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Chi-squared distribution Normal distribution Log-normal Student's t Laplace distribution Weibull distribution Pareto distribution chi-squared
parameters — mean (location)
— variance (squared scale)
degrees of freedom (real) location (real)
scale (real)
xm > 0 scale (real)
α > 0 shape (real)
(known as "degrees of freedom")
pdf_image Probability density function for the normal distribution
The red curve is the standard normal distribution
Plot of the Lognormal PDF
Some log-normal density functions with identical parameter but differing parameters
Probability density plots of Laplace distributions Probability distribution function Pareto Type I probability density functions for various α
Pareto Type I probability density functions for various α with xm = 1. As α → ∞ the distribution approaches δ(x − xm) where δ is the Dirac delta function.
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    where 2F1 is the hypergeometric function
mean 0 for , otherwise undefined
variance for , ∞ for , otherwise undefined
skewness 0 for , otherwise undefined
support x ∈ (−∞; +∞)
median 0
quantile - - - - - -