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User:Shacharrz/British-Irish Council delegates

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1st Summit, 17th December 1999, London[1]

Name Party Position
United Kingdom (host)
The Rt Hon Tony Blair MP Labour Prime Minister
The Rt Hon Peter Mandelson MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
George Howarth MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Mary Harney TD Progressive Democrats Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
David Andrews TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Foreign Affairs
John O'Donoghue TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon David Trimble MP MLA UUP First Minister
Seamus Mallon MP MLA SDLP Deputy First Minister
Sir Reg Empey MLA UUP Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Mark Durkan MLA SDLP Minister of Finance and Personnel
Bairbre de Brún MLA Sinn Féin Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
The Rt Hon Donald Dewar MP MSP Labour First Minister
Jim Wallace QC MP MSP Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice
Muir Russell Independent Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Executive
The Rt Hon Alun Michael JP MP AM Labour First Secretary
Andrew Davies AM Labour Assembly Business Secretary
Edwina Hart AM Labour Secretary for Finance
Isle of Man
The Hon Donald Gelling MHK Independent Chief Minister
Fred Kissack Independent Chief Secretary
Senator Pierre Horsfall Independent President of the Policy and Resources Committee
John Mills Independent Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee
Conseiller Laurie Morgan Independent President of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Mike Brown Independent Chief Executive of the Advisory and Finance Committee

2nd Summit, 30th November 2001, Dublin[2]

Name Party Position
Ireland (host)
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Mary Harney TD Progressive Democrats Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Brian Cowen TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Foreign Affairs
John O'Donoghue TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Michéal Martin TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Health and Children
Liz O'Donnell TD Progressive Democrats Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs with special responsibility for Overseas Develompment Assistance and Human Rights
Eoin Ryan TD Fianna Fáil Minister of State at the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation with special responsibility for local development and the National Drugs Strategy team
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Tony Blair MP Labour Prime Minister
The Rt Hon Dr John Reid MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Bob Ainsworth MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department with special responsibility for Anti-Drugs co-ordination and organised crime
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon David Trimble MP MLA UUP First Minister
Mark Durkan MLA SDLP Deputy First Minister
Bríd Rodgers MLA SDLP Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Sam Foster MLA UUP Minister of the Environment
Bairbre de Brún MLA Sinn Féin Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
The Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP Labour First Minister
Jim Wallace QC MSP Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice
Dr Richard Simpson MSP Labour Deputy Minister for Justice
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Jenny Randerson AM Liberal Democrats Acting Deputy First Minister and Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport
Jane Hutt AM Labour Minister for Health and Social Services
Isle of Man
The Hon Donald Gelling MHK Independent Chief Minister
Fred Kissack Independent Chief Secretary
Senator Pierre Horsfall OBE Independent President of the Policy and Resources Committee
John Mills Independent Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent President of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Mike Brown Independent Chief Executive of the Advisory and Finance Committee

3rd Summit, 14th June 2002, Jersey[3]

Name Party Position
Jersey (host)
Senator Pierre Horsfall OBE Independent President of the Policy and Resources Committee
Senator Frank Walker Independent Vice President of the Politcy and Resources Committee
John Mills Independent Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Tony Blair MP Labour Prime Minister
The Rt Hon John Prescott MP Labour Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State
The Rt Hon Dr John Reid MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Stephen Timms MP Labour Minister of State for e-Commerce and Competitiveness
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Mary Harney TD Progressive Democrats Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Brian Cowen TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mary Hanafin TD Fianna Fáil Government Chief Whip and Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach with special responsibility for Information Society
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon David Trimble MP MLA UUP First Minister
Mark Durkan MLA SDLP Deputy First Minister
Sir Reg Empey MLA UUP Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Carmel Hanna MLA SDLP Minister for Employment and Learning
Martin McGuinness MP MLA Sinn Féin Minister of Education
The Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP Labour First Minister
The Rt Hon Jim Wallace QC MSP Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice
Iain Gray MSP Labour Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning
Jenny Randerson AM Liberal Democrats Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport
Andrew Davies Labour Minister of Economic Development
Isle of Man
The Hon Richard Corkill MHK Independent Chief Minister
Fred Kissack Independent Chief Secretary
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent President of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Deputy Roger Berry OBE Independent Member of the Advisory and Finance Committee

4th Summit, 22nd November 2002, New Lanark[4]

Name Party Position
Scotland (host)
The Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP Labour First Minister
Margaret Curran MSP Labour Minister for Social Justice
Sir Muir Russell KCB Independent Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Executive
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Mary Coughlan TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Social and Family Affairs
Tom Parlon TD Progressive Democrats Minister of State at the Department of Finance with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Robin Cook MP Labour Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
The Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Ruth Kelly MP Labour Financial Secretary to the Treasury
Des Browne MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Michael German AM Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Economic Development
Edwina Hart MBE AM Labour Minister for Finance, Local Government and Communities
Senator Pierre Horsfall OBE Independent President of the Policy and Resources Committee
John Mills Independent Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent President of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Mike Brown Independent Chief Executive of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Isle of Man
The Hon Richard Corkill MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Clare Christian MLC Independent Minister of Health and Social Security

5th Summit, 28th November 2003, Cardiff[5]

Name Party Position
Wales (host)
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Alun Pugh AM Labour Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport
Andrew Davies AM Labour Minister for Economic Development and Transport
Jane Davidson AM Labour Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Tony Blair MP Labour Prime Minister
Angela Smith MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon The Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC Labour Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Dermot Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources
Éamon Ó Cuív TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
The Rt Hon Jim Wallace QC MSP Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning
Peter Peacock MSP Labour Minister for Education and Young People
Senator Frank Walker Independent President of the Policy and Resources Committee
Bill Ogley Independent Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent President of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Mike Brown Independent Chief Executive of the Advisory and Finance Committee
Isle of Man
The Hon Richard Corkill MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Steve Rodan MHK Independent Minister of Education

6th Summit, 28th November 2004, Saint Peter Port[6]

Name Party Position
Guernsey (host)
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Stuart Falla Independent Minister, Department of Commerce and Employment
Mike Brown Independent Chief Executive of the States
Stuart Pinnell Independent Director of Visitor Economy Unit, Department of Commerce and Employment
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
John O'Donoghue TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism
Dermot Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Foreign Affairs
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon John Prescott MP Labour Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State
The Rt Hon The Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC Labour Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor
The Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Barry Gardiner MP Labourf Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Andrew Davies AM Labour Minister for Economic Development and Transport
Patricia Ferguson MSP Labour Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Senator Wendy Kinnard Independent Member of the Policy and Resources Committee
Deputy Lyndon Farnham Independent Vice President of the Economic Development Committee
Bill Ogley Independent Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee
Isle of Man
The Hon Richard Corkill MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon David Cretney MHK Independent Minister of Tourism and Leisure

7th Summit, 20th May 2005, Douglas[7]

Name Party Position
Isle of Man (host)
The Hon Donald Gelling MLC Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Steve Rodan MHK Independent Minister of Health and Social Security
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Mary Harney TD Progressive Democrats Tanaiste and Minister for Health and Children
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon John Prescott MP Labour Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State
Lord Warner Labour Minister of State for Health (National Health Services Delivery)
The Rt Hon Peter Hain MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Secretary of State for Wales
Shaun Woodward MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Dr Brian Gibbons AM Labour Minister for Health and Social Care
The Rt Hon Jim Wallace QC MSP Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning
Andy Kerr MSP Labour Minister of Health and Community Care
Senator Frank Walker Independent President of the Policy and Resources Committee
Senator Stuart Syvret Independent President of the Health and Social Services Committee
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Peter Roffey Independent Minister, Health and Social Services Department

8th Summit, 2nd June 2006, London[8]

Name Party Position
United Kingdom (host)
The Rt Hon John Prescott MP Labour Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State
Ian Pearson MP Labour Minister of State for Climate Change and Environment
The Rt Hon Peter Hain MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Secretary of State for Wales
David Cairns MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Dermot Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Foreign Affairs
Dick Roche TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Nicol Stephen MSP Liberal Democrats Deputy First Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning
Ross Finnie MSP Liberal Democrats Minister for Environment and Rural Development
Carwyn Jones AM Labour Minister for Environment, Planning and Countryside
Senator Frank Walker Independent Chief Minister
Senator Freddie Cohen Independent Minister for Planning and Environment
Deputy Laurie Morgan Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Bernard Flouquet Independent Deputy Chief Minister and Minister, Environment Department
Isle of Man
The Hon Donald Gelling MLC Independent Chief Minister
The Hon John Rimington MHK Independent Minister for Local Government and Environment

9th Summit, 16th July 2007, Belfast[9]

Name Party Position
Northern Ireland (host)
The Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP MLA DUP First Minister
Martin McGuinness MP MLA Sinn Féin Deputy First Minister
Caitríona Ruane MLA Sinn Féin Minister of Education
Sir Reg Empey MLA UUP Minister for Employment and Learning
Nigel Dodds OBE MP MLA DUP Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Arlene Foster MLA DUP Minister of the Environment
The Rt Hon Peter Robinson MP MLA DUP Minister of Finance and Personnel
Conor Murphy MP MLA Sinn Féin Minister for Regional Development
Margaret Ritchie MLA SDLP Minister for Social Development
Ian Paisley Jr. MLA DUP Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Gerry Kelly MLA Sinn Féin Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP Labour Prime Minister
The Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP Labour Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Rosie Winterton MP Labour Minister of State for Transport
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Dermot Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Rt Hon Alex Salmond MP MSP SNP First Minister
Ieuan Wyn Jones AM Plaid Cymru Deputy First Minister
Senator Frank Walker Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Stuart Falla Independent Deputy Chief Minister and Minister, Commerce and Employment Departmnt

10th Summit, 14th February 2008, Dublin[10]

Name Party Position
Ireland (host)
Bertie Ahern TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Éamon Ó Cuív TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
Pat Carey TD Fianna Fáil Minister of State for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs with special responsibility for drugs strategy and community affairs
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP Labour Secretary of State for Wales
Vernon Coaker MP Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Home Office for crime reduction
The Rt Hon Alex Salmond MP MSP SNP First Minister
Fergus Ewing MSP SNP Minister for Community Safety
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Ieuan Wyn Jones AM Plaid Cymru Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport
Dr Brian Gibbons AM Labour Minister for Social Justice and Local Government
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP MLA DUP First Minister
Martin McGuinness MP MLA Sinn Féin Deputy First Minister
Caitríona Ruane MLA Sinn Féin Minister of Education
Michael McGimpsey MLA UUP Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
The Rt Hon Peter Robinson MP MLA DUP Minister of Finance and Personnel
Nigel Dodds OBE MP MLA DUP Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Margaret Ritchie MLA SDLP Minister for Social Development
Ian Paisley Jr. MLA DUP Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Gerry Kelly MLA Sinn Féin Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Senator Frank Walker Independent Chief Minister
Senator Ben Shenton Independent Minister for Health and Social Services
Deputy Mike Torode Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Geoff Mahy Independent Minister, Home Department
Isle of Man
The Hon Tony Brown MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Martyn Quayle MHK Independent Minister for Home Affairs

11th Summit, 26th September 2008, South Queensferry[11]

Name Party Position
Scotland (host)
The Rt Hon Alex Salmond MP MSP SNP First Minister
John Swinney MSP SNP Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP Labour Secretary of State for Wales
Ireland (host)
Brian Cowen TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Eamon Ryan TD Green Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Pat Carey TD Fianna Fáil Government Chief Whip and Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and Minister of State at the Department of Defence with special responsibility for active citizenship
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Ieuan Wyn Jones AM Plaid Cymru Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Peter Robinson MP MLA DUP First Minister
Martin McGuinness MP MLA Sinn Féin Deputy First Minister
Conor Murphy MP MLA Sinn Féin Minister for Regional Development
Arlene Foster MLA DUP Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Margaret Ritchie MLA SDLP Minister for Social Development
The Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA DUP Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Senator Frank Walker Independent Chief Minister
Senator Terry Le Sueur Independent Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Treasury and Resources
Deputy Lyndon Trott Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Bernard Flouquet Independent Deputy Chief Minister and Minister, Public Service Department
Isle of Man
The Hon Tony Brown MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Eddie Teare MHK Independent Minister for Health and Social Security

12th Summit, 20 Febraury 2009, Cardiff[12]

Name Party Position
Wales (host)
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Ieuan Wyn Jones AM Plaid Cymru Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport
Leighton Andrews AM Labour Deputy Minister for Regeneration
Brian Cowen TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Éamon Ó Cuív TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP Labour Secretary of State for Wales
Kevin Brennan MP Labour Minister for the Third Sector
The Rt Hon Alex Salmond MP MSP SNP First Minister
Nicola Sturgeon MSP SNP Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing
Michael Russell MSP SNP Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Peter Robinson MP MLA DUP First Minister
Martin McGuinness MP MLA Sinn Féin Deputy First Minister
Gregory Campbell MP MLA DUP Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure
Margaret Ritchie MLA SDLP Minister for Social Development
Nigel Dodds OBE MP MLA DUP Minister of Finance and Personnel
Conor Murphy MP MLA Sinn Féin Minister for Regional Development
The Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA DUP Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Senator Terry Le Sueur Independent Chief Minister
Senator Philip Ozouf Independent Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Treasury and Resources
Deputy Lyndon Trott Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Hunter Adam Independent Minister, Health and Social Services Department
Isle of Man
The Hon Tony Brown MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Eddie Teare MHK Independent Minister for Health and Social Security

13th Summit, 13th November 2009, St Helier[13]

Name Party Position
Jersey (host)
Senator Terry Le Sueur Independent Chief Minister
Deputy James Reed Independent Minister for Education, Sports and culture
Brian Cowen TD Fianna Fáil Taoiseach
Éamon Ó Cuív TD Fianna Fáil Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
United Kingdom
The Rt Hon Peter Hain MP Labour Secretary of State for Wales
The Rt Hon Paul Goggins MP Labour Minister of State for Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Alex Salmond MP MSP SNP First Minister
Michael Russell MSP SNP Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution
The Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM Labour First Minister
Ieuan Wyn Jones AM Plaid Cymru Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport
Alun Ffred Jones AM Plaid Cymru Minister for Heritage
Northern Ireland
The Rt Hon Peter Robinson MP MLA DUP First Minister
Martin McGuinness MP MLA Sinn Féin Deputy First Minister
Nelson McCausland MLA DUP Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure
Caitríona Ruane MLA Sinn Féin Minister of Education
Robin Newton MBE MLA DUP Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Deputy Lyndon Trott Independent Chief Minister
Deputy Mike O'Hara Independent Minister, Culture and Leisure Department
Isle of Man
The Hon Tony Brown MHK Independent Chief Minister
The Hon Anne Craine MHK Independent Minister of Education
  1. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/1%20-%20Inaugural%20Summit%20-%20London%20-%2017%20Dec%201999_8.pdf
  2. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/2%20-%20Second%20Summit%20-%20Dublin%20-%2030%20Nov%202001.pdf
  3. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/3%20-%20Third%20Summit%20-%20Jersey%20-%2014%20Jun%202002_2.pdf
  4. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/4%20-%20Fourth%20Summit%20-%20Scotland%20-%2022%20Nov%202002.pdf
  5. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/5%20-%20Fifth%20Summit%20-%20Wales%20-%2028%20Nov%202003.pdf
  6. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/6%20-%20Sixth%20Summit%20-%20Guernsey%20-%2019%20Nov%202004.pdf
  7. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/7%20-%20Seventh%20Summit%20-%20Isle%20of%20Man%20-%2020%20May%202005.pdf
  8. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/8%20-%20Eighth%20Summit%20-%20London%20-%202%20Jun%202006.pdf
  9. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/9%20-%20Ninth%20Summit%20-%20Belfast%20-%2016%20Jul%202007.pdf
  10. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/10%20-%20Tenth%20Summit%20Meeting%20-%20Dublin%20-%2014%20Feb%202008.pdf
  11. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/11%20-%20Eleventh%20Summit%20Meeting%20-%20Scotland%20-%2026%20Sep%202008.pdf
  12. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/12%20-%20Twelfth%20Summit%20-%20Cardiff%20-%2020%20Feb%202009.pdf
  13. ^ https://www.britishirishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/communiqu%C3%A9s/13%20-%20Thirteenth%20Summit%20-%20Jersey%20-%2013%20Nov%202009.pdf