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User:Yaworsja/Books/Major Legislation 1900-NewDeal

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Newlands Reclamation Act
Philippine Organic Act (1902)
Militia Act of 1903
Expediting Act
Elkins Act
Immigration Act of 1903
Kinkaid Act
Transfer Act of 1905
Federal Employers Liability Act
Antiquities Act
Hepburn Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Federal Meat Inspection Act
Expatriation Act of 1907
Aldrich–Vreeland Act
Payne–Aldrich Tariff Act
Mann–Elkins Act
Mann Act
Apportionment Act of 1911
Lloyd–La Follette Act
Revenue Act of 1913
Federal Reserve Act
Smith–Lever Act of 1914
Federal Trade Commission Act
Clayton Antitrust Act
Harrison Narcotics Tax Act
Federal Farm Loan Act
National Park Service Organic Act
Jones Law (Philippines)
Keating–Owen Act
Adamson Act
Revenue Act of 1916
Stock-Raising Homestead Act
Immigration Act of 1917
Smith–Hughes Act
Flood Control Act of 1917
Jones–Shafroth Act
Liberty bond
Selective Service Act of 1917
Espionage Act of 1917
Food and Fuel Control Act
War Revenue Act of 1917
War Risk Insurance Act
International Emergency Economic Powers Act
Trading with the Enemy Act
Revenue Act of 1918
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Standard Time Act
Webb-Pomerene Act
Pittman Act
Sedition Act of 1918
Departmental Reorganization Act
Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
Immigration Act of 1918
Grand Canyon
Acadia National Park
Wheat Price Guarantee Act
Volstead Act
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920
Esch–Cummins Act
Emergency Quota Act
Emergency Tariff of 1921
Future Trading Act
Revenue Act of 1921
Fordney–McCumber Tariff
Grain Futures Act
Cable Act
World War Adjusted Compensation Act
Rogers Act
Immigration Act of 1924
Indian Citizenship Act
Revenue Act of 1924
Clarke–McNary Act
Federal Arbitration Act
Federal Corrupt Practices Act
Judiciary Act of 1925
United States Navy Band
Revenue Act of 1926
Railway Labor Act
Flood Control Act of 1928
Merchant Marine Act of 1928
Capper-Ketchum Act
Revenue Act of 1928
Reed-Jenkins Act
Hoover Dam
Migratory Bird Conservation Act
Increased Penalties Act
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929
Reapportionment Act of 1929
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act
Davis–Bacon Act
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Norris–La Guardia Act
Revenue Act of 1932
Federal Home Loan Bank Act
Blaine Act
Buy American Act