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Pyarelal Nayyar

From Wikiquote

Pyarelal Nayyar (1899–1982) was the personal secretary of Mahatma Gandhi in his later years.


  • Gandhiji came to the conclusion that his personality was acting as an incubus and smothering free self-expression in the Congress and thereby arresting its natural growth, so that from being ‘the most representative and democratic organisation’ it stood in danger of degenerating into an organisation ‘dominated by one personality' in which ‘there was no play of reason.’ They could never realise the full potency of truth or non-violence that way. For that they had to learn ‘to think and act naturally.
    • Pyarelal Nayyar , as quoted from History Of The Freedom Movement In India, RC Majumdar, Volume III, Preface
    • Mahatma Gandhi The Last Phase Vol. Ii (1958) by Pyarelal
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