User:Lionel Scheepmans

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- EN - FR - PT and Others

This user is a Wikibooks administrator (French) (verify).
This user is a Wikiversity administrator (French) (verify).
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
pt-3 Este utilizador tem um nível avançado de português.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.

Welcome to my contributor page on Wikimedia projects!

If you want to contact me, you can leave a message on my user talk page or send me an email at lionel{arobase}scheepmans{dot}be. You can also contact me by phone through the number : +32 486 060 016.


I am a doctor in political and social Sciences, guest academic in UCLouvain and activist for free software and open science. Born in Nivelles in January 1969 to join a humanity which has already more than doubled in size since the day of my birth, I'm a son of a laborer father and an independent mother. Originally from Frasnes-lez-Gosselies, I’ve had the opportunity to live in different places in Belgium and the rest of the world.

Originally trained as a technician in forestry, I then approached by my studies or following various professional experience, areas of tropical agriculture, mapping, animation and aeronautics. I had thereafter an artistic career in the fields of music, circus, and theater just before returning to university studies at 38 years old.

These studies began with BA in Sociology anthropology, whose first two years were at the Université libre de Bruxelles and the third at the University of Coimbra. I then continued my education with a master's degree in anthropology from two years performed at the Université catholique de Louvain.

After my college graduation, I deepened my knowledge of video editing and politics. I was active in the Pirate Party of Belgium for almost three years before realizing that our political systems, based on elections and interparty competition, are at the root of the current governance crises. Following this experience, I developed a reflection through a personal independent studies named Trilogie pour un monde juste et sain then got involved more actively in community projects and fatherhood.

In June 2016, I've finished a University Certificate in Economic and Social Ethics which give me the opportunity to precise personal socio-political convictions in theoretical field. From June 2017 to June 2022, I did a self-funded PhD in political and social science about the Wikimedia movement, whose manuscript was published "in real time" on the French Wikiversity website. Wikiversité website in French. My doctoral work was done in the Laboratory of Prospective Anthropology of the UCLouvain, and my thesis as published in open access on DIAL is entitled: Imagine a world : when the Wikimedia movement helps us to think in a prospective way about the global and digital society of tomorrow.

From this thesis, two books are planned to be published. The first one is mainly based on the first three chapters of the doctoral work and aims to provide a general presentation of the Wikimedia movement in the context of the digital revolution. It is entitled : Le mouvement Wikimédia. Que se cache-t-il derrière Wikipédia ? The second book takes up the following chapters in order to provide a more detailed ethnographic analysis of the movement. Its title is still to be defined. In the meantime, following two invitations to give two-hour lessons at the university, I have started editing three anthropology lessons whose titles and links are listed below.

Within the Wikimedia movement, I am particularly interested in anthropological, ethical and political issues. Mostly active on Wikiversity where I publish all my work, while intervening in the management of the site as administrator from 2015. My contributions to the foundation's other projects are more modest and are made as I read. At the beginning of 2013 and following my participation in Wikimania 2014, I started to take an increasing participation and interest in off-line Wikimedia activities and finally became founding member of the association Wikimedia Belgium and board member since 2017 to 2019.

For more information about me, you can also read my detailed background on this page.

Lionel Scheepmans

P.-S. I'm French native speaker, and apologize for misspelling also due to dysorthographic trouble. Please don't judge me on basis of this, however, do not hesitate to correct my writings. The wiki environment lends itself perfectly and I will be very grateful for it.


Conferences and debates





On Agoravox

Publications on Wikimedia projects

Publications on WikiBook

Publications on Wikiversity

Research works
PhD thesis
PhD works
Economic and Social Ethics University Certificate's works
Master's works in anthropology
Bachelor's degree works in socio-anthropology
Technical humanities works
Employee's works in development cooperation
Help to the layout of other people's work

Publications on Meta-Wiki

Publication on Wikimedia's blogs

Presentation supports

Activity statistics of projects activities

Activities in the Wikimedia movement

Video conference


Administrator applications


Grants submissions

Others as idea or participant

Talks and debates



In Belgium
Outside Belgium