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English citations of Helan

  • [1956 October, Ai-ching Tan, “Settlers 'Go West'”, in China Reconstructs[1], volume V, number 10, Peking: China Welfare Institute, →OCLC, page 15:
    Yin Hung-tu, (left) deputy head of Holan county, Kansu province, comes to visit Ching Yu-kun’s (right) new home. The latter has just come from Peking.]
  • [1972 January 5 [1971 December 23], “Ningsia Begins Winter Water Conservancy Projects”, in Daily Report: People's Republic of China[2], volume I, number 3, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, sourced from Yinchuan Ningsia Regional Service, translation of original in Mandarin, →ISSN, →OCLC, page H 7[3]:
    Before opening two large drainage ditches, Yinchuan municipality and Holan County repeatedly mobilized the masses to discuss questions concerning the planning, location, and benefits of the projects, and concentrated the correct ideas.]
  • 1993, A. Doak Barnett, “Han and Hui: Ningxia”, in China's Far West: Four Decades of Change[4], Westview Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 133:
    One Ningxia economist, a conservative, argued that the chengbao system should be the main thrust of reform for some time. Another argued strongly, however, that priority should be given to reform of the ownership system and that much greater encouragement should be given to private enterprises. This man cited a recently organized private enterprise that made auto parts in Helan County near Yingchuan[sic – meaning Yinchuan] as a success story and an example of what was needed.
  • 2013, Rongxing Guo, “Ningxia”, in Regional China: A Business and Economic Handbook[5], →ISBN, →OCLC, page 228[6]:
    Desheng Industrial Park Located in Helan County, this is a base for about 400 enterprises. It has industrial chains from Muslim food and commodities to trade and logistics, new materials and bio-pharmaceuticals, which have ¥80 billion in fixed assets.
  • 2021 August 25, Matt Fidler, “Reading festival and Extinction Rebellion protest: Wednesday’s best photos”, in The Guardian[7], archived from the original on 29 August 2021[8]:
    Photovoltaic panels at a fish breeding base in Helan county, north-west Ningxia Hui autonomous region. The county has many wetlands and lakes in the Yellow River basin.