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User:MandaG/Tutorial and lecture 6

From Wikiversity

WOHOO! No lecture today, discovered approx 15minutes after waiting for others to show...good times.

The tutorial however, still on!

The tutorial while not involving any activities that I've come to love so much was still of great interest. Jane Elliott is one scary lady! James said prior to watching the Blue-eyed Brown-eyed "experiment" (The Australian Eye)that we will either love her or hate her and I LOVE HER! She is the most frightening lady I can ever imagine sharing a room with but the experiment being conducted was, to me at least, awesome!

Sign of Stupidity?

While I can see why people may be upset with the techniques of degredation and discrimination, I think the participants voluntarily entered the program and could just as easily leave and that assuming they were appropriately debriefed after the session there should be no long lasting detrimental effects. Whereas I think the participants will probably remember their feelings and experience for quite while. I found it interesting that many people in our tute were not impressed and while I think I would happily participate in such an experiment quite a few expressed their unwillingness, hostility or frustration with the experiment. The question I am interested in finding other people's opinions about is why no females left? From what I can tell they were given quite a bad time, particularly "Blondie" yet she stayed...The secind fellow would rather leave than raise his left hand. Any ideas or thoughts in why that may be?

Sign of intelligence?

Our thoughts were then shifted to the "Ghosts of Rwanda" movie. All agreed it was an atrocity and that it is apalling that politicians would play a technicality game on what genocide actually is. GENOCIDE for God's sake...if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck its GENOCIDE!I know they say hindsight is 20 20, but I find it very hard to understand how the world let it go as far as it did but what stood out to me, even more than the blatant disregard for human life in Rwanda, was the outstanding courage displayed by those that stayed in the mess, chaos and destruction. I find it very uplifting that in the face of extreme human tragedy that there are still people who will stand up knowing the possible consequences to their own safety, and say this is wrong something needs to be done. I was also adverse to the idea of the "Truth and Reconcilliation" program, while understanding why it went that way, something about people who have killed not in self defence wondering the street does not sit well with me, perhaps something to do with me studying law?