Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4


Hajura'Amako Hatama is a featured location in Far Cry 4's 2015 DLC Valley of the Yetis. It is the tallest mountain of the Valley & the holy grounds for Master Sandesh, his Disciple soldiers and the Awakened (The Yetis).


The Valley was once a populated region until the road leading from Kyrat to the Valley was destroyed by the cultists. After they had gone mad, and begun to sacrifice innocent civilians to yetis in the name of Yalung. This was all caused from "The Elixir" that came from the Relic on the top of Hajura'Amako Hatama.

Climbing the mountain is not easy. Oxygen is low & players must loot an oxygen mask from a disciple. Old texts left behind by an acolyte give a little insight into the arrival of the relic. As well as to how the first yetis were ever created, and began terrorizing the valley.
