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Training publications and key documents

Training Quality Assurance

The EUAA has developed and is implementing a Training and Learning Strategy (TLS) which was adopted by the Management Board Decision No 102 of 7 March 2022 for the continuous enhancement of quality. This strategy is at the heart of EUAA training and underpins the internal quality assurance system as well as its principles.

  • Commitment to Quality Excellence: The EUAA is unwavering in its commitment to maintaining and enhancing the quality of training and services it provides to Member States.
  • Stakeholder-Centred Approach: The needs and expectations of students, staff, and other stakeholders (i.e., EU Member States, European Commission, relevant NGOs, etc.) are at the forefront of all quality assurance efforts.
  • Continuous Improvement Culture: A culture of ongoing improvement is cultivated, encouraging regular assessments and evaluations to identify areas for enhancement and innovation.
  • Accountability and Responsibility: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities are established to ensure accountability for meeting quality standards and objectives.
  • Evidence-based Decision Making: Quality assurance processes are informed by data and evidence, enabling data-driven decisions to improve performance and outcomes.
  • Transparency and Communication: There is transparency in quality assurance processes, and effective communication mechanisms are in place to keep stakeholders informed about and involved in quality initiatives and outcomes.
  • Adaptation to Changing Needs: The needs and expectations of Member States and society change over time. Internal quality assurance helps the EUAA to adapt its training to these changes and stay relevant in contributing to society at large.

These principles provide a solid foundation for an internal quality assurance policy, guiding efforts to maintain and improve the quality of its training. The agency has made a strategic decision to establish the EUAA Academy to serve as a hub of specialised expertise in the area of asylum and reception. It is submitting for licencing and accreditation as a further and higher education provider. 

The Training Quality Assurance Framework (TQAF), endorsed by the Decision of the Executive Director No 059/2022 on 1 April 2022, is a comprehensive framework aligned with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, (ESG, 2015). This quality assurance framework serves as the blueprint for the quality assurance system, as mandated by the strategy. It outlines the processes and methodologies designed to ensure that the training activities consistently uphold the highest standards of quality, thereby effectively addressing the requirements laid out in the EUAA Regulation.

Academic freedom, institutional autonomy, and academic integrity are foundational principles that underpin the reputation and excellence of EUAA training and study programmes. These three pillars collectively foster an environment where critical thinking, authenticity and innovation can flourish, contributing to the advancement of training knowledge. 

This glossary of training terms is meant to promote communication and understanding between internal and external stakeholders involved in EUAA training activities. It is intended to enable all persons involved in maintaining and enhancing training quality standards to use common terms. 


Design and approval of training material

The EUAA conducts a comprehensive training needs analysis process in Member States following a standardised methodology which is outlined in the Training Needs Analysis Manual. This methodology is grounded in a structured and evidence-based framework aimed at supporting asylum and reception authorities, as well as other stakeholders, in identifying their training needs.

The EUAA is steadfast in its commitment to prioritise learners and their respective administrations in all its endeavours. Central to this commitment is the assurance of the flexibility of the European Asylum Curriculum (EAC) and that the training it provides is practical and aligned with the real-life responsibilities of the target learners. This is achieved through the utilisation of an asylum and reception competency framework. The EUAA has developed an integrated European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials (ESQF), supported and validated through a comprehensive consultations process by the EU Member States, the UNHCR and other EU Agencies. The mapping of duties and job-tasks of officials working in asylum and reception, aligned to the ESQF occupational standards which translate to high level educational standards. These educational standards within the ESQF are directly aligned to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels 5 to 7, serving as benchmarks for the desired learning outcomes in the programmes and modules that make up the European Asylum Curriculum (EAC).

The guide is part of a comprehensive toolkit which provides information regarding how the framework is used throughout the training cycle.

The EUAA is actively engaged in the training of Member State asylum and reception officials and the implementation of a European Asylum Curriculum (EAC) in accordance with the EUAA Regulation. This curriculum plays a key role in supporting Member States as they fulfil their obligations under Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 and execute tasks related to the CEAS. 


Student-centred learning and assessment

The EUAA has a strong commitment to fostering a learning environment that is not only engaging but also safe, inclusive, and respectful. The EUAA is dedicated to providing a space free from any form of harassment or discrimination. Moreover, it places a strong emphasis on ensuring that all training materials reflect fundamental rights principles and are gender sensitive. This commitment is enshrined in the Training Quality Assurance Framework (TQAF) and is further fortified by the Code of conduct for participants in EUAA training activities, which has been officially endorsed through Decision No 76/2022 of the Executive Director. 

Learners can raise concerns or complaints regarding any aspect of their experience with the EUAA training activities.

Issues may include

  • the quality or standard of any service provided by the EUAA or on behalf of the EUAA (i.e., external provider of invigilated exams).
  • the quality of learning facilities or resources.
  • the failure of the EUAA to implement or follow up on an administrative procedure detailed in the Training Quality Assurance Framework.
  • violations of the Code of Conduct for participants in the EUAA's training activities.

To ensure an efficient and fair process for addressing these concerns, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP, TD-001-01) has been specifically designed to help maintain a high standard of quality and accountability. A confidential and comprehensive record of all appeals and complaints procedures is maintained for the purposes of quality assurance and ongoing monitoring. 

Assessment of learning

The EUAA is committed to ensuring the quality, reliability, and consistency of assessments. This commitment is reinforced through a set of guidelines, and procedures including:


Student admission, progression, recognition and certification

The main target groups for the EUAA’s training and learning activities are staff from EU+ countries’ asylum and reception authorities, including Member State experts who are deployed in the context of the EUAA’s operational support activities, as well as officials from third-country authorities with whom the EUAA has concluded working arrangements. The EUAA endeavours to maximise participation in its training activities. However, it should be recalled that there is no individual right to participate in the EUAA’s training, and access to training remains at the discretion of the EUAA and training national contact points (TNCPs), in accordance with the EUAA’s mandate and Member States’ training needs as well as practical considerations, such as availability of resources.

This Internal Guidance aims to identify the different stakeholders who are entitled to participate in the EUAA's training activities as well as the conditions, if any, under which access to training can be granted.

This document establishes the general principles and criteria for admission to the EUAA Master's programmes. It outlines the steps and procedures for admission and describes how information on admission requirements and procedures is made available to prospective applicants.

This guidance outlines the scope and nature of the recognition of prior formal, non-formal and informal learning , how this process may be used to gain access to, or exemption from specific modules as part of courses or programmes of study within the EUAA’s Training, what learning may be recognised, and the extent of recognition allowed.


Teaching staff

The EUAA recognises that the quality of its trainers is pivotal for the effective and sustainable implementation of the European Asylum Curriculum (EAC). The agency, as mandated by EUAA Regulation Article 8, has a responsibility to establish, develop, and review training for its own staff as well as for staff from relevant national administrations, courts, tribunals, and authorities responsible for asylum and reception. Therefore, the EUAA is fully committed to ensuring the quality of its trainers and providing them with the necessary support to fulfil their mission. 

This Internal Guidance provides a framework for ensuring competence, recruitment, performance monitoring, and professional development of the EUAA’s teaching and training body.


Learning resources and student support

Learners can access online resources on the Learning Management System from the EUAA Learning Portal on their personal or work device. They will be enrolled to an Orientation course for learners. They can also view and explanatory video supporting the learner journey 

  • Helpdesk

Three tiers of support are provided through the eLearning Helpdesk

A database of resources, with an advanced filtering feature built in, will be made available on the EUAA learning portal. Filtering will be possible by category (e.g., asylum, reception, transversal, etc.) and competence area (e.g., interviewing, vulnerability, etc.). As part of the Agency’s identity management project, full access to the EUAA’s library services will be launched. The library will become accessible to all learners once the project has been implemented.


Information management and public information

The EUAA places great importance on the role of an effective information management system as a cornerstone for enhancing the quality of its training programmes. This system facilitates the collection, secure storage, swift retrieval, analysis, and dissemination of valuable data and knowledge throughout all its training initiatives. Given the context within which the EUAA operates, the confidentiality of the information it collects and stores is of paramount importance. Typical categories of information include personal details of learners and trainers, information related to assessments, complaints and subsequent appeals. Due to the sensitive nature of such information, access is only granted to individuals who strictly need it for the fulfilment of their work duties.


Public information

As an EU public entity, the EUAA is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the ideals of transparency and accountability. The consistent and clear communication of accurate, reliable, and current information empowers all pertinent stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding their participation in the EUAA's training initiatives. This website is a key source of information about EUAA training. Stakeholders, including learners and prospective learners can find information about the training available and reports on training activities.


On-going monitoring and periodic review of programmes

The practice of monitoring training activities plays a crucial role in systematically and continuously collecting evidence concerning the effectiveness and quality of training programmes. In adherence to the EUAA Regulation and Training and Learning Strategy, the EUAA maintains a robust monitoring system for its diverse array of training activities. This system relies on the continual collection of reliable data pertaining to a range of critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  The Learning Management System tracks the progress of asylum and reception officials as they achieve learning outcomes upon completing training modules or programmes. It also records data related to trainers involved in different modules of the European Asylum Curriculum (EAC), the implementation of curriculum modules in national administrations, the engagement of Member State (MS) experts, and other experts participating in training and capacity-building initiatives that support Member States (MS) authorities facing unique challenges, as well as training and capacity-building activities conducted in third countries.

In accordance with the Training and Learning Strategy, periodic evaluations serve as a vital component of the continuous Quality Assurance Framework. These evaluations follow a standardised methodology, outlined in the Training Evaluation Manual (SSD-004-01), ensuring transparency, accountability, and objectivity