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Vinnytsia[dead link] (Ukrainian: Вінниця, also transliterated Vinnitsa from Russian: Винница) is a city in Central Ukraine, the administrative center of the Vinnytsia region. 267 km southwest of Kyiv, it has been known since the Middle Ages, and is home to a former Soviet Cold War airbase. Vinnytsia is now an industrial center (particularly, dominated by the Roshen corporation), a growing international IT-outsource center and the main base of the Ukrainian Air Force. There is useful website for tourists visiting Vinnytsia:



In 2021, Vinnytsia was home to 370,000 people. In 2017, 67% of the city's population spoke Ukrainian at home, 13% spoke Russian, and 20% spoke Ukrainian and Russian equally.



A long lasting warm summer with a sufficient quantity of moisture and a comparatively short winter is characteristic of Vinnytsia. The average temperature in January is −5.8 °C (21.6 °F) and 18.3 °C (64.9 °F) in July. The average annual precipitation is 638 mm (25 in). Throughout the year, 6–9 days per year include snowstorms, 37–60 days of the year include mists during the cold period, and 3–5 days include thunder storms with hail.


The Old Water Tower in City Center

Vinnytsia has been an important trade and political center since the fourteenth century, when Fedir Koriatowicz, the nephew of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas, built a fortress (1363) against Tatar raiders on the banks of the Southern Bug. From that time on, the town became a part of Lithuania, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ottoman Empire, Cossack Hetmanat and eventually the Russian Empire, which annexed the city and region following the Second Partition of Poland in 1793. Russia moved to expunge the Roman Catholic religion; Catholic churches in the city (including what is now the Transfiguration Cathedral) were converted to Russian Orthodox churches. In the beginning of 20th century, the city became a temporary capital of the independent Ukrainian People's Republic. Victims' graves from the Vinnytsia massacre during the Stalinist repression of 1937–1938 were exhumed by the invading Germans in 1943. Adolf Hitler sited his easternmost headquarters 'Führerhauptquartier Wehrwolf' near the town and spent a number of weeks there in 1942 and early 1943. Nazi atrocities were committed in and near Vinnytsia by Einsatzgruppe C. Estimates of the number of victims run as high as 28,000. This included the virtual annihilation of the town's large Jewish population.

Get in


By plane

Caution Note: Due to the state of war, Ukraine's airspace has been closed to civil aviation.
(Information last updated 17 Apr 2022)

In March 2022, the Vinnytsia International Airport airfield was destroyed by Russian missiles.

By train

Freight locomotive TEM2M-063 near Vinnytsia railway station
  • 1 Vinnytsia train station (Залізничний вокзал Вінниці, Залізнична станція Вінниця), Pryvokzalna sq., 1 (NE 4 km from centre), +380 432 271631. Besides number of regional and Ukrainian trains, there are two international routes - to Przemyśl (Poland) and Chișinău (Moldova). The accurate timetable in English could be checked on Ukrzaliznytsia Official Webpage

By bus


Get around

Vinnytsia public transit map.
Vinnytsia Tramway

By public transport


Vinnytsia has a convenient public transport system:

  • 6 tram routes
  • 21 trolleybus routes
  • 20 bus routes
  • 29 marshrutka routes

Single ride tickets in trams and trolleybuses cost 8 грн, in buses — 12 грн, in marshrutkas — 15-18 грн.

You can pay for the ride using bank card (contactless payments are accepted) or paper ticket, which may be bought in EasyPay terminal (map, in Ukrainian). More information is available on the official website (in Ukrainian).

You can also buy transport card (where to buy, in Ukrainian) with the option to buy 130-rides pass for 510 грн or unlimited pass for 750 грн. Pass will work for 30 days. Card costs 60 грн with 0 balance (balance top up for any amount can be done in the same kiosks). Its main advantage is 1 free transfer during half an hour after first validation.

Schedules are available at each station, on the official website (in Ukrainian) on the map (in Ukrainain), and on (in Ukrainian).

You can also check information about public transport on EasyWay and Google Maps.

By taxi


Taxi is the easiest way of getting around the city. Some popular taxi companies include:

  • Uber (Убер).
  • Bolt (Болт).
  • Uklon (Уклон).
  • OnTaxi (ОнТаксі).
  • Opti (Опті).
  • Shark (Шарк).

By scooter


Kick scooter is a funny way to shorten your time while getting around the city.

  • Bolt (Болт).
  • ECOS (ЕКОС).
  • E-wings.
  • JET.UA.

By bike


There are more than 90 km of infrastructure for bicycles in Vinnytsia. While you can use your own bike, you can also rent one using one of the following companies:


Map of Vinnytsia


Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, former Dominican monastery, 1758
  • 1 Baptist Church 'House of the Gospel' (Баптистська церква "Храм Євангелія"), Pravednykiv Svitu st., 3А (on the Lisopark tram 4, 5 stop), +38 (098) 370-63-55, . One of the largest Evangelical church buildings in Eastern Europe.
  • 2 Christ's Resurrection Church (Храм Воскресіння Христового), Khmelnytske Shose st., 5, +380 96 179 2835. Built in 1910 by famous city architect Hryhorii Artynov with iconostasis made by Kyiv artist Oleksandr Murashko. It was built on the place of old cemetery.
  • 3 Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, former Dominicans monastery (Спасо-Преображенський собор, домініканський монастир), Soborna st., 23 (in the same center of the city, near the Central Bridge), +380 93 321 4563. One of the oldest buildings in Vinnytsia. Beautiful example of Baroque architecture. The Dominican monastery was founded in 1630. In 1758, a stone church for the Dominicans was founded by Polish aristocrate Michał Grocholski, who asked the Italian architect Paolo Fontana to finish the project. In 1832 Russians closed Dominican monastery and handed it over to the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1833, the community church was re-ordained as the Transfiguration Cathedral. On December, 16, 2018, the local parish was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, but the name of the Cathedral remains the same. Transfiguration Cathedral, Vinnytsia on Wikipedia
  • 4 St. Nicholas church and bell tower (Миколаївська церква і дзвіниця, Микильська церква, Храм святителя Миколая Чудотворця), Syniovodska st., 6-12 (SW 2 km). Saint Nicholas church was founded by ktetor Anton Postelnik in 1746 and constructed in the place of a more ancient one. Its bell tower was moved aside to the stone gray wall and could be used as a fortress. Saint Nicholas Church (Vinnytsia) on Wikipedia
  • 5 Former Jesuits monastery (Єзуїтський монастир), Soborna st.,17. Built in 17-18th century. Nowadays in the buildings of former Jesuits monastery located Vinnytsia Regional State Archive, Arts Museum and Vinnytsia Regional Museum
  • 6 Saint Mary of the Angels church (Church of the Holy Angelic Virgin Mary, former Capuchin monastery, Костел Діви Марії Ангельської), Soborna str., 12, +380 432 350221. Nowadays it is the Roman Catholic Church. This is part of the former Capuchins monastery, built in 1748 - 1761 with its own catacombs, where, according to legend, the spirit of the monk Szymon lives.
  • 7 Nativity of the Saint Virgin Cathedral (Собор Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці), Ivana Bohuna st., 125. Built in 1913-1914.
  • 8 Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God (Церква Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці), Kyivska st., 1. Built in 1993-1996. There is a monument to Cardinal Lyubomyr Guzar on the square near the Church.


  • 9 Museum of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Музей Повітряних Сил Збройних Сил України, Muzei Povitrianykh Syl Zbroinych Syl Ukrainy), Striletska St., 105 (inside the headquarters of the Air Force Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces; take tram 1, 2 or 4 to the stop "Shkola No.30"), +380 432 59-61-90. An open-air museum that can be visited only by arranged in an advance appointment, but the experience is worth it.
  • 10 Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky Estate Museum (Вінницький літературно-меморіальний музей М. М. Коцюбинського (pronounce: Vinnyckyi literaturno-memorialny muzei Mykhaila Kotsiubynskogo), Ivana Bevza str., 15 (on the tram 1, 4 or 6 to the stop "Muzei Kotsiubynskogo"), +380 432 64 71 02. The farm-house where the Ukrainian modernist writer was born and lived until 33 years. Nowadays, its territory is home to a literary and memorial museum with a wonderful garden in the middle of the city. As of March 2023, it is under reconstruction.
  • 11 Vinnytsia Regional Museum of Local Lore (Вінницький обласний краєзнавчий музей, Vinnytskyi oblasnyi kraieznavchyi muzei), Soborna str.,19 (on so-called "museum quarter" in the architectural complex Mures ("The Walls") in the building of former Jesuit monastery), +380 432 67 30 56. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Museum has nearly 90,000 items. The most interesting are impressive collection of ornaments from the Sarmatian era and the skeleton of the mammoth Winnie, along the artifacts from a Bronze Age burial mound (1500–1000 BC) from the village of Hordiivka (Vinnytsia oblast). The other exhibition showing artefacts and weapons from the Cossack period of 1648–1676.
  • 12 Vinnytsia Regional Art Museum (Вінницький обласний художній музей, Vinnytskyi oblasnyi khudozhnii muzei), Soborna st., 21 (in "museum quarter" in the architectural complex Mures ("The Walls")), +380 432 56 28 73, . M-F 09:00-18:00;Sa Su 10:00-17:00. The museum's collection span for more than 400 years. Besides the paintings, museum is also famous for its unique collection of Italian majolica of the 17th century, products of European porcelain factories and an exhibition of national arts and crafts.
  • 13 Museum of Vinnytsia Tram (Музей вінницького трамвая, Muzei vinnytskogo tramvaia), Khmelnytske Shose str., 29 (inside a working tram and trolleybus depot; take tram 2, 4 or 5 to the stop "Oleksandra Muzyky"), +380 98 004 30 57. The museum can be visited it only by prior arrangement. The Museum introduces the history of the most popular urban transport and cars that traveled through Vinnytsia at different times. Also, there is a special excursion tram, that can be booked for a trip around the city.
  • 14 Pirogov’s Necropolis Church (Меморіальна церква-некрополь Миколи Пирогова, Memorialna cerkva-nekropol Mykoly Pyrogova; also Pirogov's Mausoleum), 2nd Vyshnevskoho Lane, 16 (on the bus 5 to the stop "Akademichna"), +380 432 43 71 49. Tu-Su 09:00-17:30. An integral part of the National Pirogov`s Estate Museum is his mausoleum, the Pirogov Church-Necropolis, where the embalmed body of the scientist rests.
  • 15 National Pirogov`s Estate Museum (Національний музей-садиба М. І. Пирогова, Natsionalny Muzei-Sadyba Mykoly Ivanovycha Pyrogova), Pyrogova str., 155 (in a picturesque place near Vyshenske Lake; take bus 5, 7, 16 to the stop "Muzei-sadyba Pyrogova"). Summer period (from May 1 to October 31): Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. The museum and estate complex, dedicated to the life and work of the prominent surgeon. Pirogov bought the estate "Vyshnia", and built here the house and pharmacy in 1866. The surgeon lived and worked here for 20 years (1861-1881).
  • 16 Pan Zawarkin and Son Cafe-Museum (Кав'ярня-музей "Пан Заваркін та син", Kaviarnia-muzei "Pan Zavarkin ta Syn", also "Вітальня щасливого часу", Vitalnia shchaslyvogo chasu), Soloviova str., 3 (in the old Jewish quarter called "Jerusalemka"), +380 432 52 60 32, . A unique place - the museum as much as the cafe - takes visitors back to the cozy atmosphere of the living room of the early 20th century. You can eat delicious desserts, drink the author’s coffee or tea, while listening to the chiming of ancient clocks, among which there are most original ones (like the Rolling Ball, patented in 1808).

Monuments and Architecture

Hotel Savoy on the main street, 1913
  • 17 Groсholski Palace (Палац Ґрохольських), Dionisia Miklera str., 32 (3.5 km North). Former estate of Polish aristocrate family Grocholski, 18-19th century
  • 18 Długołęcki House (Будинок Длуґоленського), Mahistratska str., 66. Late 19th - early 20th c.
  • 19 General Brusilov House (Будинок генерала Брусилова), Artinova Arkhitektora str., 5. 1913-1914
  • 20 The complex of defensive structures Mures ("The Walls") (Комплекс оборонних споруд Мури), Soborna st., 17-21. A complex of defensive and monastic buildings of the 17th century
"The Mures" - remains of fortress walls built around Dominican monastery, 1610-1617
  • 21 Gymnasium (гімназія), Soborna st. 94. Built in 1894.
  • 22 Artynov Water tower (Вежа Артинова, Водонапірна вежа), Mykoly Ovodova str., 20. Built in 1911.
  • 23 Hotel Savoy (Готель Савой), Crossing of Mykoly Ovodova / Soborna streets, 48/36. A landmark of the city. Built in Neo-Baroque Modern style in early 1910s.
  • 24 The building of regional administration (Будинок обласної державної адміністрації), Soborna str., 70. Vinnytsia Oblast Council on Wikipedia
  • 25 Building of Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics (former Building of real school) (Вінницький торгово-економічний інститут, Будівля реального училища), Teatralna str., 18/87. Built in 1889-1897 as real school. From 1968 trade institute located here. Also tourists can visit Museum of Money right in the building.
  • 26 House of Commander Chetkov (Будинок капітана Четкова), Hryhoria Skovorody st., 38. It was built in 1910 by Hryhoryi Artynov in the Art Nouveau style. Balconies to which there is no exit, weaving, and a slide to get down from the second floor to the first.
  • 27 Nikolai Pirogov's Crypt at St Nicolas Church (Склеп-усипальниця Миколи Пирогова та Церква святого Миколая), Vishnevskogo 1st ln (SW 5 km). There is a complex of St. Nicolas Church-mausoleum with Pirogov's crypt where his embalmed body lies. Built in 1885.
  • 28 Former Lvovych Mansion, Museum of Vinnytsia (Колишня садиба Львовича, Музей Вінниці), Symona Petliury st., 15. Built in 19th century. From 2021 Museum of Vinnytsia located here.
  • 29 House of Сount Heiden (Будинок графа Гайдена), Stepana Bandery st., 2/30. Built in 1912.
  • 30 Multimedia Fountain Roshen (Фонтан Рошен), Roshen Embankment (opposite the Kempa island). Water and light music show takes place every evening. Opened in 2011, architect Ralph Douw.
    In 2023 does not work because of wartime restrictions.
    Multimedia Fountain Roshen on Wikipedia
The Roshen Fountain
  • 31 Vaksman family’s real estate (Будинок Ваксмана), Symona Petliury st., 24. Built by architect Moisey Aaronovitch Vaksman in 1915 in Art Nouveau style. Architectural landmark. In 2023 is under construction.
  • Vinnytsia city council (Вінницька міська рада), Soborna St., 59, +380 432 595100, fax: +380 432 595101.
  • Vinnytsia TV Tower (Вінницька телевежа) (in the north-western part of the city, in a forest-park; take tram 2, 4, 6 to 'Lisopark'). This is a 354-m-high guyed steel tube used for FM- and TV-transmission. A special feature of its structure are three crossbars arranged in 120-degree angles in two levels, running from its structure to the guys. Vinnytsia TV Tower one of the tallest guyed tubular steel mast in the world. It was built in 1961.

Day tours

  • 32 Werwolf (Wehrmacht headquarters) (Ставка Гітлера Вервольф), Stryzhavka, Camping tract, +38(097) 757-38-57. One of Adolf Hitler's Eastern Front military headquarters located in about 12 kilometres (7+1⁄2 miles) north of Vinnytsia. It was used between 1942 and 1943. Was completely destroyed in March, 1944, so nowadays there is a museum with photos located here. Werwolf (Wehrmacht headquarters) on Wikipedia
  • 33 Selyshche (20 km SW of Vinnytsa - daily bus connections). Cherlenkivskyi castle, 16-18th century. Monastery ruins, end of 17th century.
  • 34 Voronovytsia (27km SE of Vinnytsia - to/from trains). Wooden Church of St. Nikolas, Groсholskyi palace and park (1770), Archangel Michael Church (1793), Virgin Mary Church (1777).




Monument for the Air Forces on the Kostiantyn Mohylko square
  • 1 Central Leontovych City Park (Центральний міський парк імені Миколи Леонтовича), Kalichanska sq. Founded in 1936. The area is 40 ha. There are lots of attractions: the Alley of Famous Citizens, a summer theater, a stadium, an ice rink, a planetarium, and the Mini-Vinnytsia exhibition. The Ark of Marchel (1964) placed on the main entrance
  • 2 Vyshenskyi Park (Вишенський парк), Kosmonavtiv ave./Andriia Pervozvannoho st. Former Park of the People's Friendship. Park located on the Vyshenske lake. There is a Pirogov mansion on the other bank.
  • 3 Podillia Zoo (Подільський зоопарк), Serhiia Zulinskoho st., 9 (N 7 km), +38(097) 404 89 19. Depends on season. Summer and Spring 9.00-19.00, Autumn 9.00-18.00, Winter 9.00-15.30. Zoo in the form of a spacious park with many domestic animals that can be fed.


  • 4 Ice Rink "Ice Club" (Льодовий клуб, Стадіон ОКС), Hlibna st.,1 at Central City Leontovych Park, toll-free: +38 096 605 2727.
  • 5 Aqua-Vin Swimming pool (Спортивний клуб Аква-Він), Akademika Jangelia st., 48, +380 97 936 8427.
  • 6 Aquapark Maiak (Аквапарк "Маяк"), Vasylia Poryka st., 28 (West ~3 km), +380 (432) 51-34-14.


Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre
  • 7 Regional Puppet Theatre "Golden Key" (Обласний театр ляльок "Золотий ключик"), Stepana Bandery st., 6, +380 (432) 67 47 15.
  • 8 Regional Philharmonic Hall (Обласна філармонія), Khmelnytske Shose st., 7, +380 432 660 274. Concert Hall located on the Vasyl Stus square near the administrative building, so-called "Knyzhka" ("The Book")
  • 9 Sadovskyi Ukrainian Theatre of Music and Drama (Український музично-драматичний театр імені Миколи Садовського), Teatralna st., 13, +380 432 32 26 61. Built in 1910. Capacity 700 seats
  • 10 Zoria Theater (Міський палац мистецтв Зоря), Striletska st., 44/2, +380 432 27 87 34.




  • 1 Kyivskyi Market (Ринок Київський), Kyivska st. (вул. Київська) ~110 (N ~4 km).
  • 2 Pryvokzalnyi Market (Ринок Привокзальний), Pryvokzalna, 1A (At the Railway Station).
  • 3 Wholesale market (Оптовий ринок), Pikusa st.
  • 4 Central Market (Ринок Центральний), Kotsiubynskoho ave., 13.
  • 5 Maky Market (Ринок "Маки"), Zamostianska st., 34.
  • 6 Urozhai Market (Ринок "Урожай"), Pyrohova st., 49.


  • 8 MegaMall Shopping Mall (ТЦ "Мегамол"), 600-Richchya st., 17, +38(068) 750 70 50. M-Sa 08:00 - 23:00.
  • 9 Zhovten Shopping centre (Торговий центр Жовтень), Kotsiubynskoho ave., 34/46, +380 432 270356.
  • 10 Smile City Shopping Mall (ТЦ "Смайл Сіті"), Kotsyubynskoho ave, 2а (at the Railway Station), +38(095) 002 0202. Mn-Sn 08:00-21:00.
  • 11 Petrocenter Shopping center (Торговий Центр Петроцентр), Kotsiubynskoho ave.(Коцюбинського просп), 70 (East - Tram 1, 4, 6 or Trolley 5, 6, 11 to 'Muzey Kotsubynskoho'), +380 432 263080.
  • 12 Sky Park Shopping Mall (ТЦ "Sky Park"), Ovodova st., 51, +380 432-509070. M-Sa 08:00-23:00.
  • 13 Vinnytsia Department Store (Вінницький універмаг), Kalichanska sq., 2 (Central), +380 432 321048. M-F 08:00-17:00.
  • 14 Feride plaza Shopping centre (ТЦ "Феріде Плаза"), Pyrohova st., 23 (Tram 1, 2, 5, 6 to 'Likarnia Pyrohova'), +380 432 557755. 09:00–22:00.
  • 15 Bastylia Shopping centre (ТЦ "Бастилія"), Pyrogova st., 31, +380 432 536636.


  • 1 McDonald's (Ресторан МакДональдс), Soborna st., 51a; Iunosti ave., 43a (On the Liverpool square near the Beatles installation), +38 050 463 8503. Mn-Sn 07:00 - 22:00. Wi-Fi.
  • 2 New-York Street Pizza (Піцерія New-York Street Pizza), Hrushevskoho st., 50 (Center), +380 432 35 41 66. Mn-Sa 09:00 - 22:00, Sn 09:00 - 21:00.
  • 3 Rich Restaurant (Ресторан Rich), Hrushevskoho st., 30 (Center), +38(096) 090 95 95. Mn-Sn 11:00-22:30.
  • 4 Domino's Pizza (Піцерія Домінос), Zodchykh st., 10 (Near the Podillia City shopping mall), +38(067) 822 1111. Mn-Sn 12:00 - 22:00.
  • 5 Mr. & Ms. Meat Restaurant (Ресторан Mr. & Ms. Meat), Zodchykh st., 10, +38(068) 402 00 30. Mn-Sn 12:00 - 22:00. Meat restaurant, finalist of Ukrainian award "Salt" 2021
  • 6 Shtechenberg Restaurant (Ресторація Штехенберга), Mykoly Ovodova st., 46, +38(067) 555 50 57. Daily 11:00-22:00.
  • 7 Cherry Lake Restaurant (Ресторан Cherry Lake), Iunosti ave., 77 (Near the Pirogov mansion), +38(096) 700 99 77. Daily 11:00-00:00.
  • 8 Vinnytska Rebernia Pub (Вінницька реберня), Kyivska st., 3a (embankment) (Craft beer nad ribs near the Central Bus Station), +38(063) 036 04 45. Mn-Sn 11:00 - 22:00. Wi-Fi
  • 9 Debi Restaurant (Ресторан "Дебі"), Kotsiubynskoho ave., 43 (Two stops from Railway Station), +38(096) 777 55 50. Mn-Sn 11:00 - 23:00.
  • 10 Nova Provintsyia (Ресторація "Нова Провінція"), Kosmonavtiv ave, 30a, +380 687357575, . 11:00-22:00.
  • 11 Horse in a Gasmask Pub (Паб "Кінь у протигазі"), Symona Petliury st., 20, +380 969527955. Mn-Sn 11:00-22:00.







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This city travel guide to Vinnytsia is a usable article. It has information on how to get there and on restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.