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Dismounting is a command and gameplay mechanic present in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Thracia 776, and Three Houses. It revolves around mounted units—those riding horses, pegasi or wyverns—getting off their mounts and continuing to fight on foot, either out of necessity or to get a tactical advantage.

Dismounting is typically compulsory on interior maps or when entering structures on exterior maps, and presents a small handful of advantages. Being dismounted removes the unit's type vulnerabilities and, for Cavaliers and similar horse-riding units, removes the mounted terrain penalties which cause horse-riding units to struggle to cross forests and mountains. Dismounting also presents distinct disadvantages: in most cases being dismounted limits a unit's access to their usual weapons, lowers their movement by a substantial degree, disables use of the Canto skill if it is granted by their class, and, for flying units, removes their flight ability and total immunity to terrain penalties.

In Three Houses, units are not forcibly dismounted in indoor maps. Mounting or dismounting is a free action, and can be performed before or after moving, but not both. A mounted unit cannot dismount after it has performed its main action for the turn, even if Canto enables it to move again.

In Mystery of the Emblem and Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga

Mystery of the Emblem—and by extension, Archanea Saga, which uses the same game engine—features the original incarnation of dismounting. When the Dismount command is selected, the mounted unit is reclassed into a different class which acts as a dismounted equivalent to it, and stats are subtracted as per the table below; the stats are restored once the player chooses the Mount command to have the unit remount. In Mystery of the Emblem, on outdoor maps, dismounting and mounting can be done freely at any time; however, if a map is set indoors, all mounted units are forced to be dismounted. In Archanea Saga, dismounting is not required to move indoors, and mounted units start mounted on all maps.

With the exception of the Horseman, all dismounted units are forced to use swords instead of their usual lances; however, this is less of a problem in Mystery of the Emblem and Archanea Saga as, unlike its successors, its weapon level stat causes the units to be equally competent in sword and lance usage without any extra effort. The Horseman instead continues to use bows when dismounted.

Mounted class Dismounted class Mounting stat gain
Str Skl Spd Def Res Mov
Ma snes01 cavalier playable.gif Cavalier Ma snes01 dismount knight playable.gif Knight +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +3
Ma snes01 paladin playable.gif Paladin Ma snes01 dismount knight playable.gif Knight +2 +3 +3 +2 +6 +4
Ma snes01 horseman playable.gif Horseman Ma snes01 hunter playable.gif Hunter +0 +2 +0 +2 +0 +3
Ma snes01 pegasus knight playable.gif Pegasus Knight Ma snes01 dismount knight female playable.gif Knight +0 +3 +3 +0 +6 +2
Ma snes01 dracoknight playable.gif Dracoknight Ma snes01 dismount knight female playable.gif Knight +3 +3 +3 +4 +0 +4
The above stat differences are expressed as gains by mounting; for dismounting, subtract these same values from the mounted form's stats.

In Genealogy of the Holy War

Dismounting exists in Genealogy of the Holy War in a limited form: the only character capable of it is Seliph, after promotion to Knight Lord. It serves no meaningful function, and is for purely cosmetic purposes.[1] It has also been stated that during the development of Genealogy of the Holy War dismounting was an intended feature in full, but had to be cut for space reasons.[1] Dismounting Seliph works on the same basis as with Horsemen in Mystery of the Emblem; it reverts him to being a Junior Lord and changes his stats accordingly. As Genealogy of the Holy War is set entirely on outdoor maps with no indoor components, there is no requirement for Seliph to dismount in order to traverse indoor terrain, nor is his ability to enter or seize castles hindered.

Mounted class Dismounted class Mounting stat gain
Str Mag Skl Spd Def Res Mov
Ma snes02 knight lord seliph playable.gif Knight Lord Ma snes02 junior lord playable.gif Junior Lord +5 +0 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
The above stat differences are expressed as gains by mounting; for dismounting, subtract these same values from the mounted form's stats.

In Thracia 776

The Thracia 776 dismounting system is somewhat more refined than its predecessors. This time, all mounted classes have mounted and dismounted versions which share the same name, ensuring that a dismounted Paladin, for example, is still a Paladin in name. Several Thracia 776 chapters feature mixed indoor and outdoor terrain; in these cases, the unit can be mounted outdoors, but must be dismounted before entering the indoor segments. Additionally, inflicting Sleep status on a mounted unit will force them to dismount; this is necessary to capture mounted units and, by extension, recruit Misha.

All classes are forced into using only swords when dismounted, except for Arch Knights, Bow Knights, Troubadours, female Paladins, and Mage Knights, all of whom retain access to their usual mounted weapons when dismounted. Under the new lettered weapon level system, those units which are not usually sword users but are forced to wield swords when dismounted have a separate weapon level for swords, which is typically significantly lower than their primary weapon's level and thus cripples their effectiveness indoors. Dismounting does offer two advantages: moderately higher experience gain (as dismounted classes have lower class relative power than their mounted forms) and the ability to be rescued (as mounted units cannot be rescued in Thracia).

Class Mounting stat gain Weapons
Str Skl Spd Def Mov Mount. Dismtd.
Ma snes03 cavalier playable.gif Cavalier Ma snes03 dismounted basic knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Swords Lances Swords
Ma snes03 paladin playable.gif Paladin (male) Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Swords Lances Swords
Ma snes03 troubadour playable.gif Troubadour Ma snes03 dismounted basic knight female playable.gif +1 +0 +1 +1 +3 Swords Staves Swords Staves
Ma snes03 paladin female playable.gif Paladin (female) Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight female playable.gif +1 +0 +1 +1 +3 Swords Staves Swords Staves
Ma snes03 free knight playable.gif Free Knight Ma snes03 dismounted free knight dragon rider playable.gif +1 +0 +0 +1 +3 Swords Swords
Ma snes03 ranger playable.gif Ranger Ma snes03 dismounted ranger wyvern knight playable.gif +0 +0 +0 +1 +3 Swords Swords
Ma snes03 lance knight playable.gif Lance Knight Ma snes03 dismounted basic knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Lances Swords
Ma snes03 duke knight playable.gif Duke Knight Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Lances Swords
Ma snes03 axe knight playable.gif Axe Knight Ma snes03 dismounted basic knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Axes Swords
Ma snes03 great knight playable.gif Great Knight Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Axes Swords
Ma snes03 arch knight playable.gif Arch Knight Ma snes03 dismounted arch knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Bows Bows
Ma snes03 bow knight playable.gif Bow Knight Ma snes03 dismounted bow knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Bows Bows
Ma snes03 mage knight playable.gif Mage Knight Ma snes03 dismounted mage knight playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 Swords Fire magic Thunder magic FE4RankWind.png Swords Fire magic Thunder magic FE4RankWind.png
Ma snes03 pegasus rider playable.gif Pegasus Rider Ma snes03 dismounted basic knight female playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Lances Swords
Ma snes03 pegasus knight playable.gif Pegasus Knight Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight female playable.gif +1 +1 +1 +2 +3 Lances Swords
Ma snes03 dragon rider playable.gif Dragon Rider Ma snes03 dismounted free knight dragon rider playable.gif +3 +2 +2 +5 +3 Lances Swords
Ma snes03 wyvern knight playable.gif Wyvern Rider Ma snes03 dismounted ranger wyvern knight playable.gif +3 +2 +2 +5 +3 Lances Swords
The above stat differences are expressed as gains by mounting; for dismounting, subtract these same values from the mounted form's stats.

In Three Houses

The Three Houses dismounting system retains its advancements from Thracia 776, with each mounted class having its own respective unmounted form. Unlike in previous titles, however, being mounted does not always provide the unit with better stats—on top of lessened terrain penalties, cavalry units will often gain speed through dismounting; on the other hand, flying units typically lose speed from dismounting instead. It also allows units to use brawling weapons, which mounted units normally cannot use.

Dismounting is never forced based on whether the chapter is indoors or outdoors. If a unit has not moved, they can additionally dismount or re-mount at the beginning of their turn without their turn or movement being used up completely.

Class Mounting stat gain
Str Spd Def Res Mov
Ma ns01 cavalier playable.gif Cavalier +0 −2 +0 +0 +3
Ma ns01 paladin playable.gif Paladin +0 −2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 paladin jeralt other.gif Paladin
(Prologue variant)
+2 −2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 pegasus knight playable.gif Pegasus Knight +0 +2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 wyvern rider playable.gif Wyvern Rider +1 +2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 dark flier playable.gif Dark Flier +0 +2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 valkyrie playable.gif Valkyrie +0 −2 +0 +1 +2
Ma ns01 falcon knight playable.gif Falcon Knight +1 +2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 wyvern lord playable.gif Wyvern Lord +2 +2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 great knight playable.gif Great Knight +0 −2 +2 +0 +3
Ma ns01 bow knight playable.gif Bow Knight +0 −2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 dark knight playable.gif Dark Knight +0 −2 +1 +0 +1
Ma ns01 holy knight playable.gif Holy Knight +0 −2 +1 +0 +1
Ma ns01 wyvern master claude playable.gif Wyvern Master +1 +1 +0 +0 +3
Ma ns01 barbarossa claude playable.gif Barbarossa +0 +2 +0 +0 +2
Ma ns01 death knight jeritza playable.gif Death Knight +1 −2 +1 +0 +2
Ma ns01 death knight enemy.gif Death Knight
(enemy variant)
+1 −2 +1 +0 +3
The above stat differences are expressed as gains by mounting; for dismounting, subtract these same values from the mounted form's stats.

In Warriors: Three Hopes

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In Warriors: Three Hopes, the player can have any unit in a mounted class dismount and re-mount anytime during the battle. Doing so will alter the unit's moveset.


  • There is evidence in the internal data of Shadow Dragon that the game was intended to feature dismounting at some stage in its development, but the idea was scrapped.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "The reason for that is a simple one that I'm a little embarrassed about, which is for "aesthetic purposes". At the beginning, we guessed there would be many female fans who see Leif, for example, and think "he looks so handsome in battle, I don't want to promote him!". Originally, we wanted every mounted character to have the option of dismounting like in Mystery of the Emblem. However, because of space issues we had to give this idea up, so in the end only Seliph's dismounting option was kept." — Shouzou Kaga (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Player's Guidebook (Kill Time Communication))
  2. "There is also data for male and female Cavaliers on foot, which probably meant dismounting (like in Mystery of the Emblem) was planned to feature at one stage." — VincentASM, Unused Content,, Retrieved: June 19 2018
Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMoraleMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unitSubstitute character) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus