Path of Radiance
Demihumans who can transform into
dragons. They refuse to fight in their
human form.
Path of Radiance
Demihumans of the dragon tribe in red dragon
form. Their physical strength eclipses that
of all other races.
Radiant Dawn
(class roll)
Demihumans who transform into
red dragons. They counterattack with
fists in their human form.
Radiant Dawn
(help, untransformed)
Laguz who fight while in red
dragon form. They can only
punch to counter in human form.
Radiant Dawn
(help; Ena, untransformed)
Ena, of white and red dragon
blood. She can only kick to
counter in human form.
Radiant Dawn
(help, transformed)
A dragon-tribe laguz in red dragon
form who possesses immense
strength and stout defenses.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Red Dragon



• Red Dragon. This name is used in Path of Radiance.
• Red Dragon. In Radiant Dawn, all Japanese class names are spelled primarily in kanji (i.e. 赤竜), with a foreign-language name in katakana applied as furigana (i.e. レッドドラゴン) and used as the basis for the romanized name in the class roll.


Dragón rojo

Red Dragon. Abbreviated to Drag. rojo in gameplay due to space restrictions.


Dragon rouge

Red Dragon


Roter Drache

Red Dragon


Drago rosso

Red Dragon

Untransformed (Path of Radiance)
Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Dragon Tribe




Dragon scale tribe


Tribu dragón

Dragon tribe


Peuple dragon

Dragon people





Tribù draghi

Dragon tribe

Untransformed (Radiant Dawn)
Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Dragon Tribe (lit. "dragon scale tribe") / Red (lit. "red scales")


Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Races and animals of the Fire Emblem series
Major species BeorcBrandedDragon (ManaketeDivine DragonEarth DragonFell DragonFire DragonFirst DragonIce DragonWar DragonWyvern) • EmblemGodHumanKitsuneLaguz (Black DragonCatHawkHeronLionRavenRed DragonTigerWhite DragonWolf) • MirageMorphNabateanTaguelWolfskinZunanma
Animals and other species CorruptedFabricationGriffinHorseIllusionKinshiMonsterPegasusPhantomRisenWolf
Classes in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Base classes ArcherAxe KnightBanditBow KnightChildCivilianClericFighterKnightLance KnightMageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestRangerSoldierSword KnightThiefWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopFalcon KnightGeneralHalberdierHeroKing DaeinLordPaladinPrincess CrimeaSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionTiger) • Bird Tribe (HawkHeronRaven) • Dragon Tribe (Red DragonWhite Dragon)
Classes in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Base classes ArcherArmored AxeArmored LanceArmored SwordAxe KnightBanditBow KnightCitizenDracoknightFighterFire MageHorseLance KnightLight MageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPilgrimPriestSoldierSword KnightThiefThunder MageVendorWind Mage
Advanced classes Axe GeneralAxe PaladinBishopBlade PaladinBow PaladinClericDark SageDragonmasterDruidFalconknightFire SageHalberdierHeroLance GeneralLance PaladinLight SageRogueSniperSword GeneralSwordmasterThunder SageWarriorWind Sage
Master classes Arch SageAssassinBlack KnightChancellorDragonlordEmpressGold KnightLight PriestessMarksmanMarshallOrder IncarnateQueenReaverSaintSentinelSeraph KnightSilver KnightSpiritSummonerTruebladeValkyrieVanguardWhisper
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionLion KingTigerWolfWolf Queen) • Bird Tribe (HawkHawk KingHeronRavenRaven King) • Dragon Tribe (Black DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon)