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Todo :

Priority :

  • Of human bondage
  • Bleak house
  • Jude the obscure
  • The jungle (Sinclair)
  • The Gods of Pegāna
  • Far from the Madding Crowd
  • Various Scott books


Three Kingdoms

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1897) T 17

Clark Ashton Smith

The dark eidolon U
Zothique (18 books) U

Emily Gerard

Transylvanian Superstitions. U

The Golden Bough (transcribe abridged source to book page, and first edition source to first edition book page (not created yet) T

The picture of dorian gray (1891) T

Moby Dick ✓

Ivanhoe 1820 ✓

Weird Tales U

Boswell - Life of Johnson T

Baedeker guides U

Daemonologie - James I

Edmond Hoyle - U

Frederick Locker-Lampson - Patchwork

The Hive and the Honey-Bee - Langstroth

Thomas Bulfinch

A Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft - John Stearne

The Discovery of Witches - Matthew Hopkins

The King of Elfland's Daughter U

George W. Sears - Woodcraft

Charlotte Mary Yonge - The heir of Redclyffe

The Wide, Wide world

Aphra Behn

The turn of the screw (NY edition)

Bullfinch's mythology

Fall of the roman empire :


The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman T

The Vicar of Wakefield

The Romance of the Forest

The Children of the Abbey

The harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial - Henry Charles Carey

On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences - Mary Somerville

Edward Burnett Tylor - Primitive Culture

Various books

The Monk: a Romance

The horse of America - Wallace

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton - Bingen on the Rhine

The Outline of History - HG wells Index:The Outline of History Vol 1.djvu

Author:Margaret Cavendish

The pirate - Walter Scott

Charles Johnstone - Chrysal source

Portal:Northanger Abbey's "horrid" novels

Pseudodoxia Epidemica

Chance, love, and logic - Charles Sanders Peirce

The Harvard Classics

Collection of formatting templates here
{{Custom rule|w|40|w|40|w|40}}
{{default layout|Layout 2}}
Keeping an hyphen at the end of a page : {{peh}}
<p style="text-align: center">'''<span style="{{mirrorH}}">J</span>AM<span style="{{mirrorH}}">E</span>S.'''</div> (mirror some letters and center the text)
Table of contents here