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Demon Ring

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Demon Ring

Is 3ds03 demon ring.png
Icon of a Demon Ring from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

A cursed ring that transforms the wearer.


Item (Equipment/Ring)

First game

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

The Demon Ring (Japanese: 悪魔の指輪 Demon Ring) is an accessory item in the ring category of equipment that debuted in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The Demon Ring is an unusual ring that boosts its wearer's Strength and Skill at the cost of defensive stats, and grants a passive skill that shuffles two of the wearer's non-Resistance growth rates eight times.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 demon ring.png -- Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 20 +5 attack, +5 skill, −5 defense, −5 resistance when equipped.
Grants Reconstruct when equipped.


Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Forging Rusted Rings dropped by The Creation (50 Is 3ds03 silver mark.png)

Flavor text

Game Text
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
A cursed ring that
transforms the wearer.


  • The Demon Ring is one of three equipment rings in Shadows of Valentia that does not grant access to the passive skill Recovery, the others being the Grimoire Ring and the Rusted Ring. None of these three rings appeared in Gaiden.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Demon Ring



Demon Ring


Anillo demonio

Demon Ring


Anneau démon

Demon Ring



Demon Ring


Anello demone

Demon Ring



Demon Ring

Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese




Items in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Stat boosters AmbrosiaBootsFruit of LifeGolden AppleNectarNethergranatePegasus CheeseSomaTalismanDLC
Normal provisions Blue CheeseBoiled ChickenDLCBreadBread PieceButterCarrotChicken LinkDLCCold SoupDagon FilletDried MeatDried ShieldfishDrinking WaterDuma MossExotic SpiceFlourGarlicHamHard BreadHerringHoley CheeseHoneyLeftover BreadMana HerbsMedicinal SyrupMille CrepeDLCMoist BreadDLCOrangePure HoneyDLCRaw MeatSausageSoupSpicy ChickenDLCSweet CookieYogurt
Alcoholic provisions AleLeftover AleRam WineWine
Class change items PitchforkDLC
Rings Ancient RingDLCAnimus RingAngel RingBlessed RingCoral RingDemon RingGrimoire RingKeepsake RingMage RingMila's RingPrayer RingRusted RingSpeed Ring
Shields Blessed ShieldDracoshieldDuma's ShieldEleven ShieldDLCEmperor ShieldFugue ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldLeather ShieldLukas's ShieldDLCRion ShieldRoyal ShieldRusted ShieldSage's ShieldSilver PlatterSilver ShieldSteel Shield
Other equipment Astral ShardsBlack Crescent MoonDLCCoral FragmentDragon ScaleDubious MaskDuma CarvingDuma's HelmHard Worker's RibbonDLCMila CarvingMila's DiademRed TricornStar JacinthDLCVagabond's HairclipDLCWarrior's Warding BellDLC
Shop items Gold MarkGold PurseSilver MarkSilver Purse
Other items A Son's JournalBear CarvingBlack PearlBonewalker OilCell KeyCogGargoyle EarGossamer HairHandmade DollLima ArmletMemory PrismMila's Turnwheel