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Nicole Malliotakis

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Nicole Malliotakis in 2020

Nicole R. Malliotakis (November 11, 1980–) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for New York's 11th congressional district since 2021. Her constituency covers Staten Island and southern Brooklyn.


  • Everyone brings their unique experiences and background and history with them when they come to do this job. And I think what you have in this new Republican class whose families experienced socialism or communism and they don’t want to see that happen in the United States … we collectively have a story, a message that needs to be shared with the American people who think that socialism is a good idea. Because all it leads to is poverty, misery, lack of goals, dreams, and aspirations – and that is not what any freedom-loving American would want.
  • "The economy, inflation, the energy crisis, and crime were the main ones. That’s where my campaign has been focused because I’m aligned with my constituents when it comes to talking about these very important issues"
    • [1] on what her constituents are saying
  • "People, whether they're Democrats, independents, or Republicans, were saying that they desperately wanted to see a balance restored on a state and federal level"
    • [2] on her victory
  • "My support for strong economic policies to get inflation under control, to ramp up energy production. Those are the things I believe that resonated because that's what's hurting everyday families"
  • We need to have a balance. The pendulum has swung too far to the left. We need to restore the balance so we have commonsense policies to keep New Yorkers safe
    • [4] said Malliotakis
  • "The Right to Shelter law does not provide that New York City has to provide shelter to citizens of other countries. We have tens of thousands of homeless ourselves, and right now during the struggling economy, it's certainly this burden that's placed on people trying to keep roofs over their own heads
    • [5]said Malliotakis
  • The mayor has declared a state of emergency, but he has not called on the president to secure the borders and reinstate the policies of President Trump, remain in Mexico. That was working, and you have not either
    • [6] Malliotakis insisting there has to be order at the border
  • That’s what this race was always about — about stopping the disastrous policies that we’ve seen under one-party rule. I’m very hopeful that we will see a balance come to both our state and our country tonight
    • [7] on having 62 percent of the vote to 38 percent for Rose
  • I voted against certification of the two challenged states not to ‘overturn an election’ but to highlight need for a proper hearing into unconstitutional rule changes, irregularities and alleged fraud
  • I feel for my colleagues who have had to endure some of these horrific threatening phone calls. Look, we received many calls here. Most were not direct threats, it really shows how polarizing and toxic the political environment has become when an elected official is getting a threat over infrastructure - one of the things that everybody loves
    • [9] on threats she received after the election
  • It's unfortunate, but it's a small price to pay for doing what's right for my district and for the country
    • [10] on horrific threatening phone calls
  • For decades, local and national leaders have failed to make the necessary investments in our infrastructure to modernize it and keep it up, keep pace with economic growth and bring it into the 21st century, particularly in an aging city like New York
    • [11] on the infrastructure Bill
  • That's what this race was always about, about stopping the disastrous policies that we've seen under one party rule at the state level, and at the federal level, and getting this country back on track
    • [12] Malliotakis said during her victory speech
  • There's a lot of fear and concern about the future of our city, states are our entire country, and makes these elections that we have feel like they are life and death, and in many instances, they aren't with our rights, our well being the very essence of our democracy, at risk
  • He doesn't want to address inflation. He doesn't want to address our open border. He doesn't want to address crime, which are the top three issues that people care about in the district, He wants to talk about an issue that doesn't affect one woman in New York, because we already have the most extreme law in the country
    • [14] Malliotakis on Rose
  • The pendulum has just swung too far to the left and people across the political spectrum see the need to restore a sense of balance, to have bipartisan representation because that's where you're going to develop the best policy in the middle ground
  • And just as we served for the last two years, we were representing the hard-working, taxpaying American citizen in Staten Island and southern Brooklyn that just wasn’t getting a fair shake
    • [16] Malliotakis said in her victory speech
  • I look forward to being on the offense now to pass good legislation to secure our borders, to support our police and to make sure that we give people the government they deserve, one that is fair
    • [17] Malliotakis said in an interview with NY1
  • When it comes to public safety, when it comes to economy and stemming the tide of illegal immigration and cracking down on this rise in inflation
    • [18] In an interview with NY1

Quotes about her

  • She has to come out against this president of the United States who openly led the effort, exciting this, and encouraging it and pushing it
    • [19] Rose said after the attack on the Capitol building
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