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Fictional last words in live-action television series

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The following is a list of last words attributed to various fictional characters in television shows. Characters are listed according to the originating show, then the name of character the quote is attributed to (in case of more than one quote per source). Where possible, for the purposes of clarification, further explanatory notes have been presented. Additionally, if a character's final words consist of a dialogue with the other characters, the other character's speech may be included for contextual purposes; for example, if one character asks a question that the one who is about to die answers.

Some characters may have more than one "death," in instances such as being resurrected, or existing temporarily as an undead being. In some of those instances, their last words from each "death" may be added if they are significant. Additionally, significant last words from deaths that are merely assumed to have happened or are non-canon are included. Additionally, in instances where there are multiple outcomes, or in media with alternate timelines, the character's last words will be featured.




  • You're making me feel all squishy inside.
    • Who: Uncle Albert
    • Source: ALF
    • Note: Willie and Kate react positively to this and Uncle Albert volunteers to make dinner while Willie goes to work and Kate goes out. Later, while making dinner Uncle Albert hears a television coming outside from the tent. He goes out to investigate and stumbles across ALF watching television. ALF surprised asks "care for a cookie?" Uncle Albert drops dead then due to the shock of seeing ALF.
  • Goodbye, dummy!
    • Who: Paul
    • Source: ALF
    • Note: ALF throws him on the floor.
  • You might have beaten death Arvin, but you could never beat me!
    • Who: Jack Bristow
    • Source: Alias
    • Note: Character is speaking to another character who was previously killed and then resurrected.
  • I think there's a badger in our chimney. Hand me that flashlight.
    • Who: Sheldon's Uncle Carl
    • Source: The Big Bang Theory
    • Note: As Sheldon Cooper is calculating the different kinds of ways he could end up possibly dying (as he was trying to find a way to expand his lifespan), he explains to Leonard that one situation his uncle faced was confronting a badger. According to Sheldon, those may have been his last words.
  • May good thrive!
  • Over our dead bodies!
    • Who: The Black Seal
    • Source: The Black Adder (Series 1)
    • Note: The Hawk leader of the Black Seal proposes a toast to their enterprise using the first line. Then the Black Seal respond with the second line, then characters then hold a toast with poisoned wine. Sean the Irish Bastard is an exception, as it isn't his final words.
  • Mmm. It's got a bit of a sting in it's tail.
    • Who: Sean the Irish Bastard
    • Source: The Black Adder (Series 1)
    • Note: Character has just been knock of his feet by drinking poisoned wine, he then has a second goblet of poisoned wine.
  • The Black Dagger! [Edmund (feebly): Adder.]
  • May his name last as long as our dynasty!
    • Who: See Note
    • Source: The Black Adder (Series 1)
    • Note: The whole court including Harry Prince of Wales & Gertude of Flanders toast the mortally wounded Edmund with poisoned wine and get Edmund's alias wrong thanks to King Richard prompting the first line. Richard IV then continues the toast with the second line at which point everyone drops dead.
  • Good Lord. [Percy and Baldrick ran in the halls] I wonder if it was the wine. [Percy and Baldrick continued running; drinks from goblet] No. Seems perfectly alright to me. [looks around] And now at last, I shall be King of E- [drops dead]
    • Who: Edmund Plantagenet - alias The Black Adder
    • Source: The Black Adder (Series 1)
    • Note: Character has just seen the entire court drop dead after drinking a toast to him. The wine was poisoned - however, it would not have made much difference as the character was mortally wounded.
  • You've got the wrong man!
    • Who: Predecessor to Edmund as Lord High Executioner
    • Source: Blackadder II
    • Note: He filled out an execution order incorrectly, so they had the right man and the form to prove it. Told to Edmund by Melchet when they are looking for a new Lord High Execution.
  • My wife might've bloody-well turned-up!
    • Who: Lord Poncemby
    • Source: Blackadder II
    • Note: Said at his execution. Not actually heard on-screen. Edmund - the Lord High Executioner - asks Percy were there any interesting last words today and responded with the line. Percy's accuracy is in doubt as he thinks the person who said it was Lord Farrow.
  • Actually, Baldrick, I'm not dead. You see, I had a cigarillo case too. [searches in his pockets, but remembers] Oh, damn. Must have left it on the dresser.
    • Who: Prince George (Hugh Laurie)
    • Source: Blackadder the Third (Specifically episode 6 - "Duel and Duality")
    • Note: Character has been shot, but has briefly come back to life. Another character had previously cheated death in a similar manner.
  • You'll get through it. All you got to worry about is when you run out of booze, and you run out of company... And the only person left to judge you is your---
    • Who: James "Jimmy" Darmody
    • Source: Boardwalk Empire
    • Note: Character is speaking to Nucky Thompson, who is about to kill him in revenge for an attempt on his life. Before he can finish, Nucky shoots him twice in the head.
  • I... ple-please don't. Just don't make me go. I-I don't want to go. I love -it's been lovely. Being here with - with you.
    • Who: Vincent Nigel-Murray
    • Source: Bones
    • Note: Last words as he lies dying, having been shot in the chest by Broadsky.
  • It was a pleasure playing with you sport. Now get out. Get out while you can.
    • Who: Victor Stecker-Epps
    • Source: "Burn Notice"
    • Note: Having been shot by Carla's operative, Victor understood that either Michael could kill him and take credit for his death or he could be killed by "Management." He tells Michael to kill him and says this line before being shot in the chest at point blank. Despite previous conflicts between the two, his death leaves Michael clearly saddened.
  • Time is up, Michael! Finish it off or I will finish it for you!
    • Who: "Carla"
    • Source: "Burn Notice"
    • Note: Realizing that Michael was not going to hand over either Victor or the information he had on her, Carla moved to detonate the C4 that she had planted in their boat only to be shot by Fiona. Fiona had, on numerous occasions, expressed a desire to kill Carla.
  • You don't get to have the girl and the job! She doesn't fit into your future. OUR future! So why don't you just do yourself a favor and forget the past?! [Michael: Fiona is not my past.]
    • Who: "Thomas Strickler"
    • Source: "Burn Notice"
    • Note: Believing that Fiona's presence would prevent Michael from getting his burn notice revoked, Strickler handed her over to O'Neill. Michael shot him after he refused to let Michael intervene.
  • I have a system..I..I have a system...
  • Marilyn! Marilyn!
    • Who: Larry David
    • Source: Curb Your Enthusiasm
    • Note: After giving his kidney to Richard Lewis, Larry faced difficult recovery and ended up dying. His last words were to Cheryl, explaining that it couldn't have been him who misplaced "The Sopranos" DVD case because he has a certain system when watching DVDs. The second time, his angelic guides realize that Larry is not ready for Heaven and send him back. As Larry's fading back to Earth, he sees Marilyn Monroe and she comments on how she loves Seinfeld and his sense of humor.
  • Don't touch me, I'm famous.
    • Who: Ashley
    • Source: Drake & Josh
    • Note: When Ashley gets knocked out, due to an accident involving a bucket and Drake and Josh's door, Dr. Jeff Glazer checked on her and gave something to make her sleep. The boys must to bring her to the Premiere without making it look like she is unconscious, holding her up, talking for her, and moving her arms for her.
  • You'll never get me out of the Vic.
    • Who: 'Dirty' Den Watts {Leslie Grantham)
    • Source: Eastenders
    • Notes: 'The Vic' refers to the 'Queen Victoria' pub, of which character was the landlord. Ironically, he was later buried under the pub by his murderer.
  • To the death of our marriage. [drinks poisoned champagne] Whore.
    • Who: Christopher 'Chris' Tate (Peter Amory)
    • Source: Emmerdale
    • Notes: Chris poisoned himself to frame his prostitute wife Charity for his murder.
  • When you can't run, you crawl. And when you can't crawl, when you can't do that... (You find someone to carry you)
    • Who: Tracey
    • Source: Firefly
    • Note: The character quotes an old saying of his army unit but is unable to finish. A nearby friend completes it.
  • Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn't matter where you go, or how far you fly -- I will hunt you down, and the last thing you see will be my blade
    • Who: Crow
    • Source: Firefly
    • Note: Crow refuses to take back payment for a job that the crew have backed out on. He is then kicked into a working spaceship engine.
  • Okay dear, you go get the eggs and I'm gonna get the yogurt and we'll meet at the checkout counter.
    • Who: Phoebe Buffay's grandmother
    • Source: Friends, episode 5x13
    • Note: Phoebe is shopping with her grandmother, who then bends over to get the yogurt and dies of unnamed causes. Superstitious Phoebe tells her friends that they "will meet at the checkout counter," referring to the afterlife.
  • Don't call me dad. I'm not your father.
    • Who: Tom Gordon
    • Source: Ghost Whisperer, episode 3x18
    • Note: Tom Gordon was the step-father of Melinda Gordon, who could talk to ghosts; Melinda discovers that Gordon was not her real father, but had killed her real father, a man named Paul Eastman, who had since been haunting Melinda. Tom decided he must kill Melinda to protect himself from the truth being revealed. Melinda cries out to her dad, to which Tom says this line. Melinda answers, "I wasn't talking to you." As Tom realizes who Melinda had been calling to, Paul enters Tom's body and forces him to fall to his death.
  • I hate you.
    • Who: Frieda Claxton
    • Source: The Golden Girls
    • Notes: Frieda Claxton was a notorious grump, and wanted to destroy a 200-year-old tree on her property. When Rose asked how she could hate a living thing, Frieda responded as above. Incensed, Rose shouted at her, finishing with "either listen or drop dead", after which Frieda did.
  • I even wear quiet clothes.
    • Who: Al Beatty
    • Source: The Golden Girls
    • Notes: Rose's date Al wanted to "continue the evening", but Rose was afraid to do so. He promised her he would be quiet, and the two entered her bedroom. Al died of a heart attack in the night.
  • Congratulations. You got your answer.
    • Who: Dr. Ezra Powell Joel Grey
    • Source: House
    • Note: Said to Dr. House after speaker has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
  • That's not the last feeling I want to experience.
    • Who: Amber Volakis
    • Source: House
    • Note: Said in response to Dr. Wilson questioning why she was not angry with him.
  • Cancer's boring.
    • Who: Dr. Gregory House
    • Source: House
    • Note: Final line of series.
  • No, no, no, no. Listen. Listen to me. You don't have to do this. No, you don't. I'll be good. I'll be good! I'll be so good!
  • Wait, guys! Wait for me!
    • Who: Adelaide Langdon (Jamie Brewer)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Murder House (Halloween- Part 1)
  • Come out, Judy. Come out and play...
    • Who: Jed Potter
    • Source: American Horror Story: Asylum (Tricks and Treats)
    • Note: A farm boy who was brought into Briarcliff by his parents after he was discovered drenched in blood and ripping open their livestock, leading them to believe he was possessed by the Devil. As the Monsignour and Doctor Oliver Thredson prepared to exorcise it, the demon antagonized Sister Jude by bringing up her dark past leading her to lash out until she was escorted away. Jed taunts Jude with the last of his energy before the demon is forced out of him and he dies in the process.
  • What are you talking about? What are you talking about?
    • Who: Joan Ramsey
    • Source: American Horror Story: Coven
    • Note: A fundamentalist Christian woman and abusive mother to Luke, Nan's love interest. Joan had covertly arranged for her unfaithful husband's death, a fact that Luke knew; upon discovering that Luke had found her secret, she smothered him to death with a pillow while he was recovering from gunshot wounds. Nan hoped to bring Luke back from the dead, but Joan had his body cremated, destroying the possibility. A furious Nan screamed about Joan's role in Luke's murder, prompting her response above; Nan then used her power of concilium, or mind control, to compel Joan to drink bleach to "cleanse" her sins.
  • You have blood on your hands--the both of you.
    • Who: Nan
    • Source: American Horror Story: Coven
    • Note: Spoken to Marie Leveau, the Voodoo Queen, and Fiona Goode, the Supreme Witch of the Coven. The two older women planned to sacrifice a baby to Papa Legba, a powerful loa who owned Marie Leveau's soul in contract, granting her great power in exchange for an innocent life each year. Fiona suggested killing Nan instead, as she was "innocent enough"; though Nan exists in the afterlife, these are the last words spoken while she is alive.
  • I don't understand...
    • Who: Twisty the Clown
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freak Show (Edward Mordrake, Part 2)
    • Note: An ex-circus performing clown that was driven away by the circus freaks due to wrongful accusations of child molestation, he was driven into a severe depression that led to him attempting to take his own life, only to fail and blow off half of his jaw. Desperate to regain the love of children, he kidnapped kids from Jupiter, Florida, with the help of Dandy Mott, eventually being visited by Edward Mordrake (a freakshow Undertaker of sorts) who was moved by Twisty's story, provoking him to take Twisty in to join his ethereal troupe by stabbing the clown to death, his spirit moving on into the afterlife. Twisty's legacy seems to live on as an urban legend, as demonstrated by Season 7- Cult.
  • Halloween is over. Get bent and take this tray. Enough of this! I'm not afraid of you; you little made-in-the-shade white boy. You can barely wash your own ass. I know 'cause I wash your shitty drawers. I'll take it myself. Move!
    • Who: Dora Ross (Patti LaBelle)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freak Show (Edward Mordrake, Part 2)

Note: A maid hired by Gloria Mott to assist around the Mott Manor, she confronts Dandy on Halloween night when he attempts to leave the house amid the mandated curfew, unphased by Dandy's threats to kill her (which he couldn't bring himself to actually put out). The following morning when Dandy returns following the death of Twisty the Clown, she confronts Dandy again when she sees Dandy in a clown outfit adorning with Twisty's face mask. After demanding for him to assist in bringing a food tray to Gloria's room, the silent boy then proceeds to slice her throat open with scissors and laugh from the euphoria of his kill.

  • I'm sorry, you won't be going to Hollywood, Elsa.
    • Who: Ethel Darling (Kathy Bates)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freak Show (Blood Bath)
  • From the second you came out and looked at me with that furrowed brow, I loved all of you, Dandy. Even the madness. But, I have no more love to give: you have tapped me out. (Dandy: You're right, mother. I'm sorry I've caused you so much pain. It's time for this madness to end.) No, please, Dandy, not this way. I can't go on if you kill yourself! (Dandy: Okay.)
    • Who: Gloria Mott (Frances Conroy)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freakshow (Blood Bath)
  • No, Chester, stop! CHESTER!
    • Who: Maggie Esmerelda (Emma Roberts)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freak Show (Show-Stopper)
    • Note: A partner to a businessman named Stanley who secretly took members of Elsa's freakshow to kill them and put them on display in Stanley's museum of so-called "Medical Oddities". After the freaks turn on Stanley when they learn the truth, she volunteers for a 'magic saw' act for the show's new owner, a magician named Chester. As he is taunted by his ventriloquist dummy Marjorie, he snaps and cuts Maggie in half (as he planned to do to twins Bette and Dot Midler), disemboweling her.
    • Who: Dandy Mott (Finn Wittrock)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freak Show (Curtain Call)
    • Note: A pampered rich young man in 1950s Florida, he was smitten with Bette and Dot, although he also despised the other freaks. After taking up the mantle of Twisty's killer clown persona, he left a trail of death in his wake, eventually being granted ownership over Elsa Mars's freakshow. After being told by the Freaks that they would rather quit than work under Dandy's rule, he kills the majority of them in retaliation. After Jimmy, Bette and Dot and Desiree discover what happened, they work together to capture Dandy and manage to trap him in a drowning cage as revenge for killing all their friends and loved ones, while Dandy screams the following quote in anger and disbelief before succumbing to lack of oxygen.
  • I am the biggest... freak of all...
    • Who: Elsa Mars
    • Source: American Horror Story: Freak Show (Curtain Call)
    • Note: Elsa, the former owner of the titular freak show, achieved her lifelong dream of stardom in Hollywood, only to continue to suffer from abuse and her pained past. She organized a Halloween television special that, unbeknownst to the producers, would serve as a summoning ritual for Edward Mordrake, a demonic, literally two-faced man who would appear at midnight on All Hallows' Eve each year and claim the soul of a freak. Mordrake realized that, unlike his previous victims, Elsa wanted to die, as she saw herself as a monster; after she spoke the above line, he granted her a quick, relatively painless death, sending her to a personal heaven as the headliner of her old show, surrounded by the family of freaks she had created on Earth.
  • There is nothing I want more than the dark silence of death itself.
    • Who: Iris
    • Source: American Horror Story: Hotel (Mommy)
    • Note: The front addressee in the Hotel Cortez, she decided to work within the hotel to stay closer with her son Dominic, who was transformed into a vampire by the Countess Lady GaGa). Distraught by her son turning away from her efforts to reconnect with him, she was eventually driven into committing suicide. However, she came back to life after Dominic used his vampire blood to transform her into a vampire, reviving her body.
  • Why did you-
    • Meade? How the fuck are you here?!
    • Who: Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Hotel
    • Note: A member of Cordelia's coven with the power over voodoo magic, Queenie arrived at the Hotel Cortez to stay while she was going to compete on an episode of The Price is Right. She then ends up confronting Romana (Angela Bassett), a vampire who wanted to use Queenie's witch blood to make her strong enough to kill the Countess (Lady GaGa). Just when she had the upper hand over Romana, she is stabbed by the ghost of James Patrick March (Evan Peters). She then returns in American Horror Story Apocalypse, when Cordelia first attempts to free her from the hotel's curse only to fail, while Michael Langdon succeeds when the unnerved March reluctantly allows Queenie to go free. However, she is eventually killed when Michael and the robotic duplicate of Miriam Meade shoot her and many of the other witches down in cold blood. She is revived again after Mallory goes back in time and kills Michael in the past, then proceeds to suggest for Queenie to reconsider going to the Hotel Cortez.
  • Fuck you, Sidney!
    • Who: Rory
    • Source: American Horror Story: Roanoke (Chapter 6)
  • You're the Butcher. My idol... my maker. I'm sorry; I just wanted to be on TV.
    • Who: Agnes Mary Winstead
    • Source: American Horror Story: Roanoke (Chapter 7)
    • Note: An actress who played the character of the Butcher in the reenactment of Matt and Shelby's experiences against the Roanoke colony, she was noted following the original filming to have gone senile and believe herself to be the Butcher. When she was denied the opportunity to attend the reunion series, she swore revenge and attacked the cast and crew. However, her rage eventually brought forth the colony, leading to her meeting the spirit of the true Butcher as she speaks to her before she is killed by a meat cleaver to the skull.
    • Who: Audrey (Sarah Paulson)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Roanoke (Chapter 9)
  • Oz... will never forgive you!
    • Who: Ivy
    • Source: American Horror Story: Cult (Drink the Kool Aid)
    • Note: The wife of Ally (Sarah Paulson), she joined Kai Anderson's cult after becoming dissatisfied with their relationship, wanting their son Oz to herself, and harboring a growing disdain for Ally's vote for Jill Stein in the 2016 elections, Ally grows wise to her schemes and poisons Ivy's food as they eat dinner together that night. Ally retorts back at Ivy after she claims Oz won't forgive her if he knew the truth by stating Oz will end up believing that Ivy abandoned the both of them. Ivy soon dies after choking on her own blood.
  • Don't just stand there and stare at me. Say something. SAY SOMETHING!! (Ally: You were wrong. There is one thing more dangerous than a humiliated man; a nasty woman.)
    • Who: Kai Anderson
    • Source: American Horror Story: Cult (Great Again)
    • Note: A young man who started a clown cult as a guise to allow himself to put into action his own personal (and rather bigoted) beliefs after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States fuels him. After Ally manages to derail his election campaign and the cult, he crashes Ally's campaign for a Senator position to try and put her in her place. However, when one of the guards from the prison he was held at (who he previously believed joined his new cult) betrays him, he demands an explanation from Ally, who responds with a retort on an earlier statement from Kai, "There is nothing worse in this world than a humiliated man," before Kai is murdered with a gun shot through the head.
  • This is it, ladies and gentlemen; I can't believe we actually did it. We have just been notified to evacuate. I'm not going to make it home, so if my children are watching this- Daddy loves you very much.
    • Who: Newscaster
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (The End)
    • Note: This character is seen reporting on TV screens about that multiple missile launches were noted to have decimated several different countries around the world. This quote is spoken just before the crew for the news group is forced to evacuate, moments preceding their death when Los Angeles is destroyed by a nuclear warhead. His death is reversed when Mallory manages to go back in time and kill Michael Langdon.
  • I'm sorry; it's just not in my nature.
    • Who: Evie Gallant (Joan Collins)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (The Morning After)
    • Note: The grandmother of Mr. Gallant (Evan Peters), who joined the other characters in Outpost 3 after the destruction of civilization. When Gallant confronts his grandmother about her selling him out to the head of the Outpost, Ms. Venable, he tells his grandmother that all he ever wanted was love from her, prompting her to say this line. Later on that night, Mr. Gallant ends up confronting the Rubber Man and stabs him (under the assumption that it is Michael Langdon in disguise), only to find he had killed Evie unintentionally. Her death is reversed by Mallory killing Michael Langdon in the past.
  • Cordelia, your powers have already waned. Michael will bring-
    • Who: Ariel Augustus (Jon Jon Briones)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (Traitor)
  • You think death is a punishment? I do not fear the fire; it cleanses me, as it will cleanse this world! I have seen the end! I bear witness to the darkness. Father, take me in your arms! Your Kingdom is nigh!!
  • Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you...
    • Who: Miriam Meade (Kathy Bates)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (Traitor; Apocalypse Then)
    • Note: A follower of the Church of Satan, Meade adopted Michael Langdon after he left the Murder House. From afar, she supported his rise to power within the Hawthorne School for Gifted Young Men to become the new Supreme, even going as far to kill one of the suspicious Warlocks John Henry Moore to prevent him from telling Cordelia Goode about the truth of Michael's identity. When John was resurrected by Mallory, the witches convicted Meade and two other Warlocks Ariel Augustus and Baldwin Pennypacker, sentencing all three to death by burning at the stake. With her dying words, she exclaims having already seen the end of the world before being burned alive. Her likeness and memories were later recreated and placed into a cyborg for the Cooperative to oversee Outpost 3 after the apocalypse. The second quote comes from when Cordelia causes the robot Meade to explode in their final confrontation, and Meade weakly murmurs her appreciation for Michael before powering down for good. When Mallory kills a younger Michael after going back in time, the real Meade is alive again in the new timeline, approaching Timothy and Emily about their son, a supposed new Antichrist.
  • [Michael: Come now, you can't be that surprised to see me.] Fuck no, dear, you were prophesized. Up yours.
    • Who: Bubbles (Joan Collins)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (Fire and Reign)
  • You're a fool, Marie Leveau.
    • Who: Dinah Stevens (Adina Porter)
    • Source: American Horror Story Apocalypse (Apocalypse Then)
    • Note: A voodoo witch and talk show host who took over the position of Voodoo Queen after Marie Leveau's passing, she betrayed the Coven in pursuit of more power being granted to her by Michael Langdon. Ending up in Outpost 3, she died from eating poison-laced apples only to be revived by Cordelia and the other witches. Aligning herself with Michael in the final confrontation, she ends up dying when a resurrected Marie Leveau appears and stabs her in the jugular. She likely survived in the new timeline where Mallory killed young Michael Langdon.
  • It's payback, bitch! I like it cold.
    • Who: Brock (Billy Eichner)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (Apocalypse Then)
    • Note: The husband of Coco Vanderbilt (after her memory of being a witch was erased to protect her from Michael Langdon seeking her out), he sought revenge against Coco when she left him behind to get hit by the nuclear destruction of Los Angeles. Disfigured by the nuclear fallout, he sneaks into Outpost 3 underneath a horse-drawn carriage carrying apples and disguises himself to partake in a Halloween ball and catch Coco alone. He then proceeds to stab Coco in the throat, and lies in wait while Cordelia and the witches arrive. When the witches attempt to invoke the Sacred Taking in order to send Mallory back to prevent the apocalypse, he reappears and attacks Mallory in his rage. Myrtle then retaliates by setting him ablaze as he falls off the second floor scaffolding to his death. He is brought back to life when Mallory kills Langdon in the past, but no longer knows or has even met Coco.
  • Die again, fuckface!
    • Who: Coco Vanderbilt (Leslie Grossman)
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (Apocalypse Then)
  • Satan may have one son, but my Sisters are Legion, motherfucker!
    • Who: Cordelia Goode
    • Source: American Horror Story: Apocalypse (Apocalypse Then)
See Last words in Buffy the Vampire Slayer media
  • I invented it. Now put that gun down on the bench, for Mrs. Peel's sake.
    • Who: Fitch
    • Source: Dial a Deadly Number
    • Notes: One of the sappers behind the broker murders using pagers to pierce needles through competitors' hearts. While confronting Steed, Fitch says this about his bicycle pump gun to keep Steed from using his gun. Steed distracts Fitch with a cuckoo clock noise calling for help, then kicks him into a chair, causing Fitch to wind up fatally shooting himself.
  • Tomorrow, you will face a task which calls for the utmost of courage. The Tower, gentlemen. The riches it holds. It is in our grasp. Nothing can stand in our way.
    • Who: Dr. Harold Long
    • Source: The Danger Makers
    • Notes: A Ministry psychologist who learned returning soldiers miss the thrill of war. With his Danger Maker gang, he briefs his cronies on the Tower of London to steal the Crown Jewels and believes they can win. Just then, Steed and Emma Peel barge in and an intense fight begins. Steed chases Long to one of the training rooms with the electric cables. After killing one of his top henchmen Peters, Long turns to Steed, when Peel uses one of the seesaws to catapult Dr. Long into the cables, frying him.
  • Apollo; He's unarmed! No, no! He's unarmed!
    • Who: Peters
    • Source: The Danger Makers
    • Notes: Harold Long's top henchman in the Danger Makers gang. While the agents fight Long and his henchmen, Long is cornered in the training room with the electric cables. Peters tries to reason this to his boss, but is shot dead activating the cables in the process.
  • Very impressive. Now what do you like for the big boys?
    • Who: The Hon. John Cleverly Cartney
    • Source: A Touch of Brimstone
    • Notes: The leader of the Hellfire Club, sabotaging politicians with practical jokes. After Mrs. Peel defeats his henchmen in the fighting arena, he challenges her with this and tries to whip her. But the whip activates the torch-activated trap door, sending Cartney falling to his death to the water below.
  • Cardboard, Mrs. Peel? Cardboard?! Creator and creation fused into one being. Indisivble, omnipotent, unstoppable. Nothing... Nothing stands in my way; Least of all you, Mrs. Peel. Least of all you!
    • Who: Arnie Packer/The Winged Avenger
    • Source: The Winged Avenger
    • Note: Said this while Arnie/Winged Avenger closes in on Mrs. Peel in Professor Poole's home. Steed barges in and uses cardboards of comic effects to bash Arnie until he flies out the window and crashes on the ground dead.
  • What shall it be for you then? The bullet, the garrotte, or the knife perhaps?
  • This time, there will be no mistakes. Goodbye, Mr. Steed!
    • Who: Jason Wade
    • Source: The Superlative Seven
    • Notes: A gemini hunter known to track things and kill them. The twins had so far killed four of the top seven fighters invited to Jessel's island. For the first twin, he offers which fate will end Steed, but the Ministry agent takes a candle with "How about this for a start?" and fights him. After a quick duel, Steed throws a spear into the first Jason Wade twin and kills him. The second Jason Wade twin converges on Steed and says the second line when about to execute him. Mrs. Emma Peel saves Steed and engages the second Jason Wade twin in a fight sending him falling to his death.
  • A very elaborate fraud... my dear chum! You would have got your money and I would have got nothing. You tried to cheat me, Jessel. ME!
    • Who: Kanwitch
    • Source: The Superlative Seven
    • Notes: Jessel's partner who proposed to train a number of killers for his fighting program. After the Jason Wade twins are killed, Kanwitch accuses Jessel of trying to steal his money, but is shot dead by Jessel. Jessel then gloats "My dear chum.".
  • It's up to me, then.
    • Who: Peter Haworth
    • Source: The Positive Negative Man
    • Notes: A man charged by Dr. Creswell's broadcast power to electrocute and plaster anyone he touches. He says this when Steed is wearing rubber boots and keeping Mrs. Peel's charge in check. Haworth then tries to kill Steed and Peel with his own charge. While creswell is thrown out the window, Steed and Peel force Haworth's unprotected foot to the floor and kill with his own electric charge. Steed quips "You ruined his make up."
  • You destroyed my brother, and now is the time for retribution, an endless retribution. Oh, I may kill you; One day, if it amuses me to do so. But for the time being, you'll be like her, a puppet, without self-will or control. A prisoner inside yourself, obeying my every whim, my every wish. (walk to his Cybernaut) Soon, you'll envy this steel monster here. It's just a machine; He has no feeling, no awareness. Yes, I think you'll come to envy it. (to Benson, his assistant) Benson!
    • Who: Dr. Paul Beresford
    • Source: Return of the Cybernauts
    • Notes: A scientist trying to recreate the Cybernauts and brother of Dr. Clement Armstrong, whose death he blames on Steed and Emma Peel. Beresford explains this intending to mind control the Ministry agent pair to his will. Just then, Steed forces the mind control watch onto the Cybernaut and it rampages, bashing the scientists in the room and mvoes to crush Beresford's spine. Peel tries to break the mind control device but the when the cybernaut deactivates, it also crushes Beresford's spine, killing him.
  • I warned you!
    • Who: Dr Frank Glover
    • Notes: A doctor who is the true mastermind behind the virus letter murders, Glover tries to release a virus at Steed, but Steed uses a virus-filled letter to infect the evil doctor. Glover then sneezes a few times and succumbs to his own virus.
  • And now it only remains for me to thank you all for coming, and to bid you... GOODBYE!
    • Henley Ferrer
    • Notes: A con artist who faked his death and gave Steed the Falcon Dagger leading to his prized pearl. After leading Steed, Tara King and the other hitmen to his home, he says this intending to kill everyone present. In the chaos, Steed guns Ferrer down and knocks him back into his casket.
  • I shall walk away from here, hmm, as you. The most respected agent in the country.
    • Who: Arcos
    • Notes: A scientist trying to replicate Steed's face, having had his face taking on the Ministry agent's face, Arcos intends to shoot the genuine Steed and walk out with his face. Steed counters "I wouldn't go as far as to say that." then the two fight. The fake Steed runs out and is shot dead by Zerson. Arcos's lifeless face is then revealed to Steed, Von Curt and Tara King.
    • Who: Merridon
    • Notes: After Steed and his temporary partner Diana Forbes-Blakeney set REMAK to self-destruct, Merridon tries to counter-act it within 60 seconds, but is too late and dies in the explosion.
  • Eject homing beacon and attach system record!
    • Who: Warren Keffer
    • Note: Keffer was following a strange alien vessel which spotted him. This line was in reaction to being spotted. (While Keffer did not survive, the record did.)
  • I was born warrior caste…but I see now the calling of my heart…is religious! The war is over! Listen to her! Listen!
    • Who: Neroon
    • Note: Neroon is sacrificing himself to save Delenn, a religious caste member, from the fire of the Starfire Wheel. This act also ends the feud between the religious and warrior castes.
  • It's too late for me. I'm sorry for what I did before. I knew what was ahead. I guess—I guess I was afraid. When you've lived as long as I have, you kind of get used to it. I—I wish I could have done more for you. There's so much I should have said—now it's too late. You're right. It's time you began fighting this war your way. I've got to go now, John. [Sheridan protests] It's all right, son. See—as long as you're here, I'll always be here.
  • Jump. Jump, now!
    • Who: Kosh
    • Note: For the first line, Kosh is speaking to Sheridan in a dream, as Sheridan's father. Part of Kosh remains behind, though, and remains attached to Sheridan. The second line is what Kosh says to Sheridan just before Sheridan jumps into a deep abyss, and is the last thing we hear him say in the series.
  • I love you.
    • Who: Marcus Cole
    • Note: Marcus is sacrificing his life energy so that Ivanova, the one he loves, may live.
  • Well…look at that…the sun's coming up….
    • Who: John Sheridan
    • Note: Said as the character is being bathed in light, and taken beyond the rim of the galaxy.
  • We have unfinished business between us, G'Kar. Let us make an end of it quickly, before it stops me. I am as tired of my life as you are.
    • Who: Londo Mollari
    • Note: Stated just before he and G'Kar choke each other to death, fulfilling a dream he'd had for over 20 years. "It" is a creature that has Londo under its partial control, but is sleeping at the moment.
  • Will! Hey, Will! I need your help here.
    • Who: 1st Lt. Thomas Meehan
    • Note: Last words to Sgt. Evans while en route to Normandy. During the drop, their plane is shot down and everyone aboard, including him, is killed.
  • Lieutenant Winters..with Captain Sobel's compliments, sir. Lieutenant.
    • Who: SSgt. William Evans (Simon Pegg)
    • Note: Last words to Winters and Nixon while delivering a court-martial letter from Sobel. During the drop, his plane is shot down and everyone aboard, including him, is killed.
  • You mean, over-
    • Who: Anonymous soldier
    • Note: While under fire, a soldier asks Sergeant Lipton where Battalion Headquarters was. Lipton points back the way they came and when the soldier raises his head to look, he gets hit by a bullet.
  • Sir, I don't have any way to set it off, sir!
    • Who: Pvt. John "Cowboy" Hall
    • Note: Hall's last words during battle while trying to destroy one of the German flak guns, while racing back and forth between groups, he is hit by the impact of a grenade and dies.
  • Come on! Luz--
    • Who: Sgt. Warren "Skip" Muck
    • Note: During a shelling, Muck and Penkala call to Luz to get in their foxhole so he won't get hit. A shell lands right in Penkala and Muck's foxhole, instantly killing both soldiers.
  • SARGE!
    • Who: Pvt. James Miller (James McAvoy)
    • Note: Last words after spotting a German halftrack, when they are attacking Nuenen. During the battle of Nuenen, he is killed by a German shell.
  • Hey, Lip, you said I was a great shot?
    • Who: Cpl. Donald Hoobler
    • Note: The Luger he obtained after killing a German soldier accidentally goes off and shoots Hoobler in the leg, severing a vital artery. He dies shortly after. The question was referring to the head shot he made on the same German soldier.
  • I don't wanna die...I don't wanna die...
    • Who: Pvt. Eugene Jackson
    • Note: Said after being hit by his own grenade. He dies of his wounds.
  • Well, that's just not good enough.
    • Who: Pfc. John Janovec
    • Note: Last words before dying in a car accident on his way back to headquarters. His last statement was referring to Webster's comment who said he had 81 points, 4 points short of being able to go back home.

Battlestar Galactica (2003 series)

  • Frak you.
    • Who: Helena Cain
    • Note: Cain is talking to her former lover and prisoner, Gina, who is holding a gun to her head. Gina sarcastically responds "You're not my type" before fatally shooting Cain in the head.
  • It stopped.
    • Who: Felix Gaeta
    • Note: Gaeta is referring to the "phantom pain" in his amputated left leg. He is then executed by firing squad for leading a mutiny against Admiral Adama.
  • You should know that your Raptor been destroyed. You can't go back that way.
    • Who: Boomer/Sharon Valerii/Number Eight
    • Note: After choosing to return Hera to Helo and Athena, Boomer allows herself to be shot and killed by Athena.
  • Let's....Let's just all agree that no matter what we learn about each other...we're all Cylons and we're all capable of making mistakes.
    • Who: Tory Foster
    • Note: Foster is about to enter a process that will share her memories with several other Cylons, including Galen Tyrol, the widower of a woman Foster murdered. When he learns what she did, an enraged Tyrol snaps Foster's neck.
  • Frak!
    • Who: John Cavil/Number One
    • Note: Cavil, a Cylon, has just realized that his side had lost their war with humanity, and commits suicide with a pistol to avoid a painful death. "Frak" is an expletive invented for the series.
  • I'll see you on the other side.
    • Who: Samuel T. Anders
    • Note: Anders is speaking to his wife, Kara Thrace, shortly before he pilots all of the Colonial fleets' ships into a star.
  • There's so much life.
    • Who: Laura Roslin
    • Note: Roslin is flying over Earth with Bill Adama, and she comments on the abundant wildlife before succumbing to cancer.
  • Avon, I was waiting for you. [see note] Avon...
    • Who: Roj Blake
    • Note: Shot three times by Avon who believed Blake had betrayed them as he collapses to the floor, dead.
  • They can't all come through that gap at once
    • Who: Jenna Stannis
    • Note: In the result of an intergalactic war, it is implied Jenna hit a self-destruct button, killing her and half a squadron of gunships with her.
  • Is it true? [Blake: "Avon, it's me, Blake."] Stand still! Have you betrayed us? Have you... betrayed ME. [Blake: "Tarrant doesn't understand."] Neither do I, Blake. [Blake: "I set all this up!"] Yes!
    • Who: Kerr Avon
    • Note: Avon believes Blake betrayed him but shoots him. He stands in shock over his dead leader and faces the Federation troopers in a one man stand. It is unclear whether he survives or dies.
  • Blake!!!
    • Who: Cally
    • Note: Killed in a resulting explosion set up by Servalan on Terminal.
  • Oh, now, look, I've never been against the Federation. I mean, I've only ever been along for the ride. I'm not even armed. You can't kill me. I'm completely harmless and armless. [Arlen, a Federation officer, shoots Dayna dead. Vila whacks Arlen unconscious.] Sorry, love.
    • Who: Vila Restal
    • Note: Shot dead by an army of Federation troopers.
  • My leg! Blake! Go! I'm not worth dying for!
    • Who: Olag Gan
    • Note: With his leg trapped under a bulkhead, the corridor crumbles under him, killing him instantly.
See Last words in Breaking Bad media
See Last words in Buffy the Vampire Slayer media


  • No...you're not. And he's not. I saw to that. You're done Lockwood. We both are.
    • Who: Captain Roy Montgomery
    • Source: Episode 3.24 "Knockout"
    • Note: Character has been mortally wounded in a shootout with Hal Lockwood's hit squad in order to protect Detective Beckett. Lockwood (the last surviving member of the squad) mocks character's efforts and says he'll simply kill Beckett anyway. Character responds with the above, referring to Lockwood and his (as yet unknown) employer, and fatally shoots him with his hidden backup gun.
  • Clear about what?
    • Who: Jerry Tyson/The Triple Killer (3XK)
    • Source: Episode 7.15 "Reckoning"
    • Note: Character has lured Castle to an isolated house and tied him up to watch Beckett's death on video. Castle then reveals that he had figured out character's plan and allowed himself to be lured. Castle finishes his revelation with the line "Are we clear?", prompting the above. Castle replies "Then take the shot," and character is fatally shot through the heart. The shooter is then reveled as Esposito, to whom Castle had addressed the previous two lines through a hidden earbud.


  • Khodemchuk. Get Khodemchuk.
    • Who: Viktor Degtyarenko
    • Source: Episode 1 "01.23.45"
    • Note: Having been severely burned and injured in the explosion, Degtyarenko tries to direct Aleksandr Yuvchenko to his colleague Valery Khodemchuk, whom Yuvchenko finds to be already dead, buried under tonnes of rubble. Degtyarenko subsequently dies while being carried away from the pump room by Yuvchenko.
  • He fell.
    • Who: Viktor Proskuryakov
    • Source: Episode 1 "01.23.45"
    • Note: Last on-screen words, as Toptunov escorts Proskuryakov, who along with colleague Aleksandr Kudryavtsev, sustained a lethal dose of radiation after being sent to inspect the reactor core, and finding it destroyed and open to the air. Proskuryakov, already severely ill, runs back to the control room to inform Dyatlov of his findings, with Kudryavtsev not even making it that far.
  • No. No, I won't do that.
    • Who: Anatoly Sitnikov.
    • Source: Episode 1 "01.23.45"
    • Note: With Bryukhanov and Fomin refusing to believe that the reactor core has been destroyed, Sitnikov tries to refuse their instructions to go to the roof and inspect the reactor core from above. They force him to do so anyway, leading to his sustaining a fatal radiation dose.
  • Did not copy. Signal's breaking up.
    • Who: Helicopter pilot
    • Source: Episode 2 "Please Remain Calm"
    • Note: Said over the radio, before the pilot disregards his orders and flies directly over the exposed reactor core, subjecting him and the other people aboard to a lethal radiation dose. The pilot then dies when, incapacitated, the helicopter collides with a crane.
  • Is it day? [Lyudmilla: No, it's night-time now.] I think I had a dream. And it's just gone.
    • Who: Vasily Ignatenko
    • Source: Episode 3 "Open Wide, O Earth"
    • Note: Delirious and in the final stages of radiation poisoning that he suffered while fighting the fire at the nuclear plant, Vasily says this to his wife Lyudmilla, who then reveals that she is pregnant.
  • We did. I reported the increase to Akimov, and he pressed the button. [Khomyuk: Leonid, that's not possible.] He did. This, I swear. I saw him do it. And that's when it exploded.
    • Who: Leonid Toptunov
    • Source: Episode 3 "Open Wide, O Earth"
    • Note: Toptunov, who is dying from severe radiation exposure sustained during a fruitless effort to cool the destroyed reactor core, recounts the events leading up to the explosion. He subsequently dies off-screen.
  • I pressed it before the explosion. Before. Why... why would that happen? I shut it down, I pressed AZ-5. [Khomyuk: Thank you, comrade Akimov.] I did everything right... I did everything right...
    • Who: Aleksandr Akimov
    • Source: Episode 3 "Open Wide, O Earth"
    • Note: Akimov, having been fatally irradiated at the same time as Toptunov, gives his own account of the reactor's explosion, before dying off-screen from radiation poisoning.
  • Forget it. Find another fool.
    • Who: Valery Khodemchuk
    • Source: Episode 5 "Vichnaya Pamyat"
    • Note: The only on-screen words of Khodemchuck, as he refuses Perevozchenko's attempt to sell him a motorcycle. Khodemchuck later becomes the first victim of the disaster, dying in the reactor explosion.


  • You're special son. Always remember it, that... you're special.
    • Who: Stephen J. Bartowski, aka Orion
    • Source: Episode 3.18 "Chuck vs. the Subway"
  • The CIA didn't send me out here to affirm your love, Bartowski. You need the intersect up and running. Now get that rock off your chest and be a real spy like me-.... Did I just get... shot? [Chuck: "No! No!"] Ah, I certainly did.
    • Who: Agent Jim Rye

Criminal Minds

  • Can I forgive myself? No, I can't.
    • Who: Randall Garner
    • Source: Episode 2x01 "The Fisher King, Part 2"
    • Note: Last words before character kills himself by blowing himself up. Was referring to when he failed to save his family in a house fire.
  • Thank you. You've made a lot of women very happy.
    • Who: William Lee
    • Source: Episode 2x05 "Aftermath"
    • Note: Character was a serial rapist who attempted to impregnate his victims. He says the above line to Agent Elle Greenway, whose earlier mistake had allowed him to avoid arrest. As he walkes away, Elle gets his attention and fatally shoots him.
  • For God's will.
  • Only one bullet in that gun, boy.
  • Do you think I'll get to see my mom again?
    • Who: Tobias Hankel
    • Source: Episode 2x15 "Revelations"
    • Note: Each quote comes from one of Tobias's three alternate personalities. The first quote comes from his angelic personality, Raphael, while loading his gun in front of a captive Dr. Spencer Reid. The second quote is from the personality of Tobias's abusive father, Charles, while Reid is holding him at gunpoint. The third comes from the "real" Tobias, who dies after Reid shoots Charles in self-defense.
  • I love you.
    • Who: Frank
    • Source: Episode 2x23 "No Way Out, Part: The Evilution of Frank"
    • Note: The character, a sadistic serial killer, is addressing his lover Crazy Jane. She replies, "I love you, too," before the pair commit suicide by jumping in front of a train together.
  • I think your greatest fear is that you can't save everyone. It is worse than I thought.
    • Who: Dr. Stan Howard
    • Source: Episode 3x03 "Scared to Death"
    • Note: Character is a serial killer who murders people using their greatest fears--drowning a man who's afraid of water, suffocating a girl who's afraid of tight spaces in a coffin, etc. After being cornered by the BAU atop a tall building, he says the above line to SSA Hotchner before jumping off the building's edge to his death. Previously, Dr. Howard had asked his victims "Is it worse than you thought?" before killing them.
  • I never wanted that.
    • Who: Charlie Wilkinson
    • Source: Episode 3x11 "Birthright"
    • Note: Character, a serial killer who tortures and kills women in the style of his homicidal father, is confronted by his wife Chrissy after his crimes are discovered. He is referring to the child that Chrissy is carrying, which he did not want. After he says the above, Chrissy insults both Charlie and his father, causing him to lunge for her. However, she shoots him in self-defense.
  • Get off of me! Please, help me! Please, God, stop it! Daddy, help me please! Please, Daddy, help me please, Daddy! Help me!
    • Who: Katie Owen
    • Source: Episode 3x12 "3rd Life"
    • After being abducted by a group of teenage boys along with her friend Lindsay, character is tortured and ultimately strangled by her captors. Her last words are recorded in a phone call made to her parents.
  • Put down the gun.
    • Who: Ryan Phillips
    • Source: Episode 3x12 "3rd Life"
    • Note: Spoken while character is pleading for mercy from Jack Vaughan, the father of the girl Ryan kidnapped. Despite the intervention of Dr. Spencer Reid on Ryan's behalf, Jack follows the wishes of his daughter, Lindsay, by fatally shooting Jack with a shotgun.
  • You will lose in the end. Derek: Shut up. Shut your mouth. You want to know why? Because you fear what we embrace.
    • Who: Sam
    • Source: Episode 4x1 "Mayhem"
    • Note: The character, a member of a terrorist organization attacking New York City, electrocutes himself in the New York subway rather than be apprehended by SSA Derek Morgan.
  • I'm coming to you, baby.
    • Who: Chloe Kelcher
    • Source: Episode 4x2 "The Angel Maker"
    • Note: Chloe, the psychotic lover of a long-dead serial killer, commits suicide by cop in order to be with him. It is likely she would have died anyway, having stabbed herself multiple times in order to complete the "set" of murders that her lover began and she has continued.
  • No one had to follow. God could have stopped me.
    • Who: Benjamin Cyrus
    • Source: Episode 4x3 "Minimal Loss"
    • Note: While attempting to justify his actions--which include molesting young girls and forming a murderous cult--to Dr. Spencer Reid, the character is shot and killed by Derek Morgan. After Cyrus dies, Reid replies to his statement by saying "He just did."
  • He can't--I can't--He's my husband!
    • Who: Jessie
    • Source: Episode 4x3 "Minimal Loss"
    • Note: Character is the underaged "wife" of Cyrus, a psychopathic false prophet leading a religious cult. Having been brainwashed by her husband, she refuses to participate in the cult's evacuation and instead runs to be with him. After discovering that Cyrus has already been shot, she commits suicide by blowing herself up.
  • Don't worry. When I'm done with her, it'll take the fight right out of you.
    • Who: Floyd Hansen
    • Source: Episode 4x4 "Paradise"
    • Note: The character, a serial killer, is about to rape and murder a woman, Abby, in front of her husband, Ian. Ian breaks free of his restraints and fights him long enough for the FBI to arrive, forcing Hansen to flee. SSAs Morgan and Hotch chase Hansen through the woods until he gets hit by a truck--ironically, he placed the dead bodies of his victims in front of oncoming trucks.
  • Hear the joke about about the two Irishmen--
    • Who: Bosola
    • Source: Episode 5x03 "Reckoner"
    • Note: Character, an assassin, has killed several people. One of his kills was a man named Ray Finnegan, whose tongue Bosola cut out as punishment for talking. Bosola is confronted by Finnegan's friend Sean, an Irishmen, to whom he says the following line before Sean shoots him in the chest. As Bosola lies bleeding, Sean states that he has heard the joke before and didn't find it funny the first time, before shooting Bosola once more, this time fatally.
  • Promise me that you will tell him how we met, and how you used to make me laugh. Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner: Haley... He needs to know that you weren't always so serious, Aaron. I want him to believe in love, because it...it is the most important thing...but you need to show him. Promise me! Hotch: I promise.
    • Who: Haley Hotchner
    • Source: Episode 5x09 "100"
    • Note: Addressing her ex-husband, Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner, over the phone about their young son Jack. She is then shot and killed by Hotch's nemesis, the Reaper.
  • You got me, man. I surrender.
    • Who: George Foyet, aka The Reaper
    • Source: Episode 5x09 "100"
    • Note: Character says the line to Aaron, who has managed to subdue him. But Aaron ignores him, instead choosing to avenge his wife's murder at Foyet's hands by beating Foyet to death.
  • What's wrong, Agent? You still upset that I killed your buddy? Did he have kids like this one? Huh? Look at her. She's pissed." Joe Muller: Don't kill him! Look at that look in her eyes. She's gonna. She is gonna do it. Come on, what are you gonna do? Joe Muller: Don't shoot! Derek Morgan: Don't do it, Schrader. How's your arm?
    • Who: Dale Schrader:
    • Source: Episode 5x11 "Retaliation"
    • Notes: Character is holding undercover cop Joe Muller hostage, after coercing Joe into helping him with his crimes by threatening the former's family. He is shot by SSA Emily Prentiss after pointing his gun at SSA Derek Morgan.
  • Well, well, well. Does your mother know you're here?
    • Who: Mr. O'Brian.
    • Source: Episode 5x15 "Public Enemy"
    • Note: Character is addressing his son, Connor, whose mother he murdered when Connor was a child. Connor, who has been sent to the same prison as his father for being a serial killer, proceeds to stab the latter to death.
  • C'mon, you gotta be kidding--
    • Who: Anita Weld Roycewood
    • Source: Episode 5x16 "Mosley Lane"
    • Note: Last words before character, a serial child abductor, is fatally shot by one of her teenaged captors. She said this when she saw him pointing a gun at her.
  • We're both going to a better place, princess. Close your little eyes, sweet pea.
    • Who: Wade Hachett
    • Source: Episode 5x17 "Solitary Man"
    • Note: Having murdered several women in his attempt to find the perfect "queen" to care for his daughter, Jody, character says the above quote to Jody before shooting himself in the head to avoid being arrested
  • Operator: Are you sure the victim is dead, sir? He will be in a second.
    • Who: Robert Matthew Burke
    • Source: Episode 5x20 "...A Thousand Words"
    • Note: The character, a serial killer, is speaking on the phone to a 911 operator. He then shoots himself in the head in order to avoid arrest.
  • It can't be a boy. It can't be a boy. Get it away from me. Rebecca: You need to take him. I don't want it. He'll hurt me like they all do. I felt for sure I was having a girl.
    • Who: Juliet Monroe
    • Source: Episode 5x20 "...A Thousand Words"
    • Note: Spoken after the character gives birth to a boy with the help of Rebecca, one of many girls that Juliet and her serial-killing lover have imprisoned. Juliet may be referencing her father, who raped her, and her lover, who killed himself and abandoned her. She then dies as a result of the birth.
  • Do you believe in heaven? Derek: [raises gun] This is your last chance. Do you think I might see her there? Maybe get a second chance? [stands up] I'd really like that.
    • Who: Billy Flynn, the Prince of Darkness
    • Source: Episode 6x01 "The Longest Night"
    • Note: Last words before character commits suicide by cop and is shot to death by Derek. Was referring to his late mother, who he had murdered following a strained relationship with her, though he had always wished he could have been given a second chance to make his relationship with her work.
  • Kay, look in the peephole [gets shot] My mother made it...Christmas...
    • Who: Tsia
    • Source: Episode 6x17 "Valhalla"
    • Note: The character, a former Interpol colleague of SSA Emily Prentiss, is shot in the head by Emily's nemesis, Ian Doyle, while looking through the peephole. Her last words presumably refer to a cherished childhood memory.
  • Sorry, son.
    • Who: Ian Doyle
    • Source: Episode 7x01 "It Takes a Village"
    • Note: Character is addressing his son, Declan, after getting fatally shot by Declan's mother.
  • I guess it is true what they say. The house always wins.
    • Who: Curtis Banks.
    • Source: Episode 7x13 "Snake Eyes"
    • Note: A compulsive gambler, Curtis becomes convinced that the only way he could win at the tables was by killing people close to him. When his "system" starts to fail, he shoots himself in the head at eight o'clock, eight being his "lucky number."
  • Lara Heathridge: What if you fail? Then we'll die together.
    • Who: James Heathridge
    • Source: Episode 7x19 "Heathridge Manor"
    • Note: The character, an incestously inclined serial killer under the delusion that his family is being hunted by the devil and his wives, plans to use his younger sister Lara as "bait" for the devil. After a fight with SSA Hotchner, he falls down the well where he tortured his victims.
  • I appreciate your honesty.
    • Who: Peter Harper
    • Source: Episode 8x16 The Gathering
    • Note: The character is addressing Dr. Spencer Reid, in response to Reid saying that there may not be any way for Harper to get rid of his psychopathic tendencies. Peter says the above before cutting his own throat.
  • Don't hurt that dog!
    • Who: Jonathan Ray Covey
    • Source: Episode 8x21 "Nanny Dearest"
    • Note: A serial killer who targets women that remind him of his cruel babysistter, Jonathan is caught with a hostage by the BAU. The above quote is on behalf of his attack dog, Roscoe, and he says it before attempting to make an escape. However, he is soon shot and killed by Agent Jennifer Jareau.

Desperate Housewives

  • Why should I? Your wife didn't kill herself because I wrote a note. She killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby! But rest assured, I'm praying for Mary Alice. After what she did, she'll need all of our prayers.
    • Who: Martha Huber, speaking about Mary Alice Young
    • Source: Episode 1x08, "Guilty"
    • Note: Mrs. Huber reveals that she was the one who wrote the note ("I know what you did / It makes me sick / I'm going to tell") that caused Mary Alice to kill herself. She is then murdered by Paul Young
  • I mean it. Get out. Leave the chart. I want to read it.
  • Bree, I understand and I forgive you.
    • Who: Rex Van De Kamp
    • Source: Episode 1x23, "One Wonderful Day"
    • Note: The first line is spoken, when Rex's doctor explains that it seems as though Rex has been poisoned by his wife, Bree. The second line is written, as Rex reads his chart and starts to write a note for Bree which he never finishes, as he dies of a heart attack shortly thereafter. He had, in fact, actually been poisoned by Bree's admirer and pharmicist, George Williams.
  • We need to phone an ambulance.
    • Who: George Williams
    • Source: Episode 2x09, "That's Good, That's Bad"
    • Note: George had taken an overdose and sent a message to Bree saying that he would only call an ambulance if she came to him and told him she loved him. She had found out that he had poisoned her husband Rex, though, and tells him she'll only do so if he admits what he's done. He doesn't, and he passes out briefly -- when he wakes up, she lies and says that she called an ambulance while he was sleeping, and then allows him to die as punishment.
  • What's wrong with you? I'm gonna shoot you!
    • Who: Matthew Applewhite
    • Source: Episode 2x23, "Remember"
    • Note: Addressing Bree, whose daughter, Danielle, he is dating and has run away with. It is revealed that he killed his former girlfriend, Melanie Foster, and blamed it on his mentally challenged brother, Caleb. Bree has discovered this, and refuses to let them leave, despite the fact that he is pointing a gun at her. He is then killed by a sniper.
  • Tell my son his wife is cheating on him.
    • Who: Juanita Solis
    • Source: Episode 1x17, "There Won't Be Trumpets"
    • Note: Juanita, mother of Carlos Solis, caught her daughter-in-law Gabrielle Solis cheating on her husband with John Rowland, her teenage gardener. She was then immediately hit with a car driven by Andrew Van De Kamp and fell into a coma. She awoke one night, ran from her hospital room, fell down a flight of stairs, and whispered her last words to a nurse. The nurse, however, had headphones on, and never heard the truth.
  • Kayla's the only good thing that I've ever done in my whole life. I need you to really take really good care...of her. Okay? I don't have all day. Come on.
    • Who: Nora Huntington
    • Source: Episode 3x07 "Bang"
    • Note: Nora, mother of Tom Scavo's illegitimate eleven-year-old daughter Kayla, had been shot by Carolyn Bigsby as she held hostages in the supermarket, which was owned by her cheating husband. Lynette Scavo revealed that Nora had put the moves on Tom in self defense because after asking Nora to shut up 4 times Nora told Carolyn that Lynette was trying to steal her kid, at which point Carolyn shot her in the heart. Nora asks Lynette to care for her daughter, which Lynette agrees to do, and then dies.
  • Yeah, you shouldn't have.
    • Who: Carolyn Bigsby, responding to Lynette Scavo's "I shouldn't have said that" when she shouts that maybe Carolyn deserved to be cheated on.
    • Source: Episode 3x07 "Bang"
    • Note: Carolyn had taken hostages in her cheating husband's supermarket and murdered Nora Huntington when she found out that she had adulterous tendencies as well. Lynette then loses it and shouts at her, and Nora attempts to shoot her as well. The other hostages fight back, and Lynette is only wounded in the shoulder, whereas Carolyn is shot dead by another woman.
  • Don't worry. I'll give him a good home.
    • Who: Deirdre Taylor
    • Source: Spoken in a flashback in Episode 1x23, "One Wonderful Day"
    • Note: Deirdre was Mike Delfino's junkie girlfriend who gave her baby, Dana, to Mary Alice Young (whose name was Angela at the time), a nurse at the rehab clinic where Deirdre gave birth. She then came back a few years later to reclaim him, stating she was clean. Mary Alice didn't believe her and refused to give the baby up. They fought, and Mary Alice fatally stabbed her and hid her body in a toy trunk belonging to Dana (later renamed Zach).
  • What, are you gonna kill me? Prove you're a tough guy? See, that's why I can't give you the keys to the kingdom, kid. No balls.
    • Who: Noah Taylor, to his grandson Zach
    • Source: Episode 2x23, "Remember"
    • Note: Noah was a wealthy man whose daughter, Deirdre, had been killed under mysterious circumstances. He hired Mike Delfino to find out the truth, and in the process, discovered he had a grandson, Zach. He was dying of a brain tumor, and was willing to leave his entire estate to Zach if he could prove himself as a man, which he does by unplugging Noah's life support machine. Noah then dies and Zach inherits everything.
  • Hey! Hello! Over here!
    • Who: Alma Hodge, calling to Danielle Van De Kamp from the roof of her house
    • Source: Episode 3x15, "The Little Things You Do Together"
    • Note: Alma had been locked in her attic by her ex-husband's treacherous mother, Gloria Hodge. She managed to escape through the window and called across the street to Danielle, but Danielle was checking her appearance in a mirror and not paying attention, and Alma fell to her death. Orson then made it look like she had committed suicide because she murdered Orson's mistress, who was in fact murdered by Gloria.
  • Dylan!
    • Who: w: Lillian Simms, Lillian tries to call Dylan into her room.
    • Source: Episode 4x04 "If There's Anything I Can't Stand"
    • Note: Lillian had wrote a secret which she wanted to reveal before she died about Dylan's and Katherine's past. Her last words however was "Dylan!" when she failed to get her great niece's attention.
  • Adam! Hello? Where is everyone? Adam I'm leaving! This is your last chance to come with me, or I'm gonna tell everyone exactly what happened. Ok you've made your choice... here I come!
    • Who: w: Sylvia Greene. As she walks out of Bree's bathroom and outside in the middle of a tornado. She is swept into the cylcone and killed.
    • Source: Episode 4x09 "Something's Coming"
  • Carlos! Get back in the house. You can get hurt out here!
  • I've got to tell him before you--before you do something stupid.
    • Who: Edie Williams. She is attempting to call Mike Delfino to tell her about her husband's plot to ruin his life, and they struggle over the phone. He begins to strangle her, but releases her at the last moment. She runs from the house and into car, where she swerves to miss Orson Hodge and hits a telephone pole. When she gets out of the car, she is electrocuted and dies. Decision of character death was made with Nicolette Sheridan (the actress portraying her) leaving the show.
  • Thank you so much. You're very kind.
    • Who: Beth Young. Said to an ER nurse just before taking a revolver and commiting suicide on the spot.
    • Source: Episode 7x16 "Searching"


  • Okay, I did her. Dexter: How? In a movie, snuff film. But I'm not sorry.
    • Who: Jamie Jaworski, after being kidnapped by Dexter. Said before Dexter gags and kills him in retaliation for the murder he described committing in his final words.
    • Source: Episode 1x01 "Dexter"
  • I helped them... A-all of them... I took their pain away...
    • Who: Nurse Mary, after being kidnapped by Dexter. She had murdered three of her sick patients by fatally poisioning them with morphine; when Dexter asks her why after kidnapping her, the clearly delusional nurse responds as above. Dexter then replies "I understand...now it's time to take your pain away." He then stabs her to death.
    • Source: Episode 1x03 "Popping Cherry"
  • Dexter: You're the only one I've ever wanted to set free. You're the one who needs setting free, little brother. Your life is a lie. You'll never be what you-
    • Who: Brian Moser (aka Rudy Cooper), the Ice Truck Killer. Said before his brother Dexter, a vigilante serial killer of murderers like Brian, slashes his throat and makes it look like a suicide. Beforehand, both brothers had expressed a desire to set each other free of thier homicidal urges, but it hadn't worked out. Brian was also referring to Dexter's ability to disguise his homicidal urges around his friends, and do good for them.
    • Source: Episode 1x12 "Born Free"
  • I'll give her all the love I have to give / As long as we both shall live...
    • Who: Arthur Mitchell, the Trinity Killer, after being kidnapped by Dexter. Sung along with Venus by Frankie Avalon before Dexter kills him in retaliation for over a hundred murders serial killer Arthur had committed. Arthur had been driven insane by a childhood trauma; before the incident, he had often listened to this song, which is why Dexter played it for him-so he could relive his days as an innocent child one last time.
    • Source: Episode 4x12 "The Getaway"
  • This is not how it's supposed to be!"
    • Who: Travis Marshall, the Doomsday Killer. Said before Dexter kills him.
    • Source: Episode 6x12 "This is the Way the World Ends"


  • I always knew you'd screw things up. I just didn't know how bad.
    • Who: Ethyl
  • We understand, sweetheart.
    • Who: Fran
  • But, what's gonna happen to us?
    • Who: Baby Sinclair
  • That's right, little guy. We'll all stay together.
    • Who: Charlene
  • Yeah.
    • Who: Robbie
  • Yeah. Yeah, and hey, I'm sure it'll all work out OK. After all, dinosaurs have been on this Earth for 150 million years. And, it's not like we're going to just... disappear.
    • Who: Earl
  • And taking a look at the long-range forecast: continued snow, darkness, and extreme cold. This is Howard Handupme. Good night. [pause for a few seconds] Goodbye.
    • Who: Howard Handupme

Doctor Who

See Last_words_in_Doctor_Who_media
  • For the longest time I feared physical demise, because my spiritual essence was suspect, but now I know I'm worthy. Now I know the transgressions have melted from my soul. Now I know I shall meet my Goddess, and be accepted to her bosom. Sensitive D'Argo... exhuberant Chiana... wise Rygel... selfless Aeryn... innocent Crichton... My children. My teachers, my loves. There is no guilt. There is no blame. Only what is meant to be. Grow through your mistakes, and know that if patient, redemption will find you. Thank you, John Crichton.
    • Who: Zotoh Zhaan
    • Source: Season 3, Episode 4: "Wait for the Wheel"
  • A soldier...must not be weak... Weakness means defeat.
    • Who: Harvey (Talyn Version)
    • Source: Season 3, Episode 15: "Icarus Abides"
  • Don't worry about me... I've never felt better.
    • Who: John Crichton (Talyn Version)
    • Source: Season 3, Episode 15: "Icarus Abides"
  • I died a long time ago. You live for me.
    • Who: Xhalax Sun
    • Source: Season 3, Episode 17: "The Choice"
  • Talyn, Starburst.
    • Who: Bialar Crais
    • Source: Season 3, Episode 21: "Into the Lion's Den"
    • Note: This was the order given by Crais to engage into his suicide mission, which also resulted in the death of Talyn.
  • Scarran vessel, please respond.
    • Who: Jool
    • Source: "The Peacekeeper Wars"
    • Note: The Scarran vessel "responded" by firing a missile at Arnessk, destroying the temple and hence Jool.
  • I'm your daddy.
    • Who: Ka D'Argo
    • Source: "The Peacekeeper Wars"
    • Note: John Crichton (Moya Version) told D'Argo to let the Scarrans know who their daddy was, as he lay fatally wounded.
  • Hilary Banks! [Hilary: Yes, Trevor?!] Will you marry me?!
    • Who: Trevor Collins-Newsworthy
    • Source: Episode 4x02, "Where There's a Will, There's a Way" (2)
    • Note: He proposed to Hilary while bungee jumping during a live segment, but ended up dead after crashing his head into the ground.
  • The teleporter, it may be killing me, but in the meantime, it's made me something rather special. You see, your bullets just go right through me, and soon, Doctor Bell will see just how special I am.
    • Who: Dr. David Robert Jones
    • Source: Fringe
    • Note: Jones had used a prototype teleporter designed by Walter Bishop to escape from a German prison. The process damaged his molecular bonds and caused severe mutations. He was killed when he tried to enter a portal between dimensions, only to have it closed by Peter Bishop while he was midway through. This resulted in him being cut in half.
  • Walter, you asked me why I took out part of your brain. I did it because you asked me to. Because of what you were becoming.
    • Who: William Bell
    • Source Fringe
    • Note: Said before Bell sacrifices himself to power the gateway to this universe and send Walter, Peter and Olivia home. He hasn't been seen since, but is presumed deceased.

Game of Thrones

  • Bad is the ultimate art! Bad is the ultimate art!
    • Who: Shinobilar
    • Source: Episode 9, "Operation Evil Brainwashing"
    • Notes: Character was destroyed by Gridman's Thunder Axe.
  • Damn it!
    • Who: Shinobilar II
    • Source: Episode 15, "Crooked Target"
    • Notes: Character was destroyed by Thunder Gridman's Thunder Grid Beam.
  • Gridman, you damn fool! I'm not done yet!
    • Who: Kung Fu Shinobilar
    • Source: Episode 29, "A Pet Dog Bomb Operation"
    • Notes: Character was destroyed by King Gridman's King Grid Beam.
  • Gio gio gio gio. Gio!
    • Who: Khan Giorgio
    • Source: Episode 37, "What? Is Daddy Executed?"
    • Notes: Character was destroyed by King Gridman's King Grid Fire.
  • Goddamn it, Gridman! I will take you to hell with me!
    • Who: Kahn Digifer
    • Source: Episode 39, "Goodbye Gridman"
    • Notes: Character was destroyed by Gridman's Grid Hyper Beam.
  • No! No! No! (muffled)
    • Who: Ben Wellington-The Cousin
    • Source: Episode 1, "Whap"
    • Notes: Character has been chained to the bottom of the wedding boat with scuba gear but civilian clothes. When the boat is turned on he is dragged into the propeller and cut into pieces. Henry is later revealed to be the one who chained him to the bottom of the boat.
  • Help me out here? I'm stuck.
    • Who:Marty Dunn-The Uncle
    • Source: Episode 1, "Whap"
    • Notes: Said after halfway falling through a wooden bridge and hearing someone below him in the bushes. The person-later revealed to be John Wakefield-then begins to hit Marty with a head spade, with Marty shooting below with his gun, but eventually being cut in half. His body parts are later found by J.D. and Abby strung up in a tree.
  • Somebody, help me!
    • Who: Reverend Fain-The Preacher
    • Source: Episode 2,"Crackle"
    • Notes: Character is dangling upside-down from a snare when Henry cuts his head off. He is later found cut into pieces by the Sheriff in a swamp with a catfish line tying them to a tree.
  • This is turning out to be the best day ever, and I'm not going to let you forget it.
    • Who: Kelly Seaver-The Outcast
    • Source: Episode 2, "Crackle"
    • Notes: Character has just been told she can move in with Abby in Los Angeles when the wedding is over and begins to have sex with J.D. This is her last line onscreen. She is later found hanged in her home with red ink injected in her eyes.
  • Hello? Is someone up there? Please help!....No! NO!
    • Who: Lucy Daramour-The Socialite
    • Source: Episode 2, "Crackle"
    • Notes: Character is looking for her dog Gigi when she falls in a pit trap. She screams the above line as she realizes she is about to be murdered, as she is doused in a flammable liquid and then set on fire.
  • Hello?
    • Who: Hunter Jennings-The Other Man
    • Source: Episode 3, "Ka-Blam"
    • Notes: Character is preparing to leave the island when he hears someone walking toward him, Thomas appears and pays him $15,000 to not tell Trish about their plan to wreck the wedding. While on the water his boat stalls. He yanks open the hood and a shotgun rigged to fire shoots him in the face. His body is found the next day by Booth, Malcom, Danny, Sully, and Henry but his body is unidentifiable and the gun and money leave them to believe the body belongs to a drug dealer. The boat then sinks when Malcom accidentally shoots a hole in it.
  • No, don't leave me...please don't...okay?
    • Who: Joel Booth-The Nerd
    • Source: Episode 4, "Bang"
    • Notes: Character was walking in the woods to bury Marty's money when he hears someone behind him, pulling out Marty's gun. Malcom comes out of the bushes and a relieved Booth drops the gun, causing it to shoot himself in the leg. He asks Malcom not to leave to get help and bleeds to death. Malcom then buries his body and takes the money.
  • C'mon honey.
    • Who: Thomas Wellington-The Father of the Bride
    • Source: Episode 5, "Thwack"
    • Notes: Character is attending a wedding rehearsal when Maggie asks him to come light the unity candle. He tells his granddaughter Madison to come with him to the alter. Abby then goes to turn off the lights, causing a head spade to drop from the chandelier and land on Thomas`s head. Henry is later revealed to be responsible for this booby trap.
  • Madison...
    • Who: Richard Allen-The Brother-in-Law
    • Source: Episode 6, "Sploosh"
    • Notes: Character is looking at his daughter through a window when he is stabbed with a harpoon through the chest by Henry. He tries to get his daughters attention but his yell comes out as a whisper, and he is pulled off screen by Henry. His body is found by Abby, Katherine and Henry, who feigns innocence, while they are looking for Madison, tied to a tree with the harpoon still in him.
  • No, please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please, don't. DON'T! PLEASE!
    • Who: Randall Martin
    • Source: Episode 7, "Thrack, Splak, Sizzle"
    • Notes: Said in a flashback to the original murders, as the victim is being dragged along the ground, before finally being hit in the head with a head spade by John Wakefield.
  • There he is! Hey Sheriff we got something!
    • Who: Patrick Lillis-The Deputy
    • Source: Episode 7, "Thrack, Splak, Sizzle"
    • Notes: Character is chasing J.D. with bloodhounds, believing him to be the killer. Although he does not die in this episode, these are his last lines onscreen as his body is found in episode 11 in a church pew with his throat slit. His murderer turns out to be John Wakefield.
  • No! No! AUUGH! No!
    • Who: Malcom Ross-The Hustler
    • Source: Episode 7, "Thrack, Splak, Sizzle"
    • Notes: Said as he realized he was about to get killed. He is then stabbed to death.
  • The hell...
    • Who: Deputy Garret-The Guard
    • Source: Episode 8, "Gurgle"
    • Notes: Character is standing in the police station when the power goes out, after drawing his gun he is shot in the back by John Wakefield.
  • Charlie!
    • Who: Cole Harkin-The Survivor
    • Source: Episode 8, "Gurgle"
    • Notes: Character has just been shot in the shoulder with an arrow by John Wakefield, nailing him to the wall and causing him to drop his lantern, catching the surrounding area on fire. He screams for a injured Sheriff Mills to rescue him, when he is shot a second time in the chest by Wakefield, killing him.
  • It's you Abby...It's all about you...
    • Who: J.D. Dunn-The Black Sheep
    • Source: Episode 8, "Gurgle"
    • Notes: Character has been found by Abby with a large wound in his gut and has blood coming out of his mouth. When Abby asks who has done this to him, he is unable to pronounce his attacker's name due to the blood, and merely tells her that the killings are all about her before dieing of his wounds. His attacker is later revealed to be Henry.
  • You don't really believe it do you? That Abby is part of all this?
    • Who: Beth Barrington-The Single Girl
    • Source: Episode 9, "Seep"
    • Notes: Character is discussing the possibility of Abby being John Wakefield's daughter with Sully and Danny. These are her last words before she is later murdered.
  • I was.
    • Who: Katherine Wellington-The Stepmother
    • Source: Episode 9, "Seep"
    • Notes: Character has just been asked if she was a trophy wife by Shane, forgetting her husband Thomas had been killed. When Shane asks her if Thomas left her any money, Katherine walks away in disgust. Shane later finds her dead, stabbed in the back with pruning shears, seeping out blood. Henry is later revealed to be her killer.
  • Morning Sheriff.
    • Who: Officer Darryl Riggens-The Officer
    • Source: Episode 10, "Snap"
    • Notes: Character has come to the island to bring J.D. Dunn to the San Juan islands to stand trial for the murder of Thomas Wellington, not knowing J.D. is dead. After landing the plane he is met by someone wearing a sheriffs jacket, later revealed to be John Wakefield who then pulls out a gun and shoots the trooper. Shane finds his body in the water later.
  • San Juan dispatch, this is Coulter. We're 10-23, Sheriffs here to meet us so we'll give you a call back once we've transferred the prisoner to our custody.
    • Who: Officer Tyra Coulter-The Rookie
    • Source: Episode 10, "Snap"
    • Notes: Character has come to the island to bring J.D. Dunn to the San Juan islands to stand trial for the murder of Thomas Wellington, not knowing J.D. is dead. She says this line as she lands in Harper's Island. She is then shot by someone wearing a sheriffs uniform, later revelaed to be John Wakefield. Shane finds her body in the water later.
  • This has nothing to do with me.
    • Who: Maggie Krell-The Wedding Planner
    • Source: Episode 10, "Snap"
    • Notes: Character has decided the killer is only after the wedding guests after Nikki comes to The Cannery unharmed. She decides to leave everyone at the bar to go home. She is later hung from the roof of The Cannery, dangled in front of the windows to scare everyone inside.
  • Abby, look at me. This is Wakefield's game. He uses everything we love against us, to take us out one by one. This will never be over until he's dead. I couldn't do it, but your strong! You can finish Wakefield. ...I love you so much!
    • Who: Charlie Mills-The Sheriff
    • Source: Episode 10, "Snap"
    • Notes: Character has been assumed to be the killer by everyone on the island. Abby receives a room key which is to her room at the Candlewick Inn. She goes there and finds her father. He then tells her John Wakefield is alive and behind the murders, that he made a deal with Wakefield to spare Jimmy's life in return for his, and that Wakefield must be stopped. Abby then sees a radio listening on the conversation, and ropes tied to the Sheriffs wrists. He is then pulled by a truck outside through a window, snapping his neck. Wakefield is then revealed to be the driver.
  • The power and phones her are not the most reliable, no one from the mainland is going to notice if they don't hear from us for a few days.
    • Who: Nikki Bolton-The Biker Chick
    • Source: Episode 11, "Splash"
    • Notes: Character is discussing how long it will be until help from the mainland arrives. Moments later, John Wakefield enters the bar and Nikki grabs a shotgun. Wakefield wrestles it from her hands and stabs her with his boarding knife.
  • Hey.
    • Who: Shane Pierce-The Townie
    • Source: Episode 11, "Splash"
    • Notes: Character has been fatally stabbed through the chest by John Wakefield after fighting him with a pocket knife. As most of the survivors run out of a window, Trish stays to shoot Wakefield, though she misses and Wakefield walks toward her. A bloody Shane appears with his knife again in order to distract him long enough for the others to escape. Danny, Henry, and Abby later find his body tied by the arms and neck to the ceiling.
  • Chloe...
    • Who: Cal Vanduesen-The Outsider
    • Source: Episode 11, "Splash"
    • Notes: Character is fighting John Wakefield in order to save Chloe. Wakefield pins him to a fence, then stabs him through the chest with his boarding knife. He then looks to his fiance Chloe before dying. Wakefield then throws him off the bridge to the water below.
  • You can't have me.
    • Who: Chloe Carter-The Flirt
    • Source: Episode 11, "Splash"
    • Notes: Character has just witnesses her fiance Cal's death. She says the above line to John Wakefield before jumping off of the bridge to her death.
  • Shea, Get out of here!
    • Who: Danny Brooks-The College Buddy
    • Source: Episode 12, "Gasp"
    • Notes: John Wakefield has broken out of his jail cell. Danny tells Shea to run and take her daughter with her, staying behind to fight Wakefield. Wakefield stabs a memo holder through his eye.
  • You killed them, you killed my father, and JD! You bastard, you bastard, YOU BASTARD!!! WHY!!!
    • Who: Trish Wellington-The Bride
    • Source: Episode 12, "Gasp"
    • Notes: After being chased by Wakefield, Trish's fiancee Henry finds her and tells her that he, not Jimmy, is the 2nd killer. This causes her to try and run away, only to be grab and stabbed in the side by Henry, holding her in his arms as she dies.
  • How stupid do you think I am?
    • Who: Christopher "Sully" Sullivan-The Best Man
    • Source: Episode 13, "Sigh"
    • Notes: Henry has just confessed to killing Ben, Reverend Fain, Richard, JD, Katherine, and Trish. Sully threatens to shoot Henry if he doesn't shut up, saying they were friends since junior high and he can't believe it. Henry says that Wakefield is behind Sully, making Sully say the above sentence. When he turns around to see Wakefield, Henry stabs him in the back.
  • H-Henry...
    • Who: John Wakefield-The Legend
    • Source: Episode 13, "Sigh"
    • Notes: Character has captured Abby and is about to kill her. Henry chooses Abby over his father and stabs Wakefield in the chest.
  • Abby...I love you!
    • Who: Henry Dunn-The Groom
    • Source: Episode 13, "Sigh"
    • Notes: After a fight with Jimmy, Abby stabs him with his boarding knife. He sighs his final words, putting his killing spree to an end.
See Last words in Heroes media
  • I never smoked, but C'est La Vie (Such is life)
    • Who: George
    • Source: Que Sera Sera, 52nd episode of House
    • Cameron informs George that he has terminal lung cancer.
  • When the cancer starts getting really bad...
    • Who: James Wilson
    • Final on-screen words. Said roughly five months prior to his death from thymoma.
  • What I did, I did for the Lord.
    • Who: Mr Clarke
    • Source: The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge (series 2, episode 3)
    • Notes: Said to Elizabeth before she suddenly snaps his neck.
  • [looking at an art installation of a rocking chair with two sharp blades on the seat] "Make yourself comfortable"? 's that supposed to be funny? [turns around] Oh! Hello. Y'alright? Don't mind me, just being nosy. What d'you reckon, eh? Huh. I'm, eh, I'm working tonight. I'm a- I'm a chaperone. I don't know good art from a good fart, me! HA HA! Yeah, 'in't it? I'm Neil. I'm assisting one of the guests when they arrive. Not you, is it? Visually impaired? Heh heh. 'appen that's a good thing in 'ere, what do you reckon? You seen state of this thing? What's all that about, eh? [is pushed onto the chair, impaling him] AH! Oh...spilt me Ritz...
    • Who: Neil Francis
    • Source: Private View (series 3, episode 6)
    • Notes: Said to the murderer as they approach and kill him.
  • At least this time I've made it to the final five.
    • Who: Carrie
    • Source: Private View (series 3, episode 6)
    • Notes: As the visually-impaired Patricia notes how similar their situation is to something out of an Agatha Christie work, Carrie (a former contestant on Big Brother) despondently takes a swig of champagne, and begins to smoke from the mouth, dying soon afterwards.
  • That must be the link - we've all had some kind of transplant, but...why would he want to kill us? What have we done wrong?
    • Who: Kenneth Williams
    • Source: Private View (series 3, episode 6)
    • Notes: After knocking Maurice out with a mannequin arm (having found his heart medication in Carrie's lifeless hand), Kenneth comes to the conclusion that he was the murderer, and wonders what his motive was, shortly before the actual murderer suffocates him with a plastic bag.
  • DON'T TOUCH MY PENIS! You see that, people? He's trying to play me like a cello!
    • Who: Percy
    • Source: Once Removed (series 4, episode 3)
    • Notes: After drinking poisoned cocoa, Percy stumbles down the stairs to find help from one of the other occupants of the house. Viktor tries to shoo him back upstairs, but the lethal dose of poison causes him to regurgitate blood onto his killer before he slumps against the wall and dies.
  • Come on, come with me.
    • Who: Viktor
    • Source: Once Removed (series 4, episode 3)
    • Notes: Viktor says this to try and usher Percy back to his bedroom, moments before the old man starts coughing up blood. When Hugo and Natasha's bodies are discovered by Spike, Viktor aims his gun at him, but is stabbed in the back of the neck with a screwdriver by May before he can fire.
  • Please. Let me go home. My mum's ordered me a biryani!
    • Who: Hugo Bravington
    • Source: Once Removed (series 4, episode 3)
    • Notes: After a short fight with Viktor the hitman, Hugo retreats to the bathroom, pressing his body up against the door to close it, as there it has no lock. Viktor pulls the mat out from underneath him, causing him to fatally hit his head on the sink.
  • Honestly, it's no bother, I have to keep my medical box handy as I've an elderly father who's very accident-prone. In another life, I could've been a nurse. There's something very satisfying about taking care of people, don't you think?
    • Who: Natasha
    • Source: Once Removed (series 4, episode 3)
    • Notes: When Viktor scalds his hand on the AGA cooker, Natasha helps him run it under the tap before looking around for some antiseptic cream from her medical box. This is just enough time for Viktor to bandage his hand and shoot her in the head after she delivers her last lines.
  • Thanks for the warning, Nick, but I know what I want. I don't like surprises!
    • Who: Maz
    • Source: Tempting Fate (series 4, episode 6)
    • Notes: After Maz steals a box of money from Keith, Nick tries to reason with her as she backs away into the house. Turning suddenly after she says her last words, she knocks over an iron, starting a sequence of events that causes her to get stabbed in the back of the head by a board with two nails in it.
  • I wished it for you, Keith. It's what you deserve.
    • Who: Nick
    • Source: Tempting Fate (series 4, episode 6)
    • Notes: Nick, having survived a blow to the head with the hare statue, comes to in time to make a wish on it. Seconds later, he is caught in a gas explosion.
  • Daddy, what's that smell?
    • Who: Charlie
    • Source: Tempting Fate (series 4, episode 6)
    • Notes: A non-disabled Charlie is summoned to the apartment thanks to Nick's last wish, and he hugs his father before he realises he can smell the gas that will soon explode, killing him and his father together.
  • Oh no.
    • Who: Keith
    • Source: Tempting Fate (series 4, episode 6)
    • Notes: Keith says this after realising that the gas line he knocked loose is about to cause a massive explosion in the apartment.
  • Well, as you can see, we are continuing to have difficulties with Inside No. 9 tonight. We're working on it, and as soon as I get any information about what's going on, I will of course let you know. [unintelligible background whispers] As I was saying-- [unintelligible background whispers] as soon as we've identified the issue-- [unintelligible background whispers] we will get something to air for you. Hello? Is someone there? [screams]
    • Who: Continuity announcer
    • Source: Dead Line (special)
    • Notes: The continuity announcer is attacked and presumed dead after A Quiet Night In gets interrupted by spirits.
  • We have...to leave.
    • Who: Stephanie Cole
    • Source: Dead Line (special)
    • Notes: After becoming possessed by the studio's spirits, Stephanie takes a large knife and slits her throat with it.
  • Have you seen anyone? (Reece: No. Well, I've seen Stephanie Cole; she's being weird.) What d'you mean? (Reece: She's saying "spirits are coming for us".) For fuck's sake. (Reece: I told 'er we shoulda got fucking Pam Ferris.) No, she's been used up with Trunchbull.
    • Who: Steve Pemberton
    • Source: Dead Line (special)
    • Notes: After saying this, Steve is shocked to death on a electrified door.
  • HELLO? THERE'S BEEN AN ACCIDENT! ANYONE? HELLO, THERE'S BEEN AN ACCIDENT; I THINK STEVE'S NOT BREATHING. [Reece finds Stephanie's corpse] Stephanie? Oh, fuck, what's going on!? [bang] HELLO? HELLO? God. Hello? Can you hear me? CAN YOU PUT THE LIGHTS ON, PLEASE? ANYBODY? HELLO? ADAM? ADAM? JOHN? God-- ow. Oh god. Oh fuck.
    • Who: Reece Shearsmith
    • Source: Dead Line (special)
    • Notes: While looking for help, Reece finds himself alone in the studio, and is stalked by malevolent spirits until he is forced down a flight of stairs, where he dies upon impact with the ground.
  • It's "John did", David. It's "John did".
    • Who: Maureen Sowerbutts
    • Source: Death Be Not Proud (series 5, episode 2)
    • Notes: On her deathbed, Maureen is comforted by her son David, who recites an excerpt of "Death Be Not Proud" to her. When asked if he made that up himself, David replies "No, John Donne." Maureen's last words are to correct her son before she dies from cancer.
  • No, mum. I won't do it. You can't make me.
    • Who: David Sowerbutts
    • Source: Death Be Not Proud (series 5, episode 2)
    • Notes: This is David's response to a ghostly Maureen's request to "do a bad murder". It turns out she wasn't talking to him, as she compels Beattie to stab him in the back with a knife.
  • Well you know, maybe I could see me way clear to doing it just one more time for you? Then I can perhaps have one for the road, eh?
    • Who: Willy Wando
    • Source: Misdirection (series 5, episode 4)
    • Notes: After agreeing to perform the "Chair-Raising Experience" trick for Neville again, Neville strikes him on the head with a metal bust, stunning him. When Willy gets up again, Neville attempts to strangle him with a magician's rope, which harmlessly passes through his neck. Finally, Neville traps Willy in a guillotine, forcing its blade into his neck and ultimately severing his head.
  • [Nadia: Can I take your coat?] Um, yeah, sure. Thanks. Uh, you didn't say in your e-mail you were married. It's, uh...well...not what I expected, that's all. But still, if you're comfortable with it...
    • Who: Bill Ryland
    • Source: Thinking Out Loud (series 5, episode 5)
    • Notes: Bill is Nadia's father, who beat his wife, Doreen, to the point of hospitalisation, and traumatised Nadia into developing Dissociative Identity Disorder. Once she found out he had been released from prison, she invites him to her house and repeatedly stabs him to death with a knife shortly after he had arrived.
  • I'm going mad. I just saw Dobbo again. [Varney: He's probably just hungry.] What?
    • Who: PC Thompson
    • Source: The Stakeout (series 5, episode 6)
    • Notes: Said before S/PC Varney reveals that he's actually a vampire, stabs Thompson in the neck with an antique dagger, and drinks his blood.
  • I-I dunno. U-um, maybe it was, um--
    • Who: Columbina
    • Source: Wuthering Heist (series 6, episode 1)
    • Notes: Pantalone asks DS Janus (posing as Columbina) to identify the rat in the heist team. As she nervously decides who the guilty party is, Pantalone slits her throat with his knife, revealing that he knew all along.
  • Please. Your family jewels belong in signor Pantalone's hands, not in your papa's. Let us not come to blows.
    • Who: Scaramouche
    • Source: Wuthering Heist (series 6, episode 1)
    • Notes: On Pantalone's orders, Scaramouche holds Mario at gunpoint. In response, the Doctor points his own gun at Scaramouche. Upon misunderstanding Mario's orders to give up the case, the Doctor shoots Scaramouche clean through the head.
  • Give it to him, pops. [Doctor: Are you sure?] Yes, let him have it!
    • Who: Mario
    • Source: Wuthering Heist (series 6, episode 1)
    • Notes: Mario is held at gunpoint by Scaramouche, under Pantalone's orders. In response, the Doctor points his own gun at Scaramouche. Upon misunderstanding Mario's orders to give up the case, the Doctor shoots Scaramouche clean through the head, who ends up shooting Mario through the head before he dies.
  • [Mario: Give it to him, pops.] Are you sure? [Mario: Yes, let him have it!]
    • Who: The Doctor
    • Source: Wuthering Heist (series 6, episode 1)
    • Notes: The Doctor is held at gunpoint by Pantalone. Mario pulls out a gun and aims it at Pantalone, and Scaramouche, obeying Pantalone, aims his gun at Mario. In response, the Doctor points his own gun at Scaramouche. Upon misunderstanding Mario's orders to give up the case, the Doctor shoots Scaramouche clean through the head, who ends up shooting Mario through the head before he dies. Mario attempts to shoot Pantalone but misses, allowing Pantalone to kill the Doctor with a headshot.
  • You make up stories for a living. I've got the video footage of you fighting with Gavin, pushing him down, I've got the notebook with his handwriting, his fingerprints all over the place. Doesn't look good, does it? Come on, Spencer. You've already killed him once. This just makes it more believable. Really don't want to send you to prison...but I would. I just want us to be together. You know it's the only option, Spencer. [Simon leads them into Spencer's bedroom] Some things just feel right. You make yourself comfortable. [turns mannequin head around] We don't want him looking at us, do we? [sits next to Spencer on the bed] You see? Together we're stronger. We can rule this kingdom forever...and ever...and ever.
    • Who: Simon Smethurst
    • Source: Simon Says (series 6, episode 2)
    • Notes: Unbeknownst to Spencer, Simon decided to audition for a role as the Baron (a character who kills his brother and seduces his brother's wife) by pretending to kill Gavin and seducing Spencer. Spencer was so convinced by the performance that he smothered Simon to death with a pillow before he knew the truth.
  • Before he comes back, can I get you to sign those things now? I'm so excited to be working with you, Mr Maguire. I think we're gonna make a great partnership. Your stories are fantastic but I always felt your dialogue was a bit weak.
    • Who: Gavin
    • Source: Simon Says (series 6, episode 2)
    • Notes: The rest of Gavin's speech is cut off by the music increasing in volume. Gavin is killed with a blow to the back of the head with a television award by Spencer, in order to leave no witnesses to his crime of killing Simon.
  • Oh no...no, no, oh no, please, please! Let's just talk about this. Surely we can come to some arrangement!
    • Who: D. Webster
    • Source: How Do You Plead? (series 6, episode 5)
    • Notes: The Devil (disguised as a lift attendant) has come for Webster's soul. As Webster desperately pleads for it, the Devil sends him down to Hell.
  • You've got to believe me, Zach, please! Please. I just need you to tell her I love her, very much. It won't save her, but it could save you. Just a random act of kindness, so you can have my time again.
    • Who: Bob Bliss
    • Source: A Random Act of Kindness (series 7, episode 5)
    • Notes: A version of Zach Wilson from the future (going under the alias "Bob Bliss") spills the beans to his younger self about the future. Shortly afterwards, he shoots himself in the head.
  • Shut up, Annie! You've said enough!
    • Who: Reggie Stone
    • Source: Mother's Ruin (series 8, episode 2)
    • Notes: The spirit of Annie Blackwood supposedly possesses her son Edward in an attempt at necromancy. Rather than tell the summoners where her stolen fortune is hidden, she instead tells them that while she was alive she had an affair with Reggie behind his wife Frances' back. Feeling betrayed, Frances stabs her husband in the chest after he's said his last words.
  • Oh god.
    • Who: Jai
    • Source: Love Is a Stranger (series 8, episode 4)
    • Notes: After a failed attempt to woo Vicky, Jai has found evidence that she's actually the Lonely Hearts Killer. Trapped, he can only mutter his last words as she advances towards him with a mallet and strikes him in the face, killing him instantly.
  • Catherine, open this door! Catherine! Open it! The doctors were right! I should have destroyed you when you were born--
    • Who: Margaret Oakwood
    • Source: 3 by 3 (series 8, episode 5)
    • Notes: Margaret has been using her psychically-enhanced daughter Catherine to cheat in a game show, to use the prize money to finance her studies. After Catherine realises she'd be better off travelling abroad, she sabotages her mother's answer while the older Oakwood is locked inside a soundproof booth. As Margaret tries to leave, Catherine forces it shut with her mind, before causing Margaret's head to explode.


  • Yeah. I am, explicitly, and directly, and emphatically threatening the lives of Dr Jackman's family.
    • Who: Benjamin Lennox.
    • Source: Episode 3
    • Notes: Line is said when Hyde asks character if he is threatening Hyde/Jackman's family. Hyde then slashes character's throat.
  • Mr Hyde. I've waited a long time to do this.
    • Who: Mr Carver.
    • Source: Episode 6
    • Notes: Character was Klein & Utterson's best man to kill Hyde. Before saying the line, character was planning to fight him, but was quickly thrown off a roof by Hyde and killed.
  • Tom...Please don't let him...Tom...
    • Who: Syme.
    • Source: Episode 6.
    • Notes: Character is dying as a result of Hyde breathing nerve gas at him.
  • Here it comes...Tickles...
    • Who: Hyde
    • Source: Episode 6
    • Notes: Line is said by character after being shot several times, referring to the feeling of his blood running. Hyde then dies but refuses to share the damage with Jackman.

Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot

  • Oh! Please give me a chance! I really tried, I can still do it! [Emperor Guillotine: It is too late.] No, please, sir! Wh--What can I do?! I TRIED SO HAAAARD!! [Emperor Guillotine: YOU FAILED!!!] Aah! Aah! [Emperor Guillotine: NOW!!!] Aah! Aah! AAAAAAAUGGGHHHH!!!
    • Who: Dr. Botanus
    • Source: Episode 17
  • Aah! I'll destroy you ALL!!!
    • Who: Emperor Guillotine
    • Source: Episode 26


  • You gonna pull the trigger or are you gonna talk me to death?
    • Who: Bo Crowder
    • Source: Season 1, Episode 13
  • You're dead girl!
    • Who: Coover Bennett
    • Source: Season 2, Episode 9
    • Notes: Character is threatening a young girl who has learned of his involvement in her father's death, before being shot point blank by Raylan Givens.
  • After Arlo gives you back whatever it is he took from you, what'll you do to him then?
    • Who: Helen Givens
    • Source: Season 2, Episode 11
    • Notes: Arlo, the character's spouse, had stolen a suitcase full of money from Dickie Bennett during a drug deal. Dickie came to Arlo's house armed, but was confronted by Helen with a shotgun. Following a short exchange, she asks this line to Dickie, who lifts his gun in response suggesting he intends to kill Arlo. Character cocks her gun but is shot by Dickie first.
  • This bullet's been on the way for 20 years.
    • Who: Doyle Bennett
    • Source: Season 2, Episode 13
    • Notes: Character has a U.S. Marshal whose family has been involved in an ongoing feud with his. He is shot through the head by a sniper after this line.
  • It was already in the glass, not in the jar. This is the hard part... Put an end to my troubles... Get to see my boys again... Get to know the mystery...
    • Who: Mags Bennett
    • Source: Season 2, Episode 13
    • Notes: Upon learning of the death of her son, character commits suicide by drinking poisoned moonshine. Character had killed a man using the same method in the season opening.
  • Kiss my ass.
    • Who: Arlo Givens
    • Source: Season 4, Episode 8

Kamen Rider

See Last words in Kamen Rider media

Lab Rats

  • Ow! Well, there goes my plans for the weekend!
    • Who: Teddy
    • Source: Episode 1x17, "Night of the Living Virus"
    • Note: Teddy tried to attack Leo and he managed to kill it by using a laser reflector to reflect one its lasers and aiming it into the motherboard; shutting it down.
  • You are not going anywhere!
  • What's the matter, Leo? Never seen an android regenerate before? Part of my upgrade. It's what makes me superior to humans. You will never defeat me.
    • Who: Marcus Davenport
    • Source: Episodes 2x14-15, "Bionic Showdown", 4x26, "The Vanishing, Part 2"
    • Note: In the 1-hour episode "Bionic Showdown", he was going to attack Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and Donald, but ended up crushed by the falling debris from Douglas's house. His android hand emerged from the rocks but stopped moving. He was later resurrected in Season 4. In the episode "The Vanishing, Part 2", he regenerated after Leo threw his pieces on the ground. He faced off with Leo and suddenly his former creator and father, Douglas, blasted him and he was reduced to molten metal.
  • [Principal Perry: All right, I don't know what's going on, but you are going down, metal me!] No, you are going down, fleshy me.
    • Who: Robo Perry
    • Source: Episode 2x21, "Perry 2.0"
    • Note: Robo Perry was in Search and Destroy mode, it shoved Principal Perry. Then the Lab Rats were going to destroy Robo Perry using their bionics, but suddenly Principal Perry tackled it and ripped its head off.
  • What's happening? I'm pixelating! I'm pixelating!
    • Who: Cheddy
    • Source: Episode 3x07, "Scramble the Orbs"
    • Note: An app, whose Donald Davenport's Eddy technology was stolen by Chase, was disabled by Donald after he reseted the source of the app.
  • WHAT?!
    • Who: The Incapacitator
    • Source: Episode 4x11, "Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med"
    • Note: He absorbed Chase's "Protonic Energy" as Kaz said, but it turned out Chase had a hardware virus, so it could be transferred from one device to another. And after absorbing the virus, The Incapacitator exploded.
  • [Bree: You owe me a swim.] No!
    • Who: Troy West
    • Source: Episode 4x13-14, "Bionic Action Hero"
    • Note: Troy took Bree hostage and threatened Adam, Chase, Leo and Douglas to kill her if they tried to stop him. Bree remembered Troy's dislike of water (he was revealed to be an android) and forced his head underwater, short-circuiting him.
  • Goodbye, my bionic friends. And good riddance!
    • Who: Victor Krane
    • Source: Episode 4x23-24, "Space Colony"
    • Note: He was going to fire at a spacecraft with Lab Rats, Leo, Perry, Donald, Tasha and the colonists inside, but Chase launched a missile at a spaceship Krane hijacked, causing it to explode.
  • [Bree: Seriously? The whip didn't even scratch her.] NOOO!!! [Bree: Oop, no, there it is.]
    • Who: Giselle Vickers
    • Source: Episode 4x26, "The Vanishing, Part 2"
    • Note: She was going to kill Adam, Bree and Chase using a laser whip, they dodged and she accidentally wrapped herself in the whip, cutting herself into pieces off-screen.

Law & Order media

  • It's okay. I got him.
    • Who: Sonya Paxton
    • Source: Law & Order: SVU episode "Pursuit" [Episode 12x17]
    • Note: Character is murdered by a suspected serial killer, but manages to capture DNA evidence by biting him.


  • Today, I, Thodin...
    • Who: Thodin
    • Source: Episode 1.1
    • Notes: After cutting off Kai's head below the mouth, Thodin is fatally shot by Kai's body, which responds to Thodin's grandiose last words by (humorously) tilting its chin up proudly.
  • Helga is a big meanie, YOW!
    • Who: Liv Rooney
    • Notes: In "Helgaween-A-Rooney", Liv distracts Helga so Maddie can escape HelgaFest and wish Helga away with the magic wish amulet. Her wish was, "I wish I was a twin again"; due to a case of exact wording, Helga is kept, but instead Liv ceases to exist, so Helga is Maddie's twin now. Maddie even comments in her confessional that she has to be more specific with her wishes. Fortunately, it turns out to be Maddie's dream when Karen hypnotized her to not fear over her knee injury.
  • I can't. You're SkyVolt now.
    • Who: Tess/SkyVolt
    • Notes: On the Season 1 finale of Liv's show Voltage, SkyVolt transfers her powers to Garrison with the power crystal to defeat Zaydock; due to overuse of the crystal, she dies in Garrison's arms, and Garrison eventually becomes the new SkyVolt. Liv reveals this was due to her leaving the show to stay with Maddie in Wisconsin because the show was moving back to Los Angeles for Season 2.


See Last words in Lost media


  • You behave yourself or I'm gonna come back and kick your butt!
    • Who: Henry Blake
    • Source: M*A*S*H
    • Notes: Last words spoken on camera, his plane is shot down the next day.
  • I smell... Fresh bread
    • Who: Unnamed soldier
    • Source: M*A*S*H
  • Hurry up! Get me to the shower!
    • Who: Police Chief Ed Train
    • Source: MacGyver Season 1 Episode 13 Flame's End
    • Note: A police chief secretly selling weapons' grade uranium to terrorists. While trying to kill MacGyver, his shot causes radiation to spray onto him turning his badge black for contamination. He cries his to MacGyver and Amy who race him to the decontamination showers. It is likely he may or may not survive.
  • Kyle, get out of here. There's nothing you can do now. (Guard Kyle: What about you?) It's too late... Way too late...
    • Who: Tim Wexler
    • Source: MacGyver Season 1 Episode 13 Flame's End
    • Note: A staff member at the Westport Nuclear Power Plant. He is mortally shot by Train. He works with MacGyver and Amy Austin to try and stop the nuclear meltdown and redeem himself for his role in the uranium theft. He says these to the security guard Kyle warning him to leave before the meltdown. Although MacGyver saves the plant by utilizing Train's revolver as a wrench to cool the reactor down, Wexler succumbs to his injury and dies upon seeing that he helped save the day with a smile.
  • A guy's gotta be careful these days.
    • Who: Tony Sullivan
    • Source: MacGyver Season 2 Episode 10 Three for the Road
    • Note: A weapons dealer who turns informant. He meets MacGyver at a motel while placing a satchel bag carrying counterfeit money in the Cadillac car of veteran actor Guy Roberts. He is ambushed by the mobsters who are trying to recover the money and shot down.
  • I really expected much more of a fight, MacGyver. (MacGyver:Sorry to disappoint you.) That's all right. I still enjoyed every minute of it. But I really have to go now.
    • Who: Victoria James
    • Source: MacGyver Season 2 Episode 11 Phoenix Under Siege
    • Note: A Liberation Front terrorist aiming to bomb the Phoenix Foundation building with a bomb she designed but was disarmed prior to the story. Having reactivated the bomb, she engages MacGyver in a one-on-one fight and seems to hold the advantage boasting this. She then jump kicks at MacGyver who dodges, overshooting her mark and falling several stories to her death.
    • Who: Murdoc
    • Source: MacGyver.
    • Note: Murdoc was MacGyver's nemesis, and shouts MacGyver's name when he appears to die at the end of an episode, by an event such as falling from a great height.
  • MacGyver? Help me, please! Don't let me die! I'm slipping! You got me? (MacGyver: Give me your hand. That's it. All right. I got you.) Okay. Don't let me fall! Pull!
    • Who: Deborah
    • Source: MacGyver Season 4 Episode 19 Unfinished Business
    • Note: A negotiator and assassin. Even though she testified against Mr. Knapp to shut down his marina project, a redemption it was not to be for her. She tracks down MacGyver and aims to kill him to avenge her previous defeat. The captive Pete knocks her off her feet causing her to hang over the nearby cliff for dear life. While MacGyver tries to pull her up, she cries these, but then pulls out a knife to try and kill him one last time. Her footing gives way and she falls to her death much to MacGyver's tragic shock.
  • Strewth!
    • Who: Mr. Foster
    • Source: Monty Python (Specifically, the famous deaths sketch).
  • Wow, I thought I'd die before I ever heard a comp...
    • Who: Special Agent Caitlin "Kate" Todd
    • Source: NCIS (Season Two episode "Twilight")
    • Note: During a gunfight involving the NCIS team and a group of terrorists led by Ari Haswari, Kate threw herself in front of Gibbs in order to protect him from the last surviving terrorist who intended to kill him. She took the bullet originally intended for Gibbs, surviving thanks to the bullet-proof vest she had on. However seconds later, while talking to Gibbs and DiNozzo who were both thanking her, she was shot in the head, the bullet killing her instantly while also causing her blood to splash onto DiNozzo's face and moments later, Ari was revealed as her killer.
  • Sorry to spoil your-
    • Who: Ari Haswari
    • Source: NCIS (Season Three episode "Kill Ari: Part 2")
    • Note: Character was a traitor to the Israeli Mossad who was obsessed with Agent Gibbs. His last words were in response to Gibbs's claim that he didn't need to kill Ari because "it's just as sweet watching you die." He was shot by his fellow Mossad operative and half-sister Ziva David who shot him in the head- the exact same method Ari had used to kill Kate "Caitlin" Todd.
  • You think you're the first person to point a gun at me?
    • Who: Arkady Kobach
    • Source: NCIS (Season Four episode "Faking It")
    • Note: Kobach was a arms dealer who Mike Franks described as a "scary S.O.B." that kept him awake for 15 years. Seconds later, Franks tells him that he's going to be the last person pointing a gun at him and promptly shoots him on the spot.
  • I love you too, Clarkey.
    • Who: Daphne Clarke
    • Source: Neighbours
    • Note: Daphne had been involved in a car accident which left her in a coma. She awoke from the coma and spoke those words to her husband, Des, before suffering fatal cardiac arrest.
  • [Phillip Martin: Do you want to have a lay down?] No, I'll be all right here, with Hannah. (chuckling)
    • Who: Helen Daniels
    • Source: Neighbours
    • Note: Helen was watching a video of Scott and Charlene's wedding, sitting next to Phillip's daughter Hannah, when she said she felt "very tired" and appeared to fall asleep.
  • John... Don't let this-
    • Who: Detective Joss Carter
    • Source: Person of Interest
    • Note: Character was shot by Officer Patrick Simmons in retaliation for breaking up HR, an organization of corrupt officers within the NYPD. Her final words were spoken to John Reese, who was also shot by Simmons.
  • You really think you're gonna be the one to kill me?
    [Carl Elias: "[laughing] Oh No, my friend is gonna kill you. Me... I'm just gonna watch."]
    • Who: Officer Patrick Simmons
    • Source: Person of Interest
    • Note: Character was being hospitalized due to injuries sustained during his arrest for the murder of fellow officer Joss Carter. He was then visited by Elias, who considered it his "responsibility" to oversee Simmons's death. He was strangled by Elias's right hand man.
  • Andros, it is your duty as a Power Ranger to save the Universe. Now is the time.
    • Who: Zordon of Eltar
    • Source: Power Rangers (Season 6, In Space)
    • Note: Andros finally found Zordon after searching for him throughout the entire sixth season of Power Rangers. Zordon told Andros that the only way to destroy the evil forces that had taken over the entire universe was to destroy his energy tube, which would kill Zordon.
  • [Sentinal Knight: Mack, what are you doing?] Giving all the power I've got!
    • Who:Mack Hartford, the Red Overdrive Ranger
    • Source: Power Rangers (Season 15, Operation Overdrive)
    • Note: Mack had merged with the Sentinal Knight to become the Red Sentinal Ranger in order to stop Flurious. After succeeding to remove the Corona Aurora from Flurious' head, he sacrifices himself to destroy Flurious, using the last of his strength. He is revived after the Sentinal Knight, who has returned to his original form, places the crown on his head, resulting in Mack becoming a human.
  • I kneel only to God. I don't see Him here.
    • Who: John Abruzzi
    • Source: Prison Break
    • Note: Abruzzi, a notorious mob boss, is cornered by armed federal agents outside a hotel. When ordered to drop his gun and kneel, he gives this response and provokes the agents into fatally shooting him.
  • What are you doing, man?
    • Who: David "Tweener" Apolskis
    • Source: Prison Break
    • Note: Character is addressing Alex Mahone, who then shoots him dead.
  • I just wanna go...
    • Who: Charles "Haywire" Patoshik
    • Source: Prison Break
    • Note: Character is voicing his desire to go to Holland. When told he can't go, Haywire jumps to his death.
  • Bloody... bastards...!
    • Who: Franky Doyle (Carol Burns)
    • Source: Prisoner: Cell Block H
    • Note: Character has just shot a policeman, who returns fire and fatally shoots her in the stomach. Character then urges her friend Doreen to run away, and struggles to shout out her last words.
  • I tried to ring Marty earlier... but there was no reply...
    [Meg Jackson: "I'll phone from the hospital. You just rest."]
    • Who: Bill Jackson (Don Barker)
    • Source: Prisoner: Cell Block H
    • Note: Character was stabbed by prisoner Chrissie Latham during a prison riot. He spoke to his wife Meg (Elspeth Ballantyne) in the ambulance, but later died (off-screen) at hospital.
  • Gazpacho... soup..!
    • Who: Arnold Rimmer
    • Source: Red Dwarf: The End
    • Notes: Character is referring to an incident involving gazpacho soup, which the character blames for his failure to please the captain and receive promotion, in response an angry remark from the captain, who blames the character for the radiation leak that kills both characters.
  • I AM ALIVE!!!
    • Who: Arnold Rimmer
    • Source: Red Dwarf: Timeslides
    • Notes: Character has just been resurrected from the dead. He speaks this line as he brings both fists down on some crates full of explosives.
  • Is there someone in here?
    • Who: Harry Vanderspeigle (human)
    • Source: Resident Alien: Pilot
    • Notes: The human Harry Vanderspeigle (portrayed by Alan Tudyk) was murdered by Captain Hah Re (also portrayed by Alan Tudyk) who used the human Harry's baby as a disguise to fit in with the human population, and have hidden the human Harry's body in his own freezer, which would be discovered by Darcy in S01E09 ('Welcome Aliens'). The human Harry would later re-appear in corpse form in S01E07 ('The Green Glow'), and in S01E10 ('Heroes of Patience').
  • I really don't feel so good. I'm not kidding. Maybe you should... go find a phone and call Dr. Walker... Call somebody...
    • Who: Dan Conner
    • Source: Roseanne
    • Notes: Dan was very overweight, and much stress was put on his heart. After daughter Darlene's wedding, he collapsed due to a heart attack. Though he was "alive" for the following season, those episodes were eventually revealed to be a book that Roseanne was writing. In reality, Dan died due to his heart attack.
  • It is up to you for now saul. Saul of the moleman
    • Who: Clancy
    • Source: Saul of the Mole Man
    • Note: Clancy jump out against Onpit and died sacrifice himself and explosion.
  • Ow!
    • Who: Onpit
    • Source: Saul of the Mole Man
    • Note: Onpit was complete destroy by Clancy sacrifice himself and explosion
  • Eurk..awful
    • Who: Susan Ross
    • Source: Seinfeld
    • Note: Said before dying from licking the toxic glue that were on wedding invitation envelopes for her and George's wedding.
  • When did everyone stop smoking? When did everyone pair off? This used to be the most exciting city in the world. Now it's all smoking in front of open fucking windows. What happened to fun? New York is over. O-V-E-R. I'm so bored I could die.
    • Who: Lexi Featherington
    • Source: Sex and the City
    • Notes: Lexi is an outrageous party girl, and she and Carrie (and others) are both at a fancy party in a high-rise apartment. Lexi is forced to open a huge window to smoke (she can't go outside because of snow). Her heel snaps at the end of her annoyed rant and she falls out the window to her death.
  • Shane? SHAAAANE!!!!
    • Who: Curtis "Lemonhead" Lemansky
    • Source: The Shield
    • Notes: Character had just accepted a sandwich from Shane Vendrell. While giving Lem the sandwich, Shane also drops a live grenade in his lap. The grenade explodes after this line, killing Lem.
  • As long as I'm alive, you can save your friends. You got a way out. Well, good luck with that.
  • There's nothing to be done, I'm not a villain; I have no evil plan, I'm a businessman, acquiring assets. You happen to be one of them. Sorry! No chance for you to be a hero this time, Mr. Holmes.
    • Who: Charles Augustus Magnussen
    • Source: Sherlock
    • Notes: Character was a blackmailing newspaper magnate who had incriminating information on the wife of John Watson, who was a former CIA assassin. Sherlock Holmes, in keeping his vow to protect John and Mary (John's wife), proceeds to shoot Magnussen in the head after hearing this, to ensure that all the information dies with Magnussen.
  • Take care of our girls Filip, yeah?
    • Who: James "Jimmy O" O'Phelan
    • Source: Sons of Anarchy
    • Notes: Character had forced Filip "Chibs" Telford out of the IRA, started a relationship with his wife, and raised his daughter well before the events of the show. He is killed by Chibs, who gives him a Glasgow smile before stabbing him in the chest.
  • Please, Opie, please! You had mercy before. I'm begging you, please don't do this!
    • Who: Agent June Stahl
    • Source: Sons of Anarchy
    • Notes: Character had set up Opie, a member of the titular motorcycle club, to look like an informant, and a failed assassination attempt on him based on this resulted in the death of his wife. Upon discovering Stahl's involvement, Opie had held her at gunpoint, but opted to spare her life. Following another attempt by Stahl to take down the club, Opie forced her into the driver's seat of her car at gunpoint, and shot her with the same type of weapon that killed his wife.
  • Just leave her out of it, huh?
    • Who: Piermont "Piney" Winston
    • Source: Sons of Anarchy
    • Notes: Character was attacked by Clay Morrow at his cabin after threatening to reveal the contents of secret letters written by John Teller, letters that would have revealed the truth about Clay's involvement in John's death and led to his expulsion from his own MC. Piney is referring to Dr. Tara Knowles, who found the letters in Jax Teller's backpack after his return from Belfast. Clay responds, "Too late," before shooting Piney in the chest with his own shotgun.
  • Oh, you gotta be shittin' me.
    • Who: Kozik
    • Source: Sons of Anarchy
    • Note: Killed after stepping on a landmine.
  • I got this.
    • Who: Harry "Opie" Winston
    • Source: Sons of Anarchy
    • Note: Character is placed in a sealed off room with several rival gang members and beaten to death. Corrupt prison guards forced club leader Jax Teller to decide which of his men will have this fate, but Opie attacks a guard angering them into choosing him, and keeping Jax from having to make the painful decision.
  • You stupid cracker bitch. You know what happens to whoever kills me, right? [Jax: I'm countin' on it.]
    • Who: Damon Pope
    • Source: Sons of Anarchy
    • Note: In an elaborate scheme, Jax Teller tricked Pope into letting his guard down by pretending to turn over Tig Trager as a condition for Pope's financing of Charming Heights. Using Clay Morrow's silenced Colt 45, Jax kills Pope's henchmen before handing the gun to Tig, who shoots Pope in the head. Clay is later arrested for the murder after his prints are found on the gun.
  • What is it, John?
  • I don't know
    • Who: Grace Sullivan (Lorraine Bayly) and John Sullivan (Andrew McFarlane) respectively
    • Source: The Sullivans
    • Note: Grace had moved to London to care for her injured son, John. These words were spoken when they heard German bombers flying over London; they were both killed when a bomb was dropped on the hospital.
  • Well, well, weeee-eeell...!
    • Who: Beverly Leslie
    • Source: "Will and Grace," the final episode
    • Note: Karen's diminutive arch-enemy says his trademark line in his exaggerated Southern accent as he is swept off his balcony by a huge gust of wind. He presumably dies and leaves Jack his entire fortune, thus leaving Karen and Jack in great wealth for the rest of their lives.
  • Why, if I tell a lie, may God strike me dead!
    • Who: Jeremy "Jerzy" Balowski:
    • Source: The Young Ones
    • Note: God promptly obliges with a lighting bolt, after Jerzy lied about a deal he'd just made being the best deal on television.
  • Phew! That was close!
    • Who: The Young Ones (Rik, Vyvian, Mike and Neil)
    • Source: The Young Ones
    • Note: Characters have just survived a bus crashing through a sign and falling to the bottom of a ravine. The bus explodes moments later.
  • R-Red J-J-John.... R-R-Red J-John... J-J-J...[Brings forefinger to his lips]Shhhhhhhhh...[Breaks out into laughter]
    • Who: Sheriff "Dumar" Hardy
    • Note: Dumar had been an associate of the serial killer Red John. When Dumar tried to escape custody, Patrick shot him with Dumar's own shotgun in order to protect Agent Lisbon. His last words initially seem to suggest that he is trying to provide Jane with information but end in mockery.
  • Tyger Tyger.
    • Who: Todd Johnson
    • Note: Character was set on fire during captivity by Craig O'Laughlin. His last words were a cry for help, lifted from the William Blake poem "The Tyger", which members of The Blake Association use as a password.
  • Fair enough... Your wife was very clean. She smelled like coal tar soap and lavender. Your daughter smelled like sweat... and strawberries and cream... I suspect it was some kind of kid's shampoo.
    • Who: Timothy Carter
    • Note: The character, while posing as Red John, described how Patrick Jane's wife and daughter smelled on the night they died. Jane then shot him three times in the stomach.
  • Tyger... Tyger...
    • Who: Brett Partridge
    • Note: Character was a CBI forensics agent who had just been mortally wounded by Red John; found by CBI agent Teresa Lisbon in an empty house, he mutters the words as a cry for help in the hope that she was a member of The Blake Association.
  • Just do it here.
    • Who: Robert Kirkland
    • Note: Character was a rogue Homeland Security agent who had been apprehended by the police for kidnapping Patrick Jane in the hopes of learning his list of suspects. En route to the prison, his escort van was stopped by Reede Smith, who shot him six times in the back for knowing of the existence of The Blake Association.
  • Tattoo... Tattoo on his arm...
    • Who: Tira Kinsley
    • Note: Character was a private investigator hired by Red John to spy on Lisbon's team; when Patrick Jane foiled her, Red John came to her house and attacked her. Before she died, she whispered this to Jane, which proved to be a critical clue in determining Red John's identity.
  • Well, I can assure you I'm not sticking around for this crap.
    • Who: Raymond Haffner
    • Note: Character was a former CBI agent turned private investigator, and one of the suspects on Jane's list of who Red John is. When he attempted to walk out on a meeting of the remaining suspects, Jane pointed a shotgun at him and ordered him to stay. He cleared himself from suspicion by showing his bare left shoulder, but perished in an explosion caused by Red John.
  • Patrick, wait. Patrick, look... Here!
    • Who: Bret Stiles
    • Note: Character was the head of an international religious cult called "Visualize", and one of Jane's Red John suspects. He cleared himself from suspicion by showing his bare left shoulder, and pointed out that along with McAllister, Bertram and Smith also had the same tattoo Kinsley described. However, he perished in an explosion caused by Red John along with Raymond Haffner.
  • Hey!...
    • Who: Gale Bertram
    • Note: Character was the director of the CBI, and one of Jane's Red John suspects. After surviving the explosion at Jane's house, character went on the run, but was given orders by other Blake Association members to meet with Jane. Upon meeting him in a chapel, he told Jane that he wasn't Red John and that Jane needed to die. However, he was double-crossed by fellow Blake Association member Oscar Cordero and fatally shot in the stomach.
  • Please don't kill me... Let me live... Let me live! I'll tell you how I got the names on your list! [Patrick Jane: I don't care.] I knew... because I have real psychic... [Patrick Jane: Shhh...]
    • Who: Red John (Sheriff Thomas McAllister)
    • Note: Character was a notorious serial killer who 10 years previously had murdered Patrick Jane's wife and daughter. After years of searching, Jane met with McAllister in a church, threw a pigeon at him (of which he has a phobia) and shot him in the stomach. He then proceeded to give chase to Red John, finally cornering him near a pond. After a failed 911 call, the character flat out begged to be spared, and this was a last-ditch effort to save his life. However, Jane ignored his pleas and strangled him to death.
  • It's you falling in love with him that makes him become me... It's all coming together.
    • Who: Simon Bellamy
    • Note: Said to Alisha, after shielding her with his body. Simon had traveled back in time, knowing that it would lead to his death, in order to save Alisha so that she would fall in love with him.
  • It's better this way... T-Take care of yourself, yeah?
    • Who: Curtis Donovan
    • Note: Curtis had been bitten by a zombie that had been created using his power. Resigning himself to his fate, he decided to end his life rather than have his friends bear the responsibility. His final words are directed at Rudy, who called him moments before Curtis shot himself.
  • You promised...
    • Who: Shayla Nico
    • Note: Killed by Vera as revenge for Elliot exposing his illicit business.
  • I'm sorry?
    • Who: Giddeon Goddard
    • Note: Accused of being a 'crisis actor' in the Five/Nine attacks by a conspiracy theorist and shot dead.
  • I'm sure we can figure something out.
    • Who: Susan Jacobs
    • Note: Accidentally killed by Darlene with a taser after being held captive in her home by the remnants of fsociety. Her underlying heart condition is the reason for her sudden death.
  • Is everything under control?
    • Who: Joanna Wellick
    • Note: In Tyrell's absence, Joanna became romantically involved with a bartender named Derek. However, Joanna appeared on television, reaffirming her love to Tyrell. Distraught, Derek hunts down Joanna and kills her in a standoff with Mr. Sutherland.
  • No, no!
    • Who: Trenton and Mobley
    • Note: Captured by the Dark Army. They are shown code that would lead to an attack on ATC and are forced to shoot themselves. Their deaths are led to believe that fsociety is tied to Iran.
  • This isn't worth it! You can live with–
    • Who: Ernesto Santiago
    • Note: Ernesto is revealed to be a mole to the Dark Army in the FBI. Kidnapping Dom and Darlene, he forces Dom outside a barn with Irving at hand. Before he is about to kill Dom, Irving steps in and hacks him to death with an axe. His death is used to pressure Dom into working with the Dark Army.
  • Take care of her.
    • Who: Grant
    • Note: Is disposed of by Whiterose once Leon suddenly kills some Dark Army operatives in the barn where Elliot and co. are captured along with Elliot convincing a plan to ship Whiterose's project faster. Whiterose calls Grant to inform him he is not of any use anymore and proceeds to kill himself.
  • I'm not going to run. You should probably leave.
    • Who: Angela Ross
    • Note: Price had tried to convince Angela out of seeking revenge against the Dark Army. Angela refuses and is killed by Dark Army agents, offering no resistance.
  • Just don't send that video to my kids.
    • Who: Freddy Lomax
    • Note: Freddy, a lawyer and paedophile, is blackmailed by Elliot and Mr. Robot in order to reveal Whiterose's operations. Realising that the Dark Army is onto him, Freddy shoots himself in front of a crowd, insisting that Elliot doesn't reveal an explicit video he made.
  • Just give me a second.
    • Who: Chen
    • Note: Zhang's former lover. Unwilling to accept a reality without Zhang as his partner, he kills himself with a knife on the day of his arranged marriage to a woman. His death is the catalyst in Whiterose's plans for her machine.
  • I'm just gonna go for a walk.
    • Who: Tyrell Wellick
    • Note: Tyrell and Elliot had managed to track down a stolen van used by a Dark Army agent to spy on them. Upon finding the agent, the agent shoots at them before shooting himself. Tyrell is revealed to be fatally wounded by the agent and walks off further into the woods after telling Elliot to finish the job. He is presumed dead.
  • I see you now.
    • Who: Fernando Vera
    • Note: Using Krista, Vera manages to uncover the reasoning behind Mr. Robot and the truth behind Elliot's father as a way to convince Elliot to work together. As Vera explains to Elliot his shared abuse by his mother, he is stabbed by Krista in the back and bleeds out. Elliot and Krista escape afterwards to avoid confrontation by Vera's gang.
  • Mr. Deegan, I don't think you have taken into account the primal forces you are meddling with here. If you proceed down this path, I will use every means at my disposal to make sure that you nev–
    • Who: Janice
    • Note: Deegan, part of the Irish mob that Dom had investigated prior to being captured, had managed to rescue Dom's family. Whilst distracted by Deegan, she is then shot by Dom along with the rest of the Dark Army personnel.
  • Think of it this way, Zhang: you didn't lose the game. You just ran out of time.
    • Who: Phillip Price
    • Note: Working with Elliot and Darlene, they manage to bring down the entirety of the Deus Group and reveal Whiterose's identity. Price mocks Whiterose, mentioning the now ruined plan to move her project to the Congo. Enraged, Whiterose shoots Price dead.
  • Our paths were too precisely linked to this moment for there not to be a reason. This is why. You get to decide.
    • Who: Whiterose/Zhang Zhi
    • Note: Whiterose had explained to Elliot that her machine had been activated in the nuclear plant and that the machine would benefit the world. She explains to Elliot that he has to make a choice (allow the explosion to happen and activate the machine or stop everything) and kills herself.
  • Help. Call someone. Please. Call an ambulance. I can't move. I need an ambulance.
    • Who: Alternate Elliot
    • Note: The original Elliot confronts a doppelganger of himself who never faced abuse by his parents in the alternate world he wakes up in after the explosion at the nuclear plant. When the two Elliots touch, an earthquake happens and the doppelganger is severely injured. The original Elliot, realising that Angela is alive in this world, sets off to find her before strangling the alternate Elliot to death.
  • I want you to know I love you.
  • Come on. This only works if you let go too.
    • Who: The Mastermind
    • Note: The Mastermind relinquishes control over Elliot after accepting his identity and allows the 'real' Elliot to regain control over himself. The first line is said out loud to Darlene as she leaves to get the hospital staff and the second line is said to the audience in Elliot's mind.
  • This is love.
    • Who: Gina Russo
  • Look at my girl, saving my ass again. Is she the best or what?
    • Who: Escobar Gallardo
    • Note: After this line, Escobar's wife fatally shot him.
  • I loved you!
    • Who: James
    • Note: Spoken to her former employee, Michelle, before committing suicide with a handgun.
  • You should worry more about what Julia’s going to say when I go to the police and tell them what you did!
    • Who: Monica Wilder
    • Note: Spoken to Sean McNamara, with whom she had an affair. Sean attempts to break off their relationship, to which Monica responds by leaving his office and threatening to tell the police that he raped her. While crossing the street, she is hit by an oncoming bus.
  • Fuck you!
    • Who: Johnny Post
    • Note: Post says this defiantly to the Italians, who then brutally murder him because Post had killed Dino Ortolani.
  • All praise to Allah. All praise...
    • Who: Jefferson Keane/Tizi Ouzo
    • Note: Keane, a Muslim, is saying this as he is being executed for murder.
  • I don't think I'm ready for this.
    • Who: Richard L'Italien
    • Note: L'Italien says this just before being executed for murder.
  • Rubber duckie?
    • Who: Nikolai Stanislofsky
    • Note: Stanislofsky says this while he is in the bath when Claire Howell tosses him a rubber duckie. Howell then throws a blow-dryer into the tub, electrocuting Stanislofsky and killing him.
  • Sure.
    • Who: Raymond "Mondo" Browne
    • Note: Browne is accepting Chris Keller's offer for oral sex. Keller then kills him off screen.
  • Oh, yes, yes!
    • Who: Simon Adebisi
    • Note: Adebisi says this while struggling with Kareem Said over a knife. Said then stabs and kills Adebisi in self-defense.
  • I can feel my legs...
    • Who: Augustus Hill
    • Note: Hill, a paraplegic, says this in shock after being fatally stabbed protecting his step-father, Burr Redding.
  • Arif... don't harm him...
    • Who: Kareem Said
    • Note: Said is speaking to his friend, Zahir Arif, is asking Arif not to kill Lemuel Idzik, who had just fatally shot him.
  • That cocksucker!
    • Who: Vernon Shillinger
    • Note: Schillinger realizes that Keller had given him a prop knife during a production of "MacBeth", and given a real knife to Beecher, who had just stabbed him.
  • Beecher, don't!
    • Who: Chris Keller
    • Note: Keller is throwing himself over a ledge, essentially committing suicide and framing Tobias Beecher for his death.

Robin Hood (2006 TV series)

  • My name is Royston White! I fight for Robin Hood and King Richard!
    • Who: Royston White
  • That's better.
    • Who: Marian
  • Remember, son. The world is hard on the little people.
    • Who: Rufus
  • You!
    • Who: Allan-a-Dale
    • Notes: Having been wrongly accused by his friends of betraying them, character has been shot down trying to get to them in time to warn them of an army heading for Nottingham; he recognises the army's commander as the thought-dead Sheriff before his death.
  • I'm sorry. At least you have someone waiting for you. Marian. The love of my life. She was always yours. I lived in shame... but because of you... I die proud. I am free.
    • Who: Guy of Gisborne
  • They've all escaped. How could that happen?
    • Who: Isabella Gisborne
  • Gisborne, don't trust him. Do you hear me? Nothing is what it seems. Nothing. (feigned)
  • Hm. Byzantine fire.
    • Who: Vaisey, Sheriff of Nottingham
  • My wife...
    • Who: Robin Hood

The Saint

  • Has it ever crossed your mind that a woman like me could get sick to death of a man who spends his life writing about dead people?
    • Who: Eleanor Bastion
    • Source: The Convenient Monster
    • Note: Noel's wife who believes in the Loch Ness monster. When confronted on the killings she had committed, she barbs these to her husband and flees to the lake. Although Simon Templar and Noel try to stop her from escaping, the alleged Loch Ness monster strikes in the lake and drags her underwater, badly mutilating her.

Seinfeld (1989-1998)

  • Ugh, awful.
    • Who: Susan Ross
    • Source: The Invitations (Season 7, Episode 24)
    • Note: She dies from licking toxic glue while getting wedding invitations ready.

Sesame Street (1969-Present)

  • Who: Maria Rodriguez
    • Note: In a Big Bird/Maria sketch that takes place in Sesame Street during the middle of the night, a very pregnant Maria tries to outgrow Big Bird by blowing herself up like a balloon in front of the viewer seven times. She says this line at the viewer, and then takes the eighth and last very long deep cleansing breath of air, and her body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and then explodes.

Shadowhunters (2016-2019)

  • Clary Fairchild! (Simon Lewis: Clary, what's going on? What are you looking at?) If you give us the girl, we'll let you live. (Jace Herondale: You're in no position to be making rules.) (Simon Lewis: Clary.) We'll never stop hunting her.
    • Who: Konrad
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 1, Episode 1)
    • Notes: Character attempted to capture Clary Fairchild and bring her to her father Valentine Morgenstern, a rogue Shadowhunter, only for Jace to kill him in combat.
  • Where's Magnus Bane? (Luke Garroway: Keep moving, warlock. Now, what were you gonna do with that warlock? Is that part of Valentine's plan now, huh? Humans, now warlocks?) You're nothing but a traitor. A disgrace to the Circle. (Luke Garroway: The only disgrace is that there's a Circle at all. But I hear that your membership is dwindling.) You killed Konrad. I know it.
    • Who: Midori
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 1, Episode 2)
    • Notes: Character was stalking a warlock for information about Magnus Bane until Luke Garroway intervenes. She confronts him for killing Konrad, not knowing that Jace was the true culprit. They have a brief fight with Luke turning into a werewolf and killing her.
  • Get in there. Keep your mouth shut!
    • Who: Theo
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 1, Episode 5)
    • Notes: Character locks up Clary in a shipping container when Simon started a fire in the locker room that made the alarm and sprinklers go off. Later on, Luke and Theo (in their werewolf forms) battled for the alpha position. Luke won and killed Theo, becoming the new alpha.
  • Thank God. Um, but I'm okay? I'm still human? (Camille Belcourt: Well, of course you are. Or at least you would've been.)
    • Who: Simon Lewis
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 1, Episode 7)
    • Notes: Character asked Camille Belcourt if he was becoming a vampire, to which she responds that he was not. At least he wouldn't have if he stayed away, before she proceeded to kill him. He is later resurrected as a vampire by Clary in the following episode.
  • Possibly. I may have something that can help us. Won't be but a moment. (Clary Fairchild: What do we do if we can't find the book?) (Jace Herondale: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.) (Magnus Bane: It's a bit drab, isn't it? (demon roaring) (Ragnor screaming) Ragnor!) (Jace Herondale: Shax demon.) Creature took me by surprise.
    • Who: Ragnor Fell
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 1, Episode 12)
    • Notes: Character was going to give something to Clary, Jace and Magnus to find the Book of the White, which can reverse the comatose spell put on Clary's mother. However, he is killed by a Shax demon that followed them.
  • You leave my husband out of this!
    • Who: Maria
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 1)
    • Notes: Character tried to escape death by surrendering herself to Jace, making it illegal for a Shadowhunter to kill a vampire because of the Accords. She yells at Valentine when he provokes her about her dead husband, whom she apparently killed. She attacks Jace, but accidentally dies when she collides with Jace's stake.
  • Please, don't kill me. I've obeyed the Accords. I'm part of Luke's pack. We don't hurt anyone. We're not like that.
    • Who: Gretel
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 2)
    • Notes: Character pleads not to be killed when Jace and Valentine accuse her of killing a mundane. After he and Clary escape Valentine's ship, he kills her and orders his men to throw her overboard.
  • It's nice to hear something positive.
    • Who: Jocelyn Fairchild
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 4)
    • Notes: Character expresses her relief about Lydia Branwell surviving a demon attack to her daughter Clary, who turns down her offer to go to with her to Idris. She is later found dead by Clary due to her being unconciously killed by Alec Lightwood who got possessed by the demon sent by Valentine to create a distraction at the Institute.
  • Please. Help us.
    • Who: Brother Jeremiah
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 4)
    • Note: Character is killed in a massacre by Valentine and his minions looking for the Soul-Sword, one of the Mortal Instruments.
  • Grab his hand! The lock release on our cells can only be activated if he's alive.
    • Who: Hodge Starkweather
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 4)
    • Note: Character tells Jace to use Brother Jeremiah's hand to free themselves from their cells when most of the Silent Brothers are slaughtered by Valentine and his minions. Hodge is killed by Valentine in his cell when he tries to chokehold him.
  • Sister Cleophas, wait! (Sister Cleophas: Return to the Citadel. You never saw me. Do you understand?) I cannot do that. I thought this was all behind you. Cleophas, please. Stay.
    • Who: Sister Magdalena
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 6)
    • Note: Character tries to convince Sister Magdalena not to leave the Citadel, to no avail, as she kills her and activates her Circle rune that indicates her allegiance to Valentine.
  • I'm not gonna lie. It took some convincing. Some of them aren't too keen on this idea. Neither am I, to be honest. (Luke Garroway: Then why are you here?) I trust you.
    • Who: Alaric Rodriguez
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 10)
    • Notes: Character tells Luke it wasn't easy for him to convince the werewolf pack about Jace's plan to stop Valentine and that some of them including him do not agree with the idea. When he storms into the Institute, Valentine activates the Soul-Sword, resulting in Alaric and the rest of the Downworlders dying incinerated by its power.
  • Did I not tell you to get rid of him?
    • Who: Azazel
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 12)
    • Notes: Character ordered Valentine (in Magnus' body) to get rid of Alec when he received a call from him. Alec vanquishes Azazel by shooting him with an arrow.
  • The Shadowhunters led us into a massacre! Why are you on their side?
    • Who: Kaelie
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 13)
    • Notes: Character was bent on killing Shadowhunters as revenge for her brother's death during the Downworld massacre at the Institute. Her killing spree comes to an end after Isabelle Lightwood impales her on the stomach.
  • It's ok. It's ok. Just a little taste. Just a little.
    • Who: Heidi McKenzie
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 15)
    • Notes: Character wanted Simon to feed on him despite his reluctance and he does. After her time with Simon, another vampire named Daniel Quinn feeds on her feet, but he couldn't control his hunger, causing Quinn to apparently acccidentally drain her of blood and kill her. She is later resurrected as a vampire by Raphael Santiago at the beginning of Season 3.
  • Aline? Why?
    • Who: Sebastian Verlac
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 15)
    • Notes: Character was kidnapped by Jonathan Morgenstern (disguised as Sebastian) who demanded that he tell him everything about his cousin Aline, threatening to kill her if he didn't. Sebastian manages to escape and tries to warn Aline. When Jonathan discovers he had escaped, he kills Sebastian before he could approach Aline.
  • Daylighter or not, I'm not gonna let you rat me out.
    • Who: Daniel Quinn
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 15)
    • Notes: Character had refused to take responsibility for Heidi's death when Simon confronted him. He and Quinn have a fight, ending with Simon staking him.
  • Weet je waarom ze dit deed? Door jou. Je bent een gruwel! (Translation: Do you know why she did it? Because of you. You're an abomination!)
    • Who: Magnus' stepfather
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 15)
    • Notes: Character blames a young Magnus for her mother's death, who killed herself after finding out that he was the son of a demon. Enraged and hurt by this cruel words, Magnus burns him with his magic.
  • I did as you asked. I brought Valentine here. Now, please let my family go.
    • Who: Duncan Armstrong
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 15)
    • Notes: Character was blackmailed by Jonathan into bringing Valentine, who was going to be transfered to the Gard, which stalls his imprisonment. After doing so, he asks Jonathan to release his family. However, Jonathan responds that he cannot do that and kills him.
  • I don't care what you do. I promised Jocelyn.
    • Who: Elliot Nourse
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 17)
    • Notes: Character was being tortured by Valentine and Jonathan into revealing the Mortal Mirror's whereabouts. As Jonathan releases him, Elliot uses his own magic to kill himself.
  • Mother.
    • Who: Jonathan Morgenstern
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 20)
    • Notes: Character was stabbed from behind and pushed into a streaming river by Jace, ending up on a beach. In his final moments, he calls out for his "mother", creating a rift to Edom that releases a lot of demons. He is later resurrected in Season 3 by his adoptive mother Lilith.
  • Wait, please wait.
    • Who: Consul Malachi Dieudonné
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 20)
    • Notes: Character was revealed a member of the Circle. He and his men attempt to have both Clary and Jace executed, but they fight them off and kill them. Jace then kills the treacherous Consul of the Clave by stabbing him deeper on the stomach, despite his desperate pleas.
  • I love you.
    • Who: Jace Herondale
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 20)
    • Notes: Character was stabbed by Valentine, who knew he had the power to stop him. He professed his love for a devastated Clary before dying in her arms. He was brought back by the Angel Raziel after Clary wished for his resurrection, but with unforeseen consequences that begin to quickly unveil in Season 3.
  • I've worked too long. I've sacrificed too much to let anyone stand in my way. Even my own daughter.
    • Who: Valentine Morgenstern
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 2, Episode 20)
    • Notes: Character was going to kill Clary with a rock for trying to foil his plans to cleanse the world of Downworlders, but she dodges the hit and stabs her maniac father multiple times, killing him and ending his reign of terror forever.
  • Wait. Take my wallet, my watch, whatever you want.
    • Who: Tim Dempsey
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 1)
    • Notes: Character was walking down the street in a heavy rain until he got attacked and possessed by an owl faced demon. He does not say any other lines after his possession. During a fight with Clary, the demon leaves Tim's body, ripping it to shreds.
  • Curbside greeting? I sure married well. Where's the umbrella?
    • Who: Tim's wife
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 1)
    • Notes: Character greeted her husband Tim, unaware that he got possessed, who then proceeds to slice her throat with a knife. She is found dead the next morning by the police.
  • I'm out of here, man!
    • Who: Rufus
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 2)
    • Notes: Character was going to escape into a portal when the ley lines beneath the city were corrupted and the warlocks' magic got out of control. However, the portal turned violent and began to devour his arm, but Magnus manages to stop it. His current status remains unknown.
  • Not a chance.
    • Who: Leo
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 4)
    • Note: Character was fed on, killed, and Turned into a vampire by Heidi. When Clary and Isabelle question him on Heidi's whereabouts, he refuses to answer and tries to kill them. Isabelle holds him with her whip and Clary stakes him.
  • The Owl has a master. Its name is... AAAH!
    • Who: Ithuriel
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 5)
    • Notes: Character was telling Clary that the Owl was a servant of a much greater evil threatening the mundane realm. Before he could name its master, Lilith—in the form of a huge, winged demon—took him by surprise and ripped his heart out, causing Ithuriel to explode into a burst of golden light, much to Clary's horror.
  • Well, of course I can make an exception. Come. I'll take you to the cemetery now.
    • Who: Inquisitor Imogen Herondale
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 7)
    • Notes: Character was tricking the possessed Jace into taking him to the Cemetery of the Disgraced. When he notices her reaching for a seraph blade, Jace fatally stabs her and cuts off her thumb to gain access to the cemetery and obtain a rib from Valentine's corpse. Lilith needed it for Jonathan's resurrection.
  • Long live the Circle.
    • Who: Charles Freeman
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 9)
    • Notes: Character was sentenced to death by Consul Jia Penhallow for his involvement on Malachi's coup d'état and killing 12 soldiers of the Clave. After saying these words, many Circle members loudly cheer before Freeman gets burned at the stake and his skeleton is disposed of.
  • But you will never be rid of me. You are a Morgenstern.
    • Who: Valentine Morgenstern
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 9)
    • Notes: Character was resurrected by Clary to get information about Lilith. Valentine then goes on a violent rampage at the Gard where he kills many guards, frees the prisoners and briefly reunites with his fellow Circle followers. When he tries to escape, Clary deactivates the Necromancy rune placed on him. Valentine tells her that she will never be free from him, as she is a Morgenstern herself, to which she responds that she is but that she is also a Fairchild before the murderous shadowhunter is rendered dead once again.
  • They say the worst pain a Shadowhunter can feel is the loss of his parabatai. Come here. It's time for Jace to finally feel it.
    • Who: The Owl
    • Source: Shadowhunters (Season 3, Episode 10)
    • Notes: Character fights off Alec and impales him with an arrow, taunting him about Jace's pleas in his mind. Just then, Magnus arrives and uses enough magic borrowed from his father that blasts the Owl away, much to Lilith's fury. The Owl and Jace fight for control of his body. Jace wins and spits out the Owl's essence through his mouth in the form of black blood that quickly sizzles, leaving no trace of the owl-faced demon.
See Last words in Star Trek media.
  • Okay.
    • Who: John Winchester
    • Source: Episode 2x01, "In My Time of Dying"
    • Note: John has sold his soul to the demon that killed his wife in order to save his dying son Dean. He speaks to his sons one final time, and then allows the demon to take him.
  • I don't wanna die. I don't. But I can't live like this. This is the way you can save me. Please. I'm asking you to save me.
    • Who: Madison
    • Source: Episode 2x17, "Heart"
    • Note: Madison has been infected by a werewolf and is transforming and killing people without realizing. She and Sam have a romantic connection, and once they realize there is no cure for her condition, she requests that he be the one to kill her, and he does so off-screen with a silver bullet to the heart.
  • Dean!
    • Who: Sam Winchester
    • Source: Episode 2x21, "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1"
    • Note: Sam is relieved to see his brother, who has been searching for him in an abandoned town. He is then stabbed in the back by an enemy and dies in Dean's arms. He is resurrected shortly thereafter when Dean sells his soul to the crossroads demon.
  • I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family.
    • Who: Azazel, a.k.a. Yellow-Eyed Demon
    • Source: Episode 2x21, "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2"
    • Note: Azazel killed Mary Winchester in 1983, and her sons and husband spent years hunting him down. He mocks Dean for selling his soul to save Sam, and Dean finally kills him with the Colt with the help of the spirit of his father.
  • It's you.
    • Who: Mary Winchester
    • Source: Episode 2x21, "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2," occurred in 1983
    • Note: Mary was a hunter who made a ten-year deal with Azazel for her father's life. She catches him in her son Sam's nursery, dripping blood into his mouth to strengthen him, as he is one of the "special children," and he kills her.
  • It's just too bad you won't do the right thing and kill yourself. I'm gonna...as soon as I'm done with you. Two last good deeds: killing you, and killing myself.
    • Who: Gordon Walker
    • Source: Episode 3x07, "Fresh Blood"
    • Note: Gordon, a hunter who believes Sam is evil and wants to kill him, is turned into vampire by another that he is hunting. Sam eventually overpowers him and decapitates him with barbed wire.
  • Because just maybe you can kill the bitch.
    • Who: Bela Talbot
    • Source: Episode 3x15, "Time Is On My Side"
    • Note: Dean realizes that Bela has a deal with Lilith the same way he does, and she reveals the demon's name in the hopes that Dean and Sam, whom she has been antagonizing, will help save her from her deal. Dean coldly replies "I'll see you in Hell" and she is presumably dragged off by hellhounds.
  • So, is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to hell. Kill Sam. And then what? Become queen bitch?
    • Who: Dean Winchester
    • Source: Episode 3x16, "No Rest For the Wicked"
    • Note: Dean is addressing Lilith, the demon who controls his one-year life contract. She then sets her hellhounds on him and they kill him and drag him to Hell. He is later pulled out of Hell and restored to life by the angel Castiel.
  • I know what you did to that demon, Sam. I can feel what's inside of you. If you think you have good intentions, think again.
    • Who: Pamela Barnes
    • Source: Episode 4x15, "Death Takes A Holiday"
    • Note: The psychic has been stabbed by a demon while trying to help Dean and Sam. She reveals that she knows of Sam's demon-blood habit and the powers he is amassing, and then dies.
  • You haven't even met the man. There is no will. No wrath. No God.
    • Who: Uriel
    • Source: Episode 4x16, "On the Head of a Pin"
    • Note: The angel has revealed that he is working for Lucifer and fights Castiel when he refuses to join him. He is then fatally stabbed by Anna, another angel.
  • Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can.
    • Who: Alastair
    • Source: Episode 4x16, "On the Head of a Pin"
    • Note: The demon who tortured Dean in Hell (and caused him to break the first of the 66 Seals) is refusing to tell Dean and the others who is killing the angels (it is later revealed that the demons were not involved). Sam then kills him with his mind, revealing how far he has gone in developing his skills with the help of demon blood.
  • It's the Archangel! I'll hold him off! I'll hold them all off! Just stop Sam!
    • Who: Castiel
    • Source: Episode 4x22, "Lucifer Rising"
    • Note: The angel is present at Chuck the prophet's home, and an archangel appears to protect him. He transports Dean away, and Chuck later explains that the archangel "smote the crap out of [Castiel]" and that he exploded "like a water balloon full of chunky soup." He is brought back to life shortly thereafter, by God.
  • You turned yourself into a freak. A monster. And now you're not gonna bite? I'm sorry, but that is honestly adorable..
    • Who: Lilith
    • Source: Episode 4x22, "Lucifer Rising"
    • Note: Sam has been ingesting demon blood in order to gain enough power to psychically kill the demon Lilith, believing this will protect the final 'seal' from breaking, thus keeping Lucifer in Hell. Once he kills her, however, he learns that she was the final seal and that he has released Lucifer himself.
  • You're too late.
    • Who: Ruby
    • Source: Episode 4x22, "Lucifer Rising"
    • Note: Ruby has spent many months manipulating Sam and when he kills Lilith, she reveals that it was always her goal to free Lucifer. Dean bursts into the room and replies "I don't care" to her statement and kills her with her own knife as Sam holds her still.
  • Yes.
    • Who: Nick
    • Source: Episode 5x01, "Sympathy for the Devil"
    • Note: Nick is agreeing to become a host to Lucifer. During his possession, his body is slowly ravaged by the fallen angel's power, and dies after Lucifer abandons him.
  • Mom, no.
    • Who: Joanna Beth "Jo" Harvelle
    • Source: Episode 5x10, "Abandon All Hope..."
    • Note: Dying of injuries inflicted by hellhounds, Jo realizes her mother plans to sacrifice herself and die with her setting off the bomb that will kill the hounds.
  • You can go straight back to hell, you ugly bitch!
    • Who: Ellen Harvelle
    • Source: Episode 5x10, "Abandon All Hope..."
    • Note: Ellen holds her daughter, Jo, as she dies of injuries inflicted by hellhounds, and then detonates a bomb, killing herself and the hounds and freeing Dean and Sam to go after Lucifer.
  • No one makes us do anything.
    • Who: Archangel Gabriel/The Trickster/Loki
    • Source: Episode 5x19, "Hammer of the Gods"
    • Note: He is then killed by Lucifer, for siding with humans rather than Lucifer himself.
  • [Lucifer:Castiel, did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?] Uh... no.
    • Who: Castiel
    • Source: "Swan Song"
    • Note: Castiel attacks Michael with a holy fire Molotov cocktail to delay the fight between him and Lucifer. An enraged Lucifer blows him apart for doing so. Castiel is resurrected minutes later, by God.
  • Cas...
    • Who: Balthazar
    • Source:Episode 6x22, "The Man Who Knew Too Much
    • Note: He is killed by Castiel after Castiel discovers that Balthazar has been passing information to the Winchesters to try and stop Castiel from opening Purgatory.

Super Sentai

See Last words in Super Sentai media
See Last words in Tales from the Crypt media
  • Simon! Simon, keep away from me! Simon!
    • Who: Uncle Julian
    • Source: "Trio For Terror" [Episode 1x25]
    • Note: Says this before he is bludgeoned to death by his nephew.
  • Then you, whoever you are, know a great deal too much.
    • Who: Simon
    • Source: "Trio For Terror" [Episode 1x25]
    • Note: Says this before he is killed by the reanimated corpse of his uncle, a warlock.
  • It's...ridiculous...utterly ridic—
    • Who: Shanner, the Leighton Strangler
    • Source: "Trio For Terror" [Episode 1x25]
    • Note: Says this before being turned into stone by the decapitated head of Medusa.
  • What a moron.
    • Who: Maudette Pickens
    • Source: Episode 102 - "The First Taste"
    • Notes: She was having sex including erotic asphyxiation with Jason Stackhouse. She feigned to have been choked to death during the sex. In reaction, Jason left in panic. Minutes later, Maudette looked up and laughed. Later that night, René Lenier entered her home and strangled her to death in reaction to Maudette's reputation as a "fang-banger", a person who willingly has sex with vampires.
  • That's right, you get the fuck out of my house! Limp motherfucker! Why don't you go try and fuck your grandmother with that limp dick!
    • Who: Dawn Green
    • Source: Episode 103 - "Mine"
    • Notes: She was dissatisfied with her bed partner Jason Stackhouse and forced him out of her house at gunpoint following a conflict. After Jason left, she was strangled to death in her home by René Lenier, in reaction to her reputation as "fang-banger".
  • Help me please.. thank you, Jason.. AARGH!
    • Who: Eddie Gauthier
    • Source: Episode 110 - "I Don't Wanna Know"
    • Notes: He was a vampire abducted by Jason Stackhouse and his girlfriend Amy Burley, both addicted to vampire blood, which is a powerful drug in the True Blood universe. Amy and Jason had tied Eddie to a chair in their basement, but Jason came to see that Eddie was a kind-hearted person and intended to free him. Upon witnessing Jason's attempts to free Eddie, Amy drove a stake through Eddie's heart, killing the vampire.
  • Cheers to our future, baby.
    • Who: Amy Burley
    • Source: Episode 111 - "To Love is To Bury"
    • Notes: She was the vampire-blood-addicted girlfriend of Jason Stackhouse. They both took in vampire blood after this last line, and then went into a heavy drug trip. While in this trip, Rene Lenier, who had previously murdered other women associated with vampires, entered their home and strangled Amy to death.
  • Die, you fucking freak of nature, die- [is knocked down by Sookie] Fucking bitch!
    • Who: Rene Lenier
    • Source: Episode 112 - "You'll Be the Death of Me"
    • Notes: He was a serial killer who targeted women ascociated with vampires througout the first season. Ultimately, he came after protagonist Sookie Stackhouse for being in a relationship with a vampire. As he tried to kill Sookie, her shapeshifter boss Sam stepped in. Rene saw Sam's true nature as a shapeshifter and then started beating him, after which Sookie knocked him down using a shovel. As he grabbed her leg, she killed him in self-defense.
  • A human with me in the end.. and human tears. Two thousand years, and I can still be surprised. In this, I see God.
    • Who: Godric
    • Source: Episode 209 - "I Will Rise Up"
    • Notes: He was a 2000-year old vampire intent on committing suicide, having grown tired of vampire existence. He faced the full sunlight and was accompanied by protagonist Sookie Stackhouse in the process, who cried tears for him.
  • Was there no God?
    • Who: Maryann Forrester
    • Source: Episode 212 - "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
    • Notes: She was a maenad, a supernatural creature from ancient Greece intent on finding the perfect sacrifice to give to her "husband", the god Dionysus. She had a knife jabbed into the heart of shapeshifter Sam Merlotte, but as Sookie distracted her, Sookie's vampire boyfriend Bill fed Sam his healing blood and Sam shifted into a bull. Believing to be encountering Dionysus, Maryann approached the bull, but it stuck it's horns through her chest and shifted back into Sam, who pulled out her heart and destroyed it. In her last moments, Maryann realized Dionysus had never appeared to her and uttered this line.
  • Listen to me! I saw their eyes. Lookin' up at me, holding this knife out! That was the last thing they saw, Andy!
    • Who: Benedict "Eggs" Talley
    • Source: Episode 212 - "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
    • Notes: He had been hypnotised and used by a maenad, Maryann, to unconsciously murder people Maryann wanted dead. Sookie helped Eggs regaining memory of his actions under Maryann's control, after which he became guilt-ridden and violently confessed his actions, for which he was ultimately not responsible, to detective Andy Bellefleur. Jason Stackhouse then shot him to death, mistaking the situation for Eggs trying to kill Andy.
  • You do realize that I'm a vampire. You can shoot me, I will heal.
    • Who: Franklin Mott
    • Source: Episode 309 - "Everything is Broken"
    • Notes: He was a vampire that had abducted protagonist Tara Thornton. After she had finally escaped him, he confronted her again outside her working place and prepared to kill her. Jason Stackhouse then appeared with a gun full of wooden bullets. Franklin's response to the gun was this last line, after which Jason shot him with a wooden bullet, effectively staking and thus killing him.
  • Bill.. I still love you..
    • Who: Lorena Krasiki
    • Source: Episode 307 - "Hitting the Ground"
    • Notes: She was the sadistic vampire maker of Sookie Stackhouse's boyfriend Bill Compton. At the orders of a king, she was torturing Bill when Sookie intervened. Due to Sookie's distraction, Bill managed to pin Lorena to the ground with silver chains and instructed Sookie to stake her. Sookie was reluctant, but upon hearing Lorena utter this line, corresponding to Lorena's obsessive love for Bill and thus intense hate for Sookie, Sookie staked Lorena in fury.
  • You.. fucking traitor!
    • Who: Sophie-Anne Leclerq
    • Source: Episode 402 - "You Smell Like Dinner"
    • Notes: She was battling Bill Compton, whom she was high above both in skill and in rank, as she was the Vampire Queen of Louisiana. She was well on her way of defeating Compton, but then the representative of the American Vampire League, Nan Flanagan, entered with a dozen armed snipers. At Bill's orders, the snipers shot Sophie-Anne. Flanagan later pops up explaining to Bill that this is what happens to vampires who defy the Authority, and she crowns Bill the new King.
  • Sookie, this is not a request!
    • Who: Claudine Crane
    • Source: Episode 403 - "If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?"
    • Notes: She was the fairy godmother of protagonist Sookie, who had on an earlier occassion taken Sookie with her to the Faerie World, against Sookie's wishes. When Sookie managed to return from the Faerie World, where she found herself threatened by the faeries, she found out she had missed twelve months of her life. Sookie returned to her human life, but after a few nights Claudine reappeared to her and ordered her to return to the Faerie World. A vampire, Eric, then attacked Claudine and drained her of her blood - Sookie may or may not have been able to help Claudine, but was unable to due to being startled.
  • There ain't no heaven, and hell is a dog fight. I just wanna disappear like I never was. [Sam: That's so fucking sad.] Don't forget about me right away.
    • Who: Tommy Mickens
    • Source: Episode 410 - "Burning Down the House"
    • Notes: Tommy was the shapeshifting brother of protagonist Sam Merlotte, and had recently gained the ability to "skinwalk" (shift into another human). Tommy and Sam had a very troubled relationship, but after Tommy came to know Sam's life was at stake after Sam had courted a werewolf's ex-wife, he shifted into Sam and confronted the werewolf himself, as "Sam". The werewolves beat him till he was mortally injured. Alcide and Sam were with him when Tommy died, as he had refused the vampire blood that could have saved him, and Tommy made the wish of being forgotten. Sam replied that Tommy would always be in his heart.
  • No one can live forever! Not even you!
    • Who: Marnie Stonebrook
    • Source: Episode 411 - "Soul of Fire"
    • Notes: Marnie, the season's main antagonist and a powerful medium, had angered the local vampires by attempting to massacre them and to out them as monstrous creatures in public. When Bill and Eric finally break her spells and reach her, she says these words to Bill right before he riddles her body with multiple gunshots, killing her instantly. She returns, however, as a spirit possessing Lafayette, but this line was her last one while still alive.
  • Lafayette.. I'm sorry.
    • Who: Jesus Velasquez
    • Source: Episode 412 - "And When I Die"
    • Notes: After the spirit of evil witch Marnie had taken over his boyfriend Lafayette's body, Jesus was forced to transfer his brujo powers to Marnie/Lafayette, since she was threatening to kill Lafayette if he did not comply. In the process of transferring his powers, Marnie/Lafayette stabbed Jesus and drank his blood to complete it. This slowly killed Jesus. He returns as a spirit to Lafayette, but this was his last line alive.
  • You're bluffing. I saw the way you both looked at her. Hungry puppy dogs, slobbering on the same juicy bone. [Eric moves and decapitates Nan's guards] You fucking..
    • Who: Nan Flanagan
    • Source: Episode 412 - "And When I Die"
    • Notes: A powerful vampire ruler, Nan Flanagan was spokeswoman and representative of the American Vampire League. After she deduced the AVL wanted to get rid of her for her actions during True Blood's fourth season, she came to Bill's house, where she met with Bill and Eric. She informed them of her orders to execute them both, but instead invited them to join her in a rebellion against the AVL. In reward, she offered safety for Bill and Eric's object of lust and love, fairy Sookie. Bill and Eric bluffed about not caring for Sookie, but Nan insulted them some more about Sookie. In response, Eric decapitated her guards. Nan began to talk, but was cut off mid sentence as Bill staked her.
  • Oh no. Please don't. Please don't kill me.. please-
    • Who: Debbie Pelt
    • Source: Episode 412 - "And When I Die"
    • Notes: Debbie was the werewolf girlfriend of Alcide Herveaux, but he had abandoned her once or twice to assist telepath Sookie. As jealous as Debbie was, she cheated on Alcide with his packmaster for this, and Alcide "abjured" her, vowing never to associate with her again. Debbie went to Sookie's house, hiding out for her and firing a gun at her, but instead hit and severely wounded Sookie's best friend Tara. In rage, Sookie jumped Debbie, grabbed her gun and held it at her. Debbie pleaded with Sookie not to fire, but Sookie pulled the trigger.
  • No! No. No. No!
    • Who: Margaret
    • Source: Episode 508 - "Somebody That I Used to Know"
    • Notes: Margaret who finds herself tied down on a bed in white lingerie and offered up as a late night meal to Bill the vampire with a conscience by an elder vampire who's trying to dominate him. Despite her pleas and Bill's morality pangs, she is dined upon.
  • Take it all. It belongs to you.
    • Who: Tracy
    • Source: Episode 508 - "Somebody That I Used to Know"
    • Notes: Tracy is hypnotized and turned into Tara Thornton's personal food supply.
  • I can't even feel it! All I feel is a slight tickling sensation! Which unfortunately for you, only broadens my appetite! [is swept off his feet by Eric] Well.. fuck.
    • Who: Russell Edgington
    • Source: Episode 512 - "Save Yourself"
    • Notes: He was caught off guard and staked by Eric.
  • Lilith.. chose well.
    • Who: Salome
    • Source: Episode 512 - "Save Yourself"
    • Notes: Salome, out gambitted and tricked by Bill, a much younger and weaker vampire, solemnly accepts that Lilith chose Bill as her messiah instead of her, while Bill creeps up on her incapacitated body and finally drives a stake through her.

The Twilight Zone

See Last words in Twilight Zone media
  • Now I need some water.
  • Betty: Am I ever gonna see you again? I guess that's up to you.
    • Who: Bradford Meade
    • Source: I See Me, I.C.U., Giving Up The Ghost
    • Note: First line is spoken to Betty shortly before dying of a heart attack. Second line is from the following episode, in which character appears as a ghost (actually, as "he" points out, a subconscious manifestation of her guilt) to Betty before finally departing.
See Last words in Ultra series
  • How are you doing that?! WHAT'S HAPPENING!??!
    • Who: Onyx
    • Note: Is destroyed by Havoc/Amy amplifying Flashform/Colby's kinetic manipulation, leaving behind his face mask.
  • Damn, I wish Bird was here man. Bird be loving this shit.
    • Who: Anton "Stinkum" Artis
    • Note: Character is talking to Wee-Bay while discussing their plan to ambush a rival drug dealer, mentioning how their fellow enforcer Bird has been put in jail. During the attempted ambush, Stinkum is surprised and shot dead by Omar Little.
  • They better not be long, cause see, I don't know where the stash is, and if they're dragging us all the way over to this part of town then see...What?"
    • Who: Wendell "Orlando" Blocker
    • Note: Character is working with police in a sting when his car is ambushed by Wee-Bey and Little Man, who kill Orlando and injure Officer Kima Greggs.
  • It's us, man."
    • Who: Wallace
    • Note: Wallace is cornered and shot by his friends, Bodie and Poot, who kill him for talking to the police about Brandon Wright's murder. Line is said while begging Bodie not to kill him, pleading that they are friends.
  • Alright, give me a minute. Let me finish up here real quick; then I'll go and get one for you.
    • Who: D'Angelo Barksdale
    • Note: Character was working in the backroom of the prison library when another inmate slipped in behind him and pretended to be requesting a book. When D'Angelo looked away, the inmate came from behind and strangled him. He then posed the body to look like a suicide.
  • N-No. Please.
    • Who: George "Double-G" Glekas
    • Note: Killed by Ziggy Sobatka after he underpaid Ziggy for a job and then physically threw him out of his office.
  • Well it seem like I can't say nothin' to change your minds.... WELL GET ON WITH IT, MOTHERF-
    • Who: Russell "Stringer" Bell
    • Note: Line was said by Stringer moments before getting shot by Omar Little (for the murder of Omar's boyfriend) and Brother Mouzone (for his betrayal that led to Mouzone getting gutshot).
  • Watch you looking at? You looking crazy. Like I'm really gonna give that motherfucker a ride to Woodlawn! Shit...
  • Who: Fruit
  • Note: Fruit is talking to Patrice, his girlfriend, when he is shot in the head by Lex, Patrice's jealous ex-boyfriend.
  • Come on with it motherfuckers! I don't give a FUCK! I'm right here! You ain't putting me up in one of those empty ass houses neither.
    • Who: Preston "Bodie" Broadus
    • Note: When he saw Snoop and Chris coming towards him, Bodie chose to stand his ground instead of run. However, while he was shooting at them, O-Dog came up from behind and shot him in the head. His last words refer to Chris' and Snoop's tendency to hide bodies in vacant houses.
  • Ain't no other way I can see it.
    • Who: Butchie
    • Note: Line said in response to Chris Partlow asking Omar Little's whereabouts, threatening torture if Butchie didn't give Omar up. Chris shoots Butchie twice in each leg and smashes a bottle on his head, then shoots Butchie in the head when he remains silent.
  • Proposition then. I'll just step out the way. You'll never hear from me again. I'll just disappear.
    • Who: Joseph "Proposition Joe" Stewart
    • Note: Prop Joe is trying to convince Marlo that he does not need to be killed.
  • I wasn't there. When they did the old man like that I wasn't there. Chris and Snoop, they on that."
  • Who: Savino Bratten
    • Note: Savino is cornered by Omar Little, who is hunting down members of Marlo's organization to avenge Butchie's death. Savino states that he didn't help kill Butchie, but Omar kills him regardless.
  • Get a pack of Newport, a soft pack... and let me get one of them t-
    • Who: Omar Little
    • Note: Character was a robber who targeted drug dealers and was often treated as an unstoppable force in Baltimore. He was shot by a young boy while visiting a convenience store.
  • Yeah that's what you say. But it's how you carry yourself. Always apart, always asking why, when you should be doin' what you're told. You was never one of us, and you never could be....How my hair look, Mike?
    • Who: Felicia "Snoop" Pearson
    • Note: Character was a soldier in Marlo's group who, over the course of the series and with the aid of Chris Partlow, murdered more than 25 individuals. When Marlo ordered the death of Michael Lee, a trainee soldier that she and Chris had taken under their wing, Michael confronted her and killed her.
  • When it was my uncle, I was with my uncle. When it was Marlo, I was with him. But now, nigga --"
  • Who: Calin "Cheese" Wagstaff
    • Note: Character is gloating about how he has outlasted his former bosses Prop Joe and Marlo Stanfield, stating that it is a new era. Cheese is then shot by Slim Charles, in order to avenge Prop Joe's death.

The Walking Dead


The X-Files


See: Last words in The X-Files media

See also
