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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Dave Braunschweig in topic Reed-Solomon codes for coders

Hello and Welcome to Wikiversity Lrq3000! You can contact us with questions at the colloquium or me personally when you need help. Please remember to sign and date your finished comments when participating in discussions. The signature icon above the edit window makes it simple. All users are expected to abide by our Privacy, Civility, and the Terms of Use policies while at Wikiversity.

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You do not need to be an educator to edit. You only need to be bold to contribute and to experiment with the sandbox or your userpage. See you around Wikiversity! --Dave Braunschweig (discusscontribs) 12:50, 9 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Reed-Solomon codes for coders

[edit source]

Hi Lrq3000!

Your coding resource Reed–Solomon codes for coders appears to be well-developed and ready for learners! Would you like to have it announced on our Main Page News? --Marshallsumter (discusscontribs) 14:11, 4 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello Marshallsumter, yes it would my pleasure if it it was announced on the main page, that would be great :-) The page is pretty stable and there are lots of additional resources, and I have read several people referencing it on StackOverflow as "decent" ;-). Also it could get more feedback, I have additional resources I can add if people request them :-) /EDIT: I added them now! --Lrq3000 (discusscontribs) 21:14, 4 July 2017 (UTC)Reply
Also please note I am not the sole author, the original author was Bobmath (kudos to him for the great work!), but since he left I reworked the tutorial and am now maintaining it regularly. --Lrq3000 (discusscontribs) 21:16, 4 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Are you still following this article? I've made some updates to the discuss section, but so far no response. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 00:44, 9 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Hello Rcgldr, yes I still follow the article but I simply did not connect in the past weeks to any Wiki site as I have a serious load of work, sorry for the delay. Thank you for your very valuable inputs, I will try to answer in the upcoming days/weeks :-) --Lrq3000 (discusscontribs) 02:47, 9 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
PS: if I don't reply after the 23rd of February please don't hesitate to post a message here if you're still around to remind me (I get an email notification), as I am ashamed to admit that I might be a bit forgetful currently with my todolist :-/ --Lrq3000 (discusscontribs) 02:56, 9 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Regarding mis-correction with RS code due to too many errors, it's more of an issue with BCH view, which will correct to the nearest valid codeword. If n - k = 6, and a codeword with 4 errors is received, then BCH correction can end up generating an additional 3 errors for a total of 7 errors, but one that is a valid codeword. The odds of this can be reduced by using a shortened codeword, since any calculated location that is outside the range of the shortened codeword would be a detected uncorrectable error. For original view, I'm thinking the odds of producing a polynomial of degree < k would be low for a codeword with too many errors. The issue is original view decoders are slower, by a factor of about . Rcgldr (discusscontribs)

Longer codewords - hard drives typically use GF(2^12) BCH view RS codes for correction. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 03:24, 25 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

I've added some updates to the talk section that you might like to review. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 19:12, 26 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

  • There doesn't seem to be much interest in updating this article. I see only a few names in the edit history, some of them fairly old. There's also the issue that a complete primer would be quite large. The NASA tutorial is 140+ pages, and is BCH view only (if I recall correctly). Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 15:28, 22 March 2018 (UTC)Reply
@Rcgldr: Sorry for the delay, I was busy with some other projects for Wikipedia France! Yes you are totally right, there is unfortunately not much interest, and I am myself not a professional but only an amateur in correction codes :-( However, this article does not aim for completeness (contrary to NASA's) but only a relatively accessible practical introduction (which is why I could contribute to it :-) ). Thank you very much for all your answers on the Talk page, I am going to read them, but in any case feel free to use/modify the Talk page or the article's content as you see fit! Noone's own the article, and since you have a lot of knowledge on the subject, your changes will surely beneficial to everyone :-) In any case, when you make changes, if you would like a second pair of eyes you can ask me and I'll gladly do so! :-) --Lrq3000 (discusscontribs) 01:10, 4 April 2018 (UTC)Reply
I missed your reply. The main issue is a quantity issue. There are two types of Reed Solomon codes, the original view and the BCH view. There are 2 "practical" decoders for original view and 3 "practical" decoders for BCH view, as noted in the wiki article. That would require code for 2 encoders and 5 decoders that can deal with a combination of erasures and errors. I think the QR code section should be deleted and just a link to the QR code article would be sufficient. The principles of error correction could also be greatly reduced. Perhaps links to example code could be used instead of trying to include the code in the article. The examples could be stored at github, but I haven't used it yet. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 00:12, 5 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

Unindent - I added some more comments on the discuss page. With what appears to be a very limited audience, and since the wiki articles include examples, and links to algorithms, I'm not sure if it's worth the effort to what I feel would be a near rewrite of the entire article. I also question the choice of python as opposed to C or C++, which are much more popular, and easier to convert into a language like Java. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 15:22, 28 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

I still haven't seen any activity in response to the talk page. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 02:23, 9 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Signimu: - I added another paragraph on the talk page about list decoders, to clarify that they don't actually correct beyond the normal limits. Continuing with my prior comments on this, I'm not seeing any activity on this. The article needs a rewrite, but my feeling is that most programmers learning about RS would rely on already existing articles or books with algorithms and/or example code, and the WV article wouldn't contribute much, compared to the effort of essentially rewriting a primer along with example code. Rcgldr (discusscontribs) 02:13, 1 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Please check the Reed–Solomon codes for coders article for recent changes. There is an anonymous update that may or may not be valid. -- Dave Braunschweig (discusscontribs) 13:42, 29 September 2020 (UTC)Reply